186 research outputs found


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    Spectre negatif d'un operateur elliptique avec des conditions au bords de Robin

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    In this article we discuss some estimates of the number of the negative eigenvalues and their moments of energy for an elliptic operator L = L0 - V(x) defined in Hm(Rn+) with the Robin boundary conditions containing a potential W(x), in terms of some integrals of V and W


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara  International Criminal Court (ICC) dalam menyelidiki kasus kemanusiaan dan apakah tragedi kerusuhan 98 dapat diadili oleh Mahkamah Pidana Internasioal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa: Pengadilan Pidana Internasional ICC (International Criminal Court) merupakan mekanisme yang dibangun untuk menunaikan kebutuhan agar tidak lagi ada impunitas bagi pelaku kejahatan kemanusiaan. ICC akan turut mengadili sebuah kejahatan kemanusiaan ketika tidak ada hukum yang berlaku. ICC akan menyatakan perkara tertentu tidak dapat diterima, salah satunya, jika perkara tersebut sedang diinvestigasi atau dituntut oleh negara yang memiliki jurisdiksi untuk menanganinya, kecuali negara tersebut memang tidak berkeinginan (unwilling) atau tidak mampu (unable) untuk melakukan investigasi atau penuntutan. Mengacu pada pembahasan, bahwa kerusuhan 98 tidak bisa diadili di ICC. Hal ini dikarenakan, Indonesia mempunyai payung hukum untuk penanganan kasus HAM berat. Selain itu, Indonesia juga mempunyai keinginan untuk menyelesaikannya, Serta ICC tidak bisa menangani kasus-kasus yang terjadi sebelum berdirinya lembaga peradilan tersebut. Dengan demikian, kasus tragedi 98 bukan menjadi juridiksi dari ICC

    Population Dynamics and Economic Growth in Nigeria

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    This study investigated the relationship between population dynamics and economic growth in Nigeria using time-series data spanning from 1970 to 2014. The data were analysed using ordinary least square estimation technique. The result revealed among other that all the core variables (i.e. fertility, mortality and net-migration) of the study are inversely related to economic growth during the investigated period. The study further revealed that gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and savings are strong drivers of economic growth in Nigeria. Sequel to the findings, the Nigerian government is advised to make direct efforts toward checking the alarming fertility rate in Nigeria. Also efforts should be made to improve the quality of Nigerian labour force through more substantial investment in education and skills acquisition programmes so as to improve productivity in Nigeria. Keywords: Population, Population dynamics, Economic Growth


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    STIMA (space-time integrated moving average) model is a special form of Vector IMA model that combines the interdependence of time and location that is known by space-time model. STIMA model requires the same parameter values for all locations, so Generalized-STIMA (GSTIMA) model is developed to overcome this problem. This paper compares the implementation of two models in forecasting the price of sugar in capital provinces in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The first step is model building for each model. This step is similar to Box-Jenkins’s procedure. It is begun with the determination of temporal order by using AICC, while spatial order is restricted on order 1, the parameter estimation uses nonlinear least square method that are minimized by a Gauss-Newton algorithm, and then diagnostic checking of white noise errors. The normalization of cross-correlation between the locations at the appropriate time lag is used as space weight. The last, the implementation of forecast is evaluated by using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) where the error is defined as the differences between the actual value and the forecast value. The implementation of STIMA model is better compared with GSTIMA model in forecasting the price of sugar, although STIMA model produces the same parameters for each location. Key words: Space-time, STIMA, GSTIMA, Modeling, Forecasting

    Analisis Kestabilan Titik Tetap dan Bifurkasi Kelompok Inti pada Model Transmisi Penyakit Seksual

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    Transmisi penyakit seksual pada suatu populasi berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan seksuaJ individu-individu pada populasi tersebut. Dalarn pemba- hasan model transrnisi penyakit seksual ini, populasi dibagi rnenjadi dua kelorn- pok, yaitu kelompok dengan tingkat aktivitas seksual tinggi yang dinamakan kelorrrpok inti, dan kelornpok dengan tingkat aktivitas seksual rendah, yang dinamakan dengan kelompok non-inti. Berdasarkan tingkat aktivitasseksual- nya, pada umumnya kelompok non inti tidak terlalu berpengar uh pada trans- misi penyakit seksual ini. Jadi, model umum transmisi penyakit seksual amat dipengaruhi oleh model kelompok inti yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini. Ana- lisis kestabilan dilakukan untuk model tersebut dan diperoleh tiga titik tetap beserta kondisi kestabilan yang harus dipenuhi. Individu terinfeksi dapat menularkan penyakit pada individu rentan atau tervaksinasi, dan dapat berpengaruh pada kestabilan transmisi penyakit sek- sual pada kelompok inti ini. Strategi pencegahan (vaksinasi) juga diberikan pada kelompok inti. Perubahan nilai tingkat vaksinasi dapat mempengaruhi kestabilan sistem. Sistem akan kehilangan kestabilan apabila diberikan tingkat vaksinasi yang lebih kecil daripada tingkat kritis vaksinasi

    A New Parametric Lifetime Distribution with Modified Chi-square Type Test for Right Censored Validation, Characterizations and Different Estimation Methods

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    A new three-parameter extension of the generalized Nadarajah-Haghighi model is introduced and studied. Some of its statistical properties are derived. Characterization results are presented. The failure rate can be increasing , decreasing , bathtub , upside-down , upside-down-constant , increasing-constant or constant . Different non-Bayesian estimation methods under uncensored scheme are considered. Numerical simulations are performed for comparing the estimation methods using different sample sizes. The censored Barzilai-Borwein algorithm is employed via a simulation study. Using the approach of the Bagdonavicius-Nikulin chi-square goodness-of-fit test for validation under the right censored data, we propose a modified chi-square goodness-of-fit test for the new model. Based on the maximum likelihood estimators on initial data, the modified Bagdonavicius-Nikulin chi-square goodness-of-fit test recovers the loss in information. The modified Bagdonavicius-Nikulin test for validation under the right censored data is applied to four real and right censored data sets. The new model is compared with many other competitive models by means of a real data set

    Efektivitas Program Adiwiyata terhadap Perilaku Ramah Lingkungan Warga Sekolah di Kota Depok

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    Since 2006, Ministry of Environment has promote environmental education, within the framework of a program for education for sustainable development to raise enviromental knowledge and awareness called Adiwiyata. Adiwiyata program runs on a voluntary and formal school in Indonesia. The Adiwiyata school program aims to encourage schools to adopt behaviours that are respectful towards the environment. As a prize of appreciation, the Ministry of Environment gives Adiwiyata awards to a schools that has succeed to met the criteria of green school environment. In 2014, Depok City government proposed nine schools to become National Adiwiyata School, but only six schools has pass the verification of healthy, clean, and beautiful encvironment and was awarded National Adiwiyata thropy and certificate. The study was conducted in order to test the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the school community that implemented Adiwiyata program, as well as the effectiveness of the program is to improve the knowledge and awaraness through policy insight, implementation of environmental based curriculum, environmental participatory based activity, and sustainable management of supporting facilitie, to support the responsible for the protection and management of environment. The study concluded that Adiwiyata program evident effective to change the green behaviors of school community