150 research outputs found

    A systematic search for massive young stars in the Galaxy - the RMS survey

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    We have selected red MSX sources (RMS) that have the colours of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). Our aim is to generate a large, systematically selected sample to address questions such as their luminosity function, lifetimes, clustering and triggering. Other objects such as UCHIIs, PN, PPN and AGB stars have similar IR colours and a large programme of ground-based follow-up observations is underway to identify and eliminate these from the sample of the red MSX sources. These include radio continuum observations, kinematic distances, ground-based mid-IR imaging, near-IR imaging and spectroscopy to distinguish. We report the progress of these campaigns on the 3000 candidates, with initial indications showing that a substantial fraction are indeed massive YSOs.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures Talk in conference: Milky Way surveys, the structure and evolution of our Galaxy, Boston 200

    Hydrodynamical models of cometary H ii regions

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    We have modelled the evolution of cometary H ii regions produced by zero-age main-sequence stars of O and B spectral types, which are driving strong winds and are born off-centre from spherically symmetric cores with power-law (α = 2) density slopes. A model parameter grid was produced that spans stellar mass, age and core density. Exploring this parameter space, we investigated limb-brightening, a feature commonly seen in cometary H ii regions. We found that stars with mass M⋆ ≥ 12 M⊙ produce this feature. Our models have a cavity bounded by a contact discontinuity separating hot shocked wind and ionized ambient gas that is similar in size to the surrounding H ii region. Because of early pressure confinement, we did not see shocks outside of the contact discontinuity for stars with M⋆ ≤ 40 M⊙, but the cavities were found to continue to grow. The cavity size in each model plateaus as the H ii region stagnates. The spectral energy distributions of our models are similar to those from identical stars evolving in uniform density fields. The turn-over frequency is slightly lower in our power-law models as a result of a higher proportion of low-density gas covered by the H ii regions

    Investigating the temporal domain of massive ionized jets - I. A pilot study

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    We present sensitive (σ < 10 μJy beam -1 ), radio continuum observations using the Australian Telescope Compact Array at frequencies of 6 and 9 GHz towards four massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). From a previous, less sensitive work, these objects are known to harbour ionized jets associated with radio lobes, which result from shock processes. In comparison with that work, further emission components are detected towards each MYSO. These include extended, direct, thermal emission from the ionized jet's stream, new radio lobes indicative of shocks close ( < 10 5 au) to the MYSO, three radio Herbig-Haro objects separated by up to 3.8 pc from the jet's launching site, and an IR-dark source coincident with CH 3 OH maser emission. No significant, integrated flux variability is detected towards any jets or shocked lobes, and only one proper motion is observed (1806 ± 596 km s -1 parallel to the jet axis of G310.1420+00.7583A). Evidence for precession is detected in all fourMYSOswith precession periods and angles within the ranges 66-15 480 yr and 6°-36°, respectively. Should precession be the result of the influence from a binary companion, we infer orbital radii of 30-1800 au

    Connecting low- and high-mass star formation: the intermediate-mass protostar IRAS 05373+2349 VLA 2

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    Until recently, there have been few studies of the protostellar evolution of intermediate-mass (IM) stars, which may bridge the low- and high-mass regimes. This paper aims to investigate whether the properties of an IM protostar within the IRAS 05373+2349 embedded cluster are similar to that of low- and/or high-mass protostars. We carried out Very Large Array as well as Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy continuum and 12CO(J=1–0) observations, which uncover seven radio continuum sources (VLA 1–7). The spectral index of VLA 2, associated with the IM protostar is consistent with an ionized stellar wind or jet. The source VLA 3 is coincident with previously observed H2 emission line objects aligned in the north–south direction (P.A. −20 to −12◦), which may be either an ionized jet emanating from VLA 2 or (shock-)ionized cavity walls in the large-scale outflow from VLA 2. The position angle between VLA 2 and 3 is slightly misaligned with the large-scale outflow we map at ∼5-arcsec resolution in 12CO (P.A. ∼30◦), which in the case of a jet suggests precession. The emission from the mm core associated with VLA 2 is also detected; we estimate its mass to be 12–23 M , depending on the contribution from ionized gas. Furthermore, the large-scale outflow has properties intermediate between outflows from low- and high-mass young stars. Therefore, we conclude that the IM protostar within IRAS 05373+2349 is phenomenologically as well as quantitatively intermediate between the low- and high-mass domains

    Medium-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects

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    We present medium-resolution (R ∼ 7000) near-infrared echelle spectroscopic data for 36 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) drawn from the Red MSX Source survey. This is the largest sample observed at this resolution at these wavelengths of MYSOs to date. The spectra are characterized mostly by emission from hydrogen recombination lines and accretion diagnostic lines. One MYSO shows photospheric H i absorption, a comparison with spectral standards indicates that the star is an A-type star with a low surface gravity, implying that the MYSOs are probably swollen, as also suggested by evolutionary calculations. An investigation of the Brγ line profiles shows that most are in pure emission, while 13 ± 5 per cent display P Cygni profiles, indicative of outflow, while less than 8 ± 4  per cent have inverse P Cygni profiles, indicative of infall. These values are comparable with investigations into the optically bright Herbig Be stars, but not with those of Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars, consistent with the notion that the more massive stars undergo accretion in a different fashion than lower mass objects that are undergoing magnetospheric accretion. Accretion luminosities and rates as derived from the Br γ line luminosities agree with results for lower mass sources, providing tentative evidence for massive star formation theories based on scaling of low-mass scenarios. We present Br γ/Br12 line profile ratios exploiting the fact that optical depth effects can be traced as a function of Doppler shift across the lines. These show that the winds of MYSOs in this sample are nearly equally split between constant, accelerating and decelerating velocity structures. There are no trends between the types of features we see and bolometric luminosities or near-infrared colours

    A distance-limited sample of massive molecular outflows

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    We have observed 99 mid-infrared-bright, massive young stellar objects and compact H ii regions drawn from the Red MSX source survey in the J = 3−2 transition of 12CO and 13CO, using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. 89 targets are within 6 kpc of the Sun, covering a representative range of luminosities and core masses. These constitute a relatively unbiased sample of bipolar molecular outflows associated with massive star formation. Of these, 59, 17 and 13 sources (66, 19 and 15 per cent) are found to have outflows, show some evidence of outflow, and have no evidence of outflow, respectively. The time-dependent parameters of the high-velocity molecular flows are calculated using a spatially variable dynamic time-scale. The canonical correlations between the outflow parameters and source luminosity are recovered and shown to scale with those of low-mass sources. For coeval star formation, we find the scaling is consistent with all the protostars in an embedded cluster providing the outflow force, with massive stars up to ∼30 M⊙ generating outflows. Taken at face value, the results support the model of a scaled-up version of the accretion-related outflow-generation mechanism associated with discs and jets in low-mass objects with time-averaged accretion rates of ∼10−3 M⊙ yr−1 on to the cores. However, we also suggest an alternative model, in which the molecular outflow dynamics are dominated by the entrained mass and are unrelated to the details of the acceleration mechanism. We find no evidence that outflows contribute significantly to the turbulent kinetic energy of the surrounding dense cores

    Herschel Hi-GAL imaging of massive young stellar objects

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    We used Herschel Hi-GAL (Herschel infrared Galactic Plane survey) data to determine whether massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) are resolved at 70 μm and to study their envelope density distribution. Our analysis of three relatively isolated sources in the l = 30° and 59° Galactic fields show that the objects are partially resolved at 70 μm. The Herschel Hi-GAL survey data have a high scan velocity which makes unresolved and partially resolved sources appear elongated in the 70 μm images. We analysed the two scan directions separately and examine the intensity profile perpendicular to the scan direction. Spherically symmetric radiative transfer models with a power-law density distribution were used to study the circumstellar matter distribution. Single dish submm data were also included to study how different spatial information affects the fitted density distribution. The density distribution which best fits both the 70 μm intensity profile and spectral energy distribution has an average index of ∼0.5. This index is shallower than expected and is probably due to the dust emission from bipolar outflow cavity walls not accounted for in the spherical models. We conclude that 2D axisymmetric models and Herschel images at low scan speeds are needed to better constrain the matter distribution around MYSOs

    Spiral arms and instability within the AFGL 4176 mm1 disc

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    We present high-resolution (30 mas or 130 au at 4.2 kpc) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations at 1.2 mm of the disc around the forming O-type star AFGL 4176 mm1. The disc (AFGL 4176 mm1-main) has a radius of ∼1000 au and contains significant structure, most notably a spiral arm on its redshifted side. We fitted the observed spiral with logarithmic and Archimedean spiral models. We find that both models can describe its structure, but the Archimedean spiral with a varying pitch angle fits its morphology marginally better. As well as signatures of rotation across the disc, we observe gas arcs in CH3CN that connect to other millimetre continuum sources in the field, supporting the picture of interactions within a small cluster around AFGL 4176 mm1-main. Using local thermodynamic equilibrium modelling of the CH3CN K-ladder, we determine the temperature and velocity field across the disc, and thus produce a map of the Toomre stability parameter. Our results indicate that the outer disc is gravitationally unstable and has already fragmented or is likely to fragment in the future, possibly producing further companions. These observations provide evidence that disc fragmentation is one possible pathway towards explaining the high fraction of multiple systems around high-mass stars

    A search for non-thermal radio emission from jets of massive young stellar objects

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    Massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) have recently been shown to drive jets whose particles can interact with either the magnetic fields of the jet or ambient medium to emit non-thermal radiation. We report a search for non-thermal radio emission from a sample of 15 MYSOs to establish the prevalence of the emission in the objects. We used their spectra across the L, C, and Q bands along with spectral index maps to characterize their emission. We find that about 50 per cent of the sources show evidence for non-thermal emission with 40 per cent showing clear non-thermal lobes, especially sources of higher bolometric luminosity. The common or IRAS names of the sources that manifest non-thermal lobes are V645Cyg, IRAS 22134+5834, NGC 7538 IRS 9, IRAS 23262 + 640, AFGL 402d, and AFGL 490. All the central cores of the sources are thermal with corresponding mass-loss rates that lie in the range of ∼3 × 10−7 to 7×10−6M⊙yr−1⁠. Given the presence of non-thermal lobes in some of the sources and the evidence of non-thermal emission from some spectral index maps, it seems that magnetic fields play a significant role in the jets of massive protostars. Also noted is that some of the sources show evidence of binarity and variability

    Periodic methanol masers: from a colliding wind binary (CWB) perspective

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    Since the discovery of periodic class II methanol masers at 6.7 and 12.2 GHz associated with high-mass star formation regions (HMSFRs), a number of possible driving mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Here, we apply a more realistic treatment of the original colliding wind binary (CWB) model explanation to investigate to what extent it can describe the flare profiles of the periodic methanol masers. It was found that the CWB hypothesis is feasible from an energetics standpoint, because the emission from the shocked gas does cause an outward shift of the position of the ionization front (IF). This confirms that the energy budget available from the shocked gas is enough to be the driving force behind the CWB model. The CWB model describes the light curve of the 1.25 km s−1 12.2 GHz velocity feature of G9.62 + 0.20E very well over 4000 d. The quiescent state flux density of the 1.25 km s−1 velocity feature can also be described very well by the time-dependent change in electron density (ne). The CWB model also describes the other periodic methanol masers, G22.357 + 0.066, G37.55 + 0.20, and G45.473 + 0.134, which have similar light curves, very well. This strongly suggests that these periodic methanol masers can be described by the time-dependent change in the free–free emission from some part of the background H II region against which the masers are projected