352 research outputs found

    Some applications of quasi-velocities in optimal control

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    In this paper we study optimal control problems for nonholonomic systems defined on Lie algebroids by using quasi-velocities. We consider both kinematic, i.e. systems whose cost functional depends only on position and velocities, and dynamic optimal control problems, i.e. systems whose cost functional depends also on accelerations. The formulation of the problem directly at the level of Lie algebroids turns out to be the correct framework to explain in detail similar results appeared recently (Maruskin and Bloch, 2007). We also provide several examples to illustrate our construction.Comment: Revtex 4.1, 20 pages. To appear in Int. J. Geom. Meth. Modern Physic

    Targeting Lipid Peroxidation for Cancer Treatment

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    grant number RTI2018-093864-B-I00Cancer is one of the highest prevalent diseases in humans. The chances of surviving cancer and its prognosis are very dependent on the affected tissue, body location, and stage at which the disease is diagnosed. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies worldwide are pursuing many attempts to look for compounds to treat this malignancy. Most of the current strategies to fight cancer implicate the use of compounds acting on DNA damage checkpoints, non-receptor tyrosine kinases activities, regulators of the hedgehog signaling pathways, and metabolic adaptations placed in cancer. In the last decade, the finding of a lipid peroxidation increase linked to 15-lipoxygenases isoform 1 (15-LOX-1) activity stimulation has been found in specific successful treatments against cancer. This discovery contrasts with the production of other lipid oxidation signatures generated by stimulation of other lipoxygenases such as 5-LOX and 12-LOX, and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) activities, which have been suggested as cancer biomarkers and which inhibitors present anti-tumoral and antiproliferative activities. These findings support the previously proposed role of lipid hydroperoxides and their metabolites as cancer cell mediators. Depletion or promotion of lipid peroxidation is generally related to a specific production source associated with a cancer stage or tissue in which cancer originates. This review highlights the potential therapeutical use of chemical derivatives to stimulate or block specific cellular routes to generate lipid hydroperoxides to treat this disease.publishersversionpublishe

    Development of a Photovoltaic Array Emulator in a Real Time Control Environment Using xPC Target

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    Part 12: Integration of Power Electronics Systems with ICT - IIInternational audienceThis paper is devoted to the design and construction of a photovoltaic array emulator for high power applications in order to test all kind of photovoltaic inverters. To develop such device, a rapid prototyping tool based on xPC Target of Matlab/Simulink has been used, providing a real-time testing environment. PV array emulator can be used to evaluate the performance of photovoltaic inverters as any test conditions can be programmed. The proposed emulator operates as a distributed control system taking advantage of the TCP/IP protocol features

    Nueva contribución a la cronología absoluta del foso-trinchera monumental de Stretto- Partanna (Trapani, Sicilia)

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    This article presents a decisive contribution to the absolute chronology of one of the most spectacular constructions of the Neolithic societies of the Central Mediterranean, the ditch-trench of Stretto di Partanna (Trapani, Sicily). This structure, excavated in a calcareous bedrock to a depth of 13 m was, according to some authors, part of a complex hydraulic system, where cultural and symbolic features could have played an important role. The five radiocarbon dates presented in this article correspond to the last 2 m of stratification and indicate that the ditch-trench began to be filled in the early centuries of the 5th millennium cal BC, between 4950 and 4800 cal BC. Consequently, we infer it was excavated and used immediately before this time.Este trabajo constituye una contribución decisiva a la cronología absoluta del foso-trinchera de Contrada Stretto, en Partanna (Trapani, Sicilia), una de las más espectaculares construcciones realizadas por sociedades neolíticas del Mediterráneo Central. Esta estructura, excavada en el banco natural calcáreo hasta alcanzar una profundidad de 13 m, a juicio de algunos autores, formó parte de un complejo sistema hidráulico en el cual pudieron desempeñar un papel importante ciertos aspectos simbólicos o cultuales. Las cinco dataciones radiocarbónicas presentadas en este trabajo corresponden a los últimos 2 m de estratificación. Éstas apuntan a un inicio del proceso de colmatación a comienzos del V milenio cal AC, entre el 4950 y el 4800 cal AC. Defendemos como probable su construcción en un momento inmediatamente anterior, considerando el periodo de uso previo a su condena definitiva

    The Use of Flavylium Salts as Dynamic Inhibitor Moieties for Human Cb5R

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    Authors would like to acknowledge the Biochemistry Department in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the equipment and support for some of the required reagent purchases. FCT/MCTES is also acknowledged for supporting the National Portuguese NMR Network (ROTEIRO/0031/2013-PINFRA/22161/2016, co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, PORL. We thank José Paulo da Silva for the HRMS-ESI analysis. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Cytochrome b5 reductase (Cb5R) is a flavoprotein that participates in the reduction of multiple biological redox partners. Co-localization of this protein with nitric oxide sources has been observed in neurons. In addition, the generation of superoxide anion radical by Cb5R has been observed. A search for specific inhibitors of Cb5R to understand the role of this protein in these new functions has been initiated. Previous studies have shown the ability of different flavonoids to inhibit Cb5R. Anthocyanins are a subgroup of flavonoids responsible for most red and blue colors found in flowers and fruits. Although usually represented by the flavylium cation form, these species are only stable at rather acidic pH values (pH ≤ 1). At higher pH values, the flavylium cation is involved in a dynamic reaction network comprising different neutral species with the potential ability to inhibit the activities of Cb5R. This study aims to provide insights into the molecular mechanism of interaction between flavonoids and Cb5R using flavylium salts as dynamic inhibitors. The outcome of this study might lead to the design of improved specific enzyme inhibitors in the future.publishersversionpublishe

    Endotoxin increase after fat overload is related to postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in morbidly obese patients.

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    The low-grade inflammation observed in obesity has been associated with a high-fat diet, though this relation is not fully understood. Bacterial endotoxin, produced by gut microbiota, may be the linking factor. However, this has not been confirmed in obese patients. To study the relationship between a high-fat diet and bacterial endotoxin, we analyzed postprandial endotoxemia in morbidly obese patients after a fat overload. The endotoxin levels were determined in serum and the chylomicron fraction at baseline and 3 h after a fat overload in 40 morbidly obese patients and their levels related with the degree of insulin resistance and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia. The morbidly obese patients with the highest postprandial hypertriglyceridemia showed a significant increase in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels in serum and the chylomicron fraction after the fat overload. Postprandial chylomicron LPS levels correlated positively with the difference between postprandial triglycerides and baseline triglycerides. There were no significant correlations between C-reactive protein (CRP) and LPS levels. The main variables contributing to serum LPS levels after fat overload were baseline and postprandial triglyceride levels but not glucose or insulin resistance. Additionally, superoxide dismutase activity decreased significantly after the fat overload. Postprandial LPS increase after a fat overload is related to postprandial hypertriglyceridemia but not to degree of insulin resistance in morbidly obese patients

    Formative and Shared Assessment in University Teaching Network and Higher Education European Area (HEEA). Project, development and initial results

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    [ES] En septiembre de 2005 pusimos en marcha una Red de Evaluación Formativa en la Docencia Universitaria para desarrollar sistemas e instrumentos de evaluación formativa en la docencia universitaria y la incorporación de metodologías docentes potenciadoras del aprendizaje autónomo del estudiante universitario. Actualmente, dicha Red está constituida por cuarenta y ocho personas de quince universidades diferentes y desarrolla un proyecto de investigación educativa sobre dicha temática. La finalidad principal del proyecto es diseñar, desarrollar y poner en práctica sistemas de evaluación formativa adaptados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). En este artículo presentamos: a- los principales objetivos de dicha Red y del Proyecto de Investigación Docente que estamos realizando a lo largo de los cursos académicos 2005-06 y 2006-07; b- el proceso de trabajo y la metodología utilizada; c-los aspectos básicos de los sistemas de evaluación que desarrollamos acerca de la Evaluación Form[EN] In September 2005, a group of lectures started an Educational Evaluation Network of university teaching in order to carry out some methods and educational assessment systems which may empower student autonomy. At the moment, forty eight people from fifteen universities make up this net and all together are carrying out an educational research project. The main purpose of our project is to design and implement educational assessment systems according to Higher Education European Area.  In this paper we show: a)- the main purposes of our net and the educational research Project that we are carrying out during 2005-06 and 2006-07;  b)- The work process and the methodological issues that we are dealing with; c)- the main characteristics of the assessment systems that we share;  d) Finally, we also show the first findings according to three categories: advantages, difficulties and key points to be considered. López Pastor, VM.; Martínez, LF.; Julián Clemente, JA. (2007). La Red de Evaluación Formativa, Docencia Universitaria y Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Presentación del proyecto, grado de desarrollo y primeros resultados. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 5(2):1-19. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2007.6274OJS11952Álvarez Méndez, JM. (1993) "El alumnado: la evaluación como actividad crítica de aprendizaje". 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(2004) Un cambio democrático en las aulas universitarias: Una experiencia en la formación del profesorado de Educación Física. Contextos educativos: Revista de Educación, nº 6-7, pp (213-234). La Rioja.Fraile Aranda, A. (2006) "Cambios en el aula universitaria ante los nuevos retos europeos". En Tandem, 20 (57-72). Barcelona: Graó.Freire, P. (1990). La naturaleza política de la educación. Madrid. Paidos - MEC.Freire, P. (1997): A la sombra de este árbol. Barcelona: El Roure.Gimeno Sacristan, J. (1992) "La evaluación en la enseñanza". En Gimeno, J. y Pérez, A. "Comprender y transformar la enseñanza". Madrid: Morata (334-397).González, J. y Wagenaar, R. (Edit.) (2003). Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Informe final. Fase Uno. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.Jorba, J. y Sanmartín, N. (1993) "La función pedagógica de la evaluación". En Aula, 20 (20-30) Monográfico "La evaluación en el proceso de Enseñanza-aprendizaje". Barcelona: Graó.Klenowski, V. 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    Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Has Minimum Toxicological Risk on the Germination and Early Growth of Two Grass Species with Potential for Phytostabilization

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    Two Poaceae species, Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra, were selected for their potential as phytostabilizing plants in multicontaminated soils. These species are resistant to contamination and maintain high concentrations of contaminants at the root level. Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) is an engineered nanomaterial with the ability to stabilize metal(loid)s in soils; its potential toxicological effects in the selected species were studied in a germination test using: (i) control variant without soil; (ii) soil contaminated with Pb and Zn; and (iii) contaminated soil amended with 1% nZVI, as well as in an hydroponic experiment with the addition of nZVI 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg L−1. nZVI had no negative effects on seed germination or seedling growth, but was associated with an increase in shoot growth and reduction of the elongation inhibition rate (root-dependent) of F. rubra seedlings. However, applications of nZVI in the hydroponic solution had no effects on F. rubra but A. capillaris developed longer roots and more biomass. Increasing nZVI concentrations in the growing solution increased Mg and Fe uptake and reduced the Fe translocation factor. Our results indicate that nZVI has few toxic effects on the studied species

    Isokinetic leg strength and power in elite handball players

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    Isokinetic strength evaluation of the knee flexion and extension in concentric mode of contraction is an important part of the comprehensive evaluation of athletes. The aims of this study were to evaluate the isokinetic knee peak torque in both the extension and flexion movement in the dominant and non-dominant leg, and the relationship with jumping performance. Twelve elite male handball players from the top Spanish handball division voluntary participated in the study (age 27.68 ± 4.12 years; body mass 92.89 ± 12.34 kg; body height 1.90 ± 0.05 m). The knee extensor and flexor muscle peak torque of each leg were concentrically measured at 60º/s and 180º/s with an isokinetic dynamometer. The Squat Jump and Countermovement Jump were performed on a force platform to determine power and vertical jump height. Non-significant differences were observed between legs in the isokinetic knee extension (dominant= 2.91 ± 0.53 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 2.70 ± 0.47 Nm/kg at 60º/s; dominant = 1.90 ± 0.31 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.83 ± 0.29 Nm/kg at 180º/s) and flexion peak torques (dominant = 1.76 ± 0.29 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.72 ± 0.39 Nm/kg at 60º/s; dominant = 1.30 ± 0.23 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.27 ± 0.35 Nm/kg at 180º/s). Low and non-significant correlation coefficients were found between the isokinetic peak torques and vertical jumping performance (SJ = 31.21 ± 4.32 cm; CMJ = 35.89 ± 4.20 cm). Similar isokinetic strength was observed between the legs; therefore, no relationship was found between the isokinetic knee flexion and extension peak torques as well as vertical jumping performance in elite handball players.Actividad Física y Deport