153 research outputs found

    Editorial: Multidisciplinary approach in health: new strategies from the perspective of education, management, culture and gender

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    Editorial on the Research Topic Multidisciplinary approach in health: new strategies from the perspective of education, management, culture and gende

    Prevalence of Type VI Secretion System in Spanish Campylobacter jejuni Isolates.

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    Infections from Campylobacter jejuni pose a serious public health problem and are now considered the leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis throughout the world. Sequencing of C. jejuni genomes has previously allowed a number of loci to be identified, which encode virulence factors that aid survival and pathogenicity. Recently, a Type VI secretion system (T6SS) consisting of 13 conserved genes was described in C. jejuni strains and recognised to promote pathogenicity and adaptation to the environment. In this study, we determined the presence of this T6SS in 63 Spanish C. jejuni isolates from the food chain and urban effluents using whole-genome sequencing. Our findings demonstrated that nine (14%) strains harboured the 13 ORFs found in prototype strain C. jejuni 108. Further studies will be necessary to determine the prevalence and importance of T6SS-positive C. jejuni strains

    Men’s Positive and Negative Experiences Following Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    (1) Objective: To describe men’s experiences as acute myocardial infarction sufferers from a social phenomenological perspective, a year after the event (2) Methods: The phenomenological interview was used to capture the participants’ discourse. The data were analyzed according to the theoretical methodological approach of social phenomenology. (3) Results: The discourse analysis of the content produced the following categories, set out according reasons “why”: personal biography, knowledge set, warning signs prior to the illness, experience at the intensive care unit, and rehabilitation process; and reasons “for”: expectations as regards the illness, health professionals, and future social life and work prospects. (4) Conclusions: Participants had not established a healthy condition one year after myocardial infarction, perceiving a very thin line between life and death. Personal biography influences the coping of the disease. They feel like the illness helped them to create new meanings and value of life. They envisage a future full of great restrictions and uncertainty. The results of this study have underlined the need to involve care at all stages of the illness: the physical and emotional dependence upon admittance at the intensive care unit, the need to be cured, the constant demand for information about the illness, the difficulties encountered upon returning home, uncertainty about the future, etc. All these moments indicate that proper nursing care adapted to the specific needs of each individual and their family members must be provided in order to help them to overcome all the stages involved in this process. It is necessary to individualize care because the sense of reality is common and universal, but the ways of expressing are subjective, and it depended on the totality of experiences accumulated throughout life

    Early Rebrightenings of X-ray Afterglows from Ring-Shaped GRB Jets

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    Early rebrightenings at a post-burst time of 10^2 - 10^4 s have been observed in the afterglows of some gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Unlike X-ray flares, these rebrightenings usually last for a relatively long period. The continuous energy injection mechanism usually can only produce a plateau in the afterglow light curve, but not a rebrightening. Also, a sudden energy injection can give birth to a rebrightening, but the rebrightening is a bit too rapid. Here we argued that the early rebrightenings can be produced by the ring-shaped jet model. In this scenario, the GRB outflow is not a full cone, but a centrally hollowed ring. Assuming that the line of sight is on the central symmetry axis of the hollow cone, we calculate the overall dynamical evolution of the outflows and educe the multiband afterglow light curves. It is found that the early rebrightenings observed in the afterglows of a few GRBs, such as GRBs 051016B, 060109, 070103 and 070208 etc, can be well explained in this framework. It is suggested that these long-lasted early rebrightenings in GRB afterglows should be resulted from ring-shaped jets.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Genome comparison of erythromycin resistant campylobacter from Turkeys identifies hosts and pathways for horizontal spread of erm(B) genes

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    Los patógenos en el género Campylobacter son la causa más común de gastroenteritis bacteriana transmitida por los alimentos. La campilobacteriosis, causada principalmente por Campylobacter jejuni y Campylobacter coli, se transmite a los humanos mediante alimentos de origen animal, especialmente aves de corral. En cuanto a muchos patógenos, la resistencia antimicrobiana en Campylobacter está aumentando a un ritmo alarmante. La prescripción de eritromicina es el tratamiento de elección para los casos clínicos que requieren terapia antimicrobiana, pero esto se ve comprometido por la movilidad del gen de resistencia a la eritromicina erm (B) entre las cepas. Aquí, evaluamos la resistencia a seis antimicrobianos en 170 aislados de Campylobacter (133 C. coli y 37 C. jejuni) de pavos. Los aislados resistentes a la eritromicina (n = 85; 81 C. coli y 4 C. jejuni) se examinaron en busca de la presencia del gen erm (B), que no se ha identificado previamente en aislamientos de pavos. Se secuenciaron los genomas de dos aislamientos positivos de C. coli y en ambos aislamientos el gen erm (B) se agrupó con determinantes de resistencia contra aminoglucósidos más tetraciclina, incluidos aad9, aadE, aph (2 ") - IIIa, aph (3 ') - IIIa , y genes tet (O). El análisis genómico comparativo identificó secuencias erm (B) idénticas entre Campylobacter de pavos, Streptococcus suis de cerdos y Enterococcus faecium y Clostridium difficile de humanos. Esto es consistente con múltiples eventos de transferencia horizontal entre diferentes especies de bacterias que colonizan pavos. Este ejemplo destaca el potencial de diseminación de la resistencia antimicrobiana a través de los límites de las especies bacterianas que pueden comprometer su efectividad en la terapia antimicrobiana.Pathogens in the genus Campylobacter are the most common cause of food-borne bacterial gastro-enteritis. Campylobacteriosis, caused principally by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, is transmitted to humans by food of animal origin, especially poultry. As for many pathogens, antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter is increasing at an alarming rate. Erythromycin prescription is the treatment of choice for clinical cases requiring antimicrobial therapy but this is compromised by mobility of the erythromycin resistance gene erm(B) between strains. Here, we evaluate resistance to six antimicrobials in 170 Campylobacter isolates (133 C. coli and 37 C. jejuni) from turkeys. Erythromycin resistant isolates (n = 85; 81 C. coli and 4 C. jejuni) were screened for the presence of the erm(B) gene, that has not previously been identified in isolates from turkeys. The genomes of two positive C. coli isolates were sequenced and in both isolates the erm(B) gene clustered with resistance determinants against aminoglycosides plus tetracycline, including aad9, aadE, aph(2″)-IIIa, aph(3′)-IIIa, and tet(O) genes. Comparative genomic analysis identified identical erm(B) sequences among Campylobacter from turkeys, Streptococcus suis from pigs and Enterococcus faecium and Clostridium difficile from humans. This is consistent with multiple horizontal transfer events among different bacterial species colonizing turkeys. This example highlights the potential for dissemination of antimicrobial resistance across bacterial species boundaries which may compromise their effectiveness in antimicrobial therapy.• Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Ayudas AGL2009-07550, AGL2012-39028 • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Ayuda 2014/000223 • Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Ayudas S2009 / AGR-1489; S2013 / ABI-2747 • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España. Ayuda AGL2012-39028 • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Beca BES-2013-065003, para Diego Flórez Cuadrado • Consejo de Investigación Médica. Ayuda MR / L015080 / 1, para Samuel K. SheppardpeerReviewe

    Revealing the Jet Structure of GRB 030329 with High Resolution Multicolor Photometry

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    We present multicolor optical observations of the nearby (z=0.1685) GRB 030329 obtained with the same instrumentation over a time period of 6 hours for a total of an unprecedented 475 quasi-simultaneous BVR observations. The achromatic steepening in the optical, which occurs at t~0.7 days, provides evidence for a dynamic transition of the source, and can be most readily explained by models in which the GRB ejecta are collimated into a jet. Since the current state-of-the-art modeling of GRB jets is still flawed with uncertainties, we use these data to critically assess some classes of models that have been proposed in the literature. The data, especially the smooth decline rate seen in the optical afterglow, are consistent with a model in which GRB 030329 was a homogeneous, sharp-edged jet, viewed near its edge interacting with a uniform external medium, or viewed near its symmetry axis with a stratified wind-like external environment. The lack of short timescale fluctuations in the optical afterglow flux down to the 0.5 per cent level puts stringent constraints on possible small scale angular inhomogeneities within the jet or fluctuations in the external density

    Pre-ALMA observations of GRBs in the mm/submm range

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    GRBs generate an afterglow emission that can be detected from radio to X-rays during days, or even weeks after the initial explosion. The peak of this emission crosses the mm/submm range during the first hours to days, making their study in this range crucial for constraining the models. Observations have been limited until now due to the low sensitivity of the observatories in this range. We present observations of 10 GRB afterglows obtained from APEX and SMA, as well as the first detection of a GRB with ALMA, and put them into context with all the observations that have been published until now in the spectral range that will be covered by ALMA. The catalogue of mm/submm observations collected here is the largest to date and is composed of 102 GRBs, of which 88 had afterglow observations, whereas the rest are host galaxy searches. With our programmes, we contributed with data of 11 GRBs and the discovery of 2 submm counterparts. In total, the full sample, including data from the literature, has 22 afterglow detections with redshift ranging from 0.168 to 8.2. GRBs have been detected in mm/submm wavelengths with peak luminosities spanning 2.5 orders of magnitude, the most luminous reaching 10^33erg s^-1 Hz^-1. We observe a correlation between the X-ray brightness at 0.5 days and the mm/submm peak brightness. Finally we give a rough estimate of the distribution of peak flux densities of GRB afterglows, based on the current mm/submm sample. Observations in the mm/submm bands have been shown to be crucial for our understanding of the physics of GRBs, but have until now been limited by the sensitivity of the observatories. With the start of the operations at ALMA, the sensitivity will be increased by more than an order of magnitude. Our estimates predict that, once completed, ALMA will detect up to 98% of the afterglows if observed during the passage of the peak synchrotron emission.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables (one big one!), Accepted for publication in A&A. Includes the first observation of a GRB afterglow with ALM

    GRB Fireball Physics: Prompt and Early Emission

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    We review the fireball shock model of gamma-ray burst prompt and early afterglow emission in light of rapid follow-up measurements made and enabled by the multi-wavelength Swift satellite. These observations are leading to a reappraisal and expansion of the previous standard view of the GRB and its fireball. New information on the behavior of the burst and afterglow on minutes to hour timescales has led, among other results, to the discovery and follow-up of short GRB afterglows, the opening up of the z>6 redshift range, and the first prompt multi-wavelength observations of a long GRB-supernova. We discuss the salient observational results and some associated theoretical issues.Comment: 23 pages. Published in the New Journal of Physics Focus Issue, "Focus on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era" (Eds. D. H. Hartmann, C. D. Dermer & J. Greiner). V2: Minor change

    Testing a new view of Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows

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    The optical and X-ray light-curves of long Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) often show a complex evolution and in most cases do not track each other. This behaviour can not be easily explained by the simplest standard afterglow models. A possible interpretation is to consider the observed optical and X-ray light-curves as the sum of two separate components. This scenario requires the presence of a spectral break between these bands. One of the aims of this work is to test whether such a break is present within the observed Swift XRT energy range. We analyse the X-ray afterglow spectra of a sample of 33 long GRBs with known redshift, good optical photometry and published estimate of the host galaxy dust absorption A_V(host). We find that indeed in 7 bright events a broken power-law provides a fit to the data that is better than a single power-law model. For 8 events, instead, the X-ray spectrum is better fitted by a single power-law. We discuss the role of these breaks in connection to the relation between the host hydrogen column density N_H(host) and A_V(host) and check the consistency of the X-ray spectral breaks with the optical bands photometry. We analyse the optical to X-ray spectral energy distributions at different times and find again consistency with two components interpretation.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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