835 research outputs found

    Entanglement and four wave mixing effects in the dissipation free nonlinear interaction of two photons at a single atom

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    We investigate the nonlinear interaction between two photons in a single input pulse at an atomic two level nonlinearity. A one dimensional model for the propagation of light to and from the atom is used to describe the precise spatiotemporal coherence of the two photon state. It is shown that the interaction generates spatiotemporal entanglement in the output state similar to the entanglement observed in parametric downconversion. A method of generating photon pairs from coherent pump light using this quantum mechanical four wave mixing process is proposed.Comment: 10 pages, including 3 figures, correction in eq.(7), updated references, final version for publication in PR

    Novel Weak Decays in Doubly Strange Systems

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    The strangeness-changing (ΔS=1\Delta S = 1) weak baryon-baryon interaction is studied through the nonmesonic weak decay of double-Λ\Lambda hypernuclei. Besides the usual nucleon-induced decay ΛNNN\Lambda N \to N N we discuss novel hyperon-induced decay modes ΛΛΛN\Lambda \Lambda \to \Lambda N and ΛΛΣN\Lambda \Lambda \to \Sigma N. These reactions provide unique access to the exotic ΛΛ\Lambda \LambdaK and ΛΣ\Lambda \SigmaK vertices which place new constraints on Chiral Pertubation Theory (χ\chiPT) in the weak SU(3) sector. Within a meson-exchange framework, we use the pseudoscalar π,η,K\pi,\eta,K octet for the long-range part while parametrizing the short-range part through the vector mesons ρ,ω,K\rho, \omega, K^*. Realistic baryon-baryon forces for the S=0,1S=0,-1 and -2 sectors account for the strong interaction in the initial and final states. For ΛΛ6^6_{\Lambda \Lambda}He the new hyperon-induced decay modes account for up to 4% of the total nonmesonic decay rate. Predictions are made for all possible nonmesonic decay modes.Comment: 19 pages, 2 ps figures, 9 table

    Electronic correlation in the infrared optical properties of the quasi two dimensional κ\kappa-type BEDT-TTF dimer system

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    The polarized optical reflectance spectra of the quasi two dimensional organic correlated electron system κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]YY, Y=Y = Br and Cl are measured in the infrared region. The former shows the superconductivity at TcT_{\rm c} \simeq 11.6 K and the latter does the antiferromagnetic insulator transition at TNT_{\rm N} \simeq 28 K. Both the specific molecular vibration mode ν3(ag)\nu_{3}(a_{g}) of the BEDT-TTF molecule and the optical conductivity hump in the mid-infrared region change correlatively at TT^{*} \simeq 38 K of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Br, although no indication of TT^{*} but the insulating behaviour below TinsT_{\rm ins} \simeq 50-60 K are found in κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Cl. The results suggest that the electron-molecular vibration coupling on the ν3(ag)\nu_{3}(a_{g}) mode becomes weak due to the enhancement of the itinerant nature of the carriers on the dimer of the BEDT-TTF molecules below TT^{*}, while it does strong below TinsT_{\rm ins} because of the localized carriers on the dimer. These changes are in agreement with the reduction and the enhancement of the mid-infrared conductivity hump below TT^{*} and TinsT_{\rm ins}, respectively, which originates from the transitions between the upper and lower Mott-Hubbard bands. The present observations demonstrate that two different metallic states of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Br are regarded as {\it a correlated good metal} below TT^{*} including the superconducting state and {\it a half filling bad metal} above TT^{*}. In contrast the insulating state of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Cl below TinsT_{\rm ins} is the Mott insulator.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Properties of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory

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    The development of chiral perturbation theory in hyperon phenomenology has been troubled due to power-counting subtleties and to a possible slow convergence. Furthermore, the presence of baryon-resonances, e.g. the lowest-lying decuplet, complicates the approach, and the inclusion of their effects may become necessary. Recently, we have shown that a fairly good convergence is possible using a renormalization prescription of the loop-divergencies which recovers the power counting, is covariant and consistent with analyticity. Moreover, we have systematically incorporated the decuplet resonances taking care of both power-counting and consistencyconsistency problems. A model-independent understanding of diferent properties including the magnetic moments of the baryon-octet, the electromagnetic structure of the decuplet resonances and the hyperon vector coupling f1(0)f_1(0), has been successfully achieved within this approach. We will briefly review these developments and stress the important role they play for an accurate determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element VusV_{us} from hyperon semileptonic decay data.Comment: To appear in HypX Proceeding

    Nucleon-nucleon coincidence measurement in the non-mesonic weak decay of 5_Lambda-He and 12_Lambda-C hypernuclei

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    We have measured both yields of neutron-proton and neutron-neutron pairs emitted from the non-mesonic weak decay process of 5_Lambda-He and 12_Lambda-C hypernuclei produced via the (pi^+,K^+) reaction for the first time. We observed clean back-to-back correlation of the np- and nn-pairs in the coincidence spectra for both hypernuclei. The ratio of those back-to-back pair yields, Nnn / Nnp, must be close to the ratio of neutron- and proton-induced decay widths of the decay, Gn(Lambda n -> nn)/Gp(Lambda p -> np). The obtained ratios for each hypernuclei support recent calculations based on short-range interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2004), Goteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 2, 2004, to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Nitric oxide availability is increased in contracting skeletal muscle from aged mice, but does not differentially decrease muscle superoxide

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    Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function that occurs during aging. Nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide are generated by skeletal muscle and where these are generated in proximity their chemical reaction to form peroxynitrite can compete with the superoxide dismutation to hydrogen peroxide. Changes in NO availability may therefore theoretically modify superoxide and peroxynitrite activities in tissues, but published data are contradictory regarding aging effects on muscle NO availability. We hypothesised that an age-related increase in NO generation might increase peroxynitrite generation in muscles from old mice, leading to an increased nitration of muscle proteins and decreased superoxide availability. This was examined using fluorescent probes and an isolated fiber preparation to examine NO content and superoxide in the cytosol and mitochondria of muscle fibers from adult and old mice both at rest and following contractile activity. We also examined the 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and peroxiredoxin 5 (Prx5) content of muscles from mice as markers of peroxynitrite activity. Data indicate that a substantial age-related increase in NO levels occurred in muscle fibers during contractile activity and this was associated with an increase in muscle eNOS. Muscle proteins from old mice also showed an increased 3-NT content. Inhibition of NOS indicated that NO decreased superoxide bioavailability in muscle mitochondria, although this effect was not age related. Thus increased NO in muscles of old mice was associated with an increased 3-NT content that may potentially contribute to age-related degenerative changes in skeletal muscle

    High-Temperature Hall Effect in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As

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    The temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient of a series of ferromagnetic Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As samples is measured in the temperature range 80K < T < 500K. We model the Hall coefficient assuming a magnetic susceptibility given by the Curie-Weiss law, a spontaneous Hall coefficient proportional to rho_xx^2(T), and including a constant diamagnetic contribution in the susceptibility. For all low resistivity samples this model provides excellent fits to the measured data up to T=380K and allows extraction of the hole concentration (p). The calculated p are compared to alternative methods of determining hole densities in these materials: pulsed high magnetic field (up to 55 Tesla) technique at low temperatures (less than the Curie temperature), and electrochemical capacitance- voltage profiling. We find that the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) contribution to rho_xy is substantial even well above the Curie temperature. Measurements of the Hall effect in this temperature regime can be used as a testing ground for theoretical descriptions of transport in these materials. We find that our data are consistent with recently published theories of the AHE, but they are inconsistent with theoretical models previously used to describe the AHE in conventional magnetic materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted to Phys.Rev.

    A glassy contribution to the heat capacity of hcp 4^4He solids

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    We model the low-temperature specific heat of solid 4^4He in the hexagonal closed packed structure by invoking two-level tunneling states in addition to the usual phonon contribution of a Debye crystal for temperatures far below the Debye temperature, T<ΘD/50T < \Theta_D/50. By introducing a cutoff energy in the two-level tunneling density of states, we can describe the excess specific heat observed in solid hcp 4^4He, as well as the low-temperature linear term in the specific heat. Agreement is found with recent measurements of the temperature behavior of both specific heat and pressure. These results suggest the presence of a very small fraction, at the parts-per-million (ppm) level, of two-level tunneling systems in solid 4^4He, irrespective of the existence of supersolidity.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Six-dimensional localized black holes: numerical solutions

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    To test the strong-gravity regime in Randall-Sundrum braneworlds, we consider black holes bound to a brane. In a previous paper, we studied numerical solutions of localized black holes whose horizon radii are smaller than the AdS curvature radius. In this paper, we improve the numerical method and discuss properties of the six dimensional (6D) localized black holes whose horizon radii are larger than the AdS curvature radius. At a horizon temperature T1/2π\mathcal{T} \approx 1/2\pi \ell, the thermodynamics of the localized black hole undergo a transition with its character changing from a 6D Schwarzschild black hole type to a 6D black string type. The specific heat of the localized black holes is negative, and the entropy is greater than or nearly equal to that of the 6D black strings with the same thermodynamic mass. The large localized black holes show flattened horizon geometries, and the intrinsic curvature of the horizon four-geometry becomes negative near the brane. Our results indicate that the recovery mechanism of lower-dimensional Einstein gravity on the brane works even in the presence of the black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX4, typos correcte

    The glassy response of solid He-4 to torsional oscillations

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    We calculated the glassy response of solid He-4 to torsional oscillations assuming a phenomenological glass model. Making only a few assumptions about the distribution of glassy relaxation times in a small subsystem of otherwise rigid solid He-4, we can account for the magnitude of the observed period shift and concomitant dissipation peak in several torsion oscillator experiments. The implications of the glass model for solid He-4 are threefold: (1) The dynamics of solid He-4 is governed by glassy relaxation processes. (2) The distribution of relaxation times varies significantly between different torsion oscillator experiments. (3) The mechanical response of a torsion oscillator does not require a supersolid component to account for the observed anomaly at low temperatures, though we cannot rule out its existence.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, presented at QFS200