2,305 research outputs found

    The strength of human resource practices and transformational leadership: impact on organisational performance

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    The Human resource (HR) strength concept (Bowen, D., and Ostroff, C. 2004, ‘Understanding HRM-Firm Performance Linkages: The Role of the “Strength” of the HRM System,’ Academy of Management Review, 29, 2, 203–221) reflects the capacity of an HR system to transmit messages characterised by high distinctiveness, consistency and consensus. HR systems are therefore affecting perceptions and interpretations of organisational realities, such as climate and culture. Furthermore, Bowen and Ostroff (2004) suggest that organisational climate mediates the relationship between HR strength and performance. The leadership literature advocates that leaders are people who are able to create a social context in which employees are guided towards a shared interpretation, understanding and perception of the organisational climate (Yukl, G.A. 1989, Leadership in Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall). In summary, bothHR strength and leadership are two environment dimensions shaping and moulding employees’ perceptions and interpretations. The current study explores the relationships between HR strength, leadership, organisational climate and performance. 323 questionnaires were used to gather information from a company in the industrial sector. The results show a positive relationship between the variables; however, mediating effects of climate were only observed between leadership and performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transducer electronic data sheets: anywhere, anytime, anyway

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    Transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS) are a key element of smart transducers because they support core features such as plug and play, self-calibration, and self-diagnostics. The ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-4 standard defines templates to describe the most common types of transducers and suggests the use of one-wire memories to store the corresponding data. In this paper we explore new ways to store and access TEDS tables, including near field communication (NFC) tags and QR codes. We also present a mobile TEDS parser, compatible with Android, that is capable of reading TEDS data from all supported mediums (one-wire memories, NFC tags, and QR codes) and decoding them as human-readable text. The idea is to make TEDS available in the easiest way possible. We also underline the need to extend the 21451-4 standard by adding support for frequency-time sensors. A new TEDS template is proposed, and filling examples are presented. The main novelties of the paper are (i) the proposal of new ways to store 21451-4 TEDS tables using NFC tags and QR codes; (ii) the release of new tools to access TEDS tables including a mobile parser; and (iii) the definition of a new TEDS template for frequency-time sensors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A definição das políticas contabilísticas e a sua relação com as principais forças da envolvente: uma interpretação e alguma evidência sobre a influência que é exercida pela fiscalidade

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    Cabe à contabilidade preparar e relatar toda a informação que se julgue relevante para o processo de tomada de decisão e à fiscalidade assegurar o normal funcionamento do Estado. Perseguem diferentes objectivos, o que justifica a existência de diferentes normativos, mas sem que tal justifique que uma se sobreponha à outra. Ainda que em Portugal a relação entre a contabilidade e a fiscalidade se faça assentar num modelo de dependência parcial, tal não pode justificar a supremacia de uma na outra. É partindo desta presunção que nos proporciona desenvolvemos esta investigação com o objectivo de recolher evidência que a suporte e fundamente. Utilizámos, para o efeito, informação recolhida num conjunto de empresas de reduzida dimensão para procurar identificar o que separa as normas contabilística e fiscal exclusivamente no que respeita ao reconhecimento e mensuração dos activos fixos tangíveis (AFT) para verificar se tais diferenças têm, ou não, tradução em ajustamentos de ordem fiscal. Os resultados mostram que não, o que nos leva a concluir pela existência de condicionamento da fiscalidade no momento da definição das políticas contabilísticas

    Reactivation of wild-type and mutant p53 by tryptophanolderived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1:a novel anticancer small-molecule

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    Restoration of the p53 pathway, namely by reactivation of mutant (mut) p53, represents a valuable anticancer strategy. Herein, we report the identification of the enantiopure tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1 as a novel reactivator of wild-type (wt) and mut p53, using a yeast-based screening strategy. SLMP53-1 has a p53-dependent anti-proliferative activity in human wt and mut p53R280K-expressing tumor cells. Additionally, SLMP53-1 enhances p53 transcriptional activity and restores wt-like DNA binding ability to mut p53R280K. In wt/mut p53-expressing tumor cells, SLMP53-1 triggers p53 transcription-dependent and mitochondrial apoptotic pathways involving BAX, and wt/mut p53 mitochondrial translocation. SLMP53-1 inhibits the migration of wt/mut p53-expressing tumor cells, and it shows promising p53-dependent synergistic effects with conventional chemotherapeutics. In xenograft mice models, SLMP53-1 inhibits the growth of wt/mut p53-expressing tumors, but not of p53-null tumors, without apparent toxicity. Collectively, besides the potential use of SLMP53-1 as anticancer drug, the tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone scaffold represents a promissing starting point for the development of effective p53-reactivating drugs

    Respiratory evaluation through volumetric capnography among grade III obese and eutrophic individuals: a comparative study

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    sem informaçãoExcess trunk body fat in obese individuals influences respiratory physiological function. The of this study were to compare volumetric capnography findings (VCap) between severely obese patients and normal-weight subjects and to assess whether there is a1372177183sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã

    Vulnerabilidade dunar avaliada por uma lista de controlo

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    As listas de controlo (checklists) constituem um instrumento de grande interesse, por permitirem efectuar uma recolha criteriosa de dados e organizá-los de forma estruturada em função do objectivo. Foram utilizadas em Portugal para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade dos sistemas dunares, tendo em vista a sua aplicação ao ordenamento e gestão sustentável do território. A sua aplicação em condições geográficas e especialmente biofísicas diferentes daquelas para as quais a lista de controlo tinha sido elaborada (País de Gales e Bretanha) mostrou a necessidade de proceder a ajustamentos e à elaboração de uma lista de controlo alternativa. Esta última baseia-se na capacidade de resiliência dos sistemas dunares e foi aplicada aos frontais (foredunes) por estes apresentarem maior mobilidade morfológica natural e induzida pela acção antrópica. No litoral português, à semelhança doutros, a degradação da duna frontal está quase sempre associada ao tipo e à intensidade de uso que dela se faz. Constitui local de passagem (acesso à praia), local de lazer, local de implantação de apoios de praia, de construção permanente, urbana e turística, ou, ainda, local de extracção de inertes. O interesse de uma lista de controlo, baseada na capacidade de resiliência, para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade das dunas frontais, com aplicação ao ordenamento e gestão do território, consiste em permitir estabelecer o nível de pressão que cada uso exerce sobre o sistema, relacionando-o com o limiar de resiliência, identificar as componentes do sistema mais vulneráveis e indicar os ajustamentos necessários, tendo em vista prevenir ou minimizar os efeitos da pressão.Para ilustrar a metodologia de aquisição e organização da informação colhida no campo ou baseada na análise de fotografia aérea, utiliza-se o exemplo da duna frontal da Praia de Mira – sector Sul, onde se iniciou em 1997 um processo de ordenamento e gestão, baseado na colocação de armadilhas de areia e no ordenamento dos caminhos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modulating protein aggregation in cell models using modified steroids

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    P rotein aggregation is a biological process in which misfolded proteins aggregate and accumulate in intra- or extracellular media. Protein aggregation is intimately linked to the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington, Parkinson’s and prion diseases) but also in cancer and cardiovascular pathologies (e.g. atherosclerosis, heart failure and ischemic heart disease).1 However, it is not fully understood how aggregates are formed and how the complex network of chaperones, the proteasome, autophagy and other regulatory factors are involved in their clearance.1 Nevertheless, it is well accepted that lowering protein aggregates back to “normal” levels in cells could be an important therapeutic strategy to control or modulate neurodegenerative diseases.2 In 2015, lanosterol was reported to reverse protein aggregation of crystallin clumps in mouse cataracts, due to its amphiphilic nature, being able to intercalate into and coat hydrophobic areas of large protein aggregates, making these water soluble again.3 Taking into consideration this discovery, we believe that other steroids, such cholesterol (with the appropriate chemical modification),4 can be good lead candidates to lower several types of protein aggregates. In this project a series of new hybrid-steroidal compounds was designed and synthesized, to address protein aggregates in different models and using techniques such as a high-throughput screening (HTS) (Figure 1). The design and synthetic strategy of the compounds, as well as the preliminary disaggregation results in different types of in vitro and ex vivo aggregation models will be discussed and rationalized in terms of structure-activity relationship, whenever possible.Thanks are due to University of Aveiro, FCT/MEC, Centro 2020 and Portugal2020, the COMPETE program, and the European Union (FEDER program) via the financial support to the QOPNA research project (FCT UID/QUI/00062/2019), to the IBiMed Research Unit (UID/BIM/04501/2013), to the Portuguese NMR Network, and to the PAGE project “Protein aggregation across the lifespan” (CENTRO-01-0145-FRDER-000003), including H. M. T. Albuquerque Post-Doctoral grant (BPD/UI98/4861/2017) and R. Nunes da Silva Post-Doctoral grant (BPD/UI98/6327/2018).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A simple method to measure sulfonation in man using paracetamol as probe drug

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    Sulfotransferase enzymes (SULT) catalyse sulfoconjugation of drugs, as well as endogenous mediators, gut microbiota metabolites and environmental xenobiotics. To address the limited evidence on sulfonation activity from clinical research, we developed a clinical metabolic phenotyping method using paracetamol as a probe substrate. Our aim was to estimate sulfonation capability of phenolic compounds and study its intraindividual variability in man. A total of 36 healthy adult volunteers (12 men, 12 women and 12 women on oral contraceptives) received paracetamol in a 1 g-tablet formulation on three separate occasions. Paracetamol and its metabolites were measured in plasma and spot urine samples using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. A metabolic ratio (Paracetamol Sulfonation Index-PSI) was used to estimate phenol SULT activity. PSI showed low intraindividual variability, with a good correlation between values in plasma and spot urine samples. Urinary PSI was independent of factors not related to SULT activity, such as urine pH or eGFR. Gender and oral contraceptive intake had no impact on PSI. Our SULT phenotyping method is a simple non-invasive procedure requiring urine spot samples, using the safe and convenient drug paracetamol as a probe substrate, and with low intraindividual coefficient of variation. Although it will not give us mechanistic information, it will provide us an empirical measure of an individual's sulfonator status. To the best of our knowledge, our method provides the first standardised in vivo empirical measure of an individual's phenol sulfonation capability and of its intraindividual variability. EUDRA-CT 2016-001395-29, NCT03182595 June 9, 2017.publishersversionpublishe

    Drought-induced photosynthetic inhibition and autumn recovery in two Mediterranean oak species (Quercus ilex and Quercus suber)

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    Responses of leaf water relations and photosynthesis to summer drought and autumn rewetting were studied in two evergreen Mediterranean oak species, Quercus ilex spp. rotundifolia and Quercus suber. The predawn leaf water potential (ΨlPD), stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthetic rate (A) at ambient conditions were measured seasonally over a 3-year period. We also measured the photosynthetic response to light and to intercellular CO2 (A/PPFD and A/ Ci response curves) under water stress (summer) and after recovery due to autumn rainfall. Photosynthetic parameters, Vcmax, Jmax and triose phosphate utilization (TPU) rate, were estimated using the Farquhar model. RuBisCo activity, leaf chlorophyll, leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf carbohydrate concentration were also measured. All measurements were performed in the spring leaves of the current year. In both species, the predawn leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate peaked in spring, progressively declined throughout the summer and recovered upon autumn rainfall. During the drought period, Q. ilex maintained a higher predawn leaf water potential and stomatal conductance than Q. suber. During this period, we found that photosynthesis was not only limited by stomatal closure, but was also downregulated as a consequence of a decrease in the maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) and the light-saturated rate of photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax) in both species. The Vcmax and Jmax increased after the first autumnal rains and this increase was related to RuBisCo activity, leaf nitrogen concentration and chlorophyll concentration. In addition, an increase in the TPU rate and in soluble leaf sugar concentration was observed in this period. The results obtained indicate a high resilience of the photosynthetic apparatus to summer drought as well as good recovery in the following autumn rains of these evergreen oak species

    Polypharmacy Among Home-Dwelling Older Adults: The Urgent Need for an Evidence-Based Medication Management Model.

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    Ageing populations with multiple chronic conditions challenge low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Older adults frequently depend on complex medication regimens and polypharmacy, both of which can lead to potentially devastating and debilitating medication-related problems and to subsequent far-reaching public health, social, and economic effects. This perspectives article provides an overview of the current state of medication management, reflects on its relevance among polymedicated home-dwelling older adults living with multiple chronic conditions, and proposes patient-centered approaches for optimizing medication management and preventing medication-related problems