99 research outputs found

    Accelerating mathematics word problem-solving performance and efficacy with think-aloud strategies

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    Background: The previous body of research literature has reported several separate cognitive processes relevant in solving mathematics wps. Therefore, it is of the essence to seek for effective intervention and instruction for students in need for support in learning.Aim: This article reports the outcome of an intervention targeted at mathematics word problem (wp) skills.Setting: This study included three data collection points: (1) Premeasurements, (2) post-measurements and (3) follow-up measurements. Pre-measurements were performed in August, post-measurements immediately after the intervention period in October and follow-up measurements in December.Methods: A programme, which included face-to-face support in mathematics wp strategies with the think-aloud protocol, was applied. The participants were 28 Finnish third-graders (14 training group students and 14 control students). Their mathematics wp skills were tested three times (pre-, post- and follow-up assessments). The groups were matched by gender, family type and the mathematics wp pre-measurement score level. The groups differed neither by literacy skills (i.e. technical reading, reading comprehension) nor by task orientation at baseline.Results: Some acceleration of mathematics wp skills among the training group students was found but the growth dramatically declined as soon as the face-to-face support stopped. The results further showed improvement in the efficacy of correct answers or attempted mathematics wp items among training group students.Conclusion: The results suggested that training consisting of face-to-face support is crucial for accelerating mathematics wp strategies among students struggling with mathematics. Repeated, cyclic periods of support are suggested for sustained effect.</p

    The Diet of Finnish Preschoolers

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    Verkkoversion ISBN 978-951-740-887-

    School based working memory training: Preliminary finding of improvement in children’s mathematical performance

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    Working memory is a complex cognitive system responsible for the concurrent storage and processing of information. Ggiven that a complex cognitive task like mental arithmetic clearly places demands on working memory (e.g., in remembering partial results, monitoring progress through a multi-step calculation), there is surprisingly little research exploring the possibility of increasing young children’s working memory capacity through systematic school-based training. Tthis study reports the preliminary results of a working memory training programme, targeting executive processes such as inhibiting unwanted information, monitoring processes, and the concurrent storage and processing of information. Tthe findings suggest that children who received working memory training made significantly greater gains in the trained working memory task, and in a non-trained visual-spatial working memory task, than a matched control group. Moreover, the training group made significant improvements in their mathematical functioning as measured by the number of errors made in an addition task compared to the control group. Tthese findings, although preliminary, suggest that school-based measures to train working memory could have benefits in terms of improved performance in mathematics

    PerhelÀhtöinen ravintointerventio lastenneuvoloissa - Elintapainterventio Naperoille (ETANA) -esitutkimus

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    ETANA-tutkimuksessa suunniteltiin ja esitestattiin ravintointerventio, jonka tavoitteena on edistÀÀ lapsiperheiden hyviÀ elintapoja ja tukea ravitsemussuositusten saavuttamista. Intervention toteutusta ja vaikuttavuutta tutkittiin Espoon lastenneuvoloissa toteutetulla Elintapainterventio Naperoille (ETANA) -esitutkimuksella. Tutkimukseen osallistui lapsia, jotka kÀvivÀt kahdeksan kuukauden, yhden vuoden ja puolentoista vuoden ikÀisten lasten mÀÀrÀaikaisissa terveystarkastuksissa. Tehostettu ravitsemusohjaus kannusti vanhempia lisÀÀmÀÀn kasvisten, kalan ja kasviöljyn kÀyttöÀ. Tulosten perusteella lastenneuvolan terveysneuvonnan keskeisiÀ kehittÀmishaasteita ovat elintapaohjauksen toteuttaminen yksilöllisesti kunkin perheen tarpeiden mukaan, perheen motivointi tarvittavaan muutokseen ja muutoksen saavuttamiseksi tarvittavien keinojen tunnistaminen sekÀ tavoitteiden saavuttamisen seuranta. TÀssÀ raportissa esiteltÀvÀ tutkimus tuottaa nÀyttöön perustuvaa tietoa terveyden edistÀmisen työkaluista tutkijoille, asiantuntijoille, pÀÀtöksentekijöille sekÀ terveydenhuoltohenkilöstölle

    Transmembrane protein topology prediction using support vector machines

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    Background: Alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) proteins are involved in a wide range of important biological processes such as cell signaling, transport of membrane-impermeable molecules, cell-cell communication, cell recognition and cell adhesion. Many are also prime drug targets, and it has been estimated that more than half of all drugs currently on the market target membrane proteins. However, due to the experimental difficulties involved in obtaining high quality crystals, this class of protein is severely under-represented in structural databases. In the absence of structural data, sequence-based prediction methods allow TM protein topology to be investigated.Results: We present a support vector machine-based (SVM) TM protein topology predictor that integrates both signal peptide and re-entrant helix prediction, benchmarked with full cross-validation on a novel data set of 131 sequences with known crystal structures. The method achieves topology prediction accuracy of 89%, while signal peptides and re-entrant helices are predicted with 93% and 44% accuracy respectively. An additional SVM trained to discriminate between globular and TM proteins detected zero false positives, with a low false negative rate of 0.4%. We present the results of applying these tools to a number of complete genomes. Source code, data sets and a web server are freely available from http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/psipred/.Conclusion: The high accuracy of TM topology prediction which includes detection of both signal peptides and re-entrant helices, combined with the ability to effectively discriminate between TM and globular proteins, make this method ideally suited to whole genome annotation of alpha-helical transmembrane proteins

    Enhanced diagnostic yield in Meckel-Gruber and Joubert syndrome through exome sequencing supplemented with split-read mapping

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    Background The widespread adoption of high-throughput sequencing technologies by genetic diagnostic laboratories has enabled significant expansion of their testing portfolios. Rare autosomal recessive conditions have been a particular focus of many new services. Here we report a cohort of 26 patients referred for genetic analysis of Joubert (JBTS) and Meckel-Gruber (MKS) syndromes, two clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental conditions that define a phenotypic spectrum, with MKS at the severe end. Methods Exome sequencing was performed for all cases, using Agilent SureSelect v5 reagents and Illumina paired-end sequencing. For two cases medium-coverage (9×) whole genome sequencing was subsequently undertaken. Results Using a standard analysis pipeline for the detection of single nucleotide and small insertion or deletion variants, molecular diagnoses were confirmed in 12 cases (4 %). Seeking to determine whether our cohort harboured pathogenic copy number variants (CNV), in JBTS- or MKS-associated genes, targeted comparative read-depth analysis was performed using FishingCNV. These analyses identified a putative intragenic AHI1 deletion that included three exons spanning at least 3.4 kb and an intergenic MPP4 to TMEM237 deletion that included exons spanning at least 21.5 kb. Whole genome sequencing enabled confirmation of the deletion-containing alleles and precise characterisation of the mutation breakpoints at nucleotide resolution. These data were validated following development of PCR-based assays that could be subsequently used for “cascade” screening and/or prenatal diagnosis. Conclusions Our investigations expand the AHI1 and TMEM237 mutation spectrum and highlight the importance of performing CNV screening of disease-associated genes. We demonstrate a robust increasingly cost-effective CNV detection workflow that is applicable to all MKS/JBTS referrals

    EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies), 2013. Scientific Opinion on nutrient requirements and dietary intakes of infants and young children in the European Union.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver a Scientific Opinion on the nutrient requirements and dietary intakes of infants and young children in the European Union. This Opinion describes the dietary requirements of infants and young children, compares dietary intakes and requirements in infants and young children in Europe and, based on these findings, concludes on the potential role of young-child formulae in the diets of infants and young children, including whether they have any nutritional benefits when compared with other foods that may be included in the normal diet of infants and young children. The Panel concluded on the levels of nutrient and energy intakes that are considered adequate for the majority of infants and young children, and evaluated the risk of inadequate nutrient intakes in infants and young children in living Europe. Dietary intakes of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), iron, vitamin D and iodine (in some European countries) are low in infants and young children living in Europe, and particular attention should be paid to ensuring an appropriate supply of ALA, DHA, iron, vitamin D and iodine in infants and young children with inadequate or at risk of inadequate status of these nutrients. No unique role of young -child formulae with respect to the provision of critical nutrients in the diet of infants and young children living in Europe can be identified, so that they cannot be considered as a necessity to satisfy the nutritional requirements of young children when compared with other foods that may be included in the normal diet of young children (such as breast milk, infant formulae, follow-on formulae and cow\u2018s milk)
