266 research outputs found

    Volumetric analysis on the use of customized healing abutments with or without connective tissue graft at flapless maxillary immediate implant placement: a randomized clinical trial

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    Objectives: To evaluate buccal volume change after using a customized healing abutment with or without connective tissue grafts (CTG) in flapless maxillary immediate implant placement (IIP). Materials and Methods: The present study was designed as a randomized clinical trial (RCT). Patients treated with flapless maxillary IIP were allocated into two groups, both receiving a customized healing abutment, and additionally, the test group received a CTG. A cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) allowed to access the initial buccal bone thickness (BT). Digital impressions were taken prior to extractions (T0), 1 month (T1), 4 months (T2), and 12 months (T3) after implant insertion and superimposed with computer software allowing to compute variables related to buccal volume variation (BVv) and total volume variation (TVv) (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05060055). Results: Thirty-two patients (mean age 48 ± 11 years), sixteen in each group, were evaluated after a 12-month period. After 1 year of treatment, no significant differences were found between groups, although in participants with BT ≤1 mm, control and test groups showed a BVv of −14.18 ± 3.49% and −8.30 ± 3.78%, respectively (p = .033). Regarding mucosa height variation variables, the control group showed approximately the triple vertical recession in both papillae. Conclusions: The placement of a CTG was not capable of completely maintaining the initial peri-implant tissue architecture, although in thin-bone phenotypes, less dimensional changes are expected when a CTG was used.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: This research was aimed at assessing the concentration of total polyphenols in ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes mushrooms and antioxidant activity. Methods: Polyphenols were determined by the Folin Ciocalteu method, using lyophilized mushroom samples for the preparation of extracts and antioxidant activity by the TBARS method. Results: Extracts prepared from mushrooms showed appreciable values ​​of polyphenols, and for the ethanolic extract of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes values ​​of 102.78 and 81.83 mg of gallic acid/100 g of the sample respectively, comparable to those obtained in some fruits For methanolic extracts, values ​​of 100.45 and 78.92 mg of gallic acid/100 g of sample were obtained. Polyphenol concentration values ​​for the Pleurotus were higher in the two types of extracts and lower for the Lentinula edodes. Conclusion: When evaluating the antioxidant activity, high antioxidant activity was found for the two types of mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes, presenting peroxidase inhibition values ​​of 88.04 and 89.49% respectively

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema inalámbrico que permita interactuar con el entorno a personas con limitación motriz utilizando el movimiento de ojos y comandos de voz.

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    El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue el diseño y la implementación de un sistema inalámbrico que permita interactuar con el entorno a personas con limitación motriz utilizando el movimiento de ojos y comandos de voz, el prototipo fue diseñado mediante NI Vision Acquisition para el procesamiento de imagen. La captura de imágenes se implementó con una cámara web usb conectada al Raspberry PI 3, la cual se acopló cerca del ojo para la adquisición de imágenes, mediante un script desarrollado en Python, la Raspberry permite capturar y almacenar la imagen tomada del ojo, la cual es analizada y procesada en LabView determinando dos movimientos: arriba y abajo, y en segunda estancia el control respectivo de los puertos de entrada y salida (GPIO) del Raspberry en función del movimiento del ojo, la imagen es compartida mediante un servidor SAMBA en la red local de tal manera que LabView procesa la imagen de acuerdo a una clasificación de patrones y de forma, asignándole una calificación en función de las muestras almacenadas; al determinar la posición del ojo, se envía la orden a su respectivo actuador a través de la red inalámbrica wifi usando módulos ESP8266; los comandos de voz están perfilados bajo tarjetas de desarrollo Arduino mas un módulo de reconocimiento de voz Module V3 que mediante el uso de un micrófono se cumple la función de control remoto básico usando la tecnología inalámbrica infrarrojo (IR), además de la configuración de un comando de voz para activar el procesamiento de imágenes, las respectivas pruebas de funcionamiento del prototipo se ejecutaron con personas discapacitadas, determinando que el prototipo tiene de una fiabilidad del 80% con respecto a su funcionalidad y una latencia máxima medida 1,13 segundos en el procesamiento de imagen. Al entrenar los comandos de voz se recomienda pronunciar y modular claramente las palabras.The objective of this research was the desing and implementation of a wireless system that allows interacting with environment to people with motor limitation using eye movement and voice commands, the prototype was designed using NI Vision Acquisition to the processing og image. Image captures were implemented witch a USB webcam connected to the Rasberry PI 3, which was coupled near the eye to the image acquisition using a script developed in Python. The Raspberry allows capturing and storing the image taken from the eye that is analyzed and processed in LabView by determining two movements: up and down. Secondly, the respective control of the input and output ports (GPIO) of the Raspberry depending on the movement of the eye. The image is shared by a SAMBA server in the local networks in such a way that LabView processes the image according to a classification of patterns and shape assigning a qualification based on the stored samples. When determining the position of the eye, the order is sent to it´s respective actuator through the WI-FI wireless network using ESP8266 modules. The voice commands are outlined under Arduino development cards plus a voice recognition module Module V3 that by using a microphone the basic remote control function is fulfilled using infrared (IR) wireless technology. In addition to the configuration of a voice command to activate image processing, the respective prototype performance tests were performed with disabled people, determining that the prototype has a reliability of 80% with respect to it´s functionality and a maximum latency of 11,3 seconds in the processing og image. When training voice commands, it is recommended to pronounce and modelate the words

    Estudio de factibilidad técnico-económico para implementar un sistema de generación fotovoltaica en un grupo de aulas de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia seccional Sogamoso

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    1 recurso en línea (1 archivo de texto, 1 archivo con anexos) : ilustraciones color, figuras, tablas.El presente trabajo de grado fue realizado con el objetivo de evaluar la factibilidad técnica y económica de implementar una planta de generación fotovoltaica en un grupo de aulas de la Uptc seccional Sogamoso, para ello se empezó por hacer un recuento de los proyectos más significativos realizados por diversas universidades del país relacionados con la energía solar fotovoltaica, luego se elaboró un listado de las normas nacionales e internacionales que rigen el desarrollo de este tipo de proyectos, después se identificaron las condiciones geo climáticas y arquitectónicas de la Uptc seccional Sogamoso, seguido de esto se elaboró una guía metodológica útil para todos aquellos que deseen usar este trabajo como un manual para desarrollar proyectos que involucren este tipo de tecnología. La metodología empleada en el estudio técnico comprende 5 etapas cruciales para desarrollar este tipo de proyectos, la primera consiste en dar a conocer los criterios más apropiados para seleccionar la carga para la cual se pretende diseñar la planta fotovoltaica, la segunda hace referencia a caracterizar la carga escogida para identificar que elementos se encuentran presentes en la carga seleccionada, la tercera etapa consiste en realizar un análisis detallado del consumo energético para con base en este realizar un dimensionamiento apropiado de los elementos que conforman la instalación fotovoltaica, la siguiente etapa consiste en realizar un estudio de calidad de la energía para asegurar que la planta de generación fotovoltaica no vaya a presentar fallas o sobredimensionamiento por conceptos de distorsión armónica presente en la instalación, para finalizar se realizó un dimensionamiento de todos los elementos necesarios para la construcción de una instalación fotovoltaica. Para saber si el proyecto es financieramente viable se realizó un análisis de los principales aspectos económicos que definen su factibilidad, después se elaboró una metodología para realizar la evaluación financiera la cual consistió primero en realizar un estudio de mercado para conocer la inversión inicial y a lo largo de la vida útil, a continuación se realizó un promedio del valor de la energía eléctrica ofrecida por el operador de red durante un año y por último se comparó el costo de implementar la planta con el costo del servicio por el operador de red. Finalmente se dan a conocer los beneficios ambientales que trae implementar plantas de generación fotovoltaica.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 97-99.PregradoIngeniero Electromecánic

    Simplified Mathematical Modeling on Person-to-Person Disease Transmission: The Coronavirus Case

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    In this paper, a simplified mathematical model is developed through a system of ordinary differential equations for the transmission of diseases from person to person, conditions for disease control are provided and cases are studied in which it is not possible to apply the Hurwitz criterion, the corresponding qualitative study is carried out to draw conclusions on the future evolution of the disease. Additionally, the ways in which the different diseases are transmitted are analyzed and the possibilities of epidemic development and the conditions that must be created to avoid them are studied A background of the Mathematical Modeling research group is also indicated


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    The intra and transdisciplinarity are some of the edges of scientific- methodology work at the University of Informatics Sciences (UIS), especially in the Regional Faculty from Ciego de Avila (RFCA), in which it has been working for three years. Many professors have questions, mainly those with less experience, on how to establish an integration of the subject with another in the same discipline or simply they have troubles finding the link among them. This work was developed to achieve this goal, and based on experience and research, it explains specifically how each item of a class in agiven topic, related to Database Systems and Software Engineering subjects, which belong to Database and Software Engineering discipline can be integrated each other.La intra y transdisciplinariedad son unas de las aristas del trabajo científico - metodológico en la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI), especialmente en la Facultad Regional de Ciego de Ávila (FRCA), en la cual se ha venido trabajando durante tres años sobre estas. Muchos profesores tienen duda, fundamentalmente los de menos experiencia, cómo establecer una integración de su asignatura con otra de la misma disciplina o sencillamente le es difícil encontrar el vínculo que ellas tienen. Para ello se desarrolló este trabajo, en el cual, basado en la experiencia y la investigación, se explica concretamente cómo cada tema de una clase, de las asignaturas de Sistema de Base de datos e Ingeniería de Software, pertenecientes a la disciplina de Ingeniería de Software y Base de Datos, en la FRCA, se pueden integrar.&nbsp

    Obtención de barras nutritivas a base de centeno (Secale cereale L), amaranto (Amaranthus hipochondriacus) y stevia (Stevia rebaudiana ertoni) como fuentes de proteínas, vitaminas y calorías

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    The increase in health problems related to poor nutrition has pushed many investigations to focus on the use of whole foods, especially cereals and pseudocereals. In this sense, the objective of this work was to develop nutritional bars based on Rye (factor A), Amaranth (factor B) and Stevia (factor C) as sources of protein, vitamins and calories. For this purpose, analyzes were carried out on the raw material such as: moisture content, fat or ethereal extract, protein content, fiber and determination of vitamin D or calciferol, in the process I re-blanched, roasted, then the bars. In the finished product, organoleptic analysis and nutritional determination such as proteins, fiber, vitamins and calories, carbohydrates, fat, humidity, ashes, sugars were carried out. According to the sensory analysis, it was determined that treatment 1 presented better acceptance by the tasters. In addition, after the physical-chemical and nutritional analysis of the bars, the results were 10.2% protein, 2.16% fat; dietary fiber 8.71%; total carbohydrates 52.4%; ashes 1.01%; 25.5% moisture, providing 49 kcal and 3 kcal of fat per unit consumed, values that have been calculated based on a diet of 2000 calories per day. Finally, it was found that 18 g of rye; 4 g of amaranth and 1 mL of Stevia meets the sensory and nutritional characteristics within the parameters established in Ecuadorian standards, providing a minimum number of calories, making it ideal for people with diabetes, overweight, obesity, and malnutrition.El incremento de problemas de salud relacionado a la mala nutrición ha empujado a que muchas investigaciones se centren en el aprovechamiento de alimentos integrales, especialmente cereales y pseudocereales. En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue Elaborar barras nutritivas a base de Centeno (factor A), Amaranto (factor B) y Stevia (factor C) como fuentes de proteínas, vitaminas y calorías. Para el efecto, se realizaron análisis organolépticos a las barras obtenidas mediante la participación de un panel de catadores semi entrenados. También, se efectuaron análisis físico químicos tanto a las materias primas como al producto terminado, y análisis de composición nutricional del mejor tratamiento obtenido. De acuerdo con los análisis sensoriales se determinó que el tratamiento 1 presentó mejor aceptación por parte de los catadores. Además, tras los análisis físico-químicos y nutricional de las barras, los resultados fueron, en proteína 10,2%, grasa 2,16%; fibra dietética 8,71%; carbohidratos totales 52,4%; cenizas 1,01%; humedad 25,5%, aportando un 49 kcal y 3 kcal de la grasa por unidad consumida, valores que han sido calculados en base a una dieta de 2000 calorías al día. Finalmente se comprobó que 18 g de centeno; 4 g de amaranto y 1 mL de Stevia cumple con las características sensoriales y nutricionales dentro de los parámetros establecidos en las normas ecuatorianas, aportando una mínima cantidad de calorías siendo ideal para personas con diabetes, sobrepeso, obesidad y desnutrición

    Aspectos inmunológicos relacionados con la reinfección por SARS COV 2

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    A finales de 2019 una nueva cepa de coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ocasiona una notable crisis mundial. Los esfuerzos del personal sanitario se han centrado en conocer la novel enfermedad y buscar la manera de frenar las curvas de contagio para en un futuro contar con inmunidad por vacunas. La inmunidad ante la primoinfección mediada por Linfocitos B ha reportado pérdida de inmunoglobulinas en cuestión de semanas. Estas características en el genotipo de la enfermedad abren la posibilidad de reinfección por cepas distintas. Contados reportes a nivel mundial describen reinfección, los que tuvieron curso clínico leve al determinar algún factor protector luego de la primoinfección. La real posibilidad de volver a enfermarse por COVID-19 enciende las alarmas sobre la respuesta en el control de la pandemia, con las vacunas que están cerca de expenderse y representa un nuevo campo de estudio en la presente emergencia sanitaria.At the end of 2019, a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes a notable global crisis. The efforts of health personnel have focused on learning about the novel disease and finding a way to slow down the contagion curves to have immunity from vaccines in the future. Immunity to primary B lymphocyte-mediated infection has reported the loss of immunoglobulins in a matter of weeks. These characteristics in the genotype of the disease open the possibility of reinfection by different strains. Counted reports worldwide describe reinfection, which had a mild clinical course when determining some protective factor after the primary infection. The real possibility of getting sick again from COVID-19 raises the alarms about the response in the control of the pandemic, with the vaccines that are close to being distributed and represent a new field of study in the current health emergency

    Exchanging screen for non-screen sitting time or physical activity might attenuate depression and anxiety: A cross-sectional isotemporal analysis during early pandemics in South America

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    Objectives: To examine the theoretical substitutions of screen exposure, non-screen sitting time, moderate and vigorous physical activity with depressive and anxiety symptoms in South American adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design: A cross-sectional study during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic with data from 1981 adults from Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. Methods: Depressive and anxiety symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Participants also reported physical activity, sitting time, screen exposure, sociodemographic, and tobacco use data. Isotemporal substitution models were created using multivariable linear regression methods. Results: Vigorous physical activity, moderate physical activity, and screen exposure were independently associated with depression and anxiety symptoms. In adjusted isotemporal substitution models, replacing 10 min/day of either screen exposure or non-screen sitting time with any intensity of physical activity was associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms. Improvements in anxiety symptoms were found when reallocating either screen exposure or non-screen sitting time to moderate physical activity. Furthermore, replacing 10 min/day of screen exposure with non-screen sitting time was beneficially associated with anxiety (B = − 0.033; 95 % CI = − 0.059, − 0.006) and depression (B = − 0.026; 95 % CI = − 0.050, − 0.002). Conclusions: Replacement of screen exposure with any intensity of physical activity or non-screen sitting time could improve mental health symptoms. Strategies aiming to reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms highlight physical activity promotion. However, future interventions should explore specific sedentary behaviors as some will relate positively while others negatively.Fil: Sadarangani, Kabir P.. Universidad Autónoma de Chile; Chile. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Schuch, Felipe Barreto. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Brasil. Universidad Autónoma de Chile; ChileFil: de Roia, Gabriela Fernanda. Universidad de Flores. Laboratorio de Estudios en Actividad Física;Fil: Martínez Gomez, David. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health; EspañaFil: Chávez, Róbinson. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Lobo, Pablo Roberto. Universidad de Flores. Laboratorio de Estudios en Actividad Física;Fil: Cristi Montero, Carlos. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Werneck, André O.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Alzahrani, Hosam. Taif University; Arabia SauditaFil: Ferrari, Gerson. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Ibañez, Agustin Mariano. Universidad de San Andrés; Argentina. University of California; Estados Unidos. Trinity College Dublin; Irlanda. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Silva, Danilo R.. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasil. Universidad Pablo de Olavide; EspañaFil: Von Oetinger, Astrid. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Universidad Mayor; ChileFil: Matias, Thiago S.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Grabovac, Igor. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Meyer, Jacob. Iowa State University; Estados Unido

    Sociodemographic inequities and active transportation in adults from Latin America: an eight-country observational study

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    © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: Active transportation is a crucial sort of physical activity for developing sustainable environments and provides essential health benefits. This is particularly important in Latin American countries because they present the highest burden of non-communicable diseases relative to other worldwide regions. This study aimed to examine the patterns of active transportation and its association with sociodemographic inequities in Latin American countries. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in eight countries. Participants (n = 8547, 18-65 years) self-reported their active transportation (walking, cycling, and total) using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic level, education level, public and private transport use, and transport mode were used as sociodemographic inequities. Results: Participants spent a total of 19.9, 3.1, and 23.3 min/day with walking, cycling, and total active transportation, respectively. Mixed and other ethnicity (Asian, Indigenous, Gypsy, and other), high socioeconomic level as well as middle and high education level presented higher walking than Caucasian, low socioeconomic and education level. Private transport mode and use of ≥ 6 days/week of private transport showed lower walking than public transport mode and ≤ 2 days/week of private transport. Use of ≥ 3 days/week of public transport use presented higher walking than ≤ 2 days/week of public transport. Men had higher cycling for active transportation than women. Use of ≥ 3 days/week of public transport use presented higher cycling than ≤ 2 days/week of public transport. ≥6 days/week showed lower cycling than ≤ 2 days/week of private transport use. Men (b: 5.57: 95 %CI: 3.89;7.26), black (3.77: 0.23;7.31), mixed (3.20: 1.39;5.00) and other ethnicity (7.30: 2.55;12.04), had higher total active transportation than women and Caucasian. Private transport mode (-7.03: -11.65;-2.41) and ≥ 6 days/week of private transport use (-4.80: -6.91;-0.31) showed lower total active transportation than public transport mode and ≤ 2 days/week of private transport use. Use of 3-5 (5.10: 1.35;8.85) and ≥ 6 days/week (8.90: 3.07;14.73) of public transport use presented higher total active transportation than ≤ 2 days/week of public transport use. Differences among countries were observed. Conclusions: Sociodemographic inequities are associated differently with active transportation across Latin American countries. Interventions and policies that target the promotion of active policies transportation essential to consider sociodemographic inequities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio