298 research outputs found

    Assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty in the retail sector

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    Quinze anos de monitorização das comunidades biológicas do estuário do Tejo no âmbito da construção e funcionamento das ETARs do Portinho da Costa e da Mutela (Concelho de Almada): Experiência adquirida e ensinamentos para futuros casos semelhantes.

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    Desde 2001 que a Câmara Municipal de Almada tem vindo a promover, em colaboração com o MARE, a monitorização ambiental das regiões estuarinas sob influência das ETARs do Portinho da Costa e da Mutela, que vieram substituir efluentes não tratados emitidos sensivelmente nas mesmas regiões. O objetivo deste programa de monitorização consiste em avaliar as principais alterações ocorridas (na maioria dos casos positivas) nos ecossistemas estuarinos dos vários locais, após a entrada em funcionamento de ambas as infraestruturas. Estes 15 anos de estudos das comunidades bentónicas e de peixes locais têm permitido identificar variações nos padrões espácio-temporais destes compartimentos biológicos e identificar quais dessas evoluções podem ser presumivelmente relacionáveis com o funcionamento das infraestruturas e quais derivam provavelmente de flutuações naturais. Nesta comunicação são enunciados os pressupostos do estudo, descritos os delineamentos experimentais e metodologias de tratamento dos dados adotados, apresentados os principais resultados obtidos e discutidas as grandes dificuldades sentidas para cumprir os objetivos estabelecidos. Este conjunto de elementos será analisado numa perspetiva de como a experiência adquirida pode ser útil, no futuro, para casos semelhantes, sobretudo numa ótica da correta identificação dos verdadeiros efeitos infraestruturais e de despiste da influência de outros fatores concorrentes

    Desenvolvimento de recursos didácticos informatizados no âmbito da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável. o exemplo do courseware SeRe

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    A falta de recursos didácticos informatizados de qualidade para o 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico (1º/2º CEB), concebidos no âmbito da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), numa perspectiva de Ensino por Pesquisa, determinou a organização de uma equipa multidisciplinar para o desenvolvimento do «Courseware Sere - O Ser Humano e os Recursos Naturais». Ajustando alguns princípios de desenvolvimento de software, particularmente de Design Centrado no Utilizador (DCU), o trabalho da equipa multidisciplinar, constituída por elementos com diversas competências (ao nível da Didáctica das Ciências, da Tecnologia Educativa, de Design e de Programação), centrou-se no desenvolvimento de um recurso didáctico informatizado que integra várias tipologias de software, nomeadamente simulações e visualizações, com as actividades didácticas. A orientação do recurso, as temáticas propostas e as metodologias e estratégias de exploração privilegiadas fundamentam-se: i) na identificação das orientações nacionais e internacionais da EDS; ii) na identificação das necessidades e interesses dos professores quanto à implementação de actividades com orientação EDS (Sá, 2008; Sá e Martins, 2007), iii) no paradigma de ensino por competências (Cachapuz, Sá-Chaves e Paixão, 2004) e iv) no recurso a um design interactivo centrado no utilizador (Costa, Loureiro, Reis, Sá, Guerra e Vieira, 2009; Guerra, 2007). Neste artigo faz-se uma apresentação do processo de desenvolvimento do recurso didáctico, das temáticas propostas e das metodologias e estratégias de exploração perspectivadas pelos autores do recurs

    Biallelic GINS2 variant p.(Arg114Leu) causes Meier-Gorlin syndrome with craniosynostosis

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    Contains fulltext : 284813.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)INTRODUCTION: Replication of the nuclear genome is an essential step for cell division. Pathogenic variants in genes coding for highly conserved components of the DNA replication machinery cause Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGORS). OBJECTIVE: Identification of novel genes associated with MGORS. METHODS: Exome sequencing was performed to investigate the genotype of an individual presenting with prenatal and postnatal growth restriction, a craniofacial gestalt of MGORS and coronal craniosynostosis. The analysis of the candidate variants employed bioinformatic tools, in silico structural protein analysis and modelling in budding yeast. RESULTS: A novel homozygous missense variant NM_016095.2:c.341G>T, p.(Arg114Leu), in GINS2 was identified. Both non-consanguineous healthy parents carried this variant. Bioinformatic analysis supports its classification as pathogenic. Functional analyses using yeast showed that this variant increases sensitivity to nicotinamide, a compound that interferes with DNA replication processes. The phylogenetically highly conserved residue p.Arg114 localises at the docking site of CDC45 and MCM5 at GINS2. Moreover, the missense change possibly disrupts the effective interaction between the GINS complex and CDC45, which is necessary for the CMG helicase complex (Cdc45/MCM2-7/GINS) to accurately operate. Interestingly, our patient's phenotype is strikingly similar to the phenotype of patients with CDC45-related MGORS, particularly those with craniosynostosis, mild short stature and patellar hypoplasia. CONCLUSION: GINS2 is a new disease-associated gene, expanding the genetic aetiology of MGORS

    Optimization of the cold profiling process through SMED

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    In a more and more competitive and industrialized market, it is essential that companies realize that the way forward must go through the optimization of their production processes, reducing the costs and increasing product quality. Nowadays it’s necessary to adopt innovative management models that can provide increased productivity at minimal costs, such as the Lean thinking. The metalworking industry is integrated into one of the most competitive existing markets in Portugal. Given this, it’s fundamental to reduce the waste in all sectors of the production process, using the good Lean principles and practices, such as the Single Minute Exchange of Die, also known as SMED methodology. This paper presents a project of implementing the SMED methodology in the cold profiling process, in a population of five different profiling machines. The results of the SMED implementation show an average OEE improvement of 10,8%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening polymeric ionic liquids for chromatography-based purification of bacteriophage M13

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    M13 bacteriophage is a key instrument in phage display applications, as well as a possible antibacterial therapeutic agent due to its highly restrictive bacterial pathogenesis, and other applications. The traditional phage purification process is usually achieved by gradient ultracentrifugation or a combination of precipitation, centrifugation and microfiltration. These approaches easily lead to long process times, high operational costs, phage aggregation and consequent product loss (approximately 60%). This work is thus focused on an alternative potential large-scale process to achieve high yield and purity while minimizing the operational costs. Electrostatic-based separation processes are also common biomolecules purification techniques. Although anion exchange chromatography has been used before to purify several viral particles, this technique has been poorly reported for the purification of M13 phage. In a recent work, our group has demonstrated the use of a predominant anion exchange process, where a polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) was used as an alternative separation matrix for M13 bacteriophage. In this work, a variety of system parameters was studied, including chemical structure of the cation and the anion, the crosslinker nature and its concentration, either in batch adsorption/elution or chromatographic operation mode. The PIL-based chromatographic operation mode revealed to be a suitable separation process for M13 from directly filtered E. coli supernatant, reaching over 70% M13 recovery and 4.6 purification factor in a single step. To our knowledge, this is the first time that PILs have been reported as separation agents for bioproducts from complex mixtures.publishe

    A whole genome screen for association with multiple sclerosis in portuguese patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is common in Europe affecting up to 1:500 people. In an effort to identify genes influencing susceptibility to the disease, we have performed a population-based whole genome screen for association. In this study, 6000 microsatellite markers were typed in separately pooled DNA samples from MS patients (n = 188) and matched controls (n = 188). Interpretable data was obtained from 4661 of these markers. Refining analysis of the most promising markers identified 10 showing potential evidence for association.SERONO (Portugal).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - grant FRH/BD/9111/2002.British Council/ICCTI.Wellcome Trust, Multiple Sclerosis Societies of the United States and Great Britain, Multiple Sclerosis International Federation - GAMES project - grant 057097

    Pairing of fermions in atomic traps and nuclei

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    Pairing gaps for fermionic atoms in harmonic oscillator traps are calculated for a wide range of interaction strengths and particle number, and compared to pairing in nuclei. Especially systems, where the pairing gap exceeds the level spacing but is smaller than the shell splitting ω\hbar\omega, are studied which applies to most trapped Fermi atomic systems as well as to finite nuclei. When solving the gap equation for a large trap with such multi-level pairing, one finds that the matrix elements between nearby harmonic oscillator levels and the quasi-particle energies lead to a double logarithm of the gap, and a pronounced shell structure at magic numbers. It is argued that neutron and proton pairing in nuclei belongs to the class of multi-level pairing, that their shell structure follows naturally and that the gaps scale as A1/3\sim A^{-1/3} - all in qualitative agreement with odd-even staggering of nuclear binding energies. Pairing in large systems are related to that in the bulk limit. For large nuclei the neutron and proton superfluid gaps approach the asymptotic value in infinite nuclear matter: Δ1.1\Delta\simeq 1.1 MeV.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Phosphate fertilization and phosphorus forms in an Oxisol under no-till

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    Under no-till phosphorus (P) accumulates in a few centimeters of the topsoil layer. Plant residues left on the soil surface release P and organic acids, which may improve P availability and fertilizer efficiency, including both soluble (such as triple super phosphate) and less soluble sources (such as reactive natural phosphates). In this study, soybean response to P fertilizer and P forms in the top 40 cm of an Oxisol were evaluated after surface application of different phosphates in a 5-year-old no-till system. Treatments consisted of 0 or 80 kg ha-1 of total P2O5 applied on the soil surface, both as natural reactive phosphate (NRP) or triple super phosphate (TSP). In addition, 80 kg ha-1 of P2O5 were applied to subplots, in furrows below and beside the soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds, in different combinations of NRP and TSP. Soil samples were taken before and after the soybean growth, down to 0.40 m and soil phosphorus was chemically fractionated. The responses to NRP were similar to TSP, with an increase in P reserves at greater depths, even in non-available forms, such as P-occluded. After the soybean harvest, P-occluded levels were lower at the surface layer, but an increase was observed in the soluble, organic and total P down to 40 cm. An improved P distribution in soil depth, especially regarding the soluble and organic forms, resulted in higher soybean yields, even when the phosphates were applied to the soil surface.Em semeadura direta o fósforo (P) acumula-se na camada mais superficial do solo, mas os resíduos deixados na superfície liberam P e ácidos orgânicos, que podem melhorar a disponibilidade e a eficiência de fertilizantes como o superfosfato triplo e fosfatos naturais reativos. Neste estudo, a resposta da soja à adubação com P e as formas de P até 40 cm de profundidade do solo foram avaliadas após a aplicação de fosfatos em um sistema conduzido em semeadura direta há cinco anos. Os tratamentos consistiram de 0 ou 80 kg ha-1 P2O5 total, aplicados na superfície do solo como fosfato natural reativo (FNR) ou superfosfato triplo (SFT). Nas subparcelas foram aplicados, no sulco de semeadura, 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5, em diferentes combinações de FNR e SFT. Amostras de solo foram coletadas até 0.4 m, antes e depois do cultivo da soja (Glycine max L.), para fracionamento do P. As respostas ao FNR foram semelhantes às do SFT, com aumento das reservas de P em profundidade, mesmo em formas não-disponíveis como P-ocluso. Após a colheita da soja, os teores de P-ocluso diminuíram na camada mais superficial, mas foi observado um aumento nas formas solúvel, orgânica e P - total em toda a espessura de solo estudada. A melhor distribuição do P no solo, principalmente em formas solúvel e orgânica, resultou em maior produtividade da soja, mesmo quando o fertilizante foi aplicado na superfície do solo