166 research outputs found

    A Study of the Combination of Variation Operators in the NSGA-II Algorithm

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms rely on the use of variation operators as their basic mechanism to carry out the evolutionary process. These operators are usually fixed and applied in the same way during algorithm execution, e.g., the mutation probability in genetic algorithms. This paper analyses whether a more dynamic approach combining different operators with variable application rate along the search process allows to improve the static classical behavior. This way, we explore the combined use of three different operators (simulated binary crossover, differential evolution’s operator, and polynomial mutation) in the NSGA-II algorithm. We have considered two strategies for selecting the operators: random and adaptive. The resulting variants have been tested on a set of 19 complex problems, and our results indicate that both schemes significantly improve the performance of the original NSGA-II algorithm, achieving the random and adaptive variants the best overall results in the bi- and three-objective considered problems, respectively.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC

    Research Note:<br>An approach to integrated assessement of reservoir siltation: the Joaquín Costa reservoir as a case study

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    International audienceIn 1932, the Esera river was dammed at the foothills of the Pyrenean External Ranges; since then, sedimentation has reduced its water storage capacity by a third. This study of the sediments in the Joaquín Costa reservoir has been based on detailed sedimentological examination and other analysis of mineralogy, grain size distribution and the chemical components of the materials accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir. Interpretations are based on results from four sediment cores collected at sites representative of the main environments in the reservoir. Records of known flood events and of reservoir management data have been combined with a 137Cs-derived chronology. Thus, it has been possible to ascribe the sedimentary record at the different reservoir environments to specific years, as well as some main changes in the facies types and sediment components. This methodology is a first approach to assessing siltation processes and dynamics in Mediterranean mountain reservoirs. Keywords: reservoir siltation, mineralogy, sedimentology,sedimentation rates, 137Cs, sediment tracing, mountain reservoir, central Spanish Pyrenee

    Análisis sedimentológico del embalse de Barasona, Huesca

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    [Resumen] La pérdida de capacidad debido al aterramiento es un grave problema en numerosos embalses. El pantano de Barasona, en la cuenca del Esera-Isábena, Pirineos Centrales, uno de los más antiguos de España, ha perdido un tercio de su 3 capacidad inicial (71 Hm ) desde su construcción en 1932. El estudio de 23 sondeos ha permitido caracterizar el sedimento,definir facies sedimentarias, reconstruir tridimensionalmente el relleno del vaso y proponer un modelo deposicional dominado por las fluctuaciones en el régimen de aporte de los ríos. Las variaciones en la composición mineralógica proporcionan información sobre áreas fuente y procesos de erosión y transporte en la cuenca. Correlacionando los niveles de limos arenosos con los episodios de avenidas, se ha construido una cronología preliminar que permitirá evaluar variaciones en la tasa de aporte de sedimentos al embalse y en la dinámica del sistema embalse-cuenca..[Abstract] Sediment deliver and consequent loss of water storage capacity aggravate reservoir management problems. The Barasona reservoir in the Esera-Isabena watershed, Central Pyrenees, is one of the oldest in Spain (1932) and has lost one 3 third of its initial water capacity (71 Hm ). In this study we analyze the composition of the infilling of the Barasona reservoir, identify sedimentary facies, and reconstruct the tri-dimensional geometry based on 23 cores. Sedimentary dynamics is mainly controlled by fluctuations in the river inflow. Changes in mineral composition inform of sediment provenance and transport processes in the catchment area. A preliminary chronology based on the identification of floods in the sedimentary record (sandy silt layers) will allow to investigate changes in the sediment yield and in the interaccions reservoir-catchment

    Fractura de piso orbitario en un jugador de béisbol

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    Presentamos un caso de un paciente, jugador de béisbol que sufrió una fractura de piso orbitario al recibir un golpe directo (blowout) con un bate que se le escapó a otro jugador, esta fractura fue reparada con un bloque de Hidroxiapatita Porosa HAP -200 .Una vez reconstruido el defecto óseo, el paciente volvió a su vida normal y comenzó de nuevo a jugar béisbol, debido a que desaparecieron la diplopía y el enoftalmo, por lo que tuvo una completa rehabilitación estética y funcional. En los exámenes radiográficos postoperatorios se observó una excelente reconstrucción del piso de la orbita y una osteointegegración del material implantológicoWe attend one patient, baseball player that suffer floor orbital fracture when he received hit in his eye (blowout) during practice baseball. He was operating and repaired this fracture with Porous Hidroxyapatite HAP-200.After operation he returned to play baseball because disappear the signs and symptoms (diplopia and enophthalmo).The radiography study showed excellent result after one yea

    Water mass pathways to the North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone

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    23 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, supporting information http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014JC010557The water mass pathways to the North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone (naOMZ) are traditionally sketched within the cyclonic tropical circulation via the poleward branching from the eastward flowing jets that lie south of 10°N. However, our water mass analysis of historic hydrographic observations together with numerical Lagrangian experiments consistently reveal that the potential density level of σθ = 26.8 kg m-3 (σ26.8, approximately 300 m depth) separates two distinct regimes of circulation within the Central Water (CW) stratum of the naOMZ. In the upper CW (above σ26.8), and in agreement with previous studies, the supply of water mainly comes from the south with a predominant contribution of South Atlantic CW. In the lower CW (below σ26.8), where minimal oxygen content is found, the tropical pathway is instead drastically weakened in favor of a subtropical pathway. More than two thirds of the total water supply to this lower layer takes place north of 10°N, mainly via an eastward flow at 14°N and northern recirculations from the northern subtropical gyre. The existence of these northern jets explains the greater contribution of North Atlantic CW observed in the lower CW, making up to 50% of the water mass at the naOMZ core. The equatorward transfer of mass from the well-ventilated northern subtropical gyre emerges as an essential part of the ventilation of the naOMZ. © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedThis research has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through projects MOC2 (CTM2008–06438-C02-01) and TIC-MOC (CTM2011–28867). J. Peña- Izquierdo has been supported through a FPI predoctoral grant linked to MOC2. E. van Sebille was supported by the Australian Research Council via grant DE130101336 and P. J. Llanillo was partly funded by CONICYT/FONDECYT de Postdoctorado through project 3150229. The authors acknowledge the NODC and Argo Program for making hydrographic data freely available (http://www.nodc.noaa.gov and http://www.coriolis.eu.org). We also thank the ECCO2/NASA program for providing the numerical assimilative simulation via their web page (http://ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/products/)Peer Reviewe

    Edaphic characterization and distribution of 137Cs of representative soil profiles on mountainous Mediterranean agroecosystems

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    19 Pags.- 3 Tabls.- 5 Figs.[ES] Caracterizar los suelos y conocer sus propiedades fisicoquímicas es fundamental para interpretar los datos de 137Cs y evaluar las implicaciones que el tipo y uso de suelo, agrario, ganadero o forestal, tienen sobre el comportamiento del radioisótopo en el suelo. En este trabajo se han caracterizado suelos representativos de agrosistemas mediterráneos de montaña mediante la apertura de calicatas, el estudio detallado de sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, y el análisis por difracción de rayos X de perfiles de suelo. Asimismo, para evaluar la repercusión del uso del suelo sobre el contenido y distribución del radioisótopo, sus implicaciones sobre los procesos de pérdida de suelo, y la posible transferencia del 137Cs a las plantas, se han muestreado 13 perfiles seccionados de suelos agrícolas y forestales en Calcisoles, Leptosoles, Regosoles, Gypsisoles y Gleysoles. Se observó un amplio rango de variación tanto de las principales propiedades fisicoquímicas de suelo como del contenido de 137Cs, que se relacionó directa y significativamente con la materia orgánica. Los valores de 137Cs más altos se registraron en Leptosoles no cultivados en suelos forestales, en los que se observó una distribución del radioisótopo exponencialmente decreciente con la profundidad, mientras que los Gypsisoles y Regosoles cultivados registraron las concentraciones más bajas, con perfiles homogéneos en profundidad por efecto del laboreo. Los resultados de esta investigación evidencian el efecto del uso y tipo de suelo en la concentración de la actividad del radioisótopo, y son de interés para la correcta aplicación del 137Cs como técnica para cuantificar la pérdida de suelo en agrosistemas mediterráneos.[EN] An accurate characterization of soils and good knowledge of the soil physicochemical properties is the key to understanding 137Cs data and assesses the effect of soil type and different land uses on the behavior of the radionuclide 137Cs in the soils. In this research, representative soils of mountainous Mediterranean agroecosystems have been characterized through the study of soil pits, a detailed determination of physicochemical soil properties and the analysis by X-ray diffraction of soil profiles. Furthermore, to assess the impact of Iand use on the content and distribution of 137Cs, its implications on the soil Ioss processes, and the 137Cs transfer to plants, 13 sectioned soil profiles in agricultural and forestry soils, in Calcisois, Leptosois, Regosois, Gypsisols and Gleysois, have been sampled. The physicochemical soil properties varied widely and also the content of 137Cs, which was significantly positively correlated with organic matter. The highest values of 137Cs were found in uncultivated Leptosols under forest soils, with the highest concentration in the topsoil and a sharp decay with depth, while the lowest values of 137Cs were found in cultivated Gypsisols and Regosols, in which the radionuclide was distributed homogeneously throughout the soil profile by tillage effect. Information gained with this research demonstrated the effect of soil type and land use in the content of 137Cs on the soil, and is of interest for the correct application of the 137Cs technique to quantify soil loss in Mediterranean agroecosystems.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto de la CICYT, EROMED (CGL2O1 1 -25486/BTE).Peer reviewe

    USCID fourth international conference

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.This study, carried out between October 2004 and November 2005 on the island of Tenerife, covers: (1) characterization of the irrigated crops and quantification of the gross irrigation requirements (GIRs) of each crop using surveys; (2) field evaluation of drip/micro, spray and sprinkle irrigation systems to obtain global distribution uniformity (DU) as indicated by the Cal Poly ITRC (Irrigation Training and Research Centre, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA); (3) analysis of on farm irrigation efficiency using local climatic data; and (4) inclusion of this data into a Geographic Information System (GIS). Crop GIRs show high deviations mainly because of the multiple microclimate conditions on the island, the irrigation methods used, the crop systems (greenhouses, etc) and the irrigation management. Field evaluation provided an average DU of 0.83 in drip/micro and spray irrigated banana crops, 0.69 in sprinkle irrigated ones, 0.58 in sprinkle irrigated horticulture and 0.81 for tomato crops (100% drip). Data showed that approximately 30% of the non-uniformity was due to pressure differences in the irrigation system, 3% due to unequal drainage, 7% due to unequal application rates, and 60% was due to other causes (which include manufacturing variation, plugging, and wear). Irrigation efficiency is around 80% in drip irrigated tomato and banana crops and 75% in sprinkle systems. Data showed that efficiency is slightly lower in greenhouses and mesh greenhouse crops than in non-protected crops basically due to the fact that although protected crops require less water, they receive an equal quantity of water. Inclusion of the data into a GIS makes possible a high level of agronomic water consumption control on the island