780 research outputs found

    Valadier-like formulas for the supremum function I

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    We generalize and improve the original characterization given by Valadier [18, Theorem 1] of the subdifferential of the pointwise supremum of convex functions, involving the subdifferentials of the data functions at nearby points. We remove the continuity assumption made in that work and obtain a general formula for such a subdiferential. In particular, when the supremum is continuous at some point of its domain, but not necessarily at the reference point, we get a simpler version which gives rise to the Valadier formula. Our starting result is the characterization given in [11, Theorem 4], which uses the epsilon-subdifferential at the reference point.Comment: 27 page

    Valadier-like formulas for the supremum function II: The compactly indexed case

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    We generalize and improve the original characterization given by Valadier [20, Theorem 1] of the subdifferential of the pointwise supremum of convex functions, involving the subdifferentials of the data functions at nearby points. We remove the continuity assumption made in that work and obtain a general formula for such a subdifferential. In particular, when the supremum is continuous at some point of its domain, but not necessarily at the reference point, we get a simpler version which gives rise to Valadier formula. Our starting result is the characterization given in [10, Theorem 4], which uses the epsilon-subdiferential at the reference point.Comment: 23 page

    Estrés por calor en ganado lechero con énfasis en la producción de leche y los hábitos de consumo de alimento y agua. Revisión

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    The negative impact of heat stress (HS) in dairy cattle results in considerable economic losses at world level, as it reduces the milk production, reproductive efficiency, and productive life in the cows. In addition, the continuous genetic improvement results in highly productive cows, which are, however, less tolerant to HS because they produce greater metabolic heat. This, together with global warming, will turn HS into a hard-to-control challenge for the daily industry. In response dependent on the degree of HS, the dairy cattle carry out a series of physiological, metabolic and behavioral adjustments as thermoregulatory mechanisms for removing excess body heat and reducing the endogenous production of body heat, in order to maintain the normothermia. However, fertility and milk secretion decrease as a direct effect of hyperthermia and an indirect effect of lower dietary nutrient intake. Food and water intake are closely associated to the reduction of the productivity of dairy cattle exposed to HS. Notably, the impact of HS on productivity of dairy cattle varies among breeds, among which Bos taurus, particularly the Holstein breed, are less tolerant to HS. The identification of genes associated to thermotolerance utilized in selection programs using genetic markers to breed high milk-producing cows in warm climates is currently being studied. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the effects of HS on milk production, activation of thermoregulatory mechanisms and feed intake behavior in dairy cattle.El impacto negativo del estrés por calor (EC) en la ganadería lechera repercute en cuantiosas pérdidas económicas a nivel mundial, dado que reduce la producción de leche, la eficiencia reproductiva y la vida productiva de las vacas. Adicionalmente, el mejoramiento genético continuo resulta en vacas muy productivas, pero menos tolerantes al EC debido a que producen mayor calor metabólico. Esto en conjunto con el calentamiento global convertirá al EC en un reto difícil de controlar para la industria lechera. Como respuesta dependiente del grado de EC, el ganado lechero realiza una serie de ajustes fisiológicos, metabólicos y conductuales como mecanismos de termorregulación para disipar el exceso de calor corporal y reducir la producción endógena del mismo, todo dirigido a mantener la normotermia. Sin embargo, la secreción láctea y la fertilidad se reducen por efecto directo de la hipertermia e indirectamente por la reducción en el consumo de nutrientes dietéticos. Los consumos de alimento y de agua están asociados estrechamente con la reducción de la productividad en ganado lechero expuesto a EC. Cabe mencionar que el impacto del EC en la productividad del ganado lechero varía entre razas, siendo las razas Bos taurus menos tolerantes al EC, particularmente la raza Holstein. Actualmente, se investiga en la identificación de genes asociados con la termotolerancia, los cuales son empleados en programas de selección por marcadores genéticos para producir vacas altas productoras de leche en climas cálidos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta revisión es hacer un análisis comprensivo de los efectos del EC sobre la producción de leche, activación de mecanismos de termorregulación y conducta de ingesta en ganado lechero

    Porcine circovirus 3 is highly prevalent in serum and tissues and may persistently infect wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)

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    Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV‐3) prevalence has been minimally investigated in wild boar; dynamics of infection and viral tissue distribution are currently unknown. In this study, serum samples from 518 wild boar (from years 2004 to 2018) were used to study frequency of infection. Also, serum samples from 19 boar captured and recaptured at least two times for a period of time from 1 month to 1 year were collected to determine PCV‐3 infection dynamics. Finally, to elucidate PCV‐3 DNA organic distribution, sera, different tissues and faeces were obtained from 35 additional wild boar. PCV‐3 DNA was extracted and amplified with a conventional PCR. For the PCV‐3 PCR‐positive sera from the longitudinally sampled and different tissue types, a quantitative PCR was performed. Genome sequence was obtained from a number of PCV‐3 PCR‐positive samples from different years, different time‐points of infection and tissues. Obtained results confirmed the susceptibility of wild boar to the virus, showing high frequency of PCV‐3 detection (221 out of 518, 42.66%) and demonstrating circulation at least since 2004. Compiled data indicate the possibility of long‐term infections, since 5 out of 10 PCV‐3 PCR‐positive boars longitudinally sampled showed positivity in samplings separated for more than 5 months. All tested tissue types' harboured PCV‐3 genome, with the highest percentage of PCR positivity in submandibular lymph node, tonsil, lung, liver, spleen and kidney. The amount of DNA in all tested PCV‐3 PCR‐positive samples was moderate to low. All partial and complete PCV‐3 sequences obtained from wild boar displayed high nucleotide identity, higher than 98%. In conclusion, this study further confirms that wild boar is susceptible to PCV‐3 infection, showing high frequency of detection in this animal species. Furthermore, PCV‐3 can be found in different tissues of wild boar and is apparently able to cause persistent infection.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria. Grant Number: E‐RTA2017‐00007‐00‐0


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    Objetivos: Determinar la asociación entre el nivel de conocimiento y las actitudes sobre la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos de los médicos e internos de medicina del Hospital Militar Central – Julio 2016. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico, no experimental, transversal. El tamaño de la población fue de 218 participantes entre médicos e internos de medicina del Hospital Militar Central. Se empleó una encuesta validada. Para el análisis estadístico de la relación de variables se utilizó el OR y el Chi-cuadrado. Y el análisis de datos se realizó por medio del programa estadístico SPSS. Resultados: Se encontró que un 57.8% de los encuestados tuvo un nivel de conocimiento alto, mientras un 58.3% tuvo actitudes favorables frente a la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos. Asimismo, se halló que la mayoría de los encuestados que tienen entre 41 a 60 años tienen un nivel de conocimiento alto 77.5% y 80% tienen una actitud favorable. De los encuestados, 88.07% son católicos de los cuales 61.5% tienen una actitud favorable, sin embargo, de los que pertenecen a otra religión 65.4% tienen una actitud desfavorable. La mayoría de encuestados fueron médicos con un 57.8% donde 69% tuvo un nivel de conocimiento alto y 68.3% tuvieron una actitud favorable. Conclusión: El tener un alto nivel de conocimiento está relacionado a tener actitudes favorables respecto a la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejido obteniendo un OR de 2,9, con un intervalo de confianza [1,658 -5,072] Existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v17.n3.119

    One-pot synthesis of compact DNA silica particles for gene delivery and extraordinary DNA preservation

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    Repairing genetic defects using exogenous DNA is a major challenge the science is currently facing. This requires the design of vectors that can effectively encapsulate, protect and target nucleic acids to specific cells safely and precisely. Here we have designed silica-based physiologically responsive particles to encapsulate, store, and transfer DNA. Unlike existing vectors (e.g., viral or lipidic particles), these DNA@SiO2 systems are very stable at room temperature. We also demonstrate how they protect the encapsulated DNA from exposure to different biological and physicochemical stresses, including DNase, denaturation temperatures (>100 °C), or reactive oxygen species (ROS). Remarkably, upon cellular uptake, these vectors dissolve safely unpacking the DNA and transfecting the cells.Acknowledgments: We are grateful to D. Munoz for her technical support and Dr. Kirst for his criticisms of the manuscript. MLF acknowledges the financial support from the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos iii, and the European Union FEDER funds under Projects ref. PI22/00030 and PI19/00349, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, “Investing in your future” and Grant TED2021-129248 BeI00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR”. We also thank the Gobierno Regional de Cantabria and IDIVAL for the project Refs IDI 20/22, INNVAL21/19, and IDI-020-022 fellowship to ARV and technological and administrative services. MACD acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grant PID2020-113704RB-I00, Xunta de Galicia/FEDER (IN607A 2018/5 and Centro Singular de Investigacion de Galicia, Acc. 2019e2022, ED431G 2019e06), 0712/ACUINANO1E, 0624/ 2IQBIONEURO6E cofounded by FEDER through the program Interreg V-A Espana-Portugal (POCTEP), and NANOCULTURE (ERDF: 1.102.531) Interreg Atlantic Area, the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF). LMC acknowledges the Margarita Salas requalification grants for the training of young doctors Ref.: REC-Salas21, Uvigo-UC (Ministerio de Universidades). Figures and graphs have been created with BioRender software (BioRender.com, License ID: 9519A1C8-0002). We are grateful to Dr. Lansford, Dr. Parton, Dr. Greene, Dr. Davidson, Dr. Bement and Dr. Voeltz for the plasmids references in Table S1 (obtained fron Addgene)

    Sr/Ca ratios in cold-water corals - a ’low-resolution’ temperature archive?

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    One of the basic data to understand global change and past global changes is the measurement and the reconstruction of temperature of marine water masses. E.g. seawater temperature controls the density of seawater and in combination with salinity is the major driving force for the oceans circulation system. Geochemical investigations on cold-water corals Lophelia pertusa and Desmophyllum cristagalli indicated the potential of these organisms as high-resolution archives of environmental parameters from intermediate and deeper water masses (Adkins and Boyle 1997). Some studies tried to use cold-water corals as a high-resolution archive of temperature and salinity (Smith et al. 2000, 2002; Blamart et al. 2005; Lutringer et al. 2005). However, the fractionation of stable isotopes (delta18O and delta13C) and element ratios (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca) are strongly influenced by vital effects (Shirai et al. 2005; Cohen et al. 2006), and difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, ongoing studies indicate the potential of a predominant temperature dependent fractionation of distinct isotopes and elements (e.g. Li/Ca, Montagna et al. 2008; U/Ca, Mg/Ca, delta18O, Lòpez Correa et al. 2008; delta88/86Sr, Rüggeberg et al. 2008).Within the frame of DFG-Project TRISTAN and Paläo-TRISTAN (Du 129/37-2 and 37-3) we investigated live-collected specimens of cold-water coral L. pertusa from all along the European continental margin (Northern and mid Norwegian shelves, Skagerrak, Rockall and Porcupine Bank, Galicia Bank, Gulf of Cadiz, Mediterranean Sea). These coral samples grew in waters characterized by temperatures between 6°C and 14°C. Electron Microprobe investigations along the growth direction of individual coral polyps were applied to determine the relationship between the incorporation of distinct elements (Sr, Ca, Mg, S). Cohen et al. (2006) showed for L.pertusa from the Kosterfjord, Skagerrak, that ~25% of the coral’s Sr/Ca ratio is related to temperature, while 75% are influenced by the calcification rate of the organism. However, the Sr/Ca-temperature relation of our L. pertusa specimens suggest, that mean values are more reliable for temperature reconstruction along a larger temperature range than local high-resolution investigations. Additionally, our results plot on same line of Sr/Ca-temperature relationship like tropical corals indicating a similar behaviour of element incorporation during calcification

    Design and psychometric evaluation of the 'Clinical Communication Self-Efficacy Toolkit'

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    Nursing students experience difficulties when communicating in clinical practice. Their self-efficacy in clinical communication should be explored as part of their competence assessment before they are exposed to real human interactions in the clinical setting. The aim of this study was to design and psychometrically evaluate a toolkit to comprehensively assess nursing students’ self-efficacy in clinical communication. The study followed an observational cross-sectional design. A sample of 365 nursing students participated in the study. The ‘Clinical Communication Self-Efficacy Toolkit’ (CC-SET) was comprised of three tools: the ‘Patient-Centered Communication Self-efficacy Scale’ (PCC-SES), the ‘Patient clinical Information Exchange and interprofessional communication Self-Efficacy Scale’ (PIE-SES), and the ‘Intrapersonal communication and Self-Reflection Self-Efficacy Scale’ (ISR-SES). The tools’ reliability, validity (content, criterion, and construct) and usability were rigorously tested. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the three tools comprising the CC-SET was very high and demonstrated their excellent reliability (PCC-SES = 0.93; PIE-SES = 0.87; ISR-SES = 0.86). The three tools evidenced to have excellent content validity (scales’ content validity index > 0.95) and very good criterion validity. Construct validity analysis demonstrated that the PCC-SES, PIE-SES, and ISR-SES have a clear and theoretically-congruent structure. The CC-SET is a comprehensive toolkit that allows the assessment of nursing students’ self-efficacy in interpersonal, interprofessional, and intrapersonal communication

    DNAM-1 and the TIGIT/PVRIG/TACTILE Axis: Novel Immune Checkpoints for Natural Killer Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes of the innate immune response characterized by their role in the destruction of tumor cells. Activation of NK cells depend on a fine balance between activating and inhibitory signals mediated by different receptors. In recent years, a family of paired receptors that interact with ligands of the Nectin/Nectin-like (Necl) family has attracted great interest. Two of these ligands, Necl-5 (usually termed CD155 or PVR) and Nectin-2 (CD112), frequently expressed on different types of tumor cells, are recognized by a group of receptors expressed on T and NK cells that exert opposite functions after interacting with their ligands. These receptors include DNAM-1 (CD226), TIGIT, TACTILE (CD96) and the recently described PVRIG. Whereas activation through DNAM-1 after recognition of CD155 or CD112 enhances NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity against a wide range of tumor cells, TIGIT recognition of these ligands exerts an inhibitory effect on NK cells by diminishing IFN-γ production, as well as NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. PVRIG has also been identified as an inhibitory receptor that recognizes CD112 but not CD155. However, little is known about the role of TACTILE as modulator of immune responses in humans. TACTILE control of tumor growth and metastases has been reported in murine models, and it has been suggested that it negatively regulates the anti-tumor functions mediated by DNAM-1. In NK cells from patients with solid cancer and leukemia, it has been observed a decreased expression of DNAM-1 that may shift the balance in favor to the inhibitory receptors TIGIT or PVRIG, further contributing to the diminished NK cell-mediated cytotoxic capacity observed in these patients. Analysis of DNAM-1, TIGIT, TACTILE and PVRIG on human NK cells from solid cancer or leukemia patients will clarify the role of these receptors in cancer surveillance. Overall, it can be speculated that in cancer patients the TIGIT/PVRIG pathways are upregulated and represent novel targets for checkpoint blockade immunotherapy

    Evaluación de la microdureza de cementos resinosos de uso odontológico: estudio in vitro

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    OBJETIVO: Es importante conocer las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales dentales para poder determinar críticamente su comportamiento y no limitarnos únicamente a la evaluación clínica. Por esa razón, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la microdureza de cuatro cementos resinosos de uso odontológico teniendo en cuenta que existe correlación entre esta propiedad mecánica y el comportamiento clínico del material.MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se confeccionaron seis cuerpos de prueba para cada cemento evaluado: RelyXTM ARC(3M ESPE) = G1, Multilink® (IVOCLAR VIVADENT) = G2, MaxCem EliteTM (KERR CORPORATION) = G3 y RelyXTMU200 (3M ESPE) = G4, los que fueron almacenados durante 48 horas a temperatura ambiente y sometidos al ensayo deMicrodureza Vickers (VMH) con 200 g-f durante 10 segundos.RESULTADOS: Para el cemento resinoso dual convencional (grupo control) G1 el valor promedio de microdureza fue47.08 ± 4.52 VMH. El cemento resinoso dual de autograbado (G2) tuvo un valor promedio de 43.88 ± 2.35 VMH. Elvalor promedio de microdureza del cemento resinoso autoadhesivo G3 fue de 37.41 ± 3.10 VMH mientras que para elcemento resinoso autoadhesivo G4 se obtuvo un valor promedio de 50.58 ± 1.10 VMH.CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye que el cemento resinoso autoadhesivo dual RelyXTM U200 presentaría un mejor comportamiento clínico ya que los valores de microdureza encontrados fueron los más altos, encontrando diferencias estadísticamente significativas con Multilink® y MaxCem EliteTM