2,729 research outputs found
Berberis microphylla: A species with phenotypic plasticity in different climatic conditions
Berberis microphylla G. Forst., commonly called as "calafate" produces small fruits with high content of carbohydrates, phenols and antioxidants. The objective of this work was to characterize the vegetative and reproductive cycle of Berberis microphylla cultivated on Moreno (Buenos Aires province), Argentina in comparison with the results obtained in Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) which is its place of origin. Vegetative growth was very different in the two localities. Moreno plants grew with more lax branches than Ushuaia. In effect, length of the shoots was significantly higher for Moreno than Ushuaia plants. Flowering period in Ushuaia plants was concentrated in November while in Moreno it happens earlier and over a longer period. Pollen grains collected from Moreno flowers had a diameter of ~60 μm, significantly different to pollen grain from Ushuaia (57.11 μm). Nevertheless, pollen grain vitality was superior in Ushuaia flowers (75%) as compared to Moreno flowers (52%). On the other hand, fruit harvested in Moreno was at 60 days from full bloom while in Ushuaia plants at 120 days. Although the size and compounds measured in the fruits of Moreno were lower than those of Ushuaia, results obtained indicate that B. microphylla grown on Moreno is an interesting option to obtain another nutraceutical fruit near the centers of mass consumption.Fil: Radice, Silvia. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de AgronomÃa y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Marta. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de AgronomÃa y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; ArgentinaFil: Arena, Miriam Elisabet. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de AgronomÃa y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas; Argentin
Integración conceptual en estudiantes universitarios a partir de una actividad experimental de fÃsica
La actividad experimental, genera un espacio para que los estudiantes tomen decisiones y desarrollen estrategias para el tratamiento cientÃfico de una situación problemática. En este sentido, los contenidos conceptuales se interrelacionan con la actividad del sujeto y orientan el proceso de resolución y el análisis e interpretación de los resultados obtenidos. Desde esta perspectiva esta investigación se orientó hacia el reconocimiento de los niveles de integración conceptual que alcanzan en FÃsica I los estudiantes universitarios de carreras de ingenierÃa cuando resuelven una situación como problema experimental semi-estructurado en el área de la Dinámica de la partÃcula. Se analizan los procesos de conceptualización desarrollados y se establecen modos de razonamiento a partir de categorÃas y modalidades conceptuales definidas a priori. Finalmente, en base a las caracterÃsticas detectadas se identificaron las contribuciones que emergieron de la conceptualización de la actividad experimentalFil: Scancich, Miriam. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, IngenierÃa y Agrimensura.Fil: Yanitelli, Marta. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, IngenierÃa y Agrimensura.Fil: Massa, Marta. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, IngenierÃa y Agrimensura
Applicazioni GIS per l’analisi dell’urbanizzazione nella provincia di Napoli. Un’analisi multitemporale in aree esposte a elevato rischio vulcanico
Il presente lavoro si colloca all’interno di due progetti finalizzati alla
definizione di modelli e applicazioni GIS per le analisi geografiche di
rischio vulcanico in aree fortemente esposte, dove i danni potenziali
potrebbero acquisire connotati di drammaticità a causa degli elevati
livelli di urbanizzazione e della concomitanza di componenti socio-
demografiche, economiche e storico-culturali di assoluto rilievo,
come nel caso della provincia di Napoli.
Per fornire uno spaccato d’insieme, atto a evidenziare i progressi raggiunti
nelle analisi di pericolosità e rischio vulcanico con il supporto
dei GIS, viene effettuata una disamina di numerosi studi condotti
nell’ultimo quindicennio a livello internazionale, con particolare riferimento
all’area vesuviana e a quella flegrea. Successivamente, si
propone un’analisi cartografica dell’urbanizzazione della provincia di
Napoli e un’analisi diacronica del consumo di suolo registrato negli
ultimi venti anni. Le elaborazioni prodotte permettono di quantificare
ed evidenziare la considerevole artificializzazione dell’area vesuviana
e flegrea, una delle più alte in Italia, che rappresenta un fattore
di complessità e criticità nella gestione del rischio. Inoltre la crescita
delle superfici artificiali non accenna a diminuire, soprattutto a danno
di quelle agricole, come dimostra l’analisi evolutiva dell’uso del
suolo nel periodo 1990-2009. In un territorio dagli equilibri così precari,
dove gli spazi risultano congestionati e i livelli di rischio vulcanico
assai elevati, il contenimento dello sprawl urbano e del consumo
di suolo rappresentano una stringente necessità e l’applicazione GIS
qui proposta fornisce elementi di dettaglio ed elaborazioni di sintesiThis paper is part of two projects aimed at defining models and GIS
applications for the geographical analysis of volcanic risk in very exposed
areas, where the damage could assume dramatic dimensions
due to the high level of urbanization added to the presence of considerable
socio-demographic, economic and historical-cultural elements,
as in the case of the Naples Province.
In order to provide a general framework, which might illustrate the
progress made so far in hazard and risk studies over the last fifteen
years, this paper examines the results of the international research
conducted on these issues and, in particular, on the area of Vesuvius
and the Campi Flegrei (Phlegraean Fields), and focuses the attention
on the added value of GIS through the proposal of a cartographic
analysis of the Naples Province and the urban sprawl over the last
twenty years. The cartographic elaborations show the high urbanization
of the study area, which is one of the highest in Italy, representing
a complex and critical factor for risk management. Indeed there has
been no decrease in the growth of artificial surfaces, as confirmed by
the diachronic analysis carried out for 1990-2009. The control of urban
sprawl is instead necessary in this fragile area, characterized by
a very high anthropic presence and considerable volcanic risk. In the
area of Vesuvius and the Campi Flegrei there is a real conflict between
risk prevention and urban planning, that is much more pronounced in
comparison with other urban areas. Any strategies and plans of action
for urban development must necessarily address a sustainable
use of resources
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Using TREC for cross-comparison between classic IR and ontology-based search models at a Web scale
The construction of standard datasets and benchmarks to evaluate ontology-based search approaches and to compare then against baseline IR models is a major open problem in the semantic technologies community. In this paper we propose a novel evaluation benchmark for ontology-based IR models based on an adaptation of the well-known Cranfield paradigm (Cleverdon, 1967) traditionally used by the IR community. The proposed benchmark comprises: 1) a text document collection, 2) a set of queries and their corresponding document relevance judgments and 3) a set of ontologies and Knowledge Bases covering the query topics. The document collection and the set of queries and judgments are taken from one of the most widely used datasets in the IR community, the TREC Web track. As a use case example we apply the proposed benchmark to compare a real ontology-based search model (Fernandez, et al., 2008) against the best IR systems of TREC 9 and TREC 2001 competitions. A deep analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of this benchmark and a discussion of how it can be used to evaluate other ontology-based search systems is also included at the end of the paper
Hyperferritinemia—a clinical overview
Ferritin is one of the most frequently requested laboratory tests in primary and secondary care, and levels often deviate from reference ranges. Serving as an indirect marker for total body iron stores, low ferritin is highly specific for iron deficiency. Hyperferritinemia is, however, a non-specific finding, which is frequently overlooked in general practice. In routine medical practice, only 10% of cases are related to an iron overload, whilst the rest is seen as a result of acute phase reactions and reactive increases in ferritin due to underlying conditions. Differentiation of the presence or absence of an associated iron overload upon hyperferritinemia is essential, although often proves to be complex. In this review, we have performed a review of a selection of the literature based on the authors’ own experiences and assessments in accordance with international recommendations and guidelines. We address the biology, etiology, and epidemiology of hyperferritinemia. Finally, an algorithm for the diagnostic workup and management of hyperferritinemia is proposed, and general principles regarding the treatment of iron overload are discussed.publishedVersio
Projecto editorial de revista: Blurred Senses Porto Mag
Devido à crise da dÃvida pública que atualmente a europa atravessa, paÃses como Portugal tiveram efeitos adversos na sua economia. Sendo o turismo uma grande fonte de receitas e Portugal um destino com bastante procura tanto nacional como estrangeira, existe a necessidade de inovar e cativar o público mais jovem para o Património nele existente. Sendo assim o projecto aqui apresentado tem como ponto de partida o desenvolvimento de uma revista que pretende dar a conhecer aos leitores a sua própria cidade, tendo para tal nas suas edições um tema da cidade, que pode ir desde gastronomia, parques, cultura, etc. assentes no património da cidade tanto os bens imóveis - castelos, igrejas…, como nos bens imateriais como a música e os costumes. A revista foi o suporte escolhido para este projecto, visto que é um suporte que interage com diversos meios visuais e que do ponto de vista mental atrai diversos públicos tanto nacionais como estrangeiros, ajudando a divulgar e reforçar a mensagem que a revista pretende transmitir, um ponto-chave para a sua comercialização e existência
A natureza e especificidade do espaço mental através do rorschach. Um espaço potencial? Análise de um protocolo de uma paciente limite
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioNeste trabalho apresentamos uma proposta diferente de análise de um protocolo de
Rorschach, evidenciando a possibilidade de aceder através desta prova a dimensões do
funcionamento mental de um sujeito não consagradas na análise clássica de protocolos.
Mostramos a possibilidade de ler, através do Rorschach, o conceito de espaço mental/
A partir dos trabalhos de Grotstein (1978), Winnicott (1971/ 1975; 1988; 1990) e Ogden
(1985; 1992) sobre o desenvolvimento e caracterÃsticas do espaço mental constituÃmos três
tipos de espaço mental que se podem formar num sujeito: espaço mental unidimensional ou
universo do ponto, espaço mental bidimensional ou universo da linha e espaço mental
tridimensional, universo do plano ou espaço potencial.
Estudamos este conceito na estrutura de personalidade limite.
Apresentamos uma grelha de procedimentos Rorschach que criámos para ler o conceito de
espaço mental e aplicamo-la na análise de um protocolo de uma paciente limite.
A análise do protocolo de Rorschach evidencia a existência de um espaço mental
bidimensional (linha), com a presença de elementos mais caracterÃsticos de um espaço
mental unidimensional (ponto).ABSTRACT: In this work we present a different proposal of analysis of a Rorschach’s
protocol, making clear the possibility to accede through this test to dimensions of the mental
functioning of a subject not recognized in classic analysis of protocols.
We show the possibility to red, through the Rorschach, the concept of mental space/ potential
Based on works of Grotstein (1978), Winnicott (1971/ 1975; 1988; 1990) and Ogden (1985;
1992) about development and characteristics of the mental space we constitute three types of
mental space that if can form in a subject: one-dimensional mental space or universe of the
point, two-dimensional mental space or universe of the line and three-dimensional mental
space, universe of the plane or potential space.
We study this concept in the borderline structure.
We present a list of Rorschach’s procedures that we created to read the concept of mental
space and we employ it in the analysis of a protocol of a borderline patient.
The analysis of the Rorschach’s protocol show the existence of a two-dimensional mental
space (line), with a presence of characteristic elements of a one-dimensional space (point)
Online reviews and product sales: the role of review visibility
When studying the impact of online reviews on product sales, previous scholars have usually assumed that every review for a product has the same probability of being viewed by consumers. However, decision-making and information processing theories underline that the accessibility of information plays a role in consumer decision-making. We incorporate the notion of review visibility to study the relationship between online reviews and product sales, which is proxied by sales rank information, studying three different cases: (1) when every online review isassumed to have the same probability of being viewed; (2) when we assume that consumers sort online reviews by the most helpful mechanism; and (3) when we assume that consumers sort online reviews by the most recent mechanism. Review non-textual and textual variables are analyzed. The empirical analysis is conducted using a panel of 119 cosmetic products over a period of nine weeks. Using the system generalized method of moments (system GMM) method for dynamic models of panel data, our findings reveal that review variables influence product sales, but the magnitude, and even the direction of the effect, vary amongst visibility cases. Overall, the characteristics of the most helpful reviews have a higher impact on sales.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant number ECO2015-65393-
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