289 research outputs found

    Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with High-Redshift Probes

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    We present an analysis of the constraints on the amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity of local type described by the dimensionless parameter fNLf_{\rm NL}. These constraints are set by the auto-correlation functions (ACFs) of two large scale structure probes, the radio sources from NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and the quasar catalogue of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Release Six (SDSS DR6 QSOs), as well as by their cross-correlation functions (CCFs) with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature map (Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect). Several systematic effects that may affect the observational estimates of the ACFs and of the CCFs are investigated and conservatively accounted for. Our approach exploits the large-scale scale-dependence of the non-Gaussian halo bias. The derived constraints on {fNLf_{\rm NL}} coming from the NVSS CCF and from the QSO ACF and CCF are weaker than those previously obtained from the NVSS ACF, but still consistent with them. Finally, we obtain the constraints on fNL=53±25f_{\rm NL}=53\pm25 (1σ1\,\sigma) and fNL=58±24f_{\rm NL}=58\pm24 (1σ1\,\sigma) from NVSS data and SDSS DR6 QSO data, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication on JCA

    Collective Animal Behavior from Bayesian Estimation and Probability Matching

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    Animals living in groups make movement decisions that depend, among other factors, on social interactions with other group members. Our present understanding of social rules in animal collectives is based on empirical fits to observations and we lack first-principles approaches that allow their derivation. Here we show that patterns of collective decisions can be derived from the basic ability of animals to make probabilistic estimations in the presence of uncertainty. We build a decision-making model with two stages: Bayesian estimation and probabilistic matching.
In the first stage, each animal makes a Bayesian estimation of which behavior is best to perform taking into account personal information about the environment and social information collected by observing the behaviors of other animals. In the probability matching stage, each animal chooses a behavior with a probability given by the Bayesian estimation that this behavior is the most appropriate one. This model derives very simple rules of interaction in animal collectives that depend only on two types of reliability parameters, one that each animal assigns to the other animals and another given by the quality of the non-social information. We test our model by obtaining theoretically a rich set of observed collective patterns of decisions in three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, a shoaling fish species. The quantitative link shown between probabilistic estimation and collective rules of behavior allows a better contact with other fields such as foraging, mate selection, neurobiology and psychology, and gives predictions for experiments directly testing the relationship between estimation and collective behavior

    Bayesian Integration and Non-Linear Feedback Control in a Full-Body Motor Task

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    A large number of experiments have asked to what degree human reaching movements can be understood as being close to optimal in a statistical sense. However, little is known about whether these principles are relevant for other classes of movements. Here we analyzed movement in a task that is similar to surfing or snowboarding. Human subjects stand on a force plate that measures their center of pressure. This center of pressure affects the acceleration of a cursor that is displayed in a noisy fashion (as a cloud of dots) on a projection screen while the subject is incentivized to keep the cursor close to a fixed position. We find that salient aspects of observed behavior are well-described by optimal control models where a Bayesian estimation model (Kalman filter) is combined with an optimal controller (either a Linear-Quadratic-Regulator or Bang-bang controller). We find evidence that subjects integrate information over time taking into account uncertainty. However, behavior in this continuous steering task appears to be a highly non-linear function of the visual feedback. While the nervous system appears to implement Bayes-like mechanisms for a full-body, dynamic task, it may additionally take into account the specific costs and constraints of the task

    Novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci implicated in epigenetic regulation

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    We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on multiple sclerosis (MS) susceptibility in German cohorts with 4888 cases and 10,395 controls. In addition to associations within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region, 15 non-MHC loci reached genome-wide significance. Four of these loci are novel MS susceptibility loci. They map to the genes L3MBTL3, MAZ, ERG, and SHMT1. The lead variant at SHMT1 was replicated in an independent Sardinian cohort. Products of the genes L3MBTL3, MAZ, and ERG play important roles in immune cell regulation. SHMT1 encodes a serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalyzing the transfer of a carbon unit to the folate cycle. This reaction is required for regulation of methylation homeostasis, which is important for establishment and maintenance of epigenetic signatures. Our GWAS approach in a defined population with limited genetic substructure detected associations not found in larger, more heterogeneous cohorts, thus providing new clues regarding MS pathogenesis

    Efficacy of Two Triple Eradication Regimens in Children with Helicobacter pylori Infection

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    Triple therapy with bismuth subsalicylate, amoxicillin, metronidazole (BAM) or with omeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin (OAC) has been commonly used for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection. We compared the efficacy of these triple therapies in children with H. pylori infection. We retrospectively analyzed results in 233 children with H. pylori infection and treated with OAC (n=141) or BAM (n=92). Overall eradication rates of triple therapy with OAC and BAM were 74% and 85%, respectively, which showed no statistical difference. Our study showed that the triple therapy with BAM was more effective for the first-line eradication of H. pylori infection in Korean children, but has no statistical difference with OAC regimen

    Influence of Audiovisual Training on Horizontal Sound Localization and Its Related ERP Response

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    The objective was to investigate the influence of audiovisual training on horizontal sound localization and the underlying neurological mechanisms using a combination of psychoacoustic and electrophysiological (i.e., event-related potential, ERP) measurements on sound localization. Audiovisual stimuli were used in the training group, whilst the control group was trained using auditory stimuli only. Training sessions were undertaken once per day for three consecutive days. Sound localization accuracy was evaluated daily after training, using psychoacoustic tests. ERP responses were measured on the first and last day of tasks. Sound localization was significantly improved in the audiovisual training group when compared to the control group. Moreover, a significantly greater reduction in front-back confusion ratio for both trained and untrained angles was found between pre- and post-test in the audiovisual training group. ERP measurement showed a decrease in N1 amplitude and an increase in P2 amplitude in both groups. However, changes in late components were only found in the audiovisual training group, with an increase in P400 amplitude and decrease in N500 amplitude. These results suggest that the interactive effect of audiovisual localization training is likely to be mediated at a relatively late cognitive processing stage

    Suboptimal asthma care for immigrant children: results of an audit study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known on the scope and nature of ethnic inequalities in suboptimal asthma care for children. This study aimed to assess (1) ethnic differences in suboptimal asthma care for children with an asthma exacerbation who consulted a physician, and (2) ethnic differences in the nature of suboptimal care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All children aged 6–16 years who during a period of six months consulted the paediatric department of the Academic Medical Centre-University of Amsterdam or one of the six regional primary care centres with an asthma exacerbation were included. Clinical guidelines were systematically converted to review criteria following the strategy as proposed by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Based upon these review criteria and their experience experts of two multidisciplinary panels retrospectively assessed the quality of care and its (possible) failure to prevent the occurrence of asthma exacerbation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only a small number of children (n = 35) were included in the analysis as a result of which the ethnic differences in suboptimal care were not significant. However, the results do indicate immigrant children, in particular 'other non-Western' children (n = 11), more frequently to receive suboptimal care related to the asthma exacerbation when compared to ethnic Dutch children. Furthermore, we found the nature of suboptimal care to differ with under-prescribing in the 'other non-Western' group (n = 11), lack of information exchange between physicians in the Surinamese/Antillean group (n = 12) and lack of education, and counselling of patients and parents in the ethnic Dutch (n = 12) as the most relevant factor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ethnic inequalities in the scope and nature of suboptimal asthma care for children in the Netherlands seem to exist. For the non-western immigrant groups the results indicate the importance of the prescription behaviour of the medical doctor, as well as the supervision by one health care provider.</p

    The cost-effectiveness of Australia\u27s active after-school communities program

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    The objective of this study was to assess from a societal perspective the cost-effectiveness of the Active After-school Communities (AASC) program, a key plank of the former Australian Government\u27s obesity prevention program. The intervention was modeled for a 1-year time horizon for Australian primary school children as part of the Assessing Cost-Effectiveness in Obesity (ACE-Obesity) project. Disability-adjusted life year (DALY) benefits (based on calculated effects on BMI post-intervention) and cost-offsets (consequent savings from reductions in obesity-related diseases) were tracked until the cohort reached the age of 100 years or death. The reference year was 2001, and a 3% discount rate was applied. Simulation-modeling techniques were used to present a 95% uncertainty interval around the cost-effectiveness ratio. An assessment of second-stage filter criteria (&quot;equity,&quot; &quot;strength of evidence,&quot; &quot;acceptability to stakeholders,&quot; &quot;feasibility of implementation,&quot; &quot;sustainability,&quot; and &quot;side-effects&quot;) was undertaken by a stakeholder Working Group to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. The estimated number of children new to physical activity after-school and therefore receiving the intervention benefit was 69,300. For 1 year, the intervention cost is Australian dollars (AUD) 40.3 million (95% uncertainty interval AUD 28.6 million; AUD 56.2 million), and resulted in an incremental saving of 450 (250; 770) DALYs. The resultant cost-offsets were AUD 3.7 million, producing a net cost per DALY saved of AUD 82,000 (95% uncertainty interval AUD 40,000; AUD 165,000). Although the program has intuitive appeal, it was not cost-effective under base-case modeling assumptions. To improve its cost-effectiveness credentials as an obesity prevention measure, a reduction in costs needs to be coupled with increases in the number of participating children and the amount of physical activity undertaken.<br /

    Effects of Acetazolamide on Transient K+ Currents and Action Potentials in Nodose Ganglion Neurons of Adult Rats

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    The aim of the present study was to determine whether acetazolamide (AZ) contributes to the inhibition of the fast inactivating transient K+ current (IA) in adult rat nodose ganglion (NG) neurons. We have previously shown that pretreatment with either AZ or 4-AP attenuated or blocked the CO2-induced inhibition of slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors in in vivo experiments. The patch-clamp experiments were performed by using the isolated NG neurons. In addition to this, the RT-PCR of mRNA and the expression of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) 1.4, Kv 4.1, Kv 4.2, and Kv 4.3 channel proteins from nodose ganglia were examined. We used NG neurons sensitive to the 1 mM AZ application. The application of 1 mM AZ inhibited the IA by approximately 27% and the additional application of 4-AP (1 mM) further inhibited IA by 48%. The application of 0.1 μM α-dendrotoxin (α-DTX), a slow inactivating transient K+ current (ID) blocker, inhibited the baseline IA by approximately 27%, and the additional application of 1 mM AZ further decreased the IA by 51%. In current clamp experiments, AZ application (1 mM) increased the number of action potentials due to the decreased duration of the depolarizing phase of action potentials and/or due to a reduction in the resting membrane potential. Four voltage-gated K+ channel proteins were present, and most (80–90%) of the four Kv channels immunoreactive neurons showed the co-expression of carbonic anhydrase-II (CA-II) immunoreactivity. These results indicate that the application of AZ causes the reduction in IA via the inhibition of four voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) proteins without affecting ID