7,460 research outputs found

    Tripartite Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    The 3 X 3 Majorana neutrino mass matrix is written as a sum of 3 terms, i.e. M_nu = M_A + M_B + M_C, where M_A is proportional to the identity matrix and M_B and M_C are invariant under different Z_3 transformations. This M_nu is very suitable for understanding atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations, with sin^2 (2 theta_atm) and tan^2 (theta_sol) fixed at 1 and 0.5 respectively, in excellent agreement with present data. It has in fact been proposed before, but only as an ansatz. This paper uncovers its underlying symmetry, thus allowing a complete theory of leptons and quarks to be constructed.Comment: 9 pages, no figur

    Dirac Neutrinos and Dark Matter Stability from Lepton Quarticity

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    We propose to relate dark matter stability to the possible Dirac nature of neutrinos. The idea is illustrated in a simple scheme where small Dirac neutrino masses arise from a type--I seesaw mechanism as a result of a Z4Z_4 discrete lepton number symmetry. The latter implies the existence of a viable WIMP dark matter candidate, whose stability arises from the same symmetry which ensures the Diracness of neutrinos.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Report N IFIC/16-4

    Minimal supergravity radiative effects on the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing pattern

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    We study the stability of the Harrison-Perkins-Scott (HPS) mixing pattern, assumed to hold at some high energy scale, against supersymmetric radiative corrections. We work in the framework of a reference minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA) where supersymmetry breaking is universal and flavor-blind at unification. The radiative corrections considered include both RGE running as well as threshold effects. We find that in this case the solar mixing angle can only increase with respect to the HPS reference value, while the atmospheric and reactor mixing angles remain essentially stable. Deviations from the solar angle HPS prediction towards lower values would signal novel contributions from physics beyond the simplest mSUGRA model.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; added reference; final version for publicatio

    Predicting Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We give predictions for the neutrinoless double beta decay rate in a simple variant of the A_4 family symmetry model. We show that there is a lower bound for the neutrinoless double beta decay amplitude even in the case of normal hierarchical neutrino masses, corresponding to an effective mass parameter |m_{ee}| >= 0.17 \sqrt{\Delta m^2_{ATM}}. This result holds both for the CP conserving and CP violating cases. In the latter case we show explicitly that the lower bound on |m_{ee}| is sensitive to the value of the Majorana phase. We conclude therefore that in our scheme, neutrinoless double beta decay may be accessible to the next generation of high sensitivity experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    The local stellar population of nova regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    This study aims at identifying and understanding the parent population of novae in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by studying the local, projected, stellar population. The star formation history of the local environment around novae is studied based on photometric data of stars and star clusters in the nova neighbourhood, available in the OGLE II survey and star cluster catalogues. The ages of stellar population within a few arcmin around novae regions are estimated using isochrone fits to the V vs (V-I) colour-magnitude diagrams. The fraction of stars in various evolutionary states are compared using luminosity functions of the main-sequence stars and the red giant stars. The age, density and luminosity function of the stellar population are estimated around 15 novae. The upper limit of the age of the intermediate stellar population is found to be 4 Gyr in all the regions, excepting the region around the slow nova LMC 1948. Star formation in these regions is found to have started between 4 - 2.0 Gyr, with a majority of the regions starting the star formation at 3.2 Gyr. This star formation event lasted until 1.6 - 0.8 Gyr The star formation history of the underlying population of both the fast and moderately fast novae indicate their parent population to be similar and likely to be in the age range 3.2 - 1.0 Gyr. This is in good agreement with the theoretical age estimates for Galactic cataclysmic variables. The region around the slow nova shows a stellar population in the age range 1 - 10 Gyr, with a good fraction belonging to an older population, consistent with the idea that the progenitors of slow novae belong to older population.Comment: to appear in A&A (final version - error analysis included, typos corrected, figures 17 and 18 changed

    Underlying A(4) symmetry for the neutrino mass matrix and the quark mixing matrix

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    The discrete non-Abelian symmetry A4, valid at some high-energy scale, naturally leads to degenerate neutrino masses, without spoiling the hierarchy of charged-lepton masses. Realistic neutrino mass splittings and mixing angles (one of which is necessarily maximal and the other large) are then induced radiatively in the context of softly broken supersymmetry. The quark mixing matrix is also calculable in a similar way. The mixing parameter Ue3 is predicted to be imaginary, leading to maximal CP violation in neutrino oscillations. Neutrinoless double beta decay and τ→μγ should be in the experimentally accessible range

    R--Parity Violating Signals for Chargino Production at LEP II

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    We study chargino pair production at LEP II in supersymmetric models with spontaneously broken R-parity. We perform signal and background analyses, showing that a large region of the parameter space of these models can be probed through chargino searches at LEP II. In particular, we determine the attainable limits on the chargino mass as a function of the magnitude of the effective bilinear R-parity violation parameter ϵ\epsilon, demonstrating that LEP II is able to unravel the existence of charginos with masses almost up to its kinematical limit even in the case of R-parity violation. This requires the study of several final state topologies since the usual MSSM chargino signature is recovered as ϵ0\epsilon \to 0. Moreover, for sufficiently large ϵ\epsilon values, for which the chargino decay mode χ±τ±J\chi^\pm \to \tau^\pm J dominates, we find through a dedicated Monte Carlo analysis that the χ±\chi^\pm mass bounds are again very close to the kinematic limit. Our results establish the robustness of the chargino mass limit, in the sense that it is basically model-independent. They also show that LEP II can establish the existence of spontaneous R-parity violation in a large region of parameter space should charginos be produced.Comment: improved analyses; 31 pages and 9 figures (included

    Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries and Neutrino Masses: Two Examples

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    Two recent examples of non-Abelian discrete symmetries (S_3 and A_4) in understanding neutrino masses and mixing are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, invited contribution to NJP focus issue on neutrino

    A4-based tri-bimaximal mixing within inverse and linear seesaw schemes

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    We consider tri-bimaximal lepton mixing within low-scale seesaw schemes where light neutrino masses arise from TeV scale physics, potentially accessible at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Two examples are considered, based on the A4 flavor symmetry realized within the inverse or the linear seesaw mechanisms. Both are highly predictive so that in both the light neutrino sector effectively depends only on three mass parameters and one Majorana phase, with no CP violation in neutrino oscillations. We find that the linear seesaw leads to a lower bound for neutrinoless double beta decay while the inverse seesaw does not. The models also lead to potentially sizeable decay rates for lepton flavor violating processes, tightly related by the assumed flavor symmetry.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Experimental references added and figure 1 update

    New Signatures for a Light Stop at LEP2 in SUSY Models with Spontaneously Broken R-Parity

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    In a class of supersymmetric models with R-parity breaking the lightest stop can have new decay modes into third generation fermions, t~1b+τ\tilde{t}_1 \rightarrow b + \tau. We show that this decay may be dominant or at least comparable to the ordinary R-parity conserving mode t~1c+χ~10\tilde{t}_1 \rightarrow c + \tilde{\chi}_1^0, where χ~10\tilde{\chi}_1^0 denotes the lightest neutralino. The new R-parity violating decay mode could provide new signatures for stop production at LEP.Comment: uudecoded latex file, 12 pages with 3 figures included. The complete uudecoded ps paper is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://neutrinos.uv.es/pub/papers/ps/stop1.u