326 research outputs found

    The effect of soil microtopographic gradients on dry matter yields and species richness in two Mediterranean pastures

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    The Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures Rich in Legumes (SBPPRL) mix a large number of species and cultivars of improved annual pasture species adapted to Mediterranean climate. with a predominance of Trifolium subterraneum. On a commercial mixed farm were explored the effects of soil microtopographic gradients on dry matter (OM) yields and species richness in two intensively grazed nearby pastures - a stabilized SBPPRL and an old seminatural annual pasture (SNP) - established in the same soil calena, with a high PZ05 and KzO availability. As expected the SBPPRL had higher DM yields than the SNP, more stable along the slope system, and with a larger legume fraction. The indigenous genotypes of the SNP seemed unable to translate into biomass soil fertility improvement. SBPPRL improved pasture species depressed significantly pasture species diversity and species spatial turnover. In the SBPPRL legumes mainly substituted many short living low productivity autochthonous species common in the SNP. The buffering of soil ecological gradients is probably important in the explanation of the superior agronomic performance of SBPPRL. SOM accumulation is certainly involved in this process

    The effects of climate fluctuations and soil heterogeneity on the floristic composition of sown Mediterranean annual pastures

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    Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures Rich in Legumes (SBPPRL) is a pasture system for Mediterranean climatic areas mixing a large number of pastures species and cultivars, with a predominance of Trifolium subterraneum. Since the nineties, it rapidly expanded in Portugal due to its high dry matter yields (DM) and C sequestration rates in soil organic matter. Although without clear experimental evidence, it is currently admitted that SBPPRL are able to adjust soil spatial heterogeneity and to reflect interannual climate fluctuations. The study was realised on a SBPPRL sown in 2001on a mixed farm located in “Serra da Estrela”, the main agricultural mountain system of Portugal. The effects of two explanatory variables – “Year-climate” (moderately dry in 2007-2008 and humid in 2009-2010) and “Slope” (three positions: hill shoulder, backslope and footslope) – on the floristic composition were explored. Three botanical levels of analysis were used: all species, sown species and T. subterraneum cultivar levels. The statistical significance and the influence of the two explanatory variables on the plant composition varied between these three levels. The distribution of T. subterraneum cultivars along the microtopographical gradient was congruent with their life cycle duration: short-cycle cultivars had higher relative cover in uphill plots while longer cycle cultivars tended to dominate down the slope. Diversifying the sown species/cultivar colonists’ pool in seed pasture mixtures appears to favour microtopographic gradients and interannual climatic fluctuation tracking. Sown species diversity and T. subterraneum cultivar diversity are complementary in this process; they promote, respectively, interannual climatic and microtopographic gradients fluctuation tracking

    Efeito da fertilização mineral e orgânica e do uso de misturas simples e complexas de sementes na instalação de pastagens anuais ricas em leguminosas

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    No âmbito de um estudo de longo prazo de pastagens permanentes semeadas ricas em leguminosas estudou-se o efeito dos seguintes factores na flora pascícola de primeiro ano: 1) pastagem – mistura simples (MSIMP), mistura comercial complexa rica em leguminosas (MCOMP) e vegetação espontânea (ABAND); 2) fertilização de fundo – estrume de bovino (EST: 40 t/ha), fertilização mineral (FERT: 1000 kg calcário/ha, 53 kg P2O5/ha e 30 kg K2O /ha) e sem fertilização. Os dados experimentais revelaram: a percentagem de cobertura das plantas indígenas foi francamente mais elevada do que o das plantas semeadas; o tratamento ABAND foi o único que demonstrou um controlo significativo na estruturação dos dados florísticos numa RDA (Análise de redundância); FERT teve um efeito mais favorável do que EST na flora adventícia regional de cereais que colonizou as parcelas experimentais; as leguminosas semeadas – com 35,0% (EST) e 15,3% (FERT) de cobertura – foram beneficiadas pela aplicação de estrumes à sementeira; os estrumes provavelmente tiveram um efeito favorável no desenvolvimento de nichos de regeneração adequados às leguminosas, sobretudo num ano agrícola tão seco como foi o de 2008-2009; a percentagem de cobertura do L. perenne foi semelhante nos três tipos de fertilização; o tipo de mistura de sementes (MSIMP e MCOMP) teve um efeito irrelevante na flora pratense semeada.FCT-Fundação Para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Propuesta de valores normativos para la clasificación de variables antropométricas en futbolistas profesionales

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es proponer una clasificación para identificar el % graso ideal a partir de variables antropométricas en futbolistas profesionales. Para lo cual, fueron utilizados 132 futbolistas profesionales a los que se les evaluó la Masa corporal (kg), Estatura (cm) y pliegues cutáneos (mm). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la estadística descriptiva de media aritmética (X), desviación estándar (DE), coeficiente de variación (CV) y para clasificar las variables antropométricas se utilizó los percentiles. Los resultados muestran que los valores ideales de % graso de los futbolistas oscila entre 9,0 a 12,6%, (p25 a p75), respectivamente. Finalmente, los parámetros adoptados como puntos de corte podrían ser utilizados como posibles indicadores para diagnosticar futbolistas con riesgo de lesión (pp75), a partir del % graso, masa corporal, e inclusive por la sumatoria de cuatro y seis pliegues cutáneos.The aim of this study is to propose a classification to identify the ideal % fat from anthropometric variables in professional soccer players. To which, using 132 players were professionals who were assessed for body mass (kg) Height (cm) and skinfolds (mm). For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used for arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV) and to classify the variables used anthropometric percentiles. The results show that the ideal values of % fat of the players ranges from 9.0 to 12.6% (p25 to p75), respectively. Finally, the parameters adopted as cutoff points could be used as indicators to diagnose potential players at risk of injury (p p75) from the % fat, body mass, and even by the sum of four and six skinfolds.Peer Reviewe

    Prevalence of Bartonella henselae in blood donors and risk of blood transmission in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Bartonella henselae es el agente causal de la enfermedad del arañazo del gato en personas inmunocompetentes y de la angiomatosis bacilar y peliosis hepatis en inmunocomprometidos. En Chile la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra B. henselae en niños y adolescentes sanos es de 13,3%, en personas con riesgo ocupacional 60,5% y en gatos 85,6%. No existen datos publicados respecto de la seroprevalencia en donantes de sangre en nuestro país, por lo que determinar si B. henselae se encuentra presente en la sangre de los donantes al momento de la donación es muy importante, ya que este microorganismo puede sobrevivir hasta 35 días en los eritrocitos almacenados en banco de sangre a 4 °C. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de B. henselae en donantes de sangre. Metodología: Se analizaron 140 muestras de sangre de donantes, para detectar la presencia de B. henselae, utilizando la técnica de la reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC). Resultados: Se obtuvo 13,6% de los donantes de sangre con RPC positiva para la B. henselae. La secuencia de los fragmentos amplificados presentó una identidad por sobre 98% con respecto a secuencias de B. henselae de referencia. Conclusión: El riesgo de transmisión sanguínea debiera ser considerado en un país con alta seroprevalencia de infección por B. henselae.Bartonella henselae is the causal agent of cat scratch disease in immunocompetent persons and bacterial angiomatosis in immunocompromised patients. In Chile, the prevalence of antibodies against B. henselae in healthy children and adolescents is 13.3%, in persons with occupational risk 60.5%, and in cats 85.6%. There are no published data regarding the seroprevalence in blood donors in our country, so determining if B. henselae is present in the blood of donors at the time of donation is very important, since this microorganism can survive up to 35 days in the red blood cells stored in a blood bank at 4 °C. Objective: To determine the prevalence of B. henselae in blood donors. Methodology: 140 donor blood samples were analyzed to detect the presence of B. henselae, using the polymerase chain reaction technique. Results: 13.6% of the blood donors with positive polymerase chain reaction for B. henselae were obtained. The sequence of the amplified fragments showed an identity of over 98% with respect to B. henselae reference sequences. Conclusion: The risk of blood transmission is due to a country with high B. henselae infection.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-10182017000600539&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Farming systems in mountain regions of NE Portugal: conversion from conventional production to organic production

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    The energy efficiency of a mountain mixed-farming system in NE Portugal was analysed for the period 2002-2003. The energy calculation included the energy of all inputs (fertilizers, fuels, concentrates for cattle) on farm production and the energy of outputs (bovine meat). The energy values were calculated by multiplying the quantities of inputs, indoor system production and outputs by their energy content. The efficiency of the farm (output/input) was 0.12. The results showed a low efficiency of the farm. However, these results were not due to the high inputs required by the farm (as in intensive systems) but it was due to the low use of available feed

    Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Relationship Based on Multi-Source Data from Monitoring and Inventory

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    Quantitative hazard analysis of rockfalls is a fundamental tool for sustainable risk management, even more so in places where the preservation of natural heritage and people's safety must find the right balance. The first step consists in determining the magnitude-frequency relationship, which corresponds to the apparently simple question: how big and how often will a rockfall be detached from anywhere in the cliff? However, there is usually only scarce data on past activity from which to derive a quantitative answer. Methods are proposed to optimize the exploitation of multi-source inventories, introducing sampling extent as a main attribute for the analysis. This work explores the maximum possible synergy between data sources as different as traditional inventories of observed events and current remote sensing techniques. Both information sources may converge, providing complementary results in the magnitude-frequency relationship, taking advantage of each strength that overcomes the correspondent weakness. Results allow characterizing rockfall detachment hazardous conditions and reveal many of the underlying conditioning factors, which are analyzed in this paper. High variability of the hazard over time and space has been found, with strong dependencies on influential external factors. Therefore, it will be necessary to give the appropriate reading to the magnitude-frequency scenarios, depending on the application of risk management tools (e.g., hazard zoning, quantitative risk analysis, or actions that bring us closer to its forecast). In this sense, some criteria and proxies for hazard assessment are proposed in the paper

    High pressure metamorphism of ophiolites in Cuba

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    High-pressure metamorphic complexes of ophiolitic material in Cuba trace the evolution of the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate during the Mesozoic. In the northern ophiolite belt of western and central Cuba, these complexes document cold (i.e., mature) subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Age data indicate subduction during pre-Aptian times followed by mélange formation and uplift during the Aptian-Albian. The P-T evolution is clockwise with relatively hot geothermal gradient during exhumation (i.e., "Alpine-type"), suggesting that exhumation may have been triggered by unroofing processes ensuing arrest of subduction. It is hypothesized that tectonic processes related to termination of subduction led to formation of characteristic oscillatory zoning of garnet recorded in blocks separated by ca. 800 km along strike of the belt. In eastern Cuba, the complexes document hot subduction with peak conditions at ca. 750 ºC, 15-18 kbar followed by near-isobaric cooling (i.e., counterclockwise P-T path). The contrasting petrologic evolution in the two regions indicates that the correlation of eastern and western-central Cuban mélanges is doubtful. The age and tectonic context of formation of these hot-subduction complexes is uncertain, but available data are consistent with formation during the Aptian-Albian due to a) the birth of a new subduction zone and/or b) subduction of young oceanic lithosphere or a ridge. Furthermore, tectonic juxtaposition of high-pressure ophiolitic material and subducted platform metasediments in the Escambray complex (central Cuba) that were decompressed under relatively cold geothermal gradients ("Franciscan-type" P-T paths) indicates syn-subduction exhumation during the uppermost Cretaceous (ca. 70 Ma). The diversity of P-T paths, ages and tectonic settings of formation of the high-pressure complexes of ophiolitic material in Cuba document a protracted history of subduction at the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate during the Mesozoic

    Organic farming in northeast of Portugal: effects of soil fertility management on DM yield and nutrients composition of pastures

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of six types of soil fertility management: no fertiliser (NF), lime inputs (Ca), mineral fertilisation combined with hming (CaP (lime and phosphorous), CaPB (lime, phosphorous and boron), manure (M), and manure+lime+mineral fertilisation (MCaPB), and two types of pasture (unsown and sown) on DM yield, botanical composition and nutrients content of pasture during two years of study. DM yield was significantly increased when plots were fertilised with manure (M and MCaPB), which also improved the proportion of legumes, mainly in the sown pasture