1,235 research outputs found


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    Firewallmelakukan filtrasi, membatasi ataupun menolak suatu koneksi sesuai dengan ruleyang ditentukan. Pada waktu jam kerja jaringan sibuk dan bandwidthyang digunakan jaringan besar. Sehingga, administrator membutuhkan firewalluntuk memblokir paket data yang tidak dikehendaki. Firewallstatis akan merepotkan administrator ketika terjadi perubahan aturan. Sehingga, perlu ada perubahan agar rule firewallberjalan secara otomatis tanpa campur tangan administrator. Melihat permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan rule firewalldinamis yang dapat membantu administrator untuk mengatasi permasalahan jaringan sesuai scheduleyang telah ditentukan. Sehingga administrator tidak merubah rule firewall lagi, tetapi cukup menentukan ruleyang akan dieksekusi pada waktu tertentu. Pada kali ini digunakan aplikasi iptables untuk implementasi schedule firewalluntuk memfilter paket data ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol), HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol), dan p2p file sharing (torrent). Hasil dari implementasi iptables adalah iptables mampu memfilter paket data ICMP, HTTP, dan p2p file sharing(torrent) sesuai schedule yang telah ditentukan. Dan analisa yang dilakukan adalah mengecek waktu sebelum firewall melakukan pemblokiran, setelah firewallmelakukan pemblokiran, dan setelah firewalltidak melakukan pemblokiran lagi. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa iptables mampu bekerja sesuai scheduledengan melihat waktu unblock, block, dan unblocklagi. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah iptables merupakan aplikasi yang efektif untuk melakukan filter paket untuk mengatur lalu lintas jaringan komputer sesuai scheduleyang telah ditentukan

    Assessment testing can be used to inform policy decisions : the case of Jordan

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    Over the past two decades, the Jordanian education system has made significant advances. Net enrollment in basic education increased from 89 percent in 2000 to 97 percent in 2006. Transition rates to secondary education increased from 63 to 79 percent in the same period. At the same time, Jordan made significant gains on international surveys of student achievement, with a particularly impressive gain of almost 30 points on the science portion of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Changes in test scores over time are presented and analyzed using decomposition analysis. The trends are related to policy changes over time. It is argued that benchmarking education systems and constant feedback between researchers and policymakers contributed to this achievement.Tertiary Education,Education For All,Teaching and Learning,Secondary Education,Primary Education

    Perbandingan Desain IPAL Proses Atached Growth Anaerobic Filter Dengan Suspended Grwoth Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Untuk Pusat Pertokoan Di Kota Surabaya

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    Perencanaan IPAL dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan kuantitas limbah dari pusat pertokoan X di Surabaya. Selanjutnya ditetapkan baku mutu dan kriteria desain. Perhitungan desain meliputi dimensi dan rencana anggaran biaya. Dari hasil perhitungan desain didapatkan desain rinci IPAL unit Anaerobic Filter meliputi dimensi bak ekualisasi (2,2 m x 1,1 m x 1,3 m), Bak Pengendap kompartemen I (7 m x 2,5 m x 1,25) kompartemen II (3,5 m x 2,5 m x 1,25 m), AF tiap kompartemen (1,25 m x 0,56 m x 1,25 m) sebanyak 6 buah. Desain rinci Unit IPAL Anaerobic Baffled Reactor meliputi dimensi bak ekualisasi (2,2 m x 1,1 m x 1,3 m), Bak Pengendap (8 m x 2 m x 1,5 m), ABR tiap kompartemen (0,75 m x 4 m x 1,5m) sebanyak 7 buah. Biaya konstruksi unit AF sebesar Rp 178.383.868,- dan Rp 4.688.912,-/ bulan untuk OM. Sedangkan biaya konstruksi unit ABR Rp 239.247.347,- serta Rp 4.677.801,-/bulan untuk OM

    Dynamics of Village Head Election Arrangements

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    This study aims to analyze the arrangement of village head elections from the beginning of independence until now. The method used in this study is the normative legal research method regarding primary and secondary legal materials. The legal materials obtained are then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the arrangement of the selection of village heads has its dynamics in line with the development of the politics of the law of the state that occurs. The existing legal, political conditions influence determining the conditions for the candidates of village heads. Although it has been regulated for a long time, it turns out that all existing laws and regulations have not made arrangements related to the provisions of the supervisory mechanism and the mechanism of resolving disputes for the selection of village heads. Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs on the Selection of Village Heads attaches supervisory duties to the regional election committee. However, it does not make arrangements for how the surveillance process should be conducted.On the one hand, in the regulation, it is expressly mentioned the existence of supervisors in the implementation of village head elections. Nevertheless, it did not specify who the superintendent was. Similarly, the settlement of disputes for the selection of village heads is left entirely to the Regent /Mayor to do so. Granting authority to the head of the region can undermine the democratic process built by the village through the selection of village heads

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Aerated Drillingpadasumurdindra Lapanganpanas Bumi Bpa-08pt.pertamina Upstream Technologycenter

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    Pada pemboran sumur panas bumi,tujuan utama yang paling penting adalah mencapai zonareservoir dengan aman, cepat dan ekonomis. Pemakaian dari lumpur pemboran yang dimodifikasidengan metode Aerated Drilling akan sangat membantu dalam suatu operasi pemboran karenaAerated Drilling dapat membantu untuk mencegah masalah–masalah yang akan terjadi padaproses pemboran berlangsung yaitu seperti, pipa terjepit, hilang sirkulasi, dan kerusakan formasi.Pemakaian Aerated Drilling pada sumur DINDRA dilakukan pada trayek17 ½” dan trayek12¼”karena pada kedua trayek tersebut terjadi partialloss circulation dan total loss circulation

    Eksistensi Akad dalam Transaksi Keuangan Syariah

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    This paper will explore the existence of the contract has a crucial role in Islamic financial transactions with a number of implications posed. One of that in Islam there is freedom to determine the contract with all the terms and forms of contract desired by the parties, provided that the contract is voluntary and is not included in the prohibition of sharia\u27. On this basis, the core of the contract which is carried out in Islam is to create benefits for the parties to the agreement for an Islamic financial transactions

    Bun-yat al-Manhâj Syibhu al-Muwâziyah li Qismi Ta’lîmi al-Lughati al-Arabiyyati bi Jâmi’ati Maulânâ Mâlik Ibrâhim al-Islâmiyati al-Hukûmiyati Mâlang: The Semi-Parallel Curriculum Structure for the Arabic Language Teaching Department at The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    The frequent changes in government policies regarding higher education curricula pose a problem for many universities. One recent policy that has caused issues is the "MBKM" curriculum, which also influences State Islamic Religious Colleges. This study aims to reveal how the Arabic Language Teaching Department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang developed a semi-parallel structure by combining parallel and serial structures. A case study approach was employed, with the Arabic language teaching department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as the main research subject. Data was collected through interviews and documentation. The data analysis consisted of three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings revealed that the semi-parallel curriculum structure implemented by the Arabic language teaching department fulfills two curriculum standards. Firstly, it meets the demand for curriculum standardization based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) outlined in Higher Education Regulation No. 44, 2015. Secondly, the semi-parallel curriculum structure corresponds to the curriculum standards set forth by the Indonesian Arabic Teachers Association (IMLA) in 2019. So, the development of a semi-parallel curriculum structure for the Arabic Language Teaching department has proven to be following national standards, even though policies often change

    Mushkilatu Tanfīdhi Manhaji Qismi Ta’līmi al-Lughati al-Arabiyyati Khilāla Taghayyuri Siyāsati al-Tarbiyyati al-Indonesiyyati: Dirasatu al-Hālati fī Jāmi’ati Madura al-Islamiyyati al- Ḥukūmiyyati

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    In Indonesia, higher education curriculum policies have undergone many changes, from KBI, KBK, KPT, KPT-KKNI, and now KPT-KKNI-Merdeka Campus. Every change must leave much time-space for understanding, evaluation to the implementation stage. The reality is that many universities cannot adapt quickly. This study aims to determine how the Arabic Teaching Education Program of IAIN Madura breaks down the courses in a curriculum structure and the problems they face in implementing the curriculum, especially in formulating its curriculum structure. This study used a case study approach. The main subject was the curriculum of Arabic Teaching Education Program of IAIN Madura. Data collection methods used were interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique consisted of three activity lines, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the curriculum structure of the Arabic Teaching Education Program of IAIN Madura did not meet the curriculum structure standards as guidelines for curriculum formulation made by the government. The problems in formulating the curriculum structure are 1) Lack of understanding of policymakers on government policies. 2) There is no technical guideline for curriculum development along with the deadline for Study Program Accreditation Renewal. 3) Lack of curriculum development funds

    A comparative study of Pakistani and British press regarding the framing of Afghanistan war 2001

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    This study analyzed how Afghanistan war 2001 was framed by Pakistani and British press. What frames were employed by the newspapers of these two countries in the reporting of Afghanistan attack.For this purpose four newspapers were chosen from Britian and Pakistan namely The Dawn, The Nation, The Independent and The Guardian.The editorilas of these newspapers were analysed by employing the technique of thematic analysis. By analysing the data, it was found that Pakistani and British press mostly framed the coverage of Afghanistan war in a negative stance but at certain points Britsh press adopted positive or neutral stance.Anti war frame was dominnently employed by Pakistani newspapers but humanitrian and rebuilding frames were also observed.Likewise, Britsh press mostly covered Afghanistan under anti war frame but at some points pro war frame was also observed.Overall, it was noted that Pakistani press was more dominated by opposotional and critical themes than British newspapers

    Majalat Buhuts Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah: Dirasah 'An Maudhu'at Buhuts al-Majistir Li Qism Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah Bi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jawa al-Syarqiyyah

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan fokus kajian tesis dan metode penelitian yang digunakan, yang selanjutkan dibahas dan dianalisis berdasarkan teori pendidikan bahasa Arab dan metode penelitian bahasa Arab. Sebelum menghitung secara kuantitas, terlebih dahulu peneliti mengkategorisakan kajian bahasa Arab menjadi kajian bahasa Arab berdasarkan keterampilan bahasa yang meliputi istima, kalam, qiroah, kitabah, kajian bahasa arab berdasarkan unsur bahasa Arab yang meliputi ashwat, mufrodaat, tarakib, pembelajaran bahasa Arab secara integratif, dan yang terakhir kajian bahasa Arab selain yang tersebut di atas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan bahwa fokus kajian penelitian tesis terhadap keterampilan bahasa lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan kajian terhadap unsur bahasa dan lain-lainnnya. Hasil temuan penelitain ini adalah: 81,1% kajian tesis fokus pada keterampilan bahasa, dengan rincian; 6,7% pada maharah istima, 35% pada maharah kalam, 18% pada maharah qiroah, dan 14% pada maharah kitabah. Sedangkan yang mengkaji unsur bahasa adalah sejumlah 7,4% saja dengan rincian: 0,35% mengkaji ashwat, dan 10% masing-masing mengkaji tarakib dan mufrodat. Sedangkan yang mengkaji pembelajaran bahasa Arab secara integratif adalah 12,4%, dan sisanya yaitu 6,4% adalah mengkaji lain-lain yang meliputi kurikulum, tes, kompetensi guru, kemampuan siswa dan lain-lainnya. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian eksperimen, penelitan dan pengembangan (R&D), penelitian kualitatif, dan penelitian kuantitatif selain eksperimen dan R&D. Untuk penelitian eksperimen 51,2%, penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) 37,8%, penelitian kualitatif 5,3%, dan penelitian kuantitaif selain eksperimen dan R&D adalah 5,6%