566 research outputs found

    Robust Optical Richness Estimation with Reduced Scatter

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    Reducing the scatter between cluster mass and optical richness is a key goal for cluster cosmology from photometric catalogs. We consider various modifications to the red-sequence matched filter richness estimator of Rozo et al. (2009), and evaluate their impact on the scatter in X-ray luminosity at fixed richness. Most significantly, we find that deeper luminosity cuts can reduce the recovered scatter, finding that sigma_lnLX|lambda=0.63+/-0.02 for clusters with M_500c >~ 1.6e14 h_70^-1 M_sun. The corresponding scatter in mass at fixed richness is sigma_lnM|lambda ~ 0.2-0.3 depending on the richness, comparable to that for total X-ray luminosity. We find that including blue galaxies in the richness estimate increases the scatter, as does weighting galaxies by their optical luminosity. We further demonstrate that our richness estimator is very robust. Specifically, the filter employed when estimating richness can be calibrated directly from the data, without requiring a-priori calibrations of the red-sequence. We also demonstrate that the recovered richness is robust to up to 50% uncertainties in the galaxy background, as well as to the choice of photometric filter employed, so long as the filters span the 4000 A break of red-sequence galaxies. Consequently, our richness estimator can be used to compare richness estimates of different clusters, even if they do not share the same photometric data. Appendix 1 includes "easy-bake" instructions for implementing our optimal richness estimator, and we are releasing an implementation of the code that works with SDSS data, as well as an augmented maxBCG catalog with the lambda richness measured for each cluster.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 20 pages in emulateapj forma

    Classical conditioning and implicit cognition

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    Experimental data, behavioral and psychobiological, reviewed in this paper show that human classical conditioning has an evolutionary purpose, it is developed by means of a cognitive processing different from the conscious processing, and sustained by different cerebral structures. These structures usually do not work isolated. For that reason, combination of both forms of processing, explicit/implicit, is the general pattern in natural conditions. In fact, due to the hierarchical organization of the nervous system, usually it exists a top-down control process (cortical-subcortical) but, under special conditions of laboratory, can be behaviorally evident, for example by means of the fear conditioning, close relationship between implicit processing and Pavlovian conditioning in humans.En su conjunto, las evidencias experimentales conductuales y psicobiológicas revisadas en este artículo muestran que el condicionamiento clásico humano tiene una justificación evolutiva, se desarrolla mediante un procesamiento cognitivo diferente del procesamiento consciente y se sustenta en estructuras cerebrales diferentes. Dichas estructuras no suelen funcionar desligadas y por ello la combinación de ambas formas de procesamiento, explícito e implícito, es el patrón general en condiciones naturales. De hecho, debido a la organización jerárquica del sistema nervioso, suele existir un proceso de control de arriba hacia abajo (cortical-subcortical) pero, bajo condiciones especiales de laboratorio, puede hacerse evidente en la conducta, por ejemplo, mediante los paradigmas de miedo condicionado, la estrecha relación entre procesamiento implícito y el condicionamiento clásico en nuestra especie

    Data Mining of the Coffee Rust Genome

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    The genomes of nine isolates of _Hemileia vastatrix_, the causal agent of coffee leaf rust were sequenced by Illumina and 454. Quality control, cleaning and _de novo_ assemblies of data were performed. Since isolates were obtained from the field and it is not possible to produce axenic cultures of _H. vastatrix_, MEGAN software was used to evaluate contamination levels and to select contigs with fungal similarities. Mitochondrial contigs were identified and annotated by comparing this assembly against the _Puccinia_ genome. Furthermore, two transcriptomes from isolates of _H. vastatrix_ were assembled to complement the genomic data

    Cosmological Constraints from the SDSS maxBCG Cluster Catalog

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    We use the abundance and weak lensing mass measurements of the SDSS maxBCG cluster catalog to simultaneously constrain cosmology and the richness--mass relation of the clusters. Assuming a flat \LambdaCDM cosmology, we find \sigma_8(\Omega_m/0.25)^{0.41} = 0.832\pm 0.033 after marginalization over all systematics. In common with previous studies, our error budget is dominated by systematic uncertainties, the primary two being the absolute mass scale of the weak lensing masses of the maxBCG clusters, and uncertainty in the scatter of the richness--mass relation. Our constraints are fully consistent with the WMAP five-year data, and in a joint analysis we find \sigma_8=0.807\pm 0.020 and \Omega_m=0.265\pm 0.016, an improvement of nearly a factor of two relative to WMAP5 alone. Our results are also in excellent agreement with and comparable in precision to the latest cosmological constraints from X-ray cluster abundances. The remarkable consistency among these results demonstrates that cluster abundance constraints are not only tight but also robust, and highlight the power of optically-selected cluster samples to produce precision constraints on cosmological parameters.Comment: comments welcom

    La exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica para el fortalecimiento de la competencia oral, de los estudiantes del ciclo dos del Liceo Rozford jornada ?nica localidad octava de Kennedy

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    84 P?ginasEl presente informe de investigaci?n: ?la exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica para el fortalecimiento de la competencia oral, de los estudiantes de ciclo dos del Liceo Rozford jornada ?nica localidad octava de Kennedy,? ha optado por proponer el desarrollo de una estrategia para mejorar en ellos su competencia oral, fundamentada en la t?cnica did?ctica de la exposici?n: falta de vocabulario, sintaxis, fluidez verbal, comprensi?n y pragm?tica, enfocada principalmente en su espontaneidad al responder una pregunta. Se pretende que con la exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica, se logre fortalecer la competencia oral en estos ni?os. Este proceso se inici? a partir de las observaciones de clases, diarios de campo, proyectos institucionales, entrevista con docentes y directivas de la instituci?n, que contribuyeron a detectar y a plantear problem?ticas en ?rea de lengua castellana, se realiz? a partir de talleres l?dicos, impulsados seg?n su competencia oral. Para lo cual, se plasmaron siete fases: De sensibilizaci?n, diagn?stico, an?lisis, dise?o, desarrollo, evaluaci?n y divulgaci?n. Por esta raz?n, el objetivo del proyecto es: mejorar la competencia oral de los estudiantes descritos anteriormente, por medio de actividades expositivas tales como: el juego de roles, el panel, el sociodrama, el interrogatorio, la mesa redonda y el torbellino de ideas. Para concluir, la propuesta de intervenci?n pedag?gica, evidencia los resultados desde la investigaci?n formativa y la l?nea Investigaci?n- Acci?n- Participaci?n (I.A.P.).ABSTRACT. This research report: " the exhibition as a teaching technique for strengthening the oral competition, of the students of second cycle of Liceo Rozford eight Locality of Kennedy, " has chosen to propose the development of a strategy to improve their oral competence, based on the teaching technique of exposure: lack of vocabulary, syntax, verbal fluency, comprehension and pragmatic, focused mainly on spontaneity to answer a question. It is intended that exposure as a teaching technique, strengthening oral expression in these children. This process will start from classroom observations, field notes, institutional projects, interviews to teachers and school administrative that contributed to detection and expose problems in the Spanish language area. This educational intervention was conducted from recreational workshops, driven by oral competition. From awareness, diagnosis, analysis, design, development, evaluation and dissemination: For which, seven phases were reflected. Therefore, the objective of the project is to improve the oral proficiency of students described above, by means of exhibition activities such as role play, panel, the skit, the interrogation, the round table and brainstorming. In conclusion, the proposed pedagogical intervention evidences results from the formative Participation - Action - Research (PAR).ADVERTENCIA. El Instituto de Educaci?n a Distancia, Programa de Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica con ?nfasis en Lengua Castellana La Universidad del Tolima, el director de trabajo y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de lo concepto ni de las ideas expuestas por el autor del presente trabajo Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Articulo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.Las autoras GISELLE OSORIO GONZ?LEZ Y M?NICA ALEJANDRA ROZO RINC?N autorizan a la UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA la reproducci?n total o parcial de este documento, con la debida cita de recomendaci?n de la autor?a y cede a la misma Universidad los derechos patrimoniales, con fines de investigaci?n, docencia e institucionales, consagrado en el art?culo 72 de la Ley 23 de 1.982 y la norma que lo incluyan o modifiquen. (Acuerdo 0066 de 2003 ?Por el cual adoptan norma relacionada con la presentaci?n de tesis y trabajo de grado? CONSEJO ACAD?MICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA).INTRODUCCI?N 11 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 12 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 12 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 14 3. OBJETIVOS 15 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 15 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 15 4. MARCO TE?RICO 16 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 16 4.2 MARCO LEGAL 17 4.3 MARCO EPISTEMOL?GICO 18 4.4 MARCO PSICOL?GICO 19 4.5 MARCO PEDAG?GICO 20 4.6 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 22 5. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 24 5.1 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 24 5.2 ENFOQUE DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 24 5.3 PAR?METROS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 25 5.3.1 Poblaci?n 25 5.4 FICHA T?CNICA DE LA INSTITUCI?N 26 5.4.1 Contextualizaci?n del Liceo 26 5.4.2 Muestra 27 5.5 RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS DE LA INFORMACI?N 27 5.5.1 Observaci?n etnogr?fica 27 5.5.2 Diario de campo 28 5.5.3 Estudio de casos 28 5.5.4 Entrevista 28 5.5.5 Los grupos focales 29 5.6 ETAPAS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 29 5.6.1 Fase 1 29 5.6.2 Fase 2 29 5.6.3 Fase 3 29 6. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 30 6.1 PERFIL DE LOS ESTUDIANTES PARTICIPANTES EN EL PROYECTO 30 6.2 DESARROLLO DE LAS ACTIVIDADES PROPUESTAS EN EL PROYECTO 31 7. CONCLUSIONES 58 RECOMENDACIONES 60 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 61 ANEXOS 6

    La doble fuerza centrífuga

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    Respuesta al artículo de Julio Carrizosa Valenzuela, publicado en la Revista de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, No. 71: "quisimos demostrar que en un determinado problema resulta una fuerza igual al doble de la centrífuga; esto es muy distinto a afirmar que la fuerza centrífuga es el doble de la que aceptan los científicos".Bogotá, febrero de 1947

    Integration of the kenzo system within sagemath for new algebraic topology computations

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    This work integrates the Kenzo system within Sagemath as an interface and an optional package. Our work makes it possible to communicate both computer algebra programs and it enhances the SageMath system with new capabilities in algebraic topology, such as the computation of homotopy groups and some kind of spectral sequences, dealing in particular with simplicial objects of an infinite nature. The new interface allows computing homotopy groups that were not known before