250 research outputs found

    Local emergence and international developments of conservation trading systems: innovation dynamics and related problems

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Conservation trading has developed as a policy instrument for biodiversity protection. This paper traces the emergence, development, and spread of conservation trading, focusing particularly on the formation and activities of an increasingly transnational policy instrument constituency, namely the actor group that has formed around the policy instrument in its support. The development of conservation trading was predominantly guided by a constituency of dominant business-oriented actors, beginning with mitigation measures in the USA and making later connections to international networks with a similar market-driven orientation for environmental protection. By strategically combining agenda-driven research with the mobilization of political support, this constituency helped to establish conservation trading as a widely acknowledged policy solution applicable to various ecological and sociopolitical contexts. Yet, this was achieved, in part, at the cost of neglecting critical issues, such as the recognition of policy alternatives or socioecological or cultural context particularities. Whereas the development of conservation trading is sometimes portrayed as a rational process of neutral policy learning, this process, through its constituency, has developed a life and political momentum of its own, which must be acknowledged when engaging with the design and implementation of better conservation policies. A forward-looking social policy assessment approach is required, which opens up policy design discourses for debate and reflexive engagement. Acknowledging possible shortcomings with a broad range of concerned societal actors can help to assure policy transparency, add specificity, and increase the sound ecological and societal embedding of conservation trading

    Textile based electrochromic cells prepared with PEDOT : PSS and gelled electrolyte

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    Electrochromic devices can act as passive displays. They change their color when a low voltage is applied. Flexible and bendable hybrid textile-film electrochromic devices with poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) were prepared on polyethylene polyethylene terephthalate (PEPES) membranes using a spray coating technique. The electrolyte consisted of a gelatin glycerol mixture as host matrix and calcium chloride. Titanium dioxide was used as an ion storage layer and a carbon containing dispersion was used for the counter electrode on a polyester rip-stop fabric. The sheet resistance of PEDOT:PSS on PEPES was 500 Ohm/sq. A 5 × 5 electrochromic matrix with individually addressable pixels was successfully designed and assembled. The switching time of the pixels was 2 s at a voltage of 2.0 V directly after assembling. The use of titanium dioxide as ion storage also increased the contrast of the dark-blue reduced electrochromic layer. Coloration was not self-sustaining. The PEDOT:PSS layer needed a constant low voltage of at least 0.5 V to sustain in the dark-blue reduced state. The switching time increased with time. After 12 months the switching time was ~4 s at a voltage of 2.8 V. The addition of glycerol into the electrolyte extended the lifetime of a non-encapsulated textile electrochromic cell, because moisture is retained in the electrolyte. Charge carriers can be transported into and out of the electrochromic layer

    Challenging futures of biodiversity offsets and banking : Critical issues for robust forms of biodiversity conservation

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    The underlying project “Innovation in Governance” (Grant No. 01UU0906) from which this publication derives is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany.The interactive and anticipatory assessment exercise on which this report is based was part of a broader research project that focused on the innovation dynamics of governance instruments in the areas of environmental markets, public participation methods and sustainability transition management. By circulating these workshop results, we seek to contribute to a debate on biodiversity offsets and banking design with regard to constituting political reality in biodiversity conservation models.BMBF, 01UU0906, Innovation in Governanc


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    NAFISATIN :“Penerapan Metode Snowball Drilling(Latihan) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Kelas VIII Di Smp Negeri 1 Kaliwedi Kecamatan Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon”. Kegiatan pembelajaran IPS di SMP Negeri 1 Kaliwedi bisa dikatakan monoton atau tanpa ada variasi baik dari segi model, strategi, metode ataupun pendekatan pembelajaran atau bisa disebut juga pembelajaran yang dilakukan masih menggunakan pendekatan yang tradisional dalam aktivitas pembelajaranya. jadi guru hanya menjadi subjek, satu–satunya pusat informasi pengetahuan, sedangkan anak sebagai objek yang harus diisi atau guru hanya menyampaikan materi–materi pelajaran dan siswa dituntut untuk menghafal semua pengetahunya. pada akhrinya pembelajaran seperti ini tidak bisa menggali potensi terbesar anak didik, kreativitas anak tidak berkembang dalam membangun sendiri konsep – konsep pengetahuanya dari sumber – sumber yang ada , efektivitas pembelajaran tidak tercapai, dan anak merasa jenuh dan pada akhirnya semua ini berimbas kepada hasil belajar siswa yang kuarang atau kecil. Tujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk mengetahui penerapan metode snowball drilling dalam mata pelajaran IPS kelas VIII di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon. (2) Untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon. (3) Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan metode snowball drilling pada mata pelajaran IPS Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon. Metode snowball drilling tidak di pakai dalam konteks diskusi, melainkan pemberian informasi sebanyak-banyaknya melalui latihan soal-soal. Snowball drilling bukan untuk pembelajaran berbasis masalah melaikan materi-materi yang bersifat factual. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga(3) siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes, lembar observasi dan angket . Tes digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Kaliwedi Kabupaten Cirebon. Hasil penelitian Penerapan metode snowball drilling pada mata pelajaran IPS terpadu kelas VIII di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi kabupaten Cirebon, sudah berhasil dan mampu diterapkan oleh guru mata pelajaran IPS, sehingga siswa lebih tertarik pada pelajaran IPS.Metode snowball drilling dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi kabupaten Cirebon pada mata pelajaran IPS pada mata pelajaran IPS terpadu pada tahun ajaran 201102012. Ketuntasan klasikal sebelum tindakan 12%, meningkat pada siklus I 30%, meningkat lagi pada siklus II yaitu sebesar 73,5%, dan pada siklus yang terakhir atau siklus III mengalami peningkatan sebesar 92,5%. Respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran dengan penerapan metode snowball drilling pada mata pelajaran IPS terpadu di SMP Negeri I Kaliwedi kabupaten Cirebon kelas VIII D mencapai 81,25 %, artinya menunjukkan secara keseluruhan respon siswa terhadap metode snowball drilling sangat kuat.

    Challenging futures of citizen panels : critical issues for robust forms of public participation

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    The underlying project “Innovation in Governance” (Grant No. 01UU0906) from which this publication derives is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany.The interactive and anticipatory assessment exercise on which this report is based was part of a broader research project that focused on the innovation dynamics of governance instruments in the areas of public participation methods, environmental markets and sustainability transition management. By circulating these workshop results, we seek to contribute to a debate on citizen panel design with regard to constituting political reality in public participation models.BMBF, 01UU0906, Innovation in Governanc

    Dust sputtering within the inner heliosphere: a modelling study

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    The aim of this study is to investigate through modeling how sputtering by impacting solar wind ions influences the lifetime of dust particles in the inner heliosphere near the Sun. We consider three typical dust materials: silicate, Fe0.4_{0.4}Mg0.6_{0.6}O and carbon and describe their sputtering yields based on atomic yields given by the Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM) package. The influence of the solar wind is characterized by plasma density, solar wind speed and solar wind composition and we assume for these parameters values that are typical for fast solar wind, slow solar wind and CME conditions to calculate the sputtering lifetimes of dust. To compare the sputtering lifetimes to typical sublimation lifetimes we use temperature estimates based on Mie calculations and material vapour pressure derived with the chemical equilibrium code MAGMA. We also compare the sputtering lifetimes to the Poynting-Robertson lifetime and to the collision lifetime. We present a set of sputtering rates and lifetimes that can be used for estimating dust destruction in the fast and slow solar wind and during CME conditions. Our results can be applied to solid particles of a few nm and larger. The sputtering lifetimes increase linearly with the size of particles. We show that sputtering rates increase during CME conditions, primarily because of the high number densities of heavy ions in the CME plasma. The shortest sputtering lifetimes we find are for silicate, followed by Fe0.4_{0.4}Mg0.6_{0.6}O and carbon. In a comparison between sputtering and sublimation lifetimes we concentrate on the nanodust population. The comparison shows that sublimation is the faster destruction process within 0.1 AU for Fe0.4_{0.4}Mg0.6_{0.6}O, within 0.05 AU for carbon dust and within 0.07 AU for silicate dust. The destruction by sputtering can play a role in the vicinity of the Sun. We discuss our findings in the context of recent F-corona intensity measurements onboard Parker Solar Probe

    Modelling the influence of meteoric smoke particles on artificial heating in the D-region

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    We investigate if the presence of meteoric smoke particles (MSPs) influences the electron temperature during artificial heating in the D-region. By transferring the energy of powerful high-frequency radio waves into thermal energy of electrons, artificial heating increases the electron temperature. Artificial heating depends on the height variation of electron density. The presence of MSPs can influence the electron density through charging of MSPs by electrons, which can reduce the number of free electrons and even result in height regions with strongly reduced electron density, so-called electron bite-outs. We simulate the influence of the artificial heating by calculating the intensity of the upward-propagating radio wave. The electron temperature at each height is derived from the balance of radio wave absorption and cooling through elastic and inelastic collisions with neutral species. The influence of MSPs is investigated by including results from a one-dimensional height-dependent ionospheric model that includes electrons, positively and negatively charged ions, neutral MSPs, singly positively and singly negatively charged MSPs, and photochemistry such as photoionization and photodetachment. We apply typical ionospheric conditions and find that MSPs can influence both the magnitude and the height profile of the heated electron temperature above 80 km; however, this depends on ionospheric conditions. During night, the presence of MSPs leads to more efficient heating and thus a higher electron temperature above altitudes of 80 km. We found differences of up to 1000 K in electron temperature for calculations with and without MSPs. When MSPs are present, the heated electron temperature decreases more slowly. The presence of MSPs does not much affect the heating below 80 km for night conditions. For day conditions, the difference between the heated electron temperature with MSPs and without MSPs is less than 25 K. We also investigate model runs using MSP number density profiles for autumn, summer and winter. The night-time electron temperature is expected to be 280 K hotter in autumn than during winter conditions, while the sunlit D-region is 8 K cooler for autumn MSP conditions than for the summer case, depending on altitude. Finally, an investigation of the electron attachment efficiency to MSPs shows a significant impact on the amount of chargeable dust and consequently on the electron temperature

    The Magellania venosa Biomineralizing Proteome: A Window into Brachiopod Shell Evolution

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    Brachiopods are a lineage of invertebrates well known for the breadth and depth of their fossil record. Although the quality of this fossil record attracts the attention of paleontologists, geochemists, and paleoclimatologists, modern day brachiopods are also of interest to evolutionary biologists due to their potential to address a variety of questions ranging from developmental biology to biomineralization. The brachiopod shell is a composite material primarily composed of either calcite or calcium phosphate in close association with proteins and polysaccharides which give these composite structures their material properties. The information content of these biomolecules, sequestered within the shell during its construction, has the potential to inform hypotheses focused on describing how brachiopod shell formation evolved. Here, using high throughput proteomic approaches and next generation sequencing, we have surveyed and characterized the first shell-proteome and shell-forming transcriptome of any brachiopod, the South American Magellania venosa (Rhynchonelliformea: Terebratulida). We find that the seven most abundant proteins present in the shell are unique to M. venosa, but that these proteins display biochemical features found in other metazoan biomineralization proteins. We can also detect some M. venosa proteins that display significant sequence similarity to other metazoan biomineralization proteins, suggesting that some elements of the brachiopod shell-forming proteome are deeply evolutionarily conserved. We also employed a variety of preparation methods to isolate shell proteins and find that in comparison to the shells of other spiralian invertebrates (such as mollusks) the shell ultrastructure of M. venosa may explain the effects these preparation strategies have on our results

    Stochastic interpretation of Kadanoff-Baym equations and their relation to Langevin processes

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    In this more pedagogical study we want to elucidate on stochastic aspects inherent to the (non-)equilibrium real time Green's function description (or `closed time path Green's function' -- CTPGF) of transport equations, the so called `Kadanoff-Baym equations'. As a toy model we couple a free scalar boson quantum field to an exemplaric heat bath with some given temperature T. It will be shown in detail that the emerging transport equations have to be understood as the ensemble average over stochastic equations of Langevin type. This corresponds to the equivalence of the influence functional approach by Feynman and Vernon and the CTP technique. The former, however, gives a more intuitive physical picture. In particular the physical role of (quantum) noise and the connection of its correlation kernel to the Kadanoff-Baym equations will be discussed. The inherent presence of noise and dissipation related by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem guarantees that the modes or particles become thermally populated on average in the long-time limit. For long wavelength modes with momenta much less than the temperature the emerging wave equation do behave nearly as classical. On the other hand, a kinetic transport description can be obtained in the semi-classical particle regime. Including fluctuations, its form resembles that of a phenomenological Boltzmann-Langevin description. However, we will point out some severe discrepancies in comparison to the Boltzmann- Langevin scheme. As a further byproduct we also note how the occurrence of so called pinch singularities is circumvented by a clear physical necessity of damping within the one-particle propagator.Comment: 57 pages, Revtex, 2 figure