349 research outputs found

    Harta dalam Konsepsi Adat Minangkabau

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    Minangkabau, with all of its aspects, has attracted academician to conduct researches about it. In terms of wealth, this tribe has a great detailed concepts. Comprehensive descriptions upon wealth center around the systems of kinship, power, and land ownership which is known as suku, sako and pusako. Social value of wealth is realized through communal wealth ownership. The authority of wealth is socialized by presenting tribal address to other people through the concept of sasongko. This wealth is supposed to inherit from generation to generation by means of communal authority system. However, some external systems, such as Islam, have given fundamental change which is considered too intervening. Consequently, the community cannot fully accept the change but, in other hand, do not want to reject it

    Klasifikasi Persediaan Stok Darah Menggunakan Algoritma K-NN, Decision Tree, dan JST Backpropagation

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    The demand for blood is critical for various purposes, such as surgeries, transplants, cancer treatments, dialysis, and disaster victims. The availability of blood at the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is crucial, as a shortage of stock can endanger patients' lives. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the condition of blood stock to determine whether it is safe or insufficient. This research focuses on comparing blood stock classification at PMI Kota Yogyakarta using three algorithms: K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, and Artificial Neural Network (Backpropagation). The study objects consist of 216 blood stock data point. Testing is conducted using the K-Fold Cross Validation method with a k value of 8 on 216 data points. The research results show that the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm achieves an Accuracy of 85.18%, Recall of 85.03%, Precision of 89.25%, F1-Score of 87.09%, and Specificity of 84.39%. The Decision Tree algorithm achieves an Accuracy of 84.72%, Recall of 88.18%, Precision of 86.15%, F1-Score of 87.15%, and Specificity of 78.08%. The Artificial Neural Network (Backpropagation) algorithm shows the best performance with an Accuracy of 93.05%, Recall of 96.06%, Precision of 92.42%, F1-Score of 94.20%, and Specificity of 89.35%. Thus, it can be concluded that the Artificial Neural Network (Backpropagation) algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in classifying blood stock availability.  Keywords—PMI, Blood, Classification, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, BackpropagationKebutuhan darah sangat penting untuk operasi, transplantasi, pengobatan kanker, cuci darah, dan korban bencana. Ketersediaan darah di UTD (Unit Transfusi Darah) PMI sangat krusial karena kekurangan stok dapat membahayakan nyawa pasien. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah kondisi stok darah aman atau kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan komparasi klasifikasi stok darah di PMI Kota Yogyakarta.. Klasifikasi dilakukan menggunakan tiga algoritma yaitu K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Backpropagation). Kemudian dilakukan komparasi terhadap tiga algoritma tersebut untuk melihat kinerja dari masing-masing algoritma. Objek penelitian ini berupa 216 data stok darah. Parameter untuk klasifikasi data adalah Kegiatan Donor, Pendonor Darah, Rumah Sakit, dan Kadaluarsa. Sedangkan kelas data pada atribut Keputusan adalah kategori Aman dan Kurang. Pengujian ini dilakukan menggunakan evaluasi metode K-Fold Cross Validation dengan nilai k=8 terhadap 216 data. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) memiliki Accuracy 85,18%, Recall 85,03%, Precision 89.25%, F1-Score 87,09%, dan Specificity 84,39%. Algoritma Decision Tree memiliki Accuracy 84,72%, Recall 88,18%, Precision 86,15%, F1-Score 87,15%, dan Specificity 78,08%. Algoritma Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Backpropagation) memiliki Accuracy 93,05%, Recall 96,06%, Precision 92,42%, F1-Score 94,20%, dan Specificity 89,35%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Backpropagation) memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dari algoritma lainnya dalam mengklasifikasikan persediaan stok darah

    Stratospheric role in interdecadal changes of El Niño impacts over Europe

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.The European precipitation response to El Niño (EN) has been found to present interdecadal changes, with alternated periods of important or negligible EN impact in late winter. These periods are associated with opposite phases of multi-decadal sea surface temperature (SST) variability, which modifies the tropospheric background and EN teleconnections. In addition, other studies have shown how SST anomalies in the equatorial Pacific, and in particular, the location of the largest anomalous SST, modulate the stratospheric response to EN. Nevertheless, the role of the stratosphere on the stationarity of EN response has not been investigated in detail so far. Using reanalysis data, we present a comprehensive study of EN teleconnections to Europe including the role of the ocean background and the stratosphere in the stationarity of the signal. The results reveal multidecadal variability in the location of EN-related SST anomalies that determines different teleconnections. In periods with relevant precipitation signal over Europe, the EN SST pattern resembles Eastern Pacific EN and the stratospheric pathway plays a key role in transmitting the signal to Europe in February, together with two tropospheric wavetrains that transmit the signal in February and April. Conversely, the stratospheric pathway is not detected in periods with a weak EN impact on European precipitation, corresponding to EN-related SST anomalies primarily located over the central Pacific. SST mean state and its associated atmospheric background control the location of EN-related SST anomalies in different periods and modulate the establishment of the aforementioned stratospheric pathway of EN teleconnection to Europe too.BA was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/M006123/1, the European Project 603557-STRATOCLIM and “Ayudas para la contratación de personal postdoctoral en formación en docencia e investigación en departamentos de la UCM”. JLP and BRF were funded by the European Project PREFACE. MI and NC acknowledge support from the European Project 603557-STRATOCLIM under program FP7-ENV.2013.6.1-2. NC was also supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the PALEOSTRAT (CGL2015-69699-R) project

    Northern hemisphere stratospheric pathway of different El Niño Flavors in stratosphere-resolving CMIP5 models

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    AbstractThe Northern Hemisphere (NH) stratospheric signals of eastern Pacific (EP) and central Pacific (CP) El Niño events are investigated in stratosphere-resolving historical simulations from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), together with the role of the stratosphere in driving tropospheric El Niño teleconnections in NH climate. The large number of events in each composite addresses some of the previously reported concerns related to the short observational record. The results shown here highlight the importance of the seasonal evolution of the NH stratospheric signals for understanding the EP and CP surface impacts. CMIP5 models show a significantly warmer and weaker polar vortex during EP El Niño. No significant polar stratospheric response is found during CP El Niño. This is a result of differences in the timing of the intensification of the climatological wavenumber 1 through constructive interference, which occurs earlier in EP than CP events, related to the anomalous enhancement and earlier development of the Pacific–North American pattern in EP events. The northward extension of the Aleutian low and the stronger and eastward location of the high over eastern Canada during EP events are key in explaining the differences in upward wave propagation between the two types of El Niño. The influence of the polar stratosphere in driving tropospheric anomalies in the North Atlantic European region is clearly shown during EP El Niño events, facilitated by the occurrence of stratospheric summer warmings, the frequency of which is significantly higher in this case. In contrast, CMIP5 results do not support a stratospheric pathway for a remote influence of CP events on NH teleconnections

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Sandal Dan Sepatu Dengan Menggunakan Matriks SWOT dan QSPM (Studi Kasus : Yessy Shoes)

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    Yessy Shoes is a home industry company engaged in the fashion sector. Yessy Shoes was established in 1982. Yessy Shoes produces footwear in the form of men's sandals, women's sandals, men's shoes and women's shoes. The current number of incoming requests at Yessy Shoes only covers 50% of the optimal demand that Yessy Shoes can produce. Because there is a range of differences between the average product and the maximum production, marketing is needed so that Yessy Shoes can produce optimally every day, so there is no wastage of hours and labor. The purpose of this study is to identify the best marketing strategy by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the internal and external environment to be implemented at Yessy Shoes to increase Yessy Shoes profits. This study uses SWOT and QSPM matrix analysis. The results of this study indicate that Yessy Shoes has an internal factor score of 2.97 and an external factor of 2.72 with the company's position in quadrant V, which means the company's condition is hold and maintain. The strategy that is suitable to be implemented in this cell is market penetration and product development. The main priority strategy that can be applied is to take advantage of existing technology by opening outlets onlin


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    A Nb microalloyed steel has been thermomechanically processed at laboratory through the use of plane straincompression sequences followed by simulated coiling. Tensile samples have been machined from the obtainedspecimens in order to investigate the effect of different variables: recrystallisation or accumulated strain beforetransformation, holding in austenite and coiling temperature on the final mechanical behaviour. Transmissionelectron microscopy observation of the precipitates has been carried out after coiling at different temperatures.It has been shown that when Nb remains in solution in austenite after hot deformation, it can precipitate inferrite, leading to an important strengthening effect which is directly related to the concentration of Nb insolution before transformation and coiling temperature

    Particle-in-cell simulations of rf breakdown

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    Breakdown voltages of a capacitively coupled radio frequency argon discharge at 27 MHz are studied. We use a one-dimensional electrostatic PIC code to investigate the effect of changing the secondary emission properties of the electrodes on the breakdown voltage, particularly at low pd values. Simulation results are compared with the available experimental results and a satisfactory agreement is found.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    The complex behavior of El Niño winter 2015-2016

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    This paper examines the outstanding characteristics of the strong 2015-2016 El Nino (EN) winter and its impact over the European region through the stratosphere. Despite being classified as a strong eastern Pacific (EP) EN event, our analysis reveals an anomalous behavior, with some signatures that are more typical of central Pacific (CP) EN events instead. They include (i) a record-breaking value of the CP index, (ii) a stronger polar vortex in early and midwinter, due to reduced upward wave activity and a weakened Aleutian low, and (iii) the occurrence of one of the earliest stratospheric final warmings (SFWs) on record, which are more prone to occur during CP-EN. Following the SFW, a stratospheric influence on the Euro-Atlantic sector is reported in spring, with persistent Greenland blocking resulting in extreme precipitation over some southern European regions. Results highlight the importance of considering early SFWs as mediators of El Nino teleconnections