2,484 research outputs found

    Stories my Grandmother Told me

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    Stories my Grandmother Told me

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    ESL and Conflict Resolution: An investigation of the relationship between English language experience and conflict resolution style among high school students

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    With the prevalence of violence in high schools today, interpersonal conflict resolution is a relevant topic for both school administrators and psychologists. Many conflict resolution training programs emphasize the development of studentsā€™ emotional vocabulary to encourage mutual self-expression and the promotion of compromising and collaborating solution; however, a large number of students in California schools are classified as ā€œEnglish as a Second Languageā€ (ESL), and less experience with the majority language, English, may have an effect on the specific conflict resolution styles adopted by the individual. This study tested the hypothesis that greater experience with the English language would be related to greater use of the compromising and collaborating conflict resolution strategies. The survey was administered to high school students in San Jose, California, and the results yielded significant results such that less English experience was associated with greater use of the avoiding and accommodating styles, and more English experience was associated with greater use of the collaborating style. These results can be explained by the role of emotional vocabulary in resolving interpersonal conflict, and in some cases, culture and ethnicity also play an important role on conflict behavior. The findings have practical implications for school administrators and policy makers as this study has shown that greater experience and emotional vocabulary in English is related to use of non-violent problem solving behavior in high school students

    Development of Multiple Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers for Ceratina calcarata (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Using Genome-Wide Analysis

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    The small carpenter bee, Ceratina calcarata (Robertson), is a widespread native pollinator across eastern North America. The behavioral ecology and nesting biology of C. calcarata has been relatively well-studied and the species is emerging as a model organism for both native pollinator and social evolution research. C. calcarata is subsocial: reproductively mature females provide extended maternal care to their brood. As such, studies of C. calcarata may also reveal patterns of relatedness and demography unique to primitively social Hymenoptera. Here, we present 21 microsatellite loci, isolated from the recently completed C. calcarata genome. Screening in 39 individuals across their distribution revealed that no loci were in linkage disequilibrium, nor did any deviate significantly from Hardy-Weinberg following sequential Bonferroni correction. Allele count ranged from 2 to 14, and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.08 to 0.82 (mean 0.47) and 0.26 to 0.88 (mean 0.56), respectively. These markers will enable studies of population-wide genetic structuring across C. calcarataā€™s distribution. Such tools will also allow for exploration of between and within-colony relatedness in this subsocial native pollinator

    Single-trial multiwavelet coherence in application to neurophysiological time series

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    A method of single-trial coherence analysis is presented, through the application of continuous muldwavelets. Multiwavelets allow the construction of spectra and bivariate statistics such as coherence within single trials. Spectral estimates are made consistent through optimal time-frequency localization and smoothing. The use of multiwavelets is considered along with an alternative single-trial method prevalent in the literature, with the focus being on statistical, interpretive and computational aspects. The multiwavelet approach is shown to possess many desirable properties, including optimal conditioning, statistical descriptions and computational efficiency. The methods. are then applied to bivariate surrogate and neurophysiological data for calibration and comparative study. Neurophysiological data were recorded intracellularly from two spinal motoneurones innervating the posterior,biceps muscle during fictive locomotion in the decerebrated cat

    Subsonic high-angle-of-attack aerodynamic characteristics of a cone and cylinder with triangular cross sections and a cone with a square cross section

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    Experiments were conducted in the 12-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel at Ames Research Center on three models with noncircular cross sections: a cone having a square cross section with rounded corners and a cone and cylinder with triangular cross sections and rounded vertices. The cones were tested with both sharp and blunt noses. Surface pressures and force and moment measurements were obtained over an angle of attack range from 30 deg to 90 deg and selected oil-flow experiments were conducted to visualize surface flow patterns. Unit Reynolds numbers ranged from 0.8x1,000,000/m to 13.0x1,000,000/m at a Mach number of 0.25, except for a few low-Reynolds-number runs at a Mach number of 0.17. Pressure data, as well as force data and oil-flow photographs, reveal that the three dimensional flow structure at angles of attack up to 75 deg is very complex and is highly dependent on nose bluntness and Reynolds number. For angles of attack from 75 deg to 90 deg the sectional aerodynamic characteristics are similar to those of a two dimensional cylinder with the same cross section

    African American Patientsā€™ Intent to Screen for Colorectal Cancer: Do Cultural Factors, Health Literacy, Knowledge, Age and Gender Matter?

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    African Americans have higher colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality rates compared with all racial/ethnic groups. Research suggests that CRC screening interventions for African Americans target cultural variables. Secondary analysis of data from 817 African-Americans who had not been screened for CRC was conducted to examine: 1) relationships among cultural variables (provider trust, cancer fatalism, health temporal orientation [HTO]), health literacy, and CRC knowledge; 2) age and gender differences; and 3) relationships among cultural variables, health literacy, CRC knowledge, and CRC screening intention. Provider trust, fatalism, HTO, health literacy, and CRC knowledge demonstrated significant relationships among study variables. Stool blood test intention model explained 43% of the variance, with age and gender being significant predictors. Colonoscopy intention model explained 41% of the variance with gender a significant predictor. Results suggest when developing CRC interventions for African Americans, addressing cultural variables is important, but particular attention should be given to age and gender

    Volatiles in protoplanetary disks

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    Volatiles are compounds with low sublimation temperatures, and they make up most of the condensible mass in typical planet-forming environments. They consist of relatively small, often hydrogenated, molecules based on the abundant elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Volatiles are central to the process of planet formation, forming the backbone of a rich chemistry that sets the initial conditions for the formation of planetary atmospheres, and act as a solid mass reservoir catalyzing the formation of planets and planetesimals. This growth has been driven by rapid advances in observations and models of protoplanetary disks, and by a deepening understanding of the cosmochemistry of the solar system. Indeed, it is only in the past few years that representative samples of molecules have been discovered in great abundance throughout protoplanetary disks - enough to begin building a complete budget for the most abundant elements after hydrogen and helium. The spatial distributions of key volatiles are being mapped, snow lines are directly seen and quantified, and distinct chemical regions within protoplanetary disks are being identified, characterized and modeled. Theoretical processes invoked to explain the solar system record are now being observationally constrained in protoplanetary disks, including transport of icy bodies and concentration of bulk condensibles. The balance between chemical reset - processing of inner disk material strong enough to destroy its memory of past chemistry, and inheritance - the chemically gentle accretion of pristine material from the interstellar medium in the outer disk, ultimately determines the final composition of pre-planetary matter. This chapter focuses on making the first steps toward understanding whether the planet formation processes that led to our solar system are universal.Comment: Accepted for publication as a chapter in Protostars and Planets VI, University of Arizona Press (2014), eds. H. Beuther, R. Klessen, C. Dullemond, Th. Hennin
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