3,844 research outputs found

    La resilencia del régimen político marroquí

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    El régimen de Marruecos representa un soft authoritarianism legitimado en su monarquía y en el aparato administrativo que posee y que supera los envites de movimientos sociales y religiosos desde hace décadas, dando una estabilidad al país casi desconocida en su área geográfica. La progresiva islamización del ambiente político y social genera tensiones en el seno de la sociedad, traducidas en gobiernos inestables por falta de consenso y subyugados al poder real. La Primavera Árabe en Marruecos ha podido ser tanto un punto de partida como una movilización más en un ciclo que continúa, pero, en cualquiera de los casos, revela el sentir de ciertos sectores de oposición al sistema actual. Un sistema de estas características sirve de precedente en estudios de democratización de las instituciones políticas dentro del mundo árabeMorocco represents a soft authoritarianism legitimated by its monarchy and its administrative apparatus. Both have succeeded to show how to overcome the external shocks coming from religious and social movements and how to provide a stability almost unknown in the geographic scope. The progressive islamization of the social and political environment is generating tensions within society. This translates into unstable governments also due to the lack of consensus and the subjugation to royal power. The Arab Spring in Morocco might have either been a starting point or another mobilisation in an ongoing cycle. Nevertheless, this reveals the feeling of discontent of certain sectors of the political opposition. This case serves as precedent for future research of the democratization of institutions in the Arab worl

    Who is more fragile? A study of heroes and heroines in the twentieth century romantic fiction of Mills and Boon

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    Resumen: Desde los comienzos del siglo veinte la internacionalmente conocida editorial Mills and Boon ha publicado historias de amor entre hombres y mujeres. Aunque basando sus héroes y heroínas en arquetipos literarios, los argumentos de sus novelas se han transformado a lo largo del siglo. La finalidad de este artículo es probar que las novelas de Mills and Boon son serios documentos históricos que reflejan cambios de valores sociales y denuncian las dificultades que afrontan las mujeres en un mundo dominado por los hombres. Analizando lugares, sus protagonistas, el matrimonio o las relaciones sexuales, intentaremos demostrar cómo estas narraciones han influido en mujeres de todas las edades y clases sociales sumergiendo a sus lectores en una especial atmósfera femenina. Palabras clave: Amor, héroe, heroína, cambios sociales, Gran Bretaña. Abstract: From the beginning of the twentieth century the internationally known publishing house Harlequin Mills and Boon has dealt with a large variety of love stories between men and women. Although based on archetypical literary characters, the plots of its novels have changed throughout the century. It is my purpose in this article to prove that Mills and Boon are serious historical documents which reflect shifting social values and denounce the difficulties women face in a mens world. By analysing locations, heroes and heroines, marriage or sexual relationships, Ill try to demonstrate how these narratives have influenced on women of all ages and social classes engulfing readers in a unique female atmosphere. Key words: Love, hero, heroine, social changes, Britai

    Los actores de los sistemas de I+D+i de las regiones periféricas

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    Los estudios sobre los sistemas de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i) han realizado avances significativos al adoptar una perspectiva regional, con análisis más ajustados de las características de los actores en la estructura económica y social. También la clase política ha prestado más atención a la planificación de las políticas públicas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación, con el propósito de ser más eficientes. Sin embargo, la orientación de los estudios regionales de innovación permanece anclada en los sistemas más exitosos: Silicon Valley, Manchester, Lyon..., sin que sepamos con certeza si estas mismas claves pueden generalizarse a otras regiones, especialmente las periféricas, con escaso o ningún desarrollo industrial y, por tanto, con situaciones muy poco favorables para el desarrollo de las economías del conocimiento. En este trabajo analizamos las actitudes y las opiniones de los actores principales del sistema de I+D+i de Canarias, que es una región ultraperiférica y no industrializada. La metodología basada en grupos de discusión y grupos Delphi nos permitirá establecer la manera de pensar y de actuar de los agentes locales. Podremos mostrar entonces que, además de la estructura de la región, la actitud que adoptan los agentes sociales desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo exitoso del sistema regional de I+D+i.Studies of the R&D and innovation system have been making relevant progress when adopting a regional perspective with more apropiate analysis of the characteristics of the actors in the economic and political structure. Political stakeholders have also attended to planning public policies in science and technology and innovation with the aim of being more efficient. However, orientation of regional studies of innovation is anchored in success systems: Silicon Valley, Manchester, Lyon..., but we do not know certainly if these same key elements could be generalised for other regions, especially, periphery regions with nearly or none industrial development, and, therefore, with a little or no development industrial, and, therefore, with a situation very unfavorable for developing knowledge-based economies. In this work we analyse attitudes and opinions of main actors of Canary R&D and innovation system, which is an ultraperipheral and non industrialised region. The methodology based on discussion and Delphi groups allow us to establish the way of thinking and behaviour of local agents. We will be able to show, thus, in addition to the structure of the region, that the attitude adopted by the social agents play a fundamental role in the develop of the regional R&D and innovation system

    El desarrollo de la relación teoría y práctica en el grado de maestro en educación primaria.

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    The relationship between theory and practice has major implications in teacher training, improving teaching practices and professional development. This article explores how future teachers and their trainers perceive the dichotomy between theory and practice while undertaking a Primary Education Degree programme. Ore specifically, the following questions were posed with a view to gaining some insight into how to bridge the gap between theory and practice in teacher training: - How is the theory-practice relationship approached in the teacher training setting? - How does theory-practice coordination influence the development of practical knowledge in future teachers? - Which aspects of teacher training foster greater theory-practice coordination and which hinder it? A qualitative methodology was used based on the study of multiple cases, and data collection techniques included in-depth interviews, discussion groups and stories. Various groups involved in the degree course (students, teachers and school tutors) participated in the study. The results allow to identify as main problems an overly fragmented and theoretical curriculum, coexistence of confronted epistemological conceptions, lack of connection between curriculum and real practice, among other issues. Finally, we may conclude that although progress has been made compared with previous curricular programmes, the theory versus practice relationship has yet to be fully, meaningfully and jointly developed in the initial teacher training setting

    A first assessment of atresia in the Chilean jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi (Teleostei, Carangidae) from the South-eastern Pacific Ocean

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    The Chilean jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi support an important fishery in the South-eastern Pacific Ocean and has declined considerably over time. T. murphyi have asynchronous ovarian development with an oceanic spawning (September to January). Despite the economic importance of this resource critical issue such as characteristics and dynamics of atresia, which affect the reproductive output, are unknown. Females of T. murphyi caught in different spawning seasons were analysed to describe patterns of prevalence and intensity of atresia. General linear models (GLM) were performed by using prevalence and intensity atresia as response variables and gonadosomatic index, condition factor, sea surface temperature, postovulatory follicles and month/year as explanatory variables. The batch fecundity and relative fecundity were compared between females showing atresia, postovulatory follicles and non-atretic females. The stages of atresia identified were alpha, beta and gamma. The GLM showed that variations in the prevalence and intensity of atresia were explained for all variables, except condition factor for prevalence, and gonadosomatic index for intensity of atresia. According to our results, the dynamic of alpha and beta atresia could be considered a potential proxy for any disruption of spawning season. The batch fecundity and relative fecundity were lowest compared with other Trachurus spp. This is the first assessment comparing fecundity between atretic and not atretic females for this species

    Electrical conductance of molecular junctions by a robust statistical analysis

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    We propose an objective and robust method to extract the electrical conductance of single molecules connected to metal electrodes from a set of measured conductance data. Our method roots in the physics of tunneling and is tested on octanedithiol using mechanically controllable break junctions. The single molecule conductance values can be deduced without the need for data selection.Comment: 4 figure