258 research outputs found

    Defective monocyte oxidative burst predicts infection in alcoholic hepatitis and is associated with reduced expression of NADPH oxidase

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    Objective In order to explain the increased susceptibility to serious infection in alcoholic hepatitis, we evaluated monocyte phagocytosis, aberrations of associated signalling pathways and their reversibility, and whether phagocytic defects could predict subsequent infection. Design Monocytes were identified from blood samples of 42 patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis using monoclonal antibody to CD14. Phagocytosis and monocyte oxidative burst (MOB) were measured ex vivo using flow cytometry, luminometry and bacterial killing assays. Defects were related to the subsequent development of infection. Intracellular signalling pathways were investigated using western blotting and PCR. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) was evaluated for its therapeutic potential in reversing phagocytic defects. Paired longitudinal samples were used to evaluate the effect of in vivo prednisolone therapy. Results MOB, production of superoxide and bacterial killing in response to Escherichia coli were markedly impaired in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. Pretreatment MOB predicted development of infection within two weeks with sensitivity and specificity that were superior to available clinical markers. Accordingly, defective MOB was associated with death at 28 and 90 days. Expression of the gp91phox subunit of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase was reduced in patients with alcoholic hepatitis demonstrating defective MOB. Monocytes were refractory to IFN-γ stimulation and showed high levels of a negative regulator of cytokine signalling, suppressor of cytokine signalling-1. MOB was unaffected by 7 days in vivo prednisolone therapy. Conclusions Monocyte oxidative burst and bacterial killing is impaired in alcoholic hepatitis while bacterial uptake by phagocytosis is preserved. Defective MOB is associated with reduced expression of NADPH oxidase in these patients and predicts the development of infection and death

    MerTK expressing hepatic macrophages promote the resolution of inflammation in acute liver failure

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    Objective: Acute liver failure (ALF) is characterised by overwhelming hepatocyte death and liver inflammation with massive infiltration of myeloid cells in necrotic areas. The mechanisms underlying resolution of acute hepatic inflammation are largely unknown. Here, we aimed to investigate the impact of Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) during ALF and also examine how the microenvironmental mediator, secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), governs this response. Design: Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging and gene expression analyses determined the phenotype, functional/transcriptomic profile and tissue topography of MerTK+ monocytes/macrophages in ALF, healthy and disease controls. The temporal evolution of macrophage MerTK expression and its impact on resolution was examined in APAP-induced acute liver injury using wild-type (WT) and Mer-deficient (Mer−/−) mice. SLPI effects on hepatic myeloid cells were determined in vitro and in vivo using APAP-treated WT mice. Results: We demonstrate a significant expansion of resolution-like MerTK+HLA-DRhigh cells in circulatory and tissue compartments of patients with ALF. Compared with WT mice which show an increase of MerTK+MHCIIhigh macrophages during the resolution phase in ALF, APAP-treated Mer−/− mice exhibit persistent liver injury and inflammation, characterised by a decreased proportion of resident Kupffer cells and increased number of neutrophils. Both in vitro and in APAP-treated mice, SLPI reprogrammes myeloid cells towards resolution responses through induction of a MerTK+HLA-DRhigh phenotype which promotes neutrophil apoptosis and their subsequent clearance. Conclusions: We identify a hepatoprotective, MerTK+, macrophage phenotype that evolves during the resolution phase following ALF and represents a novel immunotherapeutic target to promote resolution responses following acute liver injury

    MerTK expressing hepatic macrophages promote the resolution of inflammation in acute liver failure.

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    OBJECTIVE: Acute liver failure (ALF) is characterised by overwhelming hepatocyte death and liver inflammation with massive infiltration of myeloid cells in necrotic areas. The mechanisms underlying resolution of acute hepatic inflammation are largely unknown. Here, we aimed to investigate the impact of Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) during ALF and also examine how the microenvironmental mediator, secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), governs this response. DESIGN: Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging and gene expression analyses determined the phenotype, functional/transcriptomic profile and tissue topography of MerTK+ monocytes/macrophages in ALF, healthy and disease controls. The temporal evolution of macrophage MerTK expression and its impact on resolution was examined in APAP-induced acute liver injury using wild-type (WT) and Mer-deficient (Mer-/-) mice. SLPI effects on hepatic myeloid cells were determined in vitro and in vivo using APAP-treated WT mice. RESULTS: We demonstrate a significant expansion of resolution-like MerTK+HLA-DRhigh cells in circulatory and tissue compartments of patients with ALF. Compared with WT mice which show an increase of MerTK+MHCIIhigh macrophages during the resolution phase in ALF, APAP-treated Mer-/- mice exhibit persistent liver injury and inflammation, characterised by a decreased proportion of resident Kupffer cells and increased number of neutrophils. Both in vitro and in APAP-treated mice, SLPI reprogrammes myeloid cells towards resolution responses through induction of a MerTK+HLA-DRhigh phenotype which promotes neutrophil apoptosis and their subsequent clearance. CONCLUSIONS: We identify a hepatoprotective, MerTK+, macrophage phenotype that evolves during the resolution phase following ALF and represents a novel immunotherapeutic target to promote resolution responses following acute liver injury

    Automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) through aggressive space mapping (ASM)

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    This paper is focused on the application of space mapping optimization to the automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs). These structures are of interest for the implementation of resonant-type metamaterial transmission lines and for the design of planar microwave circuits based on such complementary resonators. The paper presents a method to generate the layouts of CSRR- and OCSRR-loaded microstrip lines from the elements of their equivalent circuit models. Using the so-called aggressive space mapping, a specific implementation that uses quasi-Newton type iteration, we have developed synthesis algorithms that are able to provide the topology of these CSRR and OCSRR-loaded lines in few steps. The most relevant aspect, however, is that this synthesis process is completely automatic, i.e., it does not require any action from the designers, other than initiating the algorithm. Moreover, this technique can be translated to other electrically small planar elements described by lumped element equivalent circuit models.This work has been partially supported by MICIIN-Spain (Projects TEC2010-17512 METATRANSFER, TEC2010-21520-C04-01 AVANSAT, CONSOLIDER EMET CSD2008-00066, and Grant AP2008-04707), Generalitat de Catalunya (Project 2009SGR-421), and MITyC-Spain (Project TSI-020100-2010-169 METASINTESIS). Ferran Martin is in debt to ICREA for supporting his work through an ICREA Academia Award (calls 2008 and 2013).Selga, J.; Rodríguez Pérez, AM.; Orellana, M.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Martín, F. (2014). Automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) through aggressive space mapping (ASM). Applied Physics A. 117(2):557-565. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-014-8703-xS5575651172G.V. Eleftheriades, K.G. Balmain, Negative Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2005)C. Caloz, T. Itoh, Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2006)R. Marqués, F. Martín, M. Sorolla, Metamaterials with Negative Parameters: Theory, Design and Microwave Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2008)F. Martín, Artificial Transmission Lines for RF and Microwave Applications. (Wiley, New Jersey) (to be published)M.A. Antoniades, G.V. Eleftheriades, A broadband series power divider using zero-degree metamaterial phase shifting lines. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 15, 808–810 (2005)H. Okabe, C. Caloz, T. Itoh, A compact enhanced bandwidth hybrid ring using an artificial lumped element left handed transmission line section. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 52, 798–804 (2004)G. Sisó, J. Bonache, M. Gil, F. Martín, Application of resonant-type metamaterial transmission lines to the design of enhanced bandwidth components with compact dimensions. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 50, 127–134 (2008)I.H. Lin, M. De Vincentis, C. Caloz, T. Itoh, Arbitrary dual-band components using composite right/left handed transmission lines. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 52, 1142–1149 (2004)A.C. Papanastasiou, G.E. Georghiou, G.V. Eleftheriades, A quad-band Wilkinson power divider using generalized NRI transmission lines. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 18, 521–523 (2008)M. Durán-Sindreu, G. Sisó, J. Bonache, F. Martín, Planar multi-band microwave components based on the generalized composite right/left handed transmission line concept. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 58(12), 3882–3891 (2010)J. Bonache, I. Gil, J. García-García, F. Martín, Novel microstrip band pass filters based on complementary split ring resonators. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 54, 265–271 (2006)M. Gil, J. Bonache, J. García-García, J. Martel, F. Martín, Composite right/left handed (CRLH) metamaterial transmission lines based on complementary split rings resonators (CSRRs) and their applications to very wide band and compact filter design. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 55, 1296–1304 (2007)S. Lim, C. Caloz, T. Itoh, Metamaterial-based electronically-controlled transmission line structure as a novel leaky-wave antenna with tunable angle and beamwidth. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 52(12), 2678–2690 (2004)G. Zamora, S. Zuffanelli, F. Paredes, F. Javier Herraiz-Martínez, F. Martín, J. Bonache, Fundamental mode leaky-wave-antenna (LWA) using slot line and split-ring-resonator (SRR) based metamaterials. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 12, 1424–1427 (2013)A.K. Iyer, G.V. Eleftheriades, Negative refractive index metamaterials supporting 2-D waves. in IEEE-MTT Int’l Microwave Symposium, vol 2, Seattle, WA, pp. 412–415 (2002)A.A. Oliner, A periodic-structure negative-refractive-index medium without resonant elements. In URSI Digest, IEEE-AP-S USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Antonio, TX, pp. 41 (2002)C. Caloz, T. Itoh, Application of the transmission line theory of left-handed (LH) materials to the realization of a microstrip LH transmission line. in Proceedings of IEEE-AP-S USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, vol 2, San Antonio, TX, pp. 412–415 (2002)F. Martín, F. Falcone, J. Bonache, R. Marqués, M. Sorolla, Split ring resonator based left handed coplanar waveguide. Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 4652–4654 (2003)F. Falcone, T. Lopetegi, M.A.G. Laso, J.D. Baena, J. Bonache, R. Marqués, F. Martín, M. Sorolla (2004) Babinet principle applied to the design of metasurfaces and metamaterials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, paper 197401M. Durán-Sindreu, A. Vélez, F. Aznar, G. Sisó, J. Bonache, F. Martín, Application of open split ring resonators and open complementary split ring resonators to the synthesis of artificial transmission lines and microwave passive components. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 57, 3395–3403 (2009)A. Vélez, F. Aznar, M. Durán-Sindreu, J. Bonache, F. Martín, Stop-band and band-pass filters in coplanar waveguide technology implemented by means of electrically small metamaterial-inspired open resonators. IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 4, 712–716 (2004)J.D. Baena, J. Bonache, F. Martín, R. Marqués, F. Falcone, T. Lopetegi, M.A.G. Laso, J. García, I. Gil, M. Flores-Portillo, M. Sorolla, Equivalent circuit models for split ring resonators and complementary split rings resonators coupled to planar transmission lines. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 53, 1451–1461 (2005)M. Gil, J. Bonache, J. Selga, J. García-García, F. Martín, Broadband resonant type metamaterial transmission lines. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 17, 97–99 (2007)M. Durán-Sindreu, P. Vélez, J. Bonache, F. Martín, Broadband microwave filters based on open split ring resonators (OSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs): improved models and design optimization. Radioengineering 20, 775–783 (2011)P. Vélez, J. Naqui, M. Durán-Sindreu, J. Bonache, F. Martín, Broadband microstrip bandpass filter based on open complementary split ring resonators. Int. J. Antennas Propag. 2012, 6 (2012)J.W. Bandler, R.M. Biernacki, S.H. Chen, P.A. Grobelny, R.H. Hemmers, Space mapping technique for electromagnetic optimization. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 42, 2536–2544 (1994)J.W. Bandler, R.M. Biernacki, S.H. Chen, R.H. Hemmers, K. Madsen, Electromagnetic optimization exploiting aggressive space mapping. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 43, 2874–2882 (1995)J.W. Bandler, Q.S. Cheng, S.A. Dakroury, A.S. Mohamed, M.H. Bakr, K. Madsen, J. Søndergaard, Space mapping: the state of the art. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 52, 337–361 (2004)C.G. Broyden, A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations. Math. Comput. 19(92), 577–593 (1965)J. Selga, A. Rodríguez, V.E. Boria, F. Martín, Synthesis of split rings based artificial transmission lines through a new two-step, fast converging, and robust aggressive space mapping (ASM) algorithm. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 61(6), 2295–2308 (2013)A. Velez, F. Aznar, J. Bonache, M.C. Velázquez-Ahumada, J. Martel, F. Martín, Open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) and their application to wideband CPW band pass filters. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 19, 197–199 (2009)D.M. Bates, D.G. Watts, Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley, New York, 1998

    PDGF induced microRNA alterations in cancer cells

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    Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) regulates gene transcription by binding to specific receptors. PDGF plays a critical role in oncogenesis in brain and other tumors, regulates angiogenesis, and remodels the stroma in physiologic conditions. Here, we show by using microRNA (miR) arrays that PDGFs regulate the expression and function of miRs in glioblastoma and ovarian cancer cells. The two PDGF ligands AA and BB affect expression of several miRs in ligand-specific manner; the most robust changes consisting of let-7d repression by PDGF-AA and miR-146b induction by PDGF-BB. Induction of miR-146b by PDGF-BB is modulated via MAPK-dependent induction of c-fos. We demonstrate that PDGF regulates expression of some of its known targets (e.g. cyclin D1) through miR alterations and identify the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a new PDGF-BB target. We show that its expression and function are repressed by PDGF-induced miR-146b and that mir-146b and EGFR correlate inversely in human glioblastomas. We propose that PDGF-regulated gene transcription involves alterations in non-coding RNAs and provide evidence for a miR-dependent feedback mechanism balancing growth factor receptor signaling in cancer cells

    Effect of hypercholesterolemia on myocardial function, ischemia-reperfusion injury and cardioprotection by preconditioning, postconditioning and remote conditioning

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    Hypercholesterolemia is considered to be a principle risk factor for cardiovascular disease, having direct negative effects on the myocardium itself, in addition to the development of atherosclerosis. Since hypercholesterolemia affects global cardiac gene expression profile, among many other factors, increased myocardial oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation trigger apoptosis and this may account for myocardial dysfunction and increased susceptibility of the myocardium to infarction. In addition, numerous experimental and clinical studies revealed that hyperlcholesterolemia may interfere with the cardioprotective potential of conditioning mechanisms. Although not fully elucidated, the underlying mechanisms for the lost cardioprotection in hypercholesterolemic animals have been reported to involve dysregulation of eNOS-cGMP, RISK, peroxynitrite-MMP2 signaling pathways, modulation of KATP channels and apoptotic pathways. In this review article, we summarize current knowledge on the effect of hypercholesterolemia on the non-ischemic and ischemic heart as well as on the cardioprotection induced by drugs or ischemic preconditioning (PC), postconditioning (PostC) and remote conditioning. We also summarize the effects of hypercholesterolemia on drug-induced cardioprotection, in the presence of hypercholesterolemia. Future perspectives concerning the mechanisms and the design of pre-clinical and clinical trials are highlighted

    A lack of association between adiponectin polymorphisms and coronary artery disease in a Chinese population

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    We investigated the association between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the adiponectin gene (rs822395 and rs266729) and coronary artery disease (CAD) in a case-control study of 198 unrelated Chinese CAD patients (with ≥ 70% coronary stenosis or previous myocardial infarction) and 237 non-CAD controls. The ligase reaction was used to detect SNPs rs822395 and rs266729, and the allelic association of these SNPs with the occurrence and severity of CAD was assessed. There were no significant differences in the genotypic or allelic frequencies of the two SNPs between control and CAD individuals. In addition, there was no association between the two SNPs and the severity of CAD based on the number of diseased vessels. The frequencies of alleles C and G at rs266729 differed significantly between females in the CAD and control groups, but not between males. Female carriers of allele G at rs266729 had a higher risk of CAD compared with allele C carriers (OR = 1.30, 95% CI: 1.09-2.64, p = 0.02). These results indicate a gender-specific effect of the adiponectin gene rs266729 variant in modulating the risk of CAD in women

    Crystal Structures of the FAK Kinase in Complex with TAE226 and Related Bis-Anilino Pyrimidine Inhibitors Reveal a Helical DFG Conformation

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    Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase required for cell migration, proliferation and survival. FAK overexpression has been documented in diverse human cancers and is associated with a poor clinical outcome. Recently, a novel bis-anilino pyrimidine inhibitor, TAE226, was reported to efficiently inhibit FAK signaling, arrest tumor growth and invasion and prolong the life of mice with glioma or ovarian tumor implants. Here we describe the crystal structures of the FAK kinase bound to TAE226 and three related bis-anilino pyrimidine compounds. TAE226 induces a conformation of the N-terminal portion of the kinase activation loop that is only observed in FAK, but is distinct from the conformation in both the active and inactive states of the kinase. This conformation appears to require a glycine immediately N-terminal to the “DFG motif”, which adopts a helical conformation stabilized by interactions with TAE226. The presence of a glycine residue in this position contributes to the specificity of TAE226 and related compounds for FAK. Our work highlights the fact that kinases can access conformational space that is not necessarily utilized for their native catalytic regulation, and that such conformations can explain and be exploited for inhibitor specificity

    Towards a personalised approach in exercise-based cardiovascular rehabilitation: How can translational research help? A ‘call to action’ from the Section on Secondary Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

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    The benefit of regular physical activity and exercise training for the prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases is undisputed. Many molecular mechanisms mediating exercise effects have been deciphered. Personalised exercise prescription can help patients in achieving their individual greatest benefit from an exercise-based cardiovascular rehabilitation programme. Yet, we still struggle to provide truly personalised exercise prescriptions to our patients. In this position paper, we address novel basic and translational research concepts that can help us understand the principles underlying the inter-individual differences in the response to exercise, and identify early on who would most likely benefit from which exercise intervention. This includes hereditary, non-hereditary and sex-specific concepts. Recent insights have helped us to take on a more holistic view, integrating exercise-mediated molecular mechanisms with those influenced by metabolism and immunity. Unfortunately, while the outline is recognisable, many details are still lacking to turn the understanding of a concept into a roadmap ready to be used in clinical routine. This position paper therefore also investigates perspectives on how the advent of ‘big data’ and the use of animal models could help unravel inter-individual responses to exercise parameters and thus influence hypothesis-building for translational research in exercise-based cardiovascular rehabilitation

    Retroviral expression of a kinase-defective IGF-I receptor suppresses growth and causes apoptosis of CHO and U87 cells in-vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PtdInsP3) signaling is elevated in many tumors due to loss of the tumor suppressor PTEN, and leads to constitutive activation of Akt, a kinase involved in cell survival. Reintroduction of PTEN in cells suppresses transformation and tumorigenicity. While this approach works in-vitro, it may prove difficult to achieve in-vivo. In this study, we investigated whether inhibition of growth factor signaling would have the same effect as re-expression of PTEN. METHODS: Dominant negative IGF-I receptors were expressed in CHO and U87 cells by retroviral infection. Cell proliferation, transformation and tumor formation in athymic nude mice were assessed. RESULTS: Inhibition of IGF-IR signaling in a CHO cell model system by expression of a kinase-defective IGF-IR impairs proliferation, transformation and tumor growth. Reduction in tumor growth is associated with an increase in apoptosis in-vivo. The dominant-negative IGF-IRs also prevented growth of U87 PTEN-negative glioblastoma cells when injected into nude mice. Injection of an IGF-IR blocking antibody αIR3 into mice harboring parental U87 tumors inhibits tumor growth and increases apoptosis. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of an upstream growth factor signal prevents tumor growth of the U87 PTEN-deficient glioma to the same extent as re-introduction of PTEN. This result suggests that growth factor receptor inhibition may be an effective alternative therapy for PTEN-deficient tumors