97 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium candidate Monte Carlo: A new tool for efficient equilibrium simulation

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    Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful tool for studying the equilibrium properties of matter. In complex condensed-phase systems, however, it is difficult to design Monte Carlo moves with high acceptance probabilities that also rapidly sample uncorrelated configurations. Here, we introduce a new class of moves based on nonequilibrium dynamics: candidate configurations are generated through a finite-time process in which a system is actively driven out of equilibrium, and accepted with criteria that preserve the equilibrium distribution. The acceptance rule is similar to the Metropolis acceptance probability, but related to the nonequilibrium work rather than the instantaneous energy difference. Our method is applicable to sampling from both a single thermodynamic state or a mixture of thermodynamic states, and allows both coordinates and thermodynamic parameters to be driven in nonequilibrium proposals. While generating finite-time switching trajectories incurs an additional cost, driving some degrees of freedom while allowing others to evolve naturally can lead to large enhancements in acceptance probabilities, greatly reducing structural correlation times. Using nonequilibrium driven processes vastly expands the repertoire of useful Monte Carlo proposals in simulations of dense solvated systems

    Self-consistent Green's function method for nuclei and nuclear matter

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    Recent results obtained by applying the method of self-consistent Green's functions to nuclei and nuclear matter are reviewed. Particular attention is given to the description of experimental data obtained from the (e,e'p) and (e,e'2N) reactions that determine one and two-nucleon removal probabilities in nuclei since the corresponding amplitudes are directly related to the imaginary parts of the single-particle and two-particle propagators. For this reason and the fact that these amplitudes can now be calculated with the inclusion of all the relevant physical processes, it is useful to explore the efficacy of the method of self-consistent Green's functions in describing these experimental data. Results for both finite nuclei and nuclear matter are discussed with particular emphasis on clarifying the role of short-range correlations in determining various experimental quantities. The important role of long-range correlations in determining the structure of low-energy correlations is also documented. For a complete understanding of nuclear phenomena it is therefore essential to include both types of physical correlations. We demonstrate that recent experimental results for these reactions combined with the reported theoretical calculations yield a very clear understanding of the properties of {\em all} protons in the nucleus. We propose that this knowledge of the properties of constituent fermions in a correlated many-body system is a unique feature of nuclear physics.Comment: 110 pages, accepted for publication on Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    A novel prognostic two-gene signature for triple negative breast cancer

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    The absence of a robust risk stratification tool for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) underlies imprecise and non-selective treatment of these patients with cytotoxic chemotherapy. This study aimed to interrogate transcriptomes of TNBC resected samples using next generation sequencing to identify novel biomarkers associated with disease outcomes. A subset of cases (n=112) from a large, well-characterized cohort of primary TNBC (n=333) were subjected to RNA-sequencing. Reads were aligned to the human reference genome (GRCH38.83) using the STAR aligner and gene expression quantified using HTSEQ. We identified genes associated with distant metastasis-free survival and breast cancer-specific survival by applying supervised artificial neural network analysis with gene selection to the RNA-sequencing data. The prognostic ability of these genes was validated using the Breast Cancer Gene-Expression Miner v4. 0 and Genotype 2 outcome datasets. Multivariate Cox regression analysis identified a prognostic gene signature that was independently associated with poor prognosis. Finally, we corroborated our results from the two-gene prognostic signature by their protein expression using immunohistochemistry. Artificial neural network identified two gene panels that strongly predicted distant metastasis-free survival and breast cancer-specific survival. Univariate Cox regression analysis of 21 genes common to both panels revealed that the expression level of eight genes was independently associated with poor prognosi

    A telephone survey of parental attitudes and behaviours regarding teenage drinking

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Irish teenagers demonstrate high rates of drunkenness and there has been a progressive fall in age of first drinking in recent decades. International research indicates that parents exert substantial influence over their teenager's drinking. We sought to determine the attitudes and behaviours of Irish parents towards drinking by their adolescent children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a telephone survey of a representative sample of of 234 parents who had a teenager aged between 13 and 17 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six per cent reported that they would be unconcerned if their son or daughter was to binge drink once per month. On the issue of introducing children to alcohol in the home, 27% viewed this as a good idea while 63% disagreed with this practice. Eleven per cent of parents reported that they had given a drink to their teenager at home. Parents who drank regularly themselves, who were from higher socio-demographic groups and who lived in the east of Ireland demonstrated more permissive attitudes to teenage drinking.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found no evidence of widespread permissive attitudes and behaviours among Irish parents. Given that parental influences have been demonstrated to exert substantial impact on teenage drinking, it may be possible to harness the concerns of Irish parents more effectively to reverse the trends of escalating alcohol related harm in Ireland.</p

    Relative impact of key sources of systematic noise in Affymetrix and Illumina gene-expression microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Systematic processing noise, which includes batch effects, is very common in microarray experiments but is often ignored despite its potential to confound or compromise experimental results. Compromised results are most likely when re-analysing or integrating datasets from public repositories due to the different conditions under which each dataset is generated. To better understand the relative noise-contributions of various factors in experimental-design, we assessed several Illumina and Affymetrix datasets for technical variation between replicate hybridisations of Universal Human Reference (UHRR) and individual or pooled breast-tumour RNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A varying degree of systematic noise was observed in each of the datasets, however in all cases the relative amount of variation between standard control RNA replicates was found to be greatest at earlier points in the sample-preparation workflow. For example, 40.6% of the total variation in reported expressions were attributed to replicate extractions, compared to 13.9% due to amplification/labelling and 10.8% between replicate hybridisations. Deliberate probe-wise batch-correction methods were effective in reducing the magnitude of this variation, although the level of improvement was dependent on the sources of noise included in the model. Systematic noise introduced at the chip, run, and experiment levels of a combined Illumina dataset were found to be highly dependant upon the experimental design. Both UHRR and pools of RNA, which were derived from the samples of interest, modelled technical variation well although the pools were significantly better correlated (4% average improvement) and better emulated the effects of systematic noise, over all probes, than the UHRRs. The effect of this noise was not uniform over all probes, with low GC-content probes found to be more vulnerable to batch variation than probes with a higher GC-content.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The magnitude of systematic processing noise in a microarray experiment is variable across probes and experiments, however it is generally the case that procedures earlier in the sample-preparation workflow are liable to introduce the most noise. Careful experimental design is important to protect against noise, detailed meta-data should always be provided, and diagnostic procedures should be routinely performed prior to downstream analyses for the detection of bias in microarray studies.</p

    Malignant inflammation in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: a hostile takeover

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    Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) are characterized by the presence of chronically inflamed skin lesions containing malignant T cells. Early disease presents as limited skin patches or plaques and exhibits an indolent behavior. For many patients, the disease never progresses beyond this stage, but in approximately one third of patients, the disease becomes progressive, and the skin lesions start to expand and evolve. Eventually, overt tumors develop and the malignant T cells may disseminate to the blood, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and visceral organs, often with a fatal outcome. The transition from early indolent to progressive and advanced disease is accompanied by a significant shift in the nature of the tumor-associated inflammation. This shift does not appear to be an epiphenomenon but rather a critical step in disease progression. Emerging evidence supports that the malignant T cells take control of the inflammatory environment, suppressing cellular immunity and anti-tumor responses while promoting a chronic inflammatory milieu that fuels their own expansion. Here, we review the inflammatory changes associated with disease progression in CTCL and point to their wider relevance in other cancer contexts. We further define the term "malignant inflammation" as a pro-tumorigenic inflammatory environment orchestrated by the tumor cells and discuss some of the mechanisms driving the development of malignant inflammation in CTCL

    Comparative review of human and canine osteosarcoma: morphology, epidemiology, prognosis, treatment and genetics

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    Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a rare cancer in people. However OSA incidence rates in dogs are 27 times higher than in people. Prognosis in both species is poor, with five year osteosarcoma survival rates in people not having improved in decades. For dogs, one year survival rates are only around ~45%. Improved and novel treatment regimens are urgently required to improve survival in both humans and dogs with OSA. Utilising information from genetic studies could assist in this in both species, with the higher incidence rates in dogs contributing to the dog population being a good model of human disease. This review compares the clinical characteristics, gross morphology and histopathology, aetiology, epidemiology, and genetics of canine and human osteosarcoma. Finally, the current position of canine osteosarcoma genetic research is discussed and areas for additional work within the canine population are identified
