25 research outputs found

    Wild record of an apple snail in the Waikato River, Hamilton, New Zealand and their incidence in freshwater aquaria

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    We report the discovery of a single specimen of a live apple snail Pomacea diffusa Blume 1957 (Ampullariidae: Prosobranchia), from the Waikato River, Hamilton city, central North Island, New Zealand. This species, along with the congeneric P. insularum, is imported for the aquarium trade, and its occurrence in the river likely stemmed from an aquarium release. A survey of 55 aquaria belonging to 43 hobbyists revealed 27 apple snails, with one owner having 22 snails. Assessment of environmental tolerances and impacts of P. diffusa, based largely on studies of the closely related and commonly confused congener P. bridgesii, suggests that direct habitat impacts by this species are likely to be minor. However, there could be indirect influences on native biodiversity through predation on eggs or competition for food supplies with other detritivorous species if densities were to become high. Water temperatures in the Waikato River below Hamilton (10-23˚C in 2009) may enable released individuals to persist for an extended period, and over summer may exceed the threshold required to enable breeding. However, population establishment would be most likely in locations where water is heated through geothermal influences or industrial cooling water discharges

    On the origin and evolution of thermophily:reconstruction of functional precambrian enzymes from ancestors of Bacillus

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    Thermophily is thought to be a primitive trait, characteristic of early forms of life on Earth, that has been gradually lost over evolutionary time. The genus Bacillus provides an ideal model for studying the evolution of thermophily as it is an ancient taxon and its contemporary species inhabit a range of thermal environments. The thermostability of reconstructed ancestral proteins has been used as a proxy for ancient thermal adaptation. The reconstruction of ancestral "enzymes" has the added advantages of demonstrable activity, which acts as an internal control for accurate inference, and providing insights into the evolution of enzymatic catalysis. Here, we report the reconstruction of the structurally complex core metabolic enzyme LeuB (3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, E. C. from the last common ancestor (LCA) of Bacillus using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. ML LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus shares only 76% sequence identity with its closest contemporary homolog, yet it is fully functional, thermophilic, and exhibits high values for k(cat), k(cat)/K(M), and ΔG(‡) for unfolding. The Bayesian version of this enzyme is also thermophilic but exhibits anomalous catalytic kinetics. We have determined the 3D structure of the ML enzyme and found that it is more closely aligned with LeuB from deeply branching bacteria, such as Thermotoga maritima, than contemporary Bacillus species. To investigate the evolution of thermophily, three descendents of LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus were also reconstructed. They reveal a fluctuating trend in thermal evolution, with a temporal adaptation toward mesophily followed by a more recent return to thermophily. Structural analysis suggests that the determinants of thermophily in LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus and the most recent ancestor are distinct and that thermophily has arisen in this genus at least twice via independent evolutionary paths. Our results add significant fluctuations to the broad trend in thermal adaptation previously proposed and demonstrate that thermophily is not exclusively a primitive trait, as it can be readily gained as well as lost. Our findings also demonstrate that reconstruction of complex functional Precambrian enzymes is possible and can provide empirical access to the evolution of ancient phenotypes and metabolisms.</p

    Nykytilan analyysi Suomen taksimarkkinoista

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kartoittaa toimeksiantajalle taksialan Suomen markkinoiden nykytilaa sekä alan parhaita käytänteitä sosiaalisen median viestinnässä. Toimeksiantaja on suomalainen osa-aikaisille taksiyrittäjille tarkoitettu välityssovellus, joka aloittaa toimintansa vuoden 2019 aikana. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu sosiaalisesta mediasta sekä nykytilan analyysistä, joka käsittelee erityisesti PESTLE- ja SWOT-analyysejä. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusosa toteutettiin kaksiosaisena ja ensimmäisessä osassa taksialan Suomen markkinoita kartoitettiin PESTLE-analyysin avulla. Toisessa osiossa toimeksiantajalle tehtiin kilpailija-analyysi sosiaalisen median viestinnästä Facebook- ja Instagram-palveluiden osalta. Nykytilan analyysissä kartoitettiin markkinatilannetta yritysten ja työntekijöiden, asiakkaiden sekä yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta. Analyysissä selvisi esimerkiksi, että taksien hinnat ovat nousseet liikennekaaren voimaan astumisen myötä. Sosiaalisen median kilpailija-analyysin tuloksena selvisi, että taksialalla ei ole tällä hetkellä yhdenmukaisia käytänteitä viestinnässä ja yritykset tuottavat varsin erilaista sisältöä. Tutkittavaksi valitut kilpailijat eivät käyttäneet Instagramia kovin aktiivisesti, joka tarjoaa toimeksiantajalle mahdollisuuden hyödyntää sitä brändiviestintäkanavana. Seurantajakson aikana ilmeni myös, että videojulkaisuja hyödynnetään varsin vähän Facebookissa ja Instagramissa, vaikka ne toimivatkin keskimäärin tehokkaammin kuin kuvajulkaisut. Toimeksiantajalle suositeltiinkin videojulkaisujen hyödyntämistä osana sosiaalisen median viestintää ja markkinointia

    Pedagogical Questions in Parent–Child Conversations

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    Questioning is a core component of formal pedagogy. Parents commonly question children, but do they use questions to teach? Here we define “pedagogical questions” as questions for which the questioner already knows the answer and intended to help the questionee learn. We investigate the frequency and distribution of pedagogical questions from parent-child conversations documented in the CHILDES database. By analyzing 2166 questions from 166 mother-child dyads and 64 father-child dyads, we find that pedagogical questions are commonplace during day-to-day parent-child conversations, and vary based on child’s age, family environment, and historical era. The results serve as a first step towards understanding the role of parent-child questions in facilitating children’s learning