79 research outputs found

    The Ionization of the Local Interstellar Medium, as Revealed by FUSE Observations of N, O and Ar toward White Dwarf Stars

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    FUSE spectra of the white dwarf stars G191-B2B, GD 394, WD 2211-495 and WD 2331-475 cover the absorption features out of the ground electronic states of N I, N II, N III, O I and Ar I in the far ultraviolet, providing new insights on the origin of the partial ionization of the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM), and for the case of G191-B2B, the interstellar cloud that immediately surrounds the solar system. Toward these targets the interstellar abundances of Ar I, and sometimes N I, are significantly below their cosmic abundances relative to H I. In the diffuse interstellar medium, these elements are not likely to be depleted onto dust grains. Generally, we expect that Ar should be more strongly ionized than H (and also O and N whose ionizations are coupled to that of H via charge exchange reactions) because the cross section for the photoionization of Ar I is very high. Our finding that Ar I/H I is low may help to explain the surprisingly high ionization of He in the LISM found by other investigators. Our result favors the interpretation that the ionization of the local medium is maintained by a strong EUV flux from nearby stars and hot gases, rather than an incomplete recovery from a past, more highly ionized condition.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. To appear in a special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE missio

    Microchannel Plates for the UVCS and SUMER Instruments on the SOHO Satellite

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    The microchannel plates for the detectors in the SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) and UVCS (Ultraviolet Coronograph Spectrometer) instruments aboard the Solar Orbiting Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission to be launched in late 1995 are described. A low resistance Z stack of microchannel plates (MCP's) is employed in a detector format of 27 mm x 10 mm using a multilayer cross delay line anode (XDL) with 1024 x 360 digitized pixels. The MCP stacks provide gains of greater than 2 x 10(exp 7) with good pulse height distributions (as low as 25% FWHM) under uniform flood illumination. Background rates of approx. 0.6 event cm(exp -2) sec(exp -1) are obtained for this configuration. Local counting rates up to about 800 events/pixel/sec have been achieved with little drop of the MCP gain. MCP preconditioning results are discussed, showing that some MCP stacks fail to have gain decreases when subjected to a high flux UV scrub. Also, although the bare MCP quantum efficiencies are close to those expected (10%), we found that the long wavelength response of KBr photocathodes could be substantially enhanced by the MCP scrubbing process. Flat field images are characterized by a low level of MCP fixed pattern noise and are stable. Preliminary calibration results for the instruments are shown

    Moisture susceptibility of high and low compaction dry process crumb rubber modified asphalt mixtures

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    The field performance of dry process crumb rubber-modified (CRM) asphalt mixtures has been reported to be inconsistent with stripping and premature cracking on the surfacing. One of the concerns is that, because achieving field compaction of CRM material is difficult due to the inherent resilient nature of the rubber particle, nonuniform field compaction may lead to a deficient bond between rubber and bitumen. To assess the influence of compaction, a series of CRM and control mixtures was produced and compacted at two levels: 4% (low, optimum laboratory compaction) and 8% (high, field experience) air void content. The long-term durability, in regard to moisture susceptibility of the mixtures, was assessed by conducting repeated moisture conditioning cycles. Mechanical properties (stiffness, fatigue, and resistance to permanent deformation) were determined in the Nottingham Asphalt Tester. Results indicated that compared with conventional mixtures, the CRM mixtures, regardless of compaction effort, are more susceptible to moisture with the degree of susceptibility primarily depending on the amount of rubber in the mixture, rather than the difference in compaction. This behavior is different from that of conventional mixtures in which, as expected, poorly compacted mixtures were found to be more susceptible to moisture than were well-compacted mixtures

    A noiseless kilohertz frame rate imaging detector based on microchannel plates read out with the Medipix2 CMOS pixel chip

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    A new hybrid optical imaging detector is described that is being developed for the next generation adaptive optics (AO) wavefront sensors (WFS) for ground-based telescopes. The detector consists of a photocathode and proximity focused microchannel plates (MCPs) read out by the Medipix2 CMOS pixel ASIC. Each pixel of the Medipix2 device measures 55x55 um2 and comprises pre-amplifier, a window discriminator and a 14-bit counter. The 256x256 Medipix2 array can be read out noiselessly in 287 us. The readout can be electronically shuttered down to a temporal window of a few us. The Medipix2 is buttable on 3 sides to produce 512x(n*256) pixel devices. Measurements with ultraviolet light yield a spatial resolution of the detector at the Nyquist limit. Sub-pixel resolution can be achieved using centroiding algorithms. For the AO application, very high continuous frame rates of the order of 1 kHz are required for a matrix of 512x512 pixels. The design concepts of a parallel readout board are presented that will allow this fast data throughput. The development status of the optical WFS tube is also explained

    Single photon imaging at ultra-high resolution

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    Abstract We present a detection system capable of imaging both single photon/positive ion and multiple coincidence photons/positive ions with extremely high spatial resolution. In this detector the photoelectrons excited by the incoming photons are multiplied by microchannel plate(s) (MCP). The process of multiplication is spatially constrained within an MCP pore, which can be as small as 4 μm for commercially available MCPs. An electron cloud originated by a single photoelectron is then encoded by a pixellated custom analog ASIC consisting of 105 K charge sensitive pixels of 50 μm in size arranged on a hexagonal grid. Each pixel registers the charge with an accuracy o

    An absorption-selected survey of neutral gas in the Milky Way halo

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    We aim at analysing systematically the distribution and physical properties of neutral and mildly ionised gas in the Milky Way halo, based on a large absorption-selected data set. Multi-wavelength studies were performed combining optical absorption line data of CaII and NaI with follow-up HI 21-cm emission line observations along 408 sight lines towards low- and high-redshift QSOs. We made use of archival optical spectra obtained with UVES/VLT. HI data were extracted from the Effelsberg-Bonn HI survey and the Galactic All-Sky survey. For selected sight lines we obtained deeper follow-up observations using the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. CaII (NaI) halo absorbers at intermediate and high radial velocities are present in 40-55% (20-35%) of the sightlines, depending on the column density threshold chosen. Many halo absorbers show multi-component absorption lines, indicating the presence of sub-structure. In 65% of the cases, absorption is associated with HI 21-cm emission. The CaII (NaI) column density distribution function follows a power-law with a slope of -2.2 (-1.4). Our absorption-selected survey confirms our previous results that the Milky Way halo is filled with a large number of neutral gas structures whose high column density tail represents the population of common HI high- and intermediate-velocity clouds seen in 21-cm observations. We find that CaII/NaI column density ratios in the halo absorbers are typically smaller than those in the Milky Way disc, in the gas in the Magellanic Clouds, and in damped Lyman-alpha systems. The small ratios (prominent in particular in high-velocity components) indicate a lower level of Ca depletion onto dust grains in Milky Way halo absorbers compared to gas in discs and inner regions of galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures, accepted by A&

    Is the Sun Embedded in a Typical Interstellar Cloud?

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    The physical properties and kinematics of the partially ionized interstellar material near the Sun are typical of warm diffuse clouds in the solar vicinity. The interstellar magnetic field at the heliosphere and the kinematics of nearby clouds are naturally explained in terms of the S1 superbubble shell. The interstellar radiation field at the Sun appears to be harder than the field ionizing ambient diffuse gas, which may be a consequence of the low opacity of the tiny cloud surrounding the heliosphere. The spatial context of the Local Bubble is consistent with our location in the Orion spur.Comment: "From the Outer Heliosphere to the Local Bubble", held at International Space Sciences Institute, October 200

    A cost-effective algae-based biosensor for water quality analysis: Development and testing in collaboration with peasant communities

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    New anthropic potentially harmful compounds are released into the environment everyday. In this context, broad range bioassays have emerged providing economically viable and widely applicable alternatives due to their ability to detect the cumulative toxicity of mixtures of both known and unknown chemicals in a sample, thus allowing direct information about water quality. Here we present a low-cost, wide-range algae-based biosensor that is easy to assemble and operate by untrained users and provides direct readings. It was developed as a request of a peasant social movement organization to assess the toxicity of drinking water in rural communities affected by pesticide spraying. Two fresh water algae strains, Scenedesmus acutus and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, were immobilized in alginate beads and tested as bioindicators. After incubation with different pollutants for five days, naked eye analysis by several observers proved to be a successful method to survey algae’s growth and establish the detection limits. Best detection limits were 10 ppm for technical-grade acid glyphosate, 15 ppm for glyphosate-based formulation, 50 ppb for atrazine formulation, 7.5 ppm for copper and 250 ppb for chromium. Absorbance measurements upon algae resuspension validated these results. The developed device was successfully tested in participatory workshops conducted at rural communities. Children, adults and elders with no scientific training were able to build the sensor and interpret the results, thus evaluating the quality of rain and well water used in their communities.Universidad Nacional de Santiago del EsteroConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    The interstellar medium towards the Ara OB1 region

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    We present high resolution (R ~ 4 km/s) absorption measurements of the interstellar NaI and CaII lines measured towards 14 early-type stars of distance 123 pc - 1650 pc, located in the direction of the Ara OB1 stellar cluster. The line profiles can broadly be split into four distinct groupings of absorption component velocity, and we have attempted to identify an origin and distance to each of these interstellar features. For gas with absorption covering the velocity range -10 km/s < V_helio < +10 km/s, we can identify the absorbing medium with local gas belonging to the Lupus-Norma interstellar cavity located between 100 and 485 pc in this galactic direction. Gas with velocities spanning the range -20 km/s < V_helio < +20 km/s is detected towards stars with distances of 570-800 pc. We identify a wide-spread interstellar feature at V_helio ~ -15 km/s with the expanding HI shell called GSH 337+00-05, which is now placed at a distance of ~530 pc.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc