84 research outputs found

    Exclusive rho^0 muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons

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    The transverse target spin azimuthal asymmetry A_UT in hard exclusive production of rho^0 mesons was measured at COMPASS by scattering 160 GeV/c muons off transversely polarised protons and deuterons. The measured asymmetry is sensitive to the nucleon helicity-flip generalised parton distributions E^q, which are related to the orbital angular momentum of quarks in the nucleon. The Q^2, x_B and p_t^2 dependence of A_UT is presented in a wide kinematic range. Results for deuterons are obtained for the first time. The measured asymmetry is small in the whole kinematic range for both protons and deuterons, which is consistent with the theoretical interpretation that contributions from GPDs E^u and E^d approximately cancel.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables, updated author lis

    Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified charged hadrons from deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target

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    Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering were measured in bins of the Bjorken scaling variable xx, the relative virtual-photon energy yy and the relative hadron energy zz. Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar target (6^6LiD). They cover the kinematic domain in the photon virtuality Q2Q^2 > 1(GeV/c)2)^2, 0.004<x<0.40.004 < x < 0.4, 0.2<z<0.850.2 < z < 0.85 and 0.1<y<0.70.1 < y < 0.7. In addition, a leading-order pQCD analysis was performed using the pion multiplicity results to extract quark fragmentation functions

    Longitudinal double spin asymmetries in single hadron quasi-real photoproduction at high pTp_T

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    We measured the longitudinal double spin asymmetries ALLA_{LL} for single hadron muo-production off protons and deuterons at photon virtuality Q2Q^2 < 1(GeV/c\it c)2^2 for transverse hadron momenta pTp_T in the range 0.7 GeV/c\it c to 4 GeV/c\it c . They were determined using COMPASS data taken with a polarised muon beam of 160 GeV/c\it c or 200 GeV/c\it c impinging on polarised 6LiD\mathrm{{}^6LiD} or NH3\mathrm{NH_3} targets. The experimental asymmetries are compared to next-to-leading order pQCD calculations, and are sensitive to the gluon polarisation ΔG\Delta G inside the nucleon in the range of the nucleon momentum fraction carried by gluons 0.05<xg<0.20.05 < x_g < 0.2

    Interplay among transversity induced asymmetries in hadron leptoproduction

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    In the fragmentation of a transversely polarized quark several left-right asymmetries are possible for the hadrons in the jet. When only one unpolarized hadron is selected, it exhibits an azimuthal modulation known as Collins effect. When a pair of oppositely charged hadrons is observed, three asymmetries can be considered, a di-hadron asymmetry and two single hadron asymmetries. In lepton deep inelastic scattering on transversely polarized nucleons all these asymmetries are coupled with the transversity distribution. From the high statistics COMPASS data on oppositely charged hadron-pair production we have investigated for the first time the dependence of these three asymmetries on the difference of the azimuthal angles of the two hadrons. The similarity of transversity induced single and di-hadron asymmetries is discussed. A new analysis of the data allows to establish quantitative relationships among them, providing for the first time strong experimental indication that the underlying fragmentation mechanisms are all driven by a common physical process.Comment: 6 figure

    Interplay among transversity induced asymmetries in hadron leptoproduction

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    In the fragmentation of a transversely polarized quark several left-right asymmetries are possible for the hadrons in the jet. When only one unpolarized hadron is selected, it exhibits an azimuthal modulation known as Collins effect. When a pair of oppositely charged hadrons is observed, three asymmetries can be considered, a di-hadron asymmetry and two single hadron asymmetries. In lepton deep inelastic scattering on transversely polarized nucleons all these asymmetries are coupled with the transversity distribution. From the high statistics COMPASS data on oppositely charged hadron-pair production we have investigated for the first time the dependence of these three asymmetries on the difference of the azimuthal angles of the two hadrons. The similarity of transversity induced single and di-hadron asymmetries is discussed. A new analysis of the data allows to establish quantitative relationships among them, providing for the first time strong experimental indication that the underlying fragmentation mechanisms are all driven by a common physical process.Comment: 6 figure

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised proton

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures and 1 tabl

    The Spin Structure Function g1pg_1^{\rm p} of the Proton and a Test of the Bjorken Sum Rule

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    New results for the double spin asymmetry A1pA_1^{\rm p} and the proton longitudinal spin structure function g1pg_1^{\rm p} are presented. They were obtained by the COMPASS collaboration using polarised 200 GeV muons scattered off a longitudinally polarised NH3_3 target. The data were collected in 2011 and complement those recorded in 2007 at 160\,GeV, in particular at lower values of xx. They improve the statistical precision of g1p(x)g_1^{\rm p}(x) by about a factor of two in the region x0.02x\lesssim 0.02. A next-to-leading order QCD fit to the g1g_1 world data is performed. It leads to a new determination of the quark spin contribution to the nucleon spin, ΔΣ\Delta \Sigma ranging from 0.26 to 0.36, and to a re-evaluation of the first moment of g1pg_1^{\rm p}. The uncertainty of ΔΣ\Delta \Sigma is mostly due to the large uncertainty in the present determinations of the gluon helicity distribution. A new evaluation of the Bjorken sum rule based on the COMPASS results for the non-singlet structure function g1NS(x,Q2)g_1^{\rm NS}(x,Q^2) yields as ratio of the axial and vector coupling constants gA/gV=1.22±0.05 (stat.)±0.10 (syst.)|g_{\rm A}/g_{\rm V}| = 1.22 \pm 0.05~({\rm stat.}) \pm 0.10~({\rm syst.}), which validates the sum rule to an accuracy of about 9\%.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures and table

    Measurement of the charged-pion polarisability

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    The COMPASS collaboration at CERN has investigated pion Compton scattering, πγπγ\pi^-\gamma\rightarrow \pi^-\gamma, at centre-of-mass energy below 3.5 pion masses. The process is embedded in the reaction πNiπγ  Ni\pi^-\mathrm{Ni}\rightarrow\pi^-\gamma\;\mathrm{Ni}, which is initiated by 190\,GeV pions impinging on a nickel target. The exchange of quasi-real photons is selected by isolating the sharp Coulomb peak observed at smallest momentum transfers, Q2<0.0015Q^2<0.0015\,(GeV/cc)2^2. From a sample of 63\,000 events the pion electric polarisability is determined to be $\alpha_\pi\ =\ (\,2.0\ \pm\ 0.6_{\mbox{\scriptsize stat}}\ \pm\ 0.7_{\mbox{\scriptsize syst}}\,) \times 10^{-4}\,\mbox{fm}^3undertheassumption under the assumption \alpha_\pi=-\beta_\pi$, which relates the electric and magnetic dipole polarisabilities. It is the most precise measurement of this fundamental low-energy parameter of strong interaction, that has been addressed since long by various methods with conflicting outcomes. While this result is in tension with previous dedicated measurements, it is found in agreement with the expectation from chiral perturbation theory. An additional measurement replacing pions by muons, for which the cross-section behavior is unambigiously known, was performed for an independent estimate of the systematic uncertainty.Comment: Published version: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Search for exclusive photoproduction of Zc±_c^{\pm}(3900) at COMPASS

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    A search for the exclusive production of the Zc±(3900)Z_c^{\pm}(3900) hadron by virtual photons has been performed in the channel Zc±(3900)J/ψπ±Z_c^{\pm}(3900)\rightarrow J/\psi \pi^{\pm}. The data cover the range from 7 GeV to 19 GeV in the centre-of-mass energy of the photon-nucleon system. The full set of the COMPASS data set collected with a muon beam between 2002 and 2011 has been used. An upper limit for the ratio BR(Zc±(3900)J/ψπ±)×σγ NZc±(3900) N/σγ NJ/ψ NBR(Z_c^{\pm}(3900)\rightarrow J/\psi \pi^{\pm} )\times \sigma_{ \gamma~N \rightarrow Z_c^{\pm}(3900)~ N} /\sigma_{\gamma~N \rightarrow J/\psi~ N} of 3.7×1033.7\times10^{-3} has been established at the confidence level of 90%.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Resonance Production and ππ\pi\pi S-wave in π+pπππ++precoil\pi^- + p \rightarrow \pi^- \pi^- \pi^+ + p_{recoil} at 190 GeV/c

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    The COMPASS collaboration has collected the currently largest data set on diffractively produced πππ+\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+ final states using a negative pion beam of 190 GeV/c momentum impinging on a stationary proton target. This data set allows for a systematic partial-wave analysis in 100 bins of three-pion mass, 0.5<m3π<2.50.5 < m_{3\pi} < 2.5 GeV/c2^2 , and in 11 bins of the reduced four-momentum transfer squared, 0.1<t<1.00.1 < t < 1.0 (GeV/c)2^2 . This two-dimensional analysis offers sensitivity to genuine one-step resonance production, i.e. the production of a state followed by its decay, as well as to more complex dynamical effects in nonresonant 3π3\pi production. In this paper, we present detailed studies on selected 3π3\pi partial waves with JPC=0+J^{PC} = 0^{-+}, 1++1^{++}, 2+2^{-+}, 2++2^{++}, and 4++4^{++}. In these waves, we observe the well-known ground-state mesons as well as a new narrow axial-vector meson a1(1420)a_1(1420) decaying into f0(980)πf_0(980) \pi. In addition, we present the results of a novel method to extract the amplitude of the ππ+\pi^-\pi^+ subsystem with IGJPC=0+0++I^{G}J^{PC} = 0^+ 0^{++} in various partial waves from the πππ+\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+ data. Evidence is found for correlation of the f0(980)f_0(980) and f0(1500)f_0(1500) appearing as intermediate ππ+\pi^- \pi^+ isobars in the decay of the known π(1800)\pi(1800) and π2(1880)\pi_2(1880).Comment: 96 page