48 research outputs found

    The opera experience : performing a vibrato with the audience. Pre-conditions, strategies and the experience

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    Audience development is a key issue in the cultural sector, so opera house managers and policy makers need to understand how and why opera goers enjoy an opera. Our research, which investigates opera enjoyment, is framed in the social constructivist paradigm and draws on interview data collected from 15 informants. Results suggest that certain pre-conditions are necessary to be able to enjoy an opera, mainly, being cultivated and actively acquiring a liking for the genre. As for strategies to prepare for an upcoming performance, some respondents approached it as a 'special day', while others viewed it as a 'cultural experience'. For all our respondents, the experience was an emotional one. We conclude the article by discussing the implications of the results of our research

    Principales retos de los museos de arte en España. Consideraciones desde la museología crítica y el desarrollo de audiencias

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    Este artículo se centra en identificar los principales retos a los que se enfrentan los museos de arte en España como consecuencia de los numerosos cambios que se están produciendo en su contexto. Se ha realizado una extensa y exhaustiva revisión de la literatura científica vinculada a la situación actual de los museos de arte desde el doble punto de vista de la museología crítica y el desarrollo de audiencias. Como resultado, a partir del enfoque social y económico, se han identificado seis retos, cada uno de los cuales se ha ilustrado con ejemplos de buenas prácticas. La implantación del desarrollo de audiencias se vislumbra como una estrategia con gran potencial para afrontar con solvencia los retos identificados, si bien esto exigirá formar a las plantillas de los museos en este enfoque estratégico y sus herramientas

    Impacto del ocio formativo musical en los niveles de escucha. Resultados de una intervención con personas mayores.

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    [ES] El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar si la intervención educativa a través de un programa de Ocio Formativo Musical tenía un impacto significativo en los niveles de escucha sensorial, afectivo y analítico en personas mayores con y sin estudios musicales previos. Para ello, se diseñó una escala de medición propia y se aplicó a una muestra de 37 estudiantes mayores de 50 años de la Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, España). Tanto la escala en su conjunto, como cada una de las subescalas de los distintos niveles de escucha mostraron una adecuada fiabilidad, con valores de alfa de Cronbach superiores a 0,8. El cuestionario fue administrado en el aula el primer y el último día de clase tras la audición de un mismo fragmento musical. Las mediciones anteriores y posteriores a la intervención educativa fueron comparadas aplicando el estadístico de la t-student para muestras relacionadas. La investigación concluyó que el único nivel de escucha afectado de manera significativa tras la intervención de Ocio Formativo Musical estudiada fue el analítico y, afinando más, el impacto solo fue destacable para los individuos de la muestra sin estudios musicales previos. [EN] The goal of this study consisted of analysing whether educational intervention by means of a Musical Training as a Leisure Activity programme had any significant impact on sensorial, affective and analytical listening levels among senior citizens who had and had not previously studied music. To do so, we designed our own measurement scale and applied it to a sample of 37 students over 50 years of age at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). Both the scale as a whole and each of the subscales of the different listening levels presented adequate reliability, with Cronbach’s alpha values greater than 0.8. The questionnaire was administered in the classroom on the first and last day of class, after hearing the same piece of music. The measurements before and after the educational intervention were compared by applying a Student’s t-test for paired samples. The research concluded that the only listening level to have been significantly affected by the Musical Training as a Leisure Activity programme was the analytical level, and when examining this in greater detail, it is noted that the impact was only prominent among members of the sample who had not studied music before

    The relationship between youth’s significant leisure practices and social entrepreneurship. The Think Big Jóvenes case

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    La crisis iniciada en 2008 dificulta el desarrollo personal y social de la juventud española y le aleja del ejercicio de una ciudadanía juvenil. Una de las respuestas institucionales para aliviar sus efectos es el fomento del emprendimiento social, como el Programa Think Big Jóvenes de la Fundación Telefónica. Por otra parte, el ocio significativo está presente en este grupo de edad y puede ser fuente de iniciativas comunitarias transformadoras. El objetivo general de este artículo es explorar el binomio ocio y emprendimiento social de los jóvenes españoles a través de un análisis teórico que se completa con el análisis empírico de la experiencia de 65 jóvenes integrantes de Think Big en el año 2014. Los resultados confirman que dicha relación subyace.The crisis that began in 2008 hinders Spanish young’s personal and social development and keeps them from playing an active role according to the notion of a youth citizenship. One of the institutional responses to alleviate its effects is the promotion of social entrepreneurship. One of them is Think Big Jóvenes initiative, promoted by Fundación Telefónica. On the other hand, significant leisure is present among young, and can be a source of transformational community initiatives. The general aim of this text is to explore the binomial leisure and social entrepreneurship of young Spaniards based on a theoretical analysis that is completed with the empirical analysis of the experience of 65 young members of Think Big in 2014

    Políticas públicas de formación en derechos humanos : Los agentes del estado y los derechos humanos

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    Esta ponencia pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas vinculadas a la formación en derechos humanos de los agentes del Estado con el propósito de incidir en la transformación de sus prácticas. Asimismo, intentaremos trazar similitudes y diferencias identificadas en el marco de las capacitaciones en derechos humanos a los integrantes de las fuerzas de seguridad y los profesionales de la salud acerca de las visiones que tienen sobre su rol como agentes del Estado.Jornadas realizadas junto con el I Encuentro Latinoamericano de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Políticas públicas de formación en derechos humanos : Los agentes del estado y los derechos humanos

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    Esta ponencia pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas vinculadas a la formación en derechos humanos de los agentes del Estado con el propósito de incidir en la transformación de sus prácticas. Asimismo, intentaremos trazar similitudes y diferencias identificadas en el marco de las capacitaciones en derechos humanos a los integrantes de las fuerzas de seguridad y los profesionales de la salud acerca de las visiones que tienen sobre su rol como agentes del Estado.Jornadas realizadas junto con el I Encuentro Latinoamericano de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Epidemiologic and clinical impact of acinetobacter baumannii colonization and infection: A reappraisal

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    Abstract: Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important antibiotic-resistant nosocomial bacteria. We investigated changes in the clinical and molecular epidemiology of A. baumannii over a 10-year period. We compared the data from 2 prospective multicenter cohort studies in Spain, one performed in 2000 (183 patients) and one in 2010 (246 patients), which included consecutive patients infected or colonized by A. baumannii. Molecular typing was performed by repetitive extragenic palindromic polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The incidence density of A. baumannii colonization or infection increased significantly from 0.14 in 2000 to 0.52 in 2010 in medical services (p<0.001). The number of non-nosocomial health careassociated cases increased from 1.2% to 14.2%, respectively (p<0.001). Previous exposure to carbapenems increased in 2010(16.9% in 2000 vs 27.3% in 2010, p¼0.03). The drugs most frequently used for definitive treatment of patients with infections were carbapenems in 2000 (45%) and colistin in 2010 (50.3%). There was molecular-typing evidence of an increase in the frequency of A. baumannii acquisition in non-intensive care unit wards in 2010 (7.6% in 2000 vs 19.2% in 2010, p¼0.01). By MSLT, the ST2 clonal group predominated and increased in 2010. This epidemic clonal group was more frequently resistant to imipenem and was associated with an increased risk of sepsis, although not with severe sepsis or mortality. Some significant changes were noted in the epidemiology of A. baumannii, which is increasingly affecting patients admitted to conventional wards and is also the cause of non-nosocomial health care-associated infections. Epidemic clones seem to combine antimicrobial resistance and the ability to spread, while maintaining their clinical virulence.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors thank the Platform for Genotyping of Pathogens and Public Health (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) for coding MLST alleles and profiles as available at www. pasteur.fr/mlst. The authors are grateful for the support of the Spanish Group for Nosocomial Infections (GEIH) and the Spanish Group for Antimicrobial Mechanisms of Action and Resistance (GEMARA) from the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) for their support in the development of the project

    Demanda de atención odontológica

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    La familia y la sociedad en general, influyen de manera constante en la formación y educación del individuo, es común encontrar que los patrones de conducta se repiten de generación en generación; algunos en beneficio del individuo, otros conllevan a provocar un padecimiento o mal a sí mismos, generados habitualmente por patrones culturales. Para poder lograr un adecuado cuidado de nuestra salud individual, familiar y de la comunidad, es necesario utilizar todos los medios a nuestro alcance para evitar la aparición de enfermedades, detectarlas oportunamente y minimizar las consecuencias que ellas conllevan, a través de actividades concretas, tanto individuales como colectivas.Categoría: Trabajos de extensión.Facultad de Odontologí

    A tablet-based quantitative assessment of manual dexterity for detection of early psychosis

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    BackgroundWe performed a pilot study on whether tablet-based measures of manual dexterity can provide behavioral markers for detection of first-episode psychosis (FEP), and whether cortical excitability/inhibition was altered in FEP.MethodsBehavioral and neurophysiological testing was undertaken in persons diagnosed with FEP (N = 20), schizophrenia (SCZ, N = 20), autism spectrum disorder (ASD, N = 20), and in healthy control subjects (N = 20). Five tablet tasks assessed different motor and cognitive functions: Finger Recognition for effector (finger) selection and mental rotation, Rhythm Tapping for temporal control, Sequence Tapping for control/memorization of motor sequences, Multi Finger Tapping for finger individuation, and Line Tracking for visuomotor control. Discrimination of FEP (from other groups) based on tablet-based measures was compared to discrimination through clinical neurological soft signs (NSS). Cortical excitability/inhibition, and cerebellar brain inhibition were assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation.ResultsCompared to controls, FEP patients showed slower reaction times and higher errors in Finger Recognition, and more variability in Rhythm Tapping. Variability in Rhythm Tapping showed highest specificity for the identification of FEP patients compared to all other groups (FEP vs. ASD/SCZ/Controls; 75% sensitivity, 90% specificity, AUC = 0.83) compared to clinical NSS (95% sensitivity, 22% specificity, AUC = 0.49). Random Forest analysis confirmed FEP discrimination vs. other groups based on dexterity variables (100% sensitivity, 85% specificity, balanced accuracy = 92%). The FEP group had reduced short-latency intra-cortical inhibition (but similar excitability) compared to controls, SCZ, and ASD. Cerebellar inhibition showed a non-significant tendency to be weaker in FEP.ConclusionFEP patients show a distinctive pattern of dexterity impairments and weaker cortical inhibition. Easy-to-use tablet-based measures of manual dexterity capture neurological deficits in FEP and are promising markers for detection of FEP in clinical practice

    Safety and preliminary efficacy on cognitive performance and adaptive functionality of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in children with Down syndrome. A randomized phase Ib clinical trial (PERSEUS study)

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    Purpose: Although some caregivers are using epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) off label in hopes of improving cognition in young adults with Down syndrome (DS), nothing is known about its safety, tolerability, and efficacy in the DS pediatric population. We aimed to evaluate safety and tolerability of a dietary supplement containing EGCG and if EGCG improves cognitive and functional performance. Methods: A total of 73 children with DS (aged 6-12 years) were randomized. Participants received 0.5% EGCG (10 mg/kg daily dose) or placebo for 6 months with 3 months follow up after treatment discontinuation. Results: In total, 72 children were treated and 66 completed the study. A total of 38 participants were included in the EGCG group and 35 in the placebo group. Of 72 treated participants, 62 (86%) had 229 treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs). Of 37 participants in the EGCG group, 13 (35%) had 18 drug-related treatment-emergent AEs and 12 of 35 (34%) from the placebo group had 22 events. In the EGCG group, neither severe AEs nor increase in the incidence of AEs related to safety biomarkers were observed. Cognition and functionality were not improved compared with placebo. Secondary efficacy outcomes in girls point to a need for future work. Conclusion: The use of EGCG is safe and well-tolerated in children with DS, but efficacy results do not support its use in this population. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics