10 research outputs found

    Pregnancy and Mental Health of Young Homeless Women

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    Pregnancy rates among women in the U.S. who are homeless are much higher than rates among women who are housed (Greene & Ringwalt, 1998). Yet little research has addressed mental health, risk and resilience among young mothers who are homeless. This study utilizes a sample of women from the Midwest Longitudinal Study of Homeless Adolescents (MLSHA) to investigate pregnancy and motherhood over three years among unaccompanied homeless young mothers. Our data are supplemented by in-depth interviews with a subset of these women. Results show that almost half of sexually active young women (n = 222, μ age = 17.2) had been pregnant at baseline (46.4%), and among the longitudinal subsample of 171 women (μ age = 17.2), almost 70.0% had been pregnant by the end of the study. Among young mothers who are homeless, only half reported that they helped to care for their children consistently over time, and one-fifth of the women reported never seeing their children. Of the young women with children in their care at the last interview of the study (Wave 13), almost one-third met criteria for lifetime major depressive episode (MDE), lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and lifetime drug abuse, and onehalf met criteria for lifetime antisocial personality disorder (APD). Twelve-month diagnoses are also reported. The impacts of homelessness on maternal and child outcomes are discussed, including the implications for practice, policy, and research

    Toward an Appropriate Fetal Growth Curve for South Dakota

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    The objectives of this study are: 1. To compare the birthweights in relation to gestational ages of newborn infants born in Denver, Colorado and those born in the eastern part of South Dakota. 2. To compare the birthweights in relation to gestational ages of infants born in selected counties of Eastern South Dakota. 3. To compare the birthweights in relation to gestational ages of boys with girls born in Denver and of boys with girls in Eastern South Dakota. 4. To construct sex specific and combined fetal growth curves appropriate for babies born in the eastern portion of South Dakota

    Low carbohydrate diets and performance

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    Athletes are continually searching for means to optimize their performance. Within the past 20 years, athletes and scientists have reported and/or observed that consuming a carbohydrate restricted diet may improve performance. The original theories explaining the purported benefits centered on the fact that fat oxidation increases, thereby "sparing" muscle glycogen. More recent concepts that explain the plausibility of the ergogenicity of low carbohydrate, or high fat, diets on exercise performance pertain to an effect similar to altitude training. We and others have observed that, while fat oxidation may be increased, the ability to maintain high intensity exercise (e.g., above the lactate threshold) seems to be compromised or at least indifferent compared to when more carbohydrate was consumed. That said, clinical studies clearly demonstrate that ad-libitum low carbohydrate diets elicit greater decreases in body weight and fat than energy equivalent low fat diets, especially over a short duration. Thus, while low carbohydrate and high fat diets appear detrimental or indifferent relative to performance, they may be a faster means to achieve a more competitive body composition