519 research outputs found

    Towards AMR Simulations of Galaxy Formation

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    Numerical simulations present a fundamental building block of our modern theoretical understanding of the Universe. As such the work in this thesis is primarily concerned with understanding fundamental differences that lie between the different hydrodynamic schemes. In chapter 3 I outline the optimisations I make to the FLASH code to enable larger simulations to be run. These include developing and testing a new FFT gravity solver. With these complete, in chapter 4 I present results from a collaborative code comparison project in which we test a series of different hydrodynamics codes against a suite of demanding test problems with astrophysical relevance. As the problems have known solutions, we can quantify their performance and are able to develop a resolution criteria which allows for the two different types to be reliably compared. In chapter 5 we develop an analytic model for ram pressure stripping of the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters. We test the model against a suite of hydrodynamic simulations in the SPH GADGET-2 code. To ensure that the spurious suppression of hydrodynamic instabilities by SPH codes does not bias our results, I compare our findings to those obtained with the FLASH AMR code and find excellent agreement. Chapter 6 presents work in which we unambiguously determine the origin of the difference between the entropy cores formed in AMR and SPH codes. By running mergers of model clusters we are able to systematically explore the various proposed mechanisms and determine that turbulent mixing generates the higher entropy cores within AMR codes but is suppressed in SPH codes. The startling differences between the two hydrodynamic schemes presented in chapter 6 leads me to investigate their affect upon different sub-grid physical recipes. In chapter 7 I present the implementation of a sub-grid star formation recipe in FLASH and find strong differences in the way the two codes model pressure laws. I extend the work in chapter 8 by implementing a kinetic supernova feedback mechanism in FLASH and contrasting it with the results from the GADGET-2 code. I find that AMR codes dissipate energy much more efficiently than in SPH codes

    Health status, sexual activity and satisfaction among older people in Britain: A mixed methods study.

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    BACKGROUND: Men and women are increasingly likely to stay sexually active into later life, but research shows that sexual activity and satisfaction decrease with increasing age. Ill health and medical treatments may affect sexual activity but there is little research on why some older people with a health problem affecting their sexual activity are satisfied with their sex life, and others are not. METHODS: A mixed method study integrating data and analyses from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (n = 3343 aged 55-74 years) and from follow-up in-depth interviews with 23 survey participants who reported having a health condition or taking medication affecting their sex life. RESULTS: Overall, 26.9% of men and 17.1% of women aged 55-74 reported having a health condition that affected their sex life. Among this group, women were less likely than men to be sexually active in the previous 6 months (54.3% vs 62.0%) but just as likely to be satisfied with their sex life (41.9% vs 42.1%). In follow-up interviews, participants sometimes struggled to tease out the effects of ill health from those of advancing age. Where effects of ill health were identified, they tended to operate through the inclination and capacity to be sexually active, the practical possibilities for doing so and the limits placed on forms of sexual expression. In close relationships partners worked to establish compensatory mechanisms, but in less close relationships ill health provided an excuse to stop sex or deterred attempts to resolve difficulties. Most fundamentally, ill health may influence whether individuals have a partner with whom to have sex. CONCLUSION: The data show complex interactions between health, lifestyle and relationship factors that affect sexual activity/satisfaction. When dealing with sexual problems in older people, practitioners need to take account of individual lifestyle, needs and preferences

    Silk garments plus standard care compared with standard care for treating eczema in children: a randomised controlled, observer blind, pragmatic trial (CLOTHES Trial)

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    Background The role of clothing in the management of eczema (syn. atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema) is poorly understood. This trial evaluated the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of silk garments (in addition to standard care) for the management of eczema in children with moderate to severe disease. Methods and findings This was a parallel group randomised controlled, observer-blind trial. Children aged 1 to 15 years with moderate to severe eczema were recruited from secondary care and the community in five UK centres. Participants were allocated using on-line randomisation (1:1) to standard care, or standard care plus silk garments; stratified by age and recruiting centre. Silk garments were worn for 6 months. Primary outcome (eczema severity) was assessed at baseline, 2, 4 and 6 months, by nurses blinded to treatment allocation using the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI), which was log-transformed for analysis (intention-to-treat analysis). Safety outcome: number of skin infections. Three hundred children were randomised (26th Nov 2013 to 5th May 2015): 42% girls, 79% white, mean age 5 years. Primary analysis included 282/300 (94%) children (n = 141 in each group). The garments were worn more often at night than in the day (median of 81% of nights (25th to 75th centile 57% to 96%) and 34% of days (25th to 75th centile 10% to 76%)). Geometric mean EASI scores at baseline, 2, 4 and 6 months were 9·2, 6·4, 5·8, 5·4 for silk clothing and 8·4, 6·6, 6·0, 5·4 for standard care. There was no evidence of any difference between the groups in EASI score averaged over all follow up visits adjusted for baseline EASI score, age and centre (adjusted ratio of geometric means: 0·95, 95% CI 0·85 to 1·07). This confidence interval is equivalent to a difference of -1·5 to 0·5 in the original EASI scale units which is not clinically important. Skin infections occurred in 36/142 (25%) and 39/141 (28%) for silk clothing and standard care respectively. Even if the small observed treatment effect was genuine, the incremental cost per QALY was £56,881 in the base case analysis from an NHS perspective, suggesting that silk garments are unlikely to be cost-effective within currently accepted thresholds. Main limitations: whilst minimising detection bias, use of an objective primary outcome may have underestimated treatment effects. Conclusions Silk clothing is unlikely to provide additional benefit over standard care in children with moderate to severe eczema

    Sustainability and Long Term-Tenure: Lion Trophy Hunting in Tanzania

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    It is argued that trophy hunting of large, charismatic mammal species can have considerable conservation benefits but only if undertaken sustainably. Social-ecological theory suggests such sustainability only results from developing governance systems that balance financial and biological requirements. Here we use lion (Panthera leo) trophy hunting data from Tanzania to investigate how resource ownership patterns influence hunting revenue and offtake levels. Tanzania contains up to half of the global population of free-ranging lions and is also the main location for lion trophy hunting in Africa. However, there are concerns that current hunting levels are unsustainable. The lion hunting industry in Tanzania is run by the private sector, although the government leases each hunting block to companies, enforces hunting regulation, and allocates them a species-specific annual quota per block. The length of these leases varies and theories surrounding property rights and tenure suggest hunting levels would be less sustainable in blocks experiencing a high turnover of short-term leases. We explored this issue using lion data collected from 1996 to 2008 in the Selous Game Reserve (SGR), the most important trophy hunting destination in Tanzania. We found that blocks in SGR with the highest lion hunting offtake were also those that experienced the steepest declines in trophy offtake. In addition, we found this high hunting offtake and the resultant offtake decline tended to be in blocks under short-term tenure. In contrast, lion hunting levels in blocks under long-term tenure matched more closely the recommended sustainable offtake of 0.92 lions per 1000 km2. However, annual financial returns were higher from blocks under short-term tenure, providing 133perkm2ofgovernmentrevenueascomparedto133 per km2 of government revenue as compared to 62 per km2 from long-term tenure blocks. Our results provide evidence for the importance of property rights in conservation, and support calls for an overhaul of the system in Tanzania by developing competitive market-based approaches for block allocation based on long-term tenure of ten years

    Oral abstracts 3: RA Treatment and outcomesO13. Validation of jadas in all subtypes of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in a clinical setting

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    Background: Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS) is a 4 variable composite disease activity (DA) score for JIA (including active 10, 27 or 71 joint count (AJC), physician global (PGA), parent/child global (PGE) and ESR). The validity of JADAS for all ILAR subtypes in the routine clinical setting is unknown. We investigated the construct validity of JADAS in the clinical setting in all subtypes of JIA through application to a prospective inception cohort of UK children presenting with new onset inflammatory arthritis. Methods: JADAS 10, 27 and 71 were determined for all children in the Childhood Arthritis Prospective Study (CAPS) with complete data available at baseline. Correlation of JADAS 10, 27 and 71 with single DA markers was determined for all subtypes. All correlations were calculated using Spearman's rank statistic. Results: 262/1238 visits had sufficient data for calculation of JADAS (1028 (83%) AJC, 744 (60%) PGA, 843 (68%) PGE and 459 (37%) ESR). Median age at disease onset was 6.0 years (IQR 2.6-10.4) and 64% were female. Correlation between JADAS 10, 27 and 71 approached 1 for all subtypes. Median JADAS 71 was 5.3 (IQR 2.2-10.1) with a significant difference between median JADAS scores between subtypes (p < 0.01). Correlation of JADAS 71 with each single marker of DA was moderate to high in the total cohort (see Table 1). Overall, correlation with AJC, PGA and PGE was moderate to high and correlation with ESR, limited JC, parental pain and CHAQ was low to moderate in the individual subtypes. Correlation coefficients in the extended oligoarticular, rheumatoid factor negative and enthesitis related subtypes were interpreted with caution in view of low numbers. Conclusions: This study adds to the body of evidence supporting the construct validity of JADAS. JADAS correlates with other measures of DA in all ILAR subtypes in the routine clinical setting. Given the high frequency of missing ESR data, it would be useful to assess the validity of JADAS without inclusion of the ESR. Disclosure statement: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest. Table 1Spearman's correlation between JADAS 71 and single markers DA by ILAR subtype ILAR Subtype Systemic onset JIA Persistent oligo JIA Extended oligo JIA Rheumatoid factor neg JIA Rheumatoid factor pos JIA Enthesitis related JIA Psoriatic JIA Undifferentiated JIA Unknown subtype Total cohort Number of children 23 111 12 57 7 9 19 7 17 262 AJC 0.54 0.67 0.53 0.75 0.53 0.34 0.59 0.81 0.37 0.59 PGA 0.63 0.69 0.25 0.73 0.14 0.05 0.50 0.83 0.56 0.64 PGE 0.51 0.68 0.83 0.61 0.41 0.69 0.71 0.9 0.48 0.61 ESR 0.28 0.31 0.35 0.4 0.6 0.85 0.43 0.7 0.5 0.53 Limited 71 JC 0.29 0.51 0.23 0.37 0.14 -0.12 0.4 0.81 0.45 0.41 Parental pain 0.23 0.62 0.03 0.57 0.41 0.69 0.7 0.79 0.42 0.53 Childhood health assessment questionnaire 0.25 0.57 -0.07 0.36 -0.47 0.84 0.37 0.8 0.66 0.4