298 research outputs found

    Theory of a continuous stripe melting transition in a two dimensional metal: Possible application to cuprates

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    We develop a concrete theory of continuous stripe melting quantum phase transitions in two dimensional metals and the associated Fermi surface reconstruction. Such phase transitions are strongly coupled but yet theoretically tractable in situations where the stripe ordering is destroyed by proliferating doubled dislocations of the charge stripe order. The resulting non-Landau quantum critical point (QCP) has strong stripe fluctuations which we show decouple dynamically from the Fermi surface even though static stripe ordering reconstructs the Fermi surface. We discuss connections to various stripe phenomena in the cuprates. We point out several puzzling aspects of old experimental results (Aeppli et al, Science 1997) on singular stripe fluctuations in the cuprates, and provide a possible explanation within our theory. These results may thus have been the first observation of non-Landau quantum criticality in an experiment.Comment: 4.5 pages, 3 figure

    Decohering the Fermi liquid: A dual approach to the Mott Transition

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    We present a theoretical approach to describing the Mott transition of electrons on a two dimensional lattice that begins with the low energy effective theory of the Fermi liquid. The approach to the Mott transition must be characterized by the suppression of density and current fluctuations which correspond to specific shape deformations of the Fermi surface. We explore the nature of the Mott insulator and the corresponding Mott transition when these shape fluctuations of the Fermi surface are suppressed without making any a prior assumptions about other Fermi surface shape fluctuations. Building on insights from the theory of the Mott transition of bosons, we implement this suppression by identifying and condensing vortex degrees of freedom in the phase of the low energy electron operator. We show that the resulting Mott insulator is a quantum spin liquid with a spinon fermi surface coupled to a U(1) gauge field which is usually described within a slave particle formulation. Our approach thus provides a coarse-grained treatment of the Mott transition and the proximate spin liquid that is nevertheless equivalent to the standard slave particle construction. This alternate point of view provides further insight into the novel physics of the Mott transition and the spin liquid state that is potentially useful. We describe a generalization that suppresses spin anti-symmetric fluctuations of the Fermi surface that leads to a spin-gapped charge metal previously also discussed in terms of slave particle constructions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Morphometric study of myocardial changes during doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in mice

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    Doxorubicin (DOX) is one of the most effective anti-cancer drugs in oncology, but may cause a cumulative dose-dependent cardiomyopathy in a number of cancer patients. The effect of DOX on the heart was studied in mice treated with i.v. injections of 2 mg/kg by measuring morphometric parameters, including nuclear index (number of non-myocytes/number of myocyte nuclei), reticulin index (reticulin area/number of myocyte transsections), nuclear transsectional area, myocyte transsectional area, capillary index (number of capillaries/number of myocyte transsections) and capillary transsectional area. The highest significant difference between control mice and DOX-treated mice was observed immediately after the 12th dose of DOX except for the two capillary parameters. The highest level of significance for these two parameters was obtained 12 weeks after the end of DOX treatment. In contrast to the observations in rats, mice did not develop a nephrotic syndrome during treatment with DOX. The morphometric analysis of myocardial changes in mice, as a quantitative and objective method, seems to be a good model for comparative studies on cardiomyopathy induced by anthracycline analogues

    Phase II trial of dexverapamil and epirubicin in patients with non-responsive metastatic breast cancer.

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    Agents capable of reversing P-glycoprotein-associated multidrug resistance have usually failed to enhance chemotherapy activity in patients with solid tumours. Based on its toxicity profile and experimental potency, dexverapamil, the R-enantiomer of verapamil, is considered to be promising for clinical use as a chemosensitizer. The purpose of this early phase II trial was to evaluate the effects of dexverapamil on epirubicin toxicity, activity and pharmacokinetics in patients with metastatic breast cancer. A two-stage design was applied. Patients first received epirubicin alone at 120 mg m(-2) i.v. over 15 min, repeated every 21 days. Patients with refractory disease continued to receive epirubicin at the same dose and schedule but supplemented with oral dexverapamil 300 mg every 6 h x 13 doses. The Gehan design was applied to the dexverapamil/epirubicin cohort of patients. Thirty-nine patients were entered on study, 25 proceeded to receive epirubicin plus dexverapamil. Dexverapamil did not increase epirubicin toxicity. The dose intensity of epirubicin was similar when used alone or with dexverapamil. In nine intrapatient comparisons, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of epirubicin was significantly reduced by dexverapamil (mean 2968 vs 1901 microg ml[-1] h[-1], P= 0.02). The mean trough plasma levels of dexverapamil and its major metabolite nor-dexverapamil were 1.2 and 1.5 microM respectively. The addition of dexverapamil to epirubicin induced partial responses in 4 of 23 patients evaluable for tumour response (17%, CI 5-39%, s.e.P 0.079). The remissions lasted 3, 8, 11 and 11+ months. These data suggest that the concept of enhancing chemotherapy activity by adding chemosensitizers may function not only in haematological malignancies but also in selected solid tumours. An increase in the AUC and toxicity of cytotoxic agents does not seem to be a prerequisite for chemosensitizers to enhance anti-tumour activity

    Stellar spectroscopy: Fermions and holographic Lifshitz criticality

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    Electron stars are fluids of charged fermions in Anti-de Sitter spacetime. They are candidate holographic duals for gauge theories at finite charge density and exhibit emergent Lifshitz scaling at low energies. This paper computes in detail the field theory Green's function G^R(w,k) of the gauge-invariant fermionic operators making up the star. The Green's function contains a large number of closely spaced Fermi surfaces, the volumes of which add up to the total charge density in accordance with the Luttinger count. Excitations of the Fermi surfaces are long lived for w <~ k^z. Beyond w ~ k^z the fermionic quasiparticles dissipate strongly into the critical Lifshitz sector. Fermions near this critical dispersion relation give interesting contributions to the optical conductivity.Comment: 38 pages + appendices. 9 figure

    Vinorelbine alternating oral and intravenous plus epirubicin in first-line therapy of metastatic breast cancer: results of a multicentre phase II study

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    The combination of intravenous (i.v.) vinorelbine and epirubicin is highly active in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC). In an effort to improve patient convenience, we investigated a regimen alternating i.v. and oral vinorelbine in combination with epirubicin as first-line chemotherapy of patients with MBC. In all, 49 patients with MBC received, as first-line treatment, a combination regimen consisting of i.v. vinorelbine 25 mg m−2 plus epirubicin 90 mg m−2 given on day 1, and oral vinorelbine 60 mg m−2 on day 8 (or day 15 if neutrophils <1500 mm−3) every 3 weeks, in an open-label, multicentre phase II study. Treatment was to be repeated for a maximum of six cycles. The study population had a median age of 55 years, half of the patients had received prior adjuvant chemotherapy and 86% presented a visceral involvement. In all, 25 responses were documented and validated by an independent panel review, yielding response rates of 51% (95% CI: 36–66) in the 49 enrolled patients and 54.5% (95% CI: 39–70) in the 44 evaluable patients. Median durations of progression-free survival and survival were 8 and 20 months, respectively. Neutropenia was the main dose-limiting toxicity, but complications were uncommon, four patients having experienced febrile neutropenia and six having developed neutropenic infection. Other frequently reported adverse events included stomatitis, nausea and vomiting, which were rarely severe. No toxic death was reported. Among patients who received six cycles, global score of quality of life remained stable. This regimen alternating oral and i.v. vinorelbine in combination with epirubicin is effective and safe. Oral vinorelbine on day 8 offers greater convenience to the patient, and decreases the need for i.v. injection and reduces time spent in hospital. Therefore, oral vinorelbine is a convenient alternative to the i.v. form in combination regimens commonly used to treat MBC

    Designing organometallic compounds for catalysis and therapy

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    Bioorganometallic chemistry is a rapidly developing area of research. In recent years organometallic compounds have provided a rich platform for the design of effective catalysts, e.g. for olefin metathesis and transfer hydrogenation. Electronic and steric effects are used to control both the thermodynamics and kinetics of ligand substitution and redox reactions of metal ions, especially Ru II. Can similar features be incorporated into the design of targeted organometallic drugs? Such complexes offer potential for novel mechanisms of drug action through incorporation of outer-sphere recognition of targets and controlled activation features based on ligand substitution as well as metal- and ligand-based redox processes. We focus here on η 6-arene, η 5-cyclopentadienyl sandwich and half-sandwich complexes of Fe II, Ru II, Os II and Ir III with promising activity towards cancer, malaria, and other conditions. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    The new cardioprotector Monohydroxyethylrutoside protects against doxorubicin-induced inflammatory effects in vitro

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    The new cardioprotector Monohydroxyethylrutoside protects against doxorubicin-induced inflammatory effects in vitro. Abou El Hassan MA, Verheul HM, Jorna AS, Schalkwijk C, van Bezu J, van der Vijgh WJ, Bast A. Department of Medical Oncology, Free University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [email protected] Besides its cardiotoxic effect, doxorubicin also elicits inflammatory effects in vivo. 7-Monohydroxyethylrutoside (monoHER) has recently been used as a protector against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in vivo. It is not known yet whether monoHER can also protect against doxorubicin-induced inflammatory effects. The aim of the present study was (1) to illustrate the inflammatory effects of doxorubicin in vitro and (2) to evaluate a possibly protective effect of monoHER. In order to demonstrate the inflammatory effects of doxorubicin and the possible protection of monoHER, proliferating human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) were incubated with different concentrations of doxorubicin ranging from 12.5 to 600 nM with(out) 200 micro M monoHER. Resting (confluent) HUVECs were incubated with (0.5-25 micro M) doxorubicin with(out) monoHER (0.2-1.2 mM) and the viability of endothelial cells and their propensity to adhere to neutrophils were measured 24 h after treatment. The localisation of adhered neutrophils was determined with immunofluorescence microscopy. To further characterise the mechanism of doxorubicin-induced neutrophil adhesion, the expression of the HUVECs surface adhesion molecules was determined after doxorubicin treatment. Doxorubicin decreased the viability and proliferation capacity of HUVECs in a concentration-dependent manner. The proliferating HUVECs were much more sensitive to doxorubicin (IC(50)=60.0+/-20.8 nM) than resting cells (LC(50)=4.0+/-0.3 micro M). Doxorubicin also increased the adhesion of neutrophils reaching a plateau value at a doxorubicin concentration of > or =0.4 micro M (P=0.0113). The induced neutrophil adhesion was accompanied by overexpression of VCAM and E-selectin but not ICAM. Although monoHER did not reverse the effect of doxorubicin on the proliferation of endothelial cells, it significantly protected resting HUVECs against the cytotoxic effect of doxorubicin (< or =25 micro M, P<0.0015). In addition, monoHER completely protected against the stimulatory effect of doxorubicin on neutrophil adhesion, and inhibited the doxorubin-induced expression of VCAM and E-selectin on the surface of treated HUVECs. This study illustrates that monoHER, which protects against doxorubicin's cardiotoxic effect, can also protect against doxorubicin-induced inflammatory effects. These data prompt further investigation about the possible link between doxorubicin-induced inflammatory effects and its cardiotoxicity in viv

    Microenvironmental Influence on Pre-Clinical Activity of Polo-Like Kinase Inhibition in Multiple Myeloma: Implications for Clinical Translation

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    Polo-like kinases (PLKs) play an important role in cell cycle progression, checkpoint control and mitosis. The high mitotic index and chromosomal instability of advanced cancers suggest that PLK inhibitors may be an attractive therapeutic option for presently incurable advanced neoplasias with systemic involvement, such as multiple myeloma (MM). We studied the PLK 1, 2, 3 inhibitor BI 2536 and observed potent (IC50<40 nM) and rapid (commitment to cell death <24 hrs) in vitro activity against MM cells in isolation, as well as in vivo activity against a traditional subcutaneous xenograft mouse model. Tumor cells in MM patients, however, don't exist in isolation, but reside in and interact with the bone microenvironment. Therefore conventional in vitro and in vivo preclinical assays don't take into account how interactions between MM cells and the bone microenvironment can potentially confer drug resistance. To probe this question, we performed tumor cell compartment-specific bioluminescence imaging assays to compare the preclinical anti-MM activity of BI 2536 in vitro in the presence vs. absence of stromal cells or osteoclasts. We observed that the presence of these bone marrow non-malignant cells led to decreased anti-MM activity of BI 2536. We further validated these results in an orthotopic in vivo mouse model of diffuse MM bone lesions where tumor cells interact with non-malignant cells of the bone microenvironment. We again observed that BI 2536 had decreased activity in this in vivo model of tumor-bone microenvironment interactions highlighting that, despite BI 2536's promising activity in conventional assays, its lack of activity in microenvironmental models raises concerns for its clinical development for MM. More broadly, preclinical drug testing in the absence of relevant tumor microenvironment interactions may overestimate potential clinical activity, thus explaining at least in part the gap between preclinical vs. clinical efficacy in MM and other cancers