430 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic production of hydrogen: an innovative use for biomass derivatives

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    Hydrogen is considered the energy carrier of the future because of its clean and very flexible conversion into different forms of energy, e.g., into heat via combustion or electricity via fuel cells. Traditionally, hydrogen is produced from natural gas steam reforming from fossil fuels making the effective implementation of hydrogen economically and environmentally unsustainable. To overcome this problem, several routes are being proposed for hydrogen production from renewable sources. Recent research points to the photoinduced reforming of biomass as a promising possibility, since it uses solar radiation, an inexhaustible source of energy, and raw materials derived from renewable sources such as biomass and water. Studies in this field are still incipient but quite encouraging. The process combines photocatalytic water splitting with the photodecomposition of organic compounds mediated by an irradiated semiconductor. In this process, the water oxidation reaction is suppressed by a sacrificial electron donor (biomass), as well as the formation of superoxide radicals when the reaction is carried out under anaerobic conditions. The hydrogen production rates from photoinduced reforming are similar or superior to other processes, including biomass hydrolysis and aqueous phase reforming. However, the major researches into hydrogen production by photoinduced reforming of biomass derivatives have focused on TiO2, which limits the portion of solar radiation absorbed as UV light. Thus, the current challenge in this field is the development of narrow band gap semiconductors that are able to drive the photoinduced reform of biomass with visible light, which corresponds to about 43% of solar radiation

    Difficulties in caring for the older adults: perspective of Brazilian and Portuguese caregivers

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    This study aims to understand the difficulties in caring for the older adults with functional dependence from the perspective of Brazilian and Portuguese caregivers. This is a study based on the Theory of Social Representations, based on the Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin, carried out with 21 informal caregivers of older adults in Brazil and 11 informal caregivers of older adults in Portugal. The instrument consisted of a questionnaire with sociodemographic data and data on health conditions along with an open interview with guiding questions on the theme of care. Data were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique proposed by Bardin, with the help of the QRS NVivo® Version 11 software (QSR International, Burlington, MA, USA). Three categories emerged from the speeches: “Caregiver burden”, “Caregiver support network” and “Older adults resistance”. The main difficulties mentioned by caregivers were associated with family articulation in meeting the needs of their older adults, whether due to the excessive demand of tasks, which results in overloading the caregiver, or the behaviors of the older adults themselves, or even the availability of a truly supportive and effective network.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation delivery in a low-resource setting from the perspective of healthcare administrators, rehabilitation providers, and cardiac patients

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    Background: Despite clinical practice guideline recommendations that cardiovascular disease patients participate, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are highly unavailable and underutilized. This is particularly true in low-resource settings, where the epidemic is at its’ worst. The reasons are complex, and include health system, program and patient-level barriers. This is the first study to assess barriers at all these levels concurrently, and to do so in a lowresource setting. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data from three cohorts (healthcare administrators, CR coordinators and patients) were triangulated. Healthcare administrators from all institutions offering cardiac services, and providers from all CR programs in public and private institutions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil were invited to complete a questionnaire. Patients from a random subsample of 12 outpatient cardiac clinics and 11 CR programs in these institutions completed the CR Barriers Scale. Results: Thirty-two (35.2%) healthcare administrators, 16 (28.6%) CR providers and 805 cardiac patients (305 [37.9%] attending CR) consented to participate. Administrators recognized the importance of CR, but also the lack of resources to deliver it; CR providers noted referral is lacking. Patients who were not enrolled in CR reported significantly greater barriers related to comorbidities/functional status, perceived need, personal/family issues and access than enrollees, and enrollees reported travel/work conflicts as greater barriers than non-enrollees (all p < 0.01). Conclusions: The inter-relationship among barriers at each level is evident; without resources to offer more programs, there are no programs to which physicians can refer (and hence inform and encourage patients to attend), and patients will continue to have barriers related to distance, cost and transport. Advocacy for services is needed. Keywords: Health care services, Cardiac rehabilitation, Cardiac care facilities, Attitude of health personnelYork University Librarie

    Estuário, paisagem-fluxo de pescadores artesanais

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    Este artigo trata da constituição de uma paisagem estuarina, a paisagem da pesca artesanal no estuário do Rio Goiana, nos estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba. Paisagens são produto do ato de habitar; constituir uma paisagem, portanto, implica a constituição de uma malha de relações entre humanos e não-humanos, sendo os fios desta malha os movimentos e percursos percorridos. Descrevemos a constituição desta paisagem por uma tensão entre forças produtivas de espaços lisos e de espaços estriados, ou seja, entre devires de fluidez e plasticidade (fluxos de marés, de pescados e de pescadores), por um lado, e devires de fixidez e disciplinamento (ordenamentos territoriais, instalação de empreendimentos privados), por outro. Indicamos as práticas de conhecimento das diversas modalidades de relação pescador-pescado-pescaria presentes no estuário. Caracterizamos os efeitos de processos de estriamento destrutivos desta paisagem. Indicamos ainda a produção de um estriamento específico no espaço, a Reserva Extrativista Acaú-Goiana, como uma forma de manter dentro de si a paisagem lisa da pesca artesanal, e indicamos os limites desta estratégia. A paisagem-fluxo da pesca artesanal nos parece sugerir a urgência de uma ecologia política dos espaços lisos. Palavras-chave: Paisagem. Pesca artesanal. Reservas extrativistas. Manguezal Estuary, landscape-flow fisherfolk Abstract This article deals with the establishment of an estuarine landscape, the landscape of artisanal fisheries in the estuary of the River Goiás , in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba . Landscapes are the product of the act of inhabiting ; constitute a landscape , therefore, implies the establishment of a network of relationships between humans and non - humans, and the strands of this mesh movements and traversed paths . We describe the creation of this landscape by a tension between the productive forces of smooth spaces and striated space , ie between becomings of fluidity and plasticity ( tidal flows of fish and fishermen ) on the one hand , and becomings of fixity and disciplining ( territorial systems, installation of private enterprises ) , on the other . Indicate the practical knowledge of the different types of relation - fishing angler - fish present in the estuary. We characterize the effects of destructive processes of this landscape striation . Also indicate the production of a specific banding within the Extractive Reserve Acaú - Goiás , as a way of keeping within itself the flat landscape of artisanal fisheries , and indicate the limits of this strategy . The landscape - scale fisheries flow seems to suggest the urgency of a political ecology of smooth spaces . Key-words : Landscape. Artisanal fishing. Extractive reserves. Mangrov


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    Objective: To describe the practices, attitudes and knowledge of hospital nurses about Evidence-Based Practice.Method: Descriptive study with 124 nurses from a university hospital in Sergipe, Brazil. The Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire was applied between January and February 2019, and data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis and Post hoc tests.Results: Of the total participants, 86.3% are female; the mean age is 34.5 years and the time since graduation ranged from five to ten years. The final average score for the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire was 115.9, indicating positive attitudes of nurses related to Evidence-Based Practice.Conclusion: Nurses’ attitudes are based on scientific results. However, the best evidence is not always used to support professional practices. Disseminating the appropriate use of research in Nursing contributes to patient safety, permanent education and quality of care.Objetivo: descrever as práticas, atitudes e conhecimento dos enfermeiros hospitalares sobre a Prática Baseada em Evidências.Método: estudo descritivo, com 124 enfermeiros de um hospital universitário de Sergipe, Brasil. Foi aplicado o questionário Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire, entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2019, e os dados analisados pelos testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis e Post hoc.Resultados: 86,3% dos participantes são do sexo feminino, média de idade de 34,5 anos e tempo de formação entre cinco e dez anos. A pontuação média final para a escala de Prática Baseada em Evidências e Efetividade foi de 115,9, indicando atitudes positivas dos enfermeiros relacionadas à Prática Baseada em Evidências.Conclusão: as atitudes dos enfermeiros são embasadas em resultados científicos, entretanto, nem sempre as melhores evidências são utilizadas no subsídio das práticas profissionais. Difundir o uso adequado da pesquisa na Enfermagem contribui para a segurança do paciente, educação permanente e qualidade da assistência.Objetivo: Describir las prácticas, actitudes y conocimientos de enfermeros hospitalarios sobre Práctica Basada en la Evidencia. Método: Estudio descriptivo, con 124 enfermeros de hospital universitario de Sergipe, Brasil. Fue aplicado cuestionario Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire, en enero y febrero de 2019. Datos analizados por tests de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis y Post hoc. Resultados: 86,3% de participantes era de sexo femenino, media etaria de 34,5 años, tiempo de formación entre cinco y diez años. El puntaje promedio final para la escala de Práctica Basadaen la Evidencia y Efectividad fue 115,9, indicando actitudes positivas de los enfermeros respecto de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia. Conclusión: Las actitudes de los enfermeros se basaron en resultados científicos, aunque no siempre las mejores evidencias son utilizadas como respaldo de las prácticas profesionales. Difundir el adecuado uso de la investigación en Enfermería contribuye a la seguridad del paciente, la educación continua y la calidad de atención


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    The present work aims to present an analysis of the short story “The twine”, written by the French short story writer Guy de Maupassant, a work in which the author makes observations and profound analyzes of a pre-capitalist society, presenting problems that are still present in contemporary society, such as individualism, human trivialization versus values of capitalism. For the theoretical basis of this study, the radical imaginary of Cornelius Castoriadis was considered, focusing on the concepts of autonomy and heteronomy, seeking to reflect on the themes addressed in the short story. Discussions revolve around the radical imaginary as a network of meanings that make human relationships forceful for society or social groups, which are results of the socially and historically instituted imaginary, considering the founding elements of symbolization: beliefs, interests, needs and that interfere in the interpretations of individual experiences, constituted collectively. We believe that heteronomous societies produce human alienation, preventing subjects from recognizing themselves as social and historically constituted beings, thus, consequently, being fated to suffer the effects of this social organization.O presente trabalho visa apresentar uma análise do conto “O barbante”, escrito pelo contista francês Guy de Maupassant, obra em que o autor faz observações e análises profundas de uma sociedade pré-capitalista, apresentando problemáticas que continuam presentes na sociedade contemporânea como o individualismo, a banalização humana versus valores do capitalismo. Considerou-se para a base teórica deste estudo o imaginário radical de Cornelius Castoriadis, com enfoque nos conceitos de autonomia e heteronomia, buscando refletir sobre as temáticas abordadas no conto. As discussões giram em torno do imaginário radical enquanto rede de sentidos que torna as relações humanas forçosas para a sociedade ou grupos sociais, que são resultados do imaginário instituído social e historicamente, considerando os elementos fundantes da simbolização: crenças, interesses, necessidades e que interferem nas interpretações das experiências individuais, constituídas coletivamente. Consideramos que as sociedades heteronômicas produzem a alienação humana impedindo os sujeitos de se reconhecerem como seres sociais e historicamente constituídos, assim, consequentemente estando fadados a sofrer os efeitos dessa organização social

    Draft Genome Sequence Of The Biosurfactant-producing Bacterium Gordonia Amicalis Strain Ccma-559, Isolated From Petroleum-impacted Sediment.

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    Gordonia amicalis strain CCMA-559 was isolated from an oil-contaminated mangrove swamp and shown to produce biosurfactants. This strain is a strict aerobe that readily degrades an array of carbon sources, including N-acetylglucosamine, cellobiose, Tween 80, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and, like other G. amicalis strains, likely desulfurizes dibenzothiophene.


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    Objetivo: compreender o cotidiano vivido pela equipe de Enfermagem no sistema penal. Método: pesquisa qualitativa realizada com quatro enfermeiros e dois técnicos de Enfermagem de um Centro de Remanejamento Prisional, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista entre junho e julho de 2018, e analisados com base no referencial de Minayo. Resultados: emergiram quatro categorias temáticas: “percepção do cuidado de Enfermagem à pessoa privada de liberdade”; “dificuldades para prestar assistência no presídio”; “sensação de invisibilidade do cuidado de Enfermagem no sistema prisional”; e “ambiguidade de sentimentos ao cuidar da saúde no sistema prisional.” Conclusão: o ambiente prisional não favorece ações concretas de promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos. O enfrentamento viria com educação permanente, reuniões clínico-administrativas, além da construção de protocolos e diretrizes que sistematizem e sustentem as práticas.Descritores: Assistência à saúde. Enfermagem. Prisões. Prisioneiros. Descritores: Assistência à saúde. Enfermagem. Prisões. Prisioneiros.

    An in vitro dynamic model of catheter-associated urinary tract infections to investigate the role of uncommon bacteria on the Escherichia coli microbial consortium

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    About 9% of nosocomial infections are attributed to catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). Uncommon bacteria (Delftia tusurhatensis) have been isolated in CAUTIs in combination with wellestablished pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli. Nonetheless, the reason why E. coli coexists with other bacteria instead of outcompeting and completely eliminating them are unknown. As such, a flow cell reactor simulating the hydrodynamic conditions found in CAUTIs (shear rate of 15 s-1) was used to characterize the microbial physiology of E. coli and D. tsuruhatensis individually and in consortium, in terms of growth kinetics and substrate uptake. Single-species biofilms showed that up to 48 h the CFU counts significantly increased for both species (p<0.05). After 48 h, both species stabilized with similar CFU values reaching log 6.24 CFU.cm2 for E. coli and log 6.31 CFU.cm2 for D. tsuruhatensis (p>0.05). The assessment of spatial distribution of dual-species biofilms by LNA/2´OMe-FISH revealed that E. coli and D. tsuruhatensis coexist and tend to co-aggregate over time, which implies that bacteria are able to cooperate synergistically. Substrate uptake measurements revealed that in artificial urine medium the bacteria metabolized lactic acid, uric acid (E. coli and D. tsuruhatensis) and citric acid (D. tsuruhatensis). In the consortium, D. tsuruhatensis consumed citric acid more rapidly, presumably leaving more uric acid available in the medium to be used by E. coli. In conclusion, metabolic cooperation between E. coli and uncommon species seems to occur when these species share the same environment, leading to the formation of a stable microbial community

    Production and physicochemical characterization of genotypes of Eugenia uniflora L.

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    Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) is an exotic fruit species of significant economic importance. However, due to genetic variability, its exploitation is hampered by the lack of homogeneous fruit production. In this scenario, this study aimed to select pitanga genotypes according to the physical and physicochemical parameters of fruits grown under semi-arid conditions. The study was developed at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region with genotypes resulting from the open pollination of the pitanga variety ‘Tropicana”. Thirty-nine pitanga genotypes were evaluated for fruit mass, fruit length, fruit diameter, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid (AA), pH, and SS/TA ratio. The pitanga genotypes showed high variability. The clustering method separated the genotypes according to desirable traits. Genotype A12 showed the largest fruit sizes, whereas genotype A8 showed the highest SS and TA contents. Genotypes A2, A13, A34, and A39 showed fruits with the highest AT values. On the other hand, genotypes A11, A16, A45, A9, A26, and A44 showed the most significant contents of pH and SS/TA. Highlights The grouping of two genotypes depends on the environmental conditions, mainly on the effect of two genotypes per year. The analysis of principal components allows selecting the genotypes based on their desired characteristics. The physical and chemical composition of two pitanga fruits are affected by climatic conditions, genotypes and years of cultivation.Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) is an exotic fruit species of significant economic importance. However, due to genetic variability, its exploitation is hampered by the lack of homogeneous fruit production. In this scenario, this study aimed to select pitanga genotypes according to the physical and physicochemical parameters of fruits grown under semi-arid conditions. The study was developed at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region with genotypes resulting from the open pollination of the pitanga variety ‘Tropicana”. Thirty-nine pitanga genotypes were evaluated for fruit mass, fruit length, fruit diameter, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid (AA), pH, and SS/TA ratio. The pitanga genotypes showed high variability. The clustering method separated the genotypes according to desirable traits. Genotype A12 showed the largest fruit sizes, whereas genotype A8 showed the highest SS and TA contents. Genotypes A2, A13, A34, and A39 showed fruits with the highest AT values. On the other hand, genotypes A11, A16, A45, A9, A26, and A44 showed the most significant contents of pH and SS/TA. Highlights The grouping of two genotypes depends on the environmental conditions, mainly on the effect of two genotypes per year. The analysis of principal components allows selecting the genotypes based on their desired characteristics. The physical and chemical composition of two pitanga fruits are affected by climatic conditions, genotypes and years of cultivation