85 research outputs found

    Assessing seismic efficiency from scalar Moment-rates: an application to Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)

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    Here we propose an improved estimation of the scalar seismic (from instrumental and historical catalogues), geodetic and geologic moment-rates for the eastern flank of Mt. Etna. The estimated moment-rates have been compared in terms of seismic efficiency. Results show that all the calculated efficiency values are lower than 40%, i.e., the geodetic moment-rate estimations are generally larger than the seismic and the geologic ones. Although a number of reasons may account for the observed discrepancy, we are confident that a large amount of the deformation affecting the eastern flank occurs aseismically

    Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo Gennaio 2009 - Dicembre 2013

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    Sono analizzati ed elaborati i dati dei rilievi macrosismici relativi ai terremoti verificatisi in Sicilia nel periodo 2009-2013. Si tratta di eventi che hanno provocato effetti macrosismici di rilievo e/o danneggiamento per la maggior parte localizzati nellâ area etnea, cui si aggiungono alcuni terremoti di magnitudo moderata, legati a sequenze sismiche significative verificatisi nei settori ibleo, peloritano e eoliano. I dati sono stati raccolti e elaborati secondo le procedure operative di prassi adottate in questi casi dal gruppo QUEST (ex-TTC 1.11 â Osservazioni e monitoraggio macrosismico del territorio nazionaleâ ) dellâ INGV, e successivamente parametrizzati secondo gli standard adottati per la compilazione del catalogo CPTI e banca dati macrosismica DBMI (ex-TTC 5.1 â Banche dati e metodi macrosismiciâ )

    The KnowRISK project: Tools and strategies to reduce non-structural damage

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    The project KnowRISK (Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements) is financed by the European Commission to develop prevention measures that may reduce non-structural damage in urban areas. Pilot areas of the project are within the three European participating countries, namely Portugal, Iceland and Italy. Non-structural components of a building include all those components that are not part of the structural system, more specifically the architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as furniture, fixtures, equipment, and contents. Windows, partitions, granite veneer, piping, ceilings, air conditioning ducts and equipment, elevators, computer and hospital equipment, file cabinets, and retail merchandise are all examples of nonstructural components that are vulnerable to earthquake damage. We will use the experience gained during past earthquakes, which struck in particular Iceland, Italy and Portugal (Azores). Securing the non-structural elements improves the safety during an earthquake and saves lives. This paper aims at identifying non-structural seismic protection measures in the pilot areas and to develop a portfolio of good practices for the most common and serious non-structural vulnerabilities. This systematic identification and the portfolio will be achieved through a “crossknowledge” strategy based on previous researches, evidence of non-structural damage in past earthquakes. Shake table tests of a group of non-structural elements will be performed. These tests will be filmed and, jointly with portfolio, will serve as didactic supporting tools to be used in workshops with building construction stakeholders and in risk communication activities. A Practical Guide for non-structural risk reduction will be specifically prepared for citizens on the basis of the outputs of the project, taking into account the local culture and needs of each participating countryPublishedVienna3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischiorestricte

    Urban Disaster-Prevention Strategies Using Macroseismic Fields and Fault Sources

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    This contribution presents the general framework of the European project UPStrat-MAFA "Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources" and its ongoing activities. A unique probabilistic procedure is being used for seismic hazard evaluation, using both macroseismic fields and characteristics of fault sources for the analysis of data from volcanic and tectonic areas: Mt. Etna, Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy), Azores Islands (Portugal), South Iceland (Iceland), Alicante-Murcia (Spain), and mainland and offshore Portugal. An improvement of urban scale vulnerability information on building and network systems (typologies, schools, strategic buildings, lifelines, and others) is proposed in the form of a global Disruption Index, with the objective to provide a systematic way of measuring earthquake impact in urbanized areas considered as complex networks. Disaster prevention strategies are considered based on an education information system, another effective component of the disaster risk reduction given by long-term activities.Co-financed by the EU - Civil Protection Financial Instrument, in the framework the European project ”Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources (Acronym: UPStrat-MAFA, Grant Agreement N. 23031/2011/613486/SUB/A5). http://ec.europa.eu/echo/funding/cp_projects2011_en.htmPublishedLisbon - Portugal4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaope

    Urban Disaster-Prevention Strategies Using Macroseismic Fields and Fault Sources

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    This contribution presents the general framework of the European project UPStrat-MAFA "Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources" and its ongoing activities. A unique probabilistic procedure is being used for seismic hazard evaluation, using both macroseismic fields and characteristics of fault sources for the analysis of data from volcanic and tectonic areas: Mt. Etna, Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy), Azores Islands (Portugal), South Iceland (Iceland), Alicante-Murcia (Spain), and mainland and offshore Portugal. An improvement of urban scale vulnerability information on building and network systems (typologies, schools, strategic buildings, lifelines, and others) is proposed in the form of a global Disruption Index, with the objective to provide a systematic way of measuring earthquake impact in urbanized areas considered as complex networks. Disaster prevention strategies are considered based on an education information system, another effective component of the disaster risk reduction given by long-term activities

    L’indagine macrosismica: metodologia, parametri del terremoto, questioni aperte

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    Subito dopo l’evento del 6 aprile 2009, come di consueto è stata realizzata una lunga e complessa indagine macrosismica, promossa dal gruppo operativo QUEST, che ha avuto inizialmente l’obiettivo di delimitare l’area di danneggiamento, a supporto delle attività di pronto intervento della Protezione Civile, e successivamente quello di classificare nel modo più accurato e capillare possibile, gli effetti prodotti dall’evento, particolarmente nelle aree danneggiate. A questo scopo è stata prodotta una stima utilizzando la scala MCS (Sieberg, 1930); in un secondo momento è stata rifinita l’indagine per una cinquantina di località dell’area maggiormente danneggiata (Is MCS>VII), raccogliendo ed elaborando i dati in termini di scala macrosismica EMS98 (Grünthal, 1998). Per la complessità e la dimensione dei problemi affrontati, questo terremoto ha costituito un banco di prova di grande importanza per la macrosismologia italiana. In questo testo viene descritto il lavoro realizzato, discutendo in particolare alcuni aspetti che hanno messo alla prova le metodologie di indagine tradizionali (sistematiche irregolarità degli insediamenti monitorati, forti divergenze degli scenari di danno rispetto a quelli previsti dalle scale, difficile comparabilità con scenari storici, ecc.) e presentandone i risultati, in relazione ai parametri epicentrali che ne risultano e il loro contributo più diretto alla comprensione complessiva della sismicità dell’area

    DNA Electrophoretic Migration Patterns Change after Exposure of Jurkat Cells to a Single Intense Nanosecond Electric Pulse

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    Intense nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) interact with cellular membranes and intracellular structures. Investigating how cells respond to nanosecond pulses is essential for a) development of biomedical applications of nsPEFs, including cancer therapy, and b) better understanding of the mechanisms underlying such bioelectrical effects. In this work, we explored relatively mild exposure conditions to provide insight into weak, reversible effects, laying a foundation for a better understanding of the interaction mechanisms and kinetics underlying nsPEF bio-effects. In particular, we report changes in the nucleus of Jurkat cells (human lymphoblastoid T cells) exposed to single pulses of 60 ns duration and 1.0, 1.5 and 2.5 MV/m amplitudes, which do not affect cell growth and viability. A dose-dependent reduction in alkaline comet-assayed DNA migration is observed immediately after nsPEF exposure, accompanied by permeabilization of the plasma membrane (YO-PRO-1 uptake). Comet assay profiles return to normal within 60 minutes after pulse delivery at the highest pulse amplitude tested, indicating that our exposure protocol affects the nucleus, modifying DNA electrophoretic migration patterns

    TOMO-ETNA experiment at Etna volcano: Activities on land

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    In the present paper we describe the on-land field operations integrated in the TOMO-ETNA experiment carried out in June-November 2014 at Mt. Etna volcano and surrounding areas. This terrestrial campaign consists in the deployment of 90 short-period portable three-component seismic stations, 17 broadband seismometers and the coordination with 133 permanent seismic station belonging to Italy’s Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). This temporary seismic network recorded active and passive seismic sources. Active seismic sources were generated by an array of air-guns mounted in the Spanish oceanographic vessel “Sarmiento de Gamboa” with a power capacity of up to 5200 cubic inches. In total more than 26,000 shots were fired and more than 450 local and regional earthquakes were recorded. We describe the whole technical procedure followed to guarantee the success of this complex seismic experiment. We started with the description of the location of the potential safety places to deploy the portable network and the products derived from this search (a large document including full characterization of the sites, owners and indication of how to arrive to them). A full technical description of the seismometers and seismic sources is presented. We show how the portable seismic network was deployed, maintained and recovered in different stages. The large international collaboration of this experiment is reflected in the participation of more than 75 researchers, technicians and students from different institutions and countries in the on-land activities. The main objectives of the experiment were achieved with great success.PublishedS04272SR. VULCANI - Servizi e ricerca per la SocietàJCR Journalope

    Modeling the clonal heterogeneity of stem cells

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    Recent experimental studies suggest that tissue stem cell pools are composed of functionally diverse clones. Metapopulation models in ecology concentrate on collections of populations and their role in stabilizing coexistence and maintaining selected genetic or epigenetic variation. Such models are characterized by expansion and extinction of spatially distributed populations. We develop a mathematical framework derived from the multispecies metapopulation model of Tilman et al (1994) to study the dynamics of heterogeneous stem cell metapopulations. In addition to normal stem cells, the model can be applied to cancer cell populations and their response to treatment. In our model disturbances may lead to expansion or contraction of cells with distinct properties, reflecting proliferation, apoptosis, and clonal competition. We first present closed-form expressions for the basic model which defines clonal dynamics in the presence of exogenous global disturbances. We then extend the model to include disturbances which are periodic and which may affect clones differently. Within the model framework, we propose a method to devise an optimal strategy of treatments to regulate expansion, contraction, or mutual maintenance of cells with specific properties

    The relationships between regional Quaternary uplift, deformation across active normal faults and historical seismicity in the upper plate of subduction zones: The Capo D’Orlando Fault, NE Sicily

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    In order to investigate deformation within the upper plate of the Calabrian subduction zone we have mapped and modelled a sequence of Late Quaternary palaeoshorelines tectonically-deformed by the Capo D’Orlando normal fault, NE Sicily, which forms part of the actively deforming Calabrian Arc. In addition to the 1908 Messina Strait earthquake (Mw 7.1), this region has experienced damaging earthquakes, possibly on the Capo D’Orlando Fault, however, it is not considered by some to be a potential seismogenic source. Uplifted Quaternary palaeoshorelines are preserved on the hangingwall of the Capo D’Orlando Fault, indicating that hangingwall subsidence is counteracted by regional uplift, likely because of deformation associated with subduction/collision. We attempt to constrain the relationship between regional uplift, crustal extensional processes and historical seismicity, and we quantify both the normal and regional deformation signals. We report uplift variations along the strike of the fault and use a synchronous correlation technique to assign ages to palaeoshorelines, facilitating calculation of uplift rates and the fault throw-rate. Uplift rates in the hangingwall increase from 0.4 mm/yr in the centre of the fault to 0.89 mm/yr beyond its SW fault tip, suggesting 0.5 mm/yr of fault related subsidence, which implies a throw-rate of 0.63 ± 0.02 mm/yr, and significant seismic hazard. Overall, we emphasise that upper plate extension and related vertical motions complicate the process of deriving information on the subduction/collision process, such as coupling and slip distribution on the subduction interface, parameters that are commonly inferred for other subduction zones without considering upper plate deformation
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