555 research outputs found

    Parental Attitude and Parental Intervention Strategies on Digital Media Usage Among Young Children

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    Technology-focused parenting has evolved to provide a constantly updated digital experience for the new digital populations while parents mitigate the risks of digital media exposure in this modern society. This study explores parental attitude on the impact of digital media and their respective parental intervention strategies. There were five parents recruited through purposive sampling technique and they participated in in-depth interview. Parents generally hold positive attitude towards digital media. They apply different parental strategies for children’s media activities and its contents. This study addressed relationships pertinent to current parental strategies, media and child’s factors. Considerable possibilities and patterns to nurture young children with digital media has been elucidated through uncovering parents’ perspectives and challenges

    Awareness of children about rational use of water: an approach basing on serious game

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    The water shortage expectation in a near future proves that the worldpopulation must be mobilized, as soon as possible, to face the problem of the water waste in daily activities. This paper presents the development of a web serious game to teach children about that problem which already affecting lives of many people around the world. We believe that education could be the better tool to change cultural habits and, in this way, the bigger awareness and a better use of hydric resources

    Aircraft Cabin Noise Minimization Via Neural Network Inverse Model

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    This paper describes research to investigate an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to minimize aircraft cabin noise in flight. The ANN approach is shown to be able to accurately model the non-linear relationships between engine unbalance, airframe vibration, and cabin noise to overcome limitations associated with traditional linear influence coefficient methods. ANN system inverse models are developed using engine test-stand vibration data and on-airplane vibration and noise data supplemented with influence coefficient empirical data. The inverse models are able to determine balance solutions that satisfy cabin noise specifications. The accuracy of the ANN model with respect to the real system is determined by the quantity and quality of test stand and operational aircraft data. This data-driven approach is particularly appealing for implementation on future systems that include continuous monitoring processes able to capture data while in operation

    Flow Equation for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    We study supersymmetric quantum mechanics with the functional RG formulated in terms of an exact and manifestly off-shell supersymmetric flow equation for the effective action. We solve the flow equation nonperturbatively in a systematic super-covariant derivative expansion and concentrate on systems with unbroken supersymmetry. Already at next-to-leading order, the energy of the first excited state for convex potentials is accurately determined within a 1% error for a wide range of couplings including deeply nonperturbative regimes.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, references added, typos correcte

    Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence and Probable Risk Factors in a Sample of Kurdish Women

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    Objectives: The most common manifestation of pelvic floor dysfunction is urinary incontinence (UI) which affects 15–50% of adult women depending on the age and risk factors of the population studied. The aim of this study was to determine the probable risk factors associated with UI; the characteristics of women with UI; describe the types of UI, and determine its prevalence. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and August 2011, in the Maternity Teaching Hospital of the Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region, northern Iraq. It included 1,107 women who were accompanying patients admitted to the hospital. A questionnaire designed by the researchers was used for data collection. A chi-square test was used to test the significance of the association between UI and different risk factors. Binary logistic regression was used, considering UI as the dependent variable. Results: The overall prevalence of UI was 51.7%. The prevalence of stress, urgency, and mixed UI was 5.4%, 13.3% and 33%, respectively. There was a significant positive association between UI and menopause, multiparity, diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic cough, constipation, and a history of gynaecological surgery, while a significant negative association was detected between UI and a history of delivery by both vaginal delivery and Caesarean section. Conclusion: A high prevalence of UI was detected in the studied sample, and the most probable risk factors were multiparity, menopausal status, constipation, chronic cough, and DM

    Extranodal Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoma in a Child with a Prior History of Nasal Trauma: a Case Report

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    Introduction: Facial lesions usually have a benign self-limited prognosis, but in rare cases they have a poor outcome. Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (ENK/TCL) is a rare aggressive lesion presenting with a midline facial lesion that can easily be misdiagnosed. Diagnosis is often difficult and requires a thorough clinical examination and the use of immunohistochemistry for analysis of biopsies. Such malignancies affecting the head and neck area provide an interesting but difficult diagnosis. The purpose of this article is to report a severe case of ENK/TCL-nasal type in a boy with a previous history of nasal trauma. Case presentation: An 11-year-old boy was referred to the maxillofacial unit of Sulaimany Teaching Hospital, Iraq, with midline facial destruction. The patient stated that about 6 months prior he had fallen down and suffered nasal trauma; 3 months after the trauma, an asymptomatic ulcer appeared and gradually increased in size. Two biopsies were performed with no conclusive results. In the third biopsy, histology showed atypical lymphoid tissue surrounded by intense necrosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The treatment of choice was chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. The patient had a satisfactory response but 2 months later during chemotherapy the patient unfortunately died from a pulmonary embolism. Conclusion: Suspicious midline ulcerative lesions in the head and neck region must have ENK/TCL considered in the differential diagnosis and repeated biopsies may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis

    Extranodal Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoma in a Child with a Prior History of Nasal Trauma: a Case Report

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    Introduction: Facial lesions usually have a benign self-limited prognosis, but in rare cases they have a poor outcome. Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (ENK/TCL) is a rare aggressive lesion presenting with a midline facial lesion that can easily be misdiagnosed. Diagnosis is often difficult and requires a thorough clinical examination and the use of immunohistochemistry for analysis of biopsies. Such malignancies affecting the head and neck area provide an interesting but difficult diagnosis. The purpose of this article is to report a severe case of ENK/TCL-nasal type in a boy with a previous history of nasal trauma. Case presentation: An 11-year-old boy was referred to the maxillofacial unit of Sulaimany Teaching Hospital, Iraq, with midline facial destruction. The patient stated that about 6 months prior he had fallen down and suffered nasal trauma; 3 months after the trauma, an asymptomatic ulcer appeared and gradually increased in size. Two biopsies were performed with no conclusive results. In the third biopsy, histology showed atypical lymphoid tissue surrounded by intense necrosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The treatment of choice was chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. The patient had a satisfactory response but 2 months later during chemotherapy the patient unfortunately died from a pulmonary embolism. Conclusion: Suspicious midline ulcerative lesions in the head and neck region must have ENK/TCL considered in the differential diagnosis and repeated biopsies may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis

    Conservation tillage in organic farming

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    Organic farmers are interested in adopting conservation tillage to preserve soil quality and fertility and to prevent soil erosion. Within the framework of a French national study, we compared conventional (ploughing) and conservation tillage systems in organic farming for arable and vegetable cropping systems. Field experiments and on-farm surveys were conducted in several regions of France in order to assess the effects of different tillage systems on soil fertility (physical, chemical, biological) and on weed and crop development. Conservation tillage techniques induced a more compact soil, an increase of carbon and microorganisms in the first soil layer, and an increase of earthworm biomass for very superficial tillage. Weed control was only a major problem for the very superficial tillage, which in turn generated lower crop yields than conventional tillage. The main issues raised by this programme deal with the long-term effects of these techniques on soil fertility, and the improvement of conservation tillage techniques in organic farming

    High-resolution microwave frequency dissemination on an 86-km urban optical link

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    We report the first demonstration of a long-distance ultra stable frequency dissemination in the microwave range. A 9.15 GHz signal is transferred through a 86-km urban optical link with a fractional frequency stability of 1.3x10-15 at 1 s integration time and below 10-18 at one day. The optical link phase noise compensation is performed with a round-trip method. To achieve such a result we implement light polarisation scrambling and dispersion compensation. This link outperforms all the previous radiofrequency links and compares well with recently demonstrated full optical links.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Informação tecnológica sobre cana-de-açúcar na internet.

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    O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar e de etanol1. A cana-de-açúcar é a maior fonte de energia renovável do País, com 15,9% de participação na matriz energética atual, superando pela primeira vez a oferta de energia hidrelétrica (14,8%), considerando-se o etanol combustível e a cogeração de eletricidade a partir do bagaço2. Sua área plantada passa de 7 milhões de hectares; e sua produção gira em torno de 490 milhões de toneladas na safra 2007/083