210 research outputs found

    The origins of intensive marine fishing in medieval Europe: the English evidence

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    The catastrophic impact of fishing pressure on species such as cod and herring is well documented. However, the antiquity of their intensive exploitation has not been established. Systematic catch statistics are only available for ca. 100 years, but large-scale fishing industries existed in medieval Europe and the expansion of cod fishing from the fourteenth century (first in Iceland, then in Newfoundland) played an important role in the European colonization of the Northwest Atlantic. History has demonstrated the scale of these late medieval and post-medieval fisheries, but only archaeology can illuminate earlier practices. Zooarchaeological evidence shows that the clearest changes in marine fishing in England between AD 600 and 1600 occurred rapidly around AD 1000 and involved large increases in catches of herring and cod. Surprisingly, this revolution predated the documented post-medieval expansion of England's sea fisheries and coincided with the Medieval Warm Period-when natural herring and cod productivity was probably low in the North Sea. This counterintuitive discovery can be explained by the concurrent rise of urbanism and human impacts on freshwater ecosystems. The search for 'pristine' baselines regarding marine ecosystems will thus need to employ medieval palaeoecological proxies in addition to recent fisheries data and early modern historical records

    Increased ionization supports growth of aerosols into cloud condensation nuclei

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    Ions produced by cosmic rays have been thought to influence aerosol and cloud processes by an unknown mechanism. Here the authors show that the mass flux of ions to aerosols enhances their growth significantly, with implications for the formation of cloud condensation nuclei

    An isotopic analysis of ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid

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    Sulphuric acid is an important factor in aerosol nucleation and growth. It has been shown that ions enhance the formation of sulphuric acid aerosols, but the exact mechanism has remained undetermined. Furthermore some studies have found a deficiency in the sulphuric acid budget, suggesting a missing source. In this study the production of sulphuric acid from SO<sub>2</sub> through a number of different pathways is investigated. The production methods are standard gas phase oxidation by OH radicals produced by ozone photolysis with UV light, liquid phase oxidation by ozone, and gas phase oxidation initiated by gamma rays. The distributions of stable sulphur isotopes in the products and substrate were measured using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. All methods produced sulphate enriched in <sup>34</sup>S and we find an enrichment factor (δ<sup>34</sup>S) of 8.7 ± 0.4‰ (1 standard deviation) for the UV-initiated OH reaction. Only UV light (Hg emission at 253.65 nm) produced a clear non-mass-dependent excess of <sup>33</sup>S. The pattern of isotopic enrichment produced by gamma rays is similar, but not equal, to that produced by aqueous oxidation of SO<sub>2</sub> by ozone. This, combined with the relative yields of the experiments, suggests a mechanism in which ionising radiation may lead to hydrated ion clusters that serve as nanoreactors for S(IV) to S(VI) conversion

    Relação entre o número de espécies e o número de táxones de alto nível para a fauna de artrópodes dos Açores

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    Nesta contribuição pretendemos avaliar a aplicação dos modelos RESTAN, "Relação entre o número de Espécies e o número de Táxones de Alto Nível", à fauna de artrópodes de vários habitats das ilhas dos Açores. Utilizámos várias bases de dados recentemente obtidas baseadas em amostragens estandardizadas de artrópodes epígeos do solo em florestas de áreas protegidas, artrópodes fitófagos e predadores de pastagens semeadas e semi-naturais e artrópodes da copa da árvore endémica Juniperus brevifolia. Os modelos RESTAN são aplicados não só usando dados puramente taxonómicos, mas igualmente agrupando os taxa em termos de estratégias ecológicas (e.g. herbívoros, predadores) e de colonização das ilhas (e.g. endémicos). Deste modo pensamos poder avaliar a aplicabilidade destes modelos em estudos de estrutura de comunidades e de conservação. Para os Açores, a aplicação dos modelos RESTAN constitui uma forma muito prática e eficaz de obter estimativas de diversidade. De facto, em todas as matrizes de dados analisadas a riqueza de espécies pode ser estimada eficazmente usando apenas a riqueza em géneros, sendo a relação linear. Ao nível da família, os modelos estimadores possuem um menor poder explicativo e são melhor explicados por uma função exponencial. O escalonamento de Reservas Florestais Naturais dos Açores em termos de biodiversidade de artrópodes endémicos pode ser efectuado usando informação taxonómica ao nível do género. A aplicação de métodos de estimativa rápida de biodiversidade fica assim facilitada, podendo usar-se parataxonomistas bem treinados para o processo de triagem do grande número de amostras geralmente necessárias em estudos ecológicos. Discute-se igualmente a aplicabilidade dos modelos RESTAN a dados de diversidade alfa, beta e gama.ABSTRACT: In this contribution we examine the predictive power of numbers of higher taxa (orders, families and genera) as surrogates of species richness ("RESTAN" models – models based on linear relationship between species and higher taxa numbers) for the Azorean arthropod fauna. Recently, two large entomological and ecological studies were performed in the Azores, using standardized sampling protocols to estimate the diversity of arthropods in grassland and native forests. We use datasets available from those studies to address a few technical questions: A. what is the impact of using several measures of diversity (alpha, gamma and beta species diversity; Shannon-Wiener index of diversity; Evenness) based on numbers of families and genera for canopy arthropods? For instance, could be predicted that values of beta-diversity decrease with the use of higher-taxa estimates. All the measures of diversity could be used, being the genera the best predictor; B. how well behave the RESTAN models for functional groups of species like grass-feeding and web-building spiders in grasslands? The predictive power of higher-taxa is low using web-building spiders, due to few families being envolved and some genera having many species locally represented; C. assuming at least one sample with no species then there will be also no highertaxa in that sample. Consequently, the curve of the relationship between highertaxa richness and species richness should be anchored to the origin (y= bx). What is the predictive value of this model in comparison with the linear (y =a + bx), log-log (log y = a + b log x) and exponential (y = A • e b x) models? The best fit was obtained with the linear model for the genus-species relationship, but the variables are not normally distributed and the log-log model should be preferable. For the family-species relationship the exponential model is the best. The linear model anchored to the origin (y =bx) has some statistical pitfalls and was of less predictive value; D. in conservation studies what is the predictive value of higher-taxa in ranking protected areas? We found that the numbers of arthropod genera could successfully rank the Natural Forest Reserves as well as numbers of species (using endemic species dataset). We found that in the Azores the predictions of species richness using higher-taxa are quite reasonable, mainly because of low levels of diversity. Therefore, costeffective studies could use only genera, since the species richness of arthropods could be predicted reasonably closely from their genus-level richness. Family and order-level data were less informative for all datasets. We suggest that in the Azores as a consequence of the low levels of species diversification with a great proportion of monospecific genera, the use of parataxonomists trained in genus-level identification could be appropriate for sorting large numbers of ecological samples

    The value of indigenous and local knowledge as citizen science

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    Citizen science, the active participation of the public in scientific research projects, is a rapidly expanding field in open science and open innovation. It provides an integrated model of public knowledge production and engagement with science. As a growing worldwide phenomenon, it is invigorated by evolving new technologies that connect people easily and effectively with the scientific community. Catalysed by citizens’ wishes to be actively involved in scientific processes, as a result of recent societal trends, it also offers contributions to the rise in tertiary education. In addition, citizen science provides a valuable tool for citizens to play a more active role in sustainable development. This book identifies and explains the role of citizen science within innovation in science and society, and as a vibrant and productive science-policy interface. The scope of this volume is global, geared towards identifying solutions and lessons to be applied across science, practice and policy. The chapters consider the role of citizen science in the context of the wider agenda of open science and open innovation, and discuss progress towards responsible research and innovation, two of the most critical aspects of science today

    Results from the CERN pilot CLOUD experiment

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    During a 4-week run in October–November 2006, a pilot experiment was performed at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in preparation for the Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets (CLOUD) experiment, whose aim is to study the possible influence of cosmic rays on clouds. The purpose of the pilot experiment was firstly to carry out exploratory measurements of the effect of ionising particle radiation on aerosol formation from trace H2SO4 vapour and secondly to provide technical input for the CLOUD design. A total of 44 nucleation bursts were produced and recorded, with formation rates of particles above the 3 nm detection threshold of between 0.1 and 100 cm -3 s -1, and growth rates between 2 and 37 nm h -1. The corresponding H2O concentrations were typically around 106 cm -3 or less. The experimentally-measured formation rates and htwosofour concentrations are comparable to those found in the atmosphere, supporting the idea that sulphuric acid is involved in the nucleation of atmospheric aerosols. However, sulphuric acid alone is not able to explain the observed rapid growth rates, which suggests the presence of additional trace vapours in the aerosol chamber, whose identity is unknown. By analysing the charged fraction, a few of the aerosol bursts appear to have a contribution from ion-induced nucleation and ion-ion recombination to form neutral clusters. Some indications were also found for the accelerator beam timing and intensity to influence the aerosol particle formation rate at the highest experimental SO2 concentrations of 6 ppb, although none was found at lower concentrations. Overall, the exploratory measurements provide suggestive evidence for ion-induced nucleation or ion-ion recombination as sources of aerosol particles. However in order to quantify the conditions under which ion processes become significant, improvements are needed in controlling the experimental variables and in the reproducibility of the experiments. Finally, concerning technical aspects, the most important lessons for the CLOUD design include the stringent requirement of internal cleanliness of the aerosol chamber, as well as maintenance of extremely stable temperatures (variations below 0.1 °C

    Stable isotope evidence for late medieval (14th-15th C) origins of the eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery

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    Although recent historical ecology studies have extended quantitative knowledge of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) exploitation back as far as the 16th century, the historical origin of the modern fishery remains obscure. Widespread archaeological evidence for cod consumption around the eastern Baltic littoral emerges around the 13th century, three centuries before systematic documentation, but it is not clear whether this represents (1) development of a substantial eastern Baltic cod fishery, or (2) large-scale importation of preserved cod from elsewhere. To distinguish between these hypotheses we use stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to determine likely catch regions of 74 cod vertebrae and cleithra from 19 Baltic archaeological sites dated from the 8th to the 16th centuries. δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N signatures for six possible catch regions were established using a larger sample of archaeological cod cranial bones (n = 249). The data strongly support the second hypothesis, revealing widespread importation of cod during the 13th to 14th centuries, most of it probably from Arctic Norway. By the 15th century, however, eastern Baltic cod dominate within our sample, indicating the development of a substantial late medieval fishery. Potential human impact on cod stocks in the eastern Baltic must thus be taken into account for at least the last 600 years.The research was funded by the Leverhulme Trust (grant no. F/00 224/S), the History of Marine Animal Populations project (supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research