300 research outputs found

    Performance Variables and Technical Penalties of the Split Leap

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    Los autores desean mostrar su agradecimiento a las gimnastas participantes en este estudio por su esfuerzo entusiasta e implicación durante la ejecución de la habilidad de salto analizadaSe analizó la relación entre las penalizaciones técnicas obtenidas en la ejecución de un elemento gimnástico aislado con el nivel competitivo de las gimnastas, sus características antropométricas y las variables temporales y angulares más importantes analizadas en dicha habilidad. Fueron seleccionadas 29 gimnastas (17,1 ± 3,1 años) procedentes de distintos niveles competitivos. Tres entrenadores evaluaron la ejecución mediante una adaptación del Código de Puntuación. Se observaron asociaciones significativas directas e indirectas (p < 0,05): bajo índice de adiposidad (rho = 0,643), tiempo total de batida (rho = 0,619), tiempo total de vuelo (rho = - 0,596), máxima amplitud articular de caderas (rho = - 0,902) y máxima extensión de los tobillos (rho = - 0,738). La valoración de las penalizaciones así como el uso del nivel competitivo y del Salto Zancada como test específico han resultado ser herramientas útiles para la valoración del rendimientoThe aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the following aspects: the technical penalties obtained in the execution of an isolated gymnastics element, the competitive level of the gymnasts, their anthropometric characteristics, and the most important temporal and angular variables analyzed in this skill. Twenty nine gymnasts (aged 17.1 ± 3.1 years) from different competition levels were selected. Three coaches evaluated the execution through an adaptation of the Code of Points. Significant direct and indirect associations were observed (p < 0.05): low adiposity index (rho = 0.643), take-off total time (rho = 0.619), flight total time (rho = - 0.596), maximum range of motion of the hips (rho = - 0.902), and maximum extension of ankles (rho = - 0.738). The assessment of penalties as well as the use of competitive level and Split Leap as specific tests, have demonstrated to be useful tools for evaluating performanc

    Contenido polínico de la familia Pinaceae en la atmósfera de Córdoba, España

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Artrodesis subastragalina artroscópica

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    Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia y complicaciones de la técnica artroscópica en la artrodesis subastragalina. Material y métodos: Durante los años 2007 y 2008 hemos realizado artrodesis subastragalina artroscópica por vía posterior a 12 pacientes, con una edad media de 41 años, por presentar artropatía postraumática de la articulación subastragalina, secundaria a fractura de calcáneo o astrágalo. El seguimiento medio ha sido de 9 meses. Resultados: Se ha conseguido la consolidación primaria de la artrodesis en 10 casos, evolucionando a seudoartrosis en los otros dos, que precisaron reintervención artroscópica con aporte de injerto óseo. En un caso ha existido migración proximal de un tornillo de osteosíntesis, no presentándose necrosis cutánea, infección ni afectación neurovascular en caso alguno. Conclusiones: Esta técnica se ha mostrado eficaz para la consecución de la artrodesis subastragalina, disminuyendo sensiblemente el porcentaje de complicaciones en relación con la cirugía abierta.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and complications of arthroscopic technique in subtalar arthrodesis. Methods: Between 2007 and 2008 we performed arthroscopic subtalar fusions with a posterior approach in 12 patients with a mean age of 41 years old, with a diagnose of posttraumatic subtalar arthropaty secondary to calcaneus or talus fractures. The mean follow-up was 9 months. Results:We obtained primary consolidation in 10 cases. Two cases developed non-union and required an arthroscopic revision with bone grafting. In one case there was proximal migration of a screw, with no skin necrosis, infection or neurovascular impairment in any case. Conclusions: This technique has been effective in order to obtain subtalar fusion, minimizing significantly the complications associated with open surgery

    Datos sobre la vegetación del centro del Perú

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    Datos sobre la vegetación del centro del Perú. El presente artículo trata de aportar algunas novedades fitosociológicas sobre los valles centrales del Departamento de Lima (Perú). Como resultado de los inventarios fitosociológicos levantados en los valles de Santa Eulalia, Rimac, Chillón y San Bartolomé, se describen 6 asociaciones (Baccharido salicifoliae-Gynerietum sagittati, Equiseto gigantei-Salicetum humboldtianae, Caricetum candicantis, Matucano haynei-Tillandsietum humilis, Aristeguietio discoloris-Baccharidetum latifoliae y Jungietum axillaris), 3 alianzas (Pityrogrammo trifoliatae-Baccharidion salicifoliae, Adiantion poiretii y Jungion axillaris) y 1 orden (Baccharidetalia salicifoliae). Además se comentan 5 nuevas subasociaciones, 5 comunidades y algunos aspectos fragmentarios de la vegetación (comunidades basales, BC y comunidades derivadas, DC). También se presenta un mapa preliminar de las series de vegetación en el centro del Perú (Departamento de Lima)

    Short communication: Application of site‐level assessment of governance and equity (sage) methodology to a candidate oecm: AndakÍ municipal natural park, caquetÁ, colombia.

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    Governance is a fundamental aspect and precondition for conservation strategies, such as protected areas or OECMs. A methodology for Site-level Assessment of Governance and Equity (SAGE) has been proposed by IUCN to explore different aspects of governance, based on ten principles. This article describes the application of SAGE to a candidate OECM for what we believe is the first time: the Andakí Municipal Natural Park in the Amazon region of Colombia. The application of SAGE generated useful insights into different aspects of governance, including the importance of good communication and recognising and respecting the rights and responsibilities of different actors. Based on this experience, we believe that the SAGE methodology could be a useful tool not only to identify priorities for improving governance, but also to assess governance and equity in order to evaluate if an area meets the criteria for an OECM that it is governed and managed to achieve sustained and effective contributions to in situ conservation of biodiversity, associated ecosystem functions and services, and cultural, spiritual, socio-economic and other locally relevant values. © 2021, IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature. All rights reserved.This process was made possible with the support of: a) the Local Protected Areas Regional Project implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, ICLEI ? Local Governments for Sustainability and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Environment ministries in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety; b) the project adaptation of the OECM criteria to the Colombian context supported by PPD-GEF-PNUD, and implemented by Resnatur, Instituto Humboldt, Fundaci?n Natura and the Local Protected Areas Project; and c) the EUROCLIMA+ programme supported by Expertise France, GIZ and the International Institute for the Environment and Development (IIED); and d) Thora Amend, Vice Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (thematic area: Governance)

    Principal Component Analysis Applied to Digital Pulse Shape Analysis for Isotope Discrimination

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    Digital pulse shape analysis (DPSA) techniques are becoming increasingly important for the study of nuclear reactions since the development of fast digitizers. These techniques allow us to obtain the (A, Z) values of the reaction products impinging on the new generation solid-state detectors. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient method to discriminate isotopes with similar energy levels, with the aim of enabling the edge-computing paradigm in future field-programmable gate-array-based acquisition systems. The discrimination of isotope pairs with analogous energy levels has been a topic of interest in the literature, leading to various solutions based on statistical features or convolutional neural networks. Leveraging a valuable dataset obtained from experiments conducted by researchers in the FAZIA Collaboration at the CIME cyclotron in GANIL laboratories, we aim to establish a comparative analysis regarding selectivity and computational efficiency, as this dataset has been employed in several prior publications. Specifically, this work presents an approach to discriminate between pairs of isotopes with similar energies, namely, 12,13C, 36,40Ar, and 80,84Kr, using principal component analysis (PCA) for data preprocessing. Consequently, a linear and cubic machine learning (ML) support vector machine (SVM) classification model was trained and tested, achieving a high identification capability, especially in the cubic one. These results offer improved computational efficiency compared to the previously reported methodologies.Grant TED2021-131075B-I00 funded byMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Grant PID2021-127711NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Chondroid Tumors: Review of Salient Imaging Features and Update on the WHO Classification

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    Chondrogenic tumors are typically well recognized on radiographs, but differentiation between benign and malignant cartilaginous lesions can be difficult both for the radiologist and for the pathologist. Diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical, radiological and histological findings. While treatment of benign lesions does not require surgery, the only curative treatment for chondrosarcoma is resection. This article (1) emphasizes the update of the WHO classification and its diagnostic and clinical effects; (2) describes the imaging features of the various types of cartilaginous tumors, highlighting findings that can help differentiate benign from malignant lesions; (3) presents differential diagnoses; and (4) provides pathologic correlation. We attempt to offer valuable clues in the approach to this vast entit

    Wisdom of groups promotes cooperation in evolutionary social dilemmas

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    Whether or not to change strategy depends not only on the personal success of each individual, but also on the success of others. Using this as motivation, we study the evolution of cooperation in games that describe social dilemmas, where the propensity to adopt a different strategy depends both on individual fitness as well as on the strategies of neighbors. Regardless of whether the evolutionary process is governed by pairwise or group interactions, we show that plugging into the "wisdom of groups" strongly promotes cooperative behavior. The more the wider knowledge is taken into account the more the evolution of defectors is impaired. We explain this by revealing a dynamically decelerated invasion process, by means of which interfaces separating different domains remain smooth and defectors therefore become unable to efficiently invade cooperators. This in turn invigorates spatial reciprocity and establishes decentralized decision making as very beneficial for resolving social dilemmas.Comment: 8 two-column pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Scientific Report

    Influence of the ripening chamber's geographical location on dry-cured Iberian ham's key odorants

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    Olfactometric and sensory analyses have been applied to study the possible influence of the ripening chamber’s geographical location on the aroma sensory profiles and key odorants of Iberian ham. Dry-cured Iberian ham was obtained from 3 acorn-fed pigs and, for the first time, both of the participating production facilities, located in two different Andalusian municipalities with different altitudes above mean sea level, processed one of the two hind legs from each pig. The descriptive sensory profile of orthonasal and retronasal odours was determined by trained panellists, while odour-active compounds were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-olfactometry (GC/MS-O). The results obtained showed that, separately, both techniques enable Iberian ham samples to be differentiated by their ripening chamber’s geographical location. For sensory analysis, retronasal sensory analysis appeared to be the most suitable for this goal, highlighting the “meat broth odour” and “roasted nuts odour” descriptors which presented significant differences between geographical locations for samples from all pigs. Moreover, ripening chamber’s geographical location characteristics and the initial composition of the raw material seemed to influence the content of some odour-active compounds. The odour-active compound identified as octane/acetone and isobutanol were conditioned by the ripening chamber’s geographical location, while decanal/2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 1-undecanol, 2-furanmethanol and cis-2-nonenal were also influenced by the individual pig itself. This study showed that slight climatological differences due to the location of the ripening chamber seem to have somewhat of an influence on the aromatic profile.Universidad de Sevilla VIPPIT-2019-I