768 research outputs found

    Una revisión de los indicadores de desarrollo con perspectiva de género

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    La medición del desarrollo, pese a tener vínculos muy estrechos con las cuestiones de género, ha dejado al margen la incorporación de esta perspectiva de forma tradicional. En las dos últimas décadas, gracias al Enfoque de las Capacidades (Sen, 1985), se empiezan a considerar medidas novedosas que presentan por primera vez una óptica distinta, en que la mujer es incorporada. Son varios los intentos en este sentido, destacando especialmente las propuestas del Informe del Programa de Naciones Unidas parael Desarrollo (PNUD): el Índice de Desarrollo relativo al Género (IDG) y el Índice de Potenciación de Género (IPG). Pese a la “visibilización” de las mujeres en la multitud de indicadores que surgen, éstos no constituyen la panacea. La problemática que presentan es importante pues, en ocasiones, simplemente se limitan a desagregar por sexo, sin incorporar verdaderamente una perspectiva de género. En este trabajo, en primer lugar, se hace un recorrido crítico por algunos indicadores de género existentes. En segundo lugar se presentan las recientes modificaciones propuestas para el IDG, destacando sus principales ventajas e inconvenientes. Finalmente, se extraen las principales conclusiones y se proponen algunas líneas de actuación

    Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling

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    Exploring the performance benefits of applying memory scheduling beyond the motherboardSerrano Gómez, M. (2009). Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14163Archivo delegad

    Maritime Crossroads : The Knowledge Pursuits of María de Betancourt (Tenerife, 1758-1824) and Joana de Vigo (Menorca, 1779-1855)

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    This article explores the biographies of two gentlewomen, María de Betancourt (1758-1824) and Joana de Vigo (1779-1855), who lived respectively in Tenerife and Menorca, two crucial nodes in the scientific, commercial and military global networks of the late eighteenth century. Some of their scientific and literary contributions are mapped, paying particular attention to how they became active in contemporaneous learned networks. It is argued that the peculiar, intellectually rich microcosms of the islands shaped these women's lives in ways that enabled them to enter learned circles, either real or imaginary, and from a very modest site to contribute to the global circulation of ideas, goods and peoples

    Income growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain : an input-output approach

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    The relationships between economic growth and environmental pressures are complex. Since the early nineties, the debate on these relationships has been strongly influenced by the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, which states that during the first stage of economic development environmental pressures increase as per capita income increases, but once a critical turning-point has been reached these pressures diminish as income levels continue to increase. However, to date such a delinking between economic growth and emission levels has not happened for most atmospheric pollutants in Spain. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between income growth and nine atmospheric pollutants in Spain. In order to obtain empirical outcomes for this analysis, we adopt an input-output approach and use NAMEA data for the nine pollutants. First, we undertake a structural decomposition analysis for the period 1995-2000 to estimate the contribution of various factors to changes in the levels of atmospheric emissions. And second, we estimate the emissions associated with the consumption patterns of different groups of households classified according to their level of expenditur

    Decentering the Enlightenment : Crossing Global and Gender Perspectives

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    Global and transnational history and women's and gender history are dynamic historiographical currents that invite more intense cross-fertilization¿especially in studies on the Enlightenment and its open legacy. Our article seeks to stimulate theoretical and methodological discussion on how these approaches might fruitfully interact. What can a gender perspective add to current perspectives on a global Enlightenment? And vice-versa, what do transnational and global perspectives that are interested in cultural transfers and sensitive to empire, race, and ethnicity add to current studies on gender and the Enlightenment? Building on the experience and ongoing research of our collective project CIRGEN: Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies, we aim to further efforts to decenter the Enlightenment in its multiple senses in relation to geographies, actors, and gazes

    Efectos del gasto de infraestructura educativa en el desempeño escolar : caso instituciones educativas públicas oficiales de la localidad de Suba en Bogotá D.C. Periodo 2012-015

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    82 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficos, planos.There is literature for other countries in Latin America about the relationship between investments in maintenance and provision of infrastructure and educational performance. For the Colombian case, similar works are unknown. Specifically, there are no studies on the resources invested by the Secretaries of Education and the Educational Services Funds in the face of the results of the knowledge tests of students from public institutions. Secondary data were analyzed and 587 surveys were applied in educational institutions of the Suba Locality of Bogota as the first pilot scenario to develop this analysis at the Colombian level. The results show that there is not enough empirical evidence to show that the resources invested in connectivity, locative maintenance, school feeding and other items, have a positive impact on the results of student knowledge tests. Although, the results should be interpreted with caution, they are clear in showing that one should begin to review the current model of allocation of resources from the Ministry of Education and the institutions to encourage better indicators of educational performance.Existe literatura para otros países de Latinoamérica acerca de la relación entre inversiones en mantenimiento y dotación de infraestructura y desempeño educativo. Para el caso colombiano, se desconocen trabajos similares. Específicamente se desconocen estudios sobre los recursos invertidos por la Secretarias de Educación y los Fondos de Servicios Educativos frente a los resultados de las pruebas de conocimiento de estudiantes de instituciones públicas. Se analizaron datos secundarios y se aplicaron 587 encuestas en instituciones educativas de la Localidad de Suba de Bogotá como primer escenario piloto para desarrollar este análisis a nivel Colombia. Los resultados reflejan que no existe evidencia empírica suficiente para mostrar que los recursos invertidos en conectividad, mantenimientos locativos, alimentación escolar y otros rubros, inciden positivamente en los resultados de pruebas de conocimiento de los estudiantes. Si bien, los resultados deben ser interpretados con cautela, son claros en mostrar que se debe empezar a revisar el actual modelo de asignación de recursos desde la Secretaria de Educación y las instituciones para incentivar mejores indicadores de desempeño educativo.Magíster en Gobierno y Políticas PúblicasMaestrí

    ¿Cómo abordar las cuestiones de género en el contexto de África subsahariana? Algunas respuestas desde la teoría y la práctica

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    A pesar de los avances teóricos y metodológicos en materia de género y desarrollo, seguimos asistiendo a proyectos y programas que no ahondan en los orígenes de la desigualdad y no ayudan a luchar contra los mecanismos de dominación que subordinan a las mujeres. El objetivo de esta comunicación es arrojar algo de luz sobre los problemas que explican esta carencia y plantear propuestas para corregirlas, centrándonos en el contexto de África subsahariana. Para ello, analizamos la experiencia de los proyectos “Femmes et Karité” en Burkina Faso y exponemosel potencialde un enfoque transformador de género. De esta forma,pretendemos recalcar la importancia de analizar la interacción entre varias dinámicas y mecanismos de opresión de manera contextualizada y respetuosa con el punto de vista africano.Despite the theoretical and methodological progress on gender and development, we continue attending projects and programmesthat do not address the origins of inequality and do not help to tackle the mechanisms of domination that subordinate women. The aim of this paper is to highlight on the problems that explain this lack and make proposals to correct them, focusing on the context of subSaharan Africa. We analyse the experience of the project “Femmes et karité” in Burkina Faso and expose the potential of a gender transformative approach. In this way, we intend to emphasize the importance of analysing the interaction between various dynamics and mechanisms of oppression on a contextualized and respectful of African perspective manner

    The Portrayal of the ‘New Woman’ in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: a not-very-bright flapper.

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado presenta el análisis de las New Women, también conocidas comoFlappers de los felices años veinte estadounidenses dentro de la novela El Gran Gatsby, escrita porFrancis Scott Fitzgerald. El análisis se ha realizado a través de la exploración e investigación de unode los personajes femeninos de la novela, Jordan Baker. En este estudio encontraremos un contrasteentre lo que históricamente conocemos como New Woman y la forma en que Fitzgerald las retrataen su obra a través de este personaje femenino: de una forma menos romántica e imperfecta. Através de este estudio descubriremos los pensamientos más internos del autor, que a su vezrepresentan la forma en que la mayoría de la población americana de los felices años veinte veía aestas mujeres y su innovador estilo de vida. <br /

    The Capability Approach and Child Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Child well-being is a dynamic concept currently under revision due to its complexity and the need to incorporate traditionally overlooked perspectives. An essential aspect of this revision is considering children as active agents in defining the concept itself and incorporating new elements that enrich the more traditional economics-based and adult-centred conceptualisation. In these regards, the capability approach (CA) provides valuable theoretical support for an expanded understanding of child well-being. Therefore, this article aims to offer a systematised review of the literature from the last two decades that uses this approach in examining children and childhood. To do so, the authors examined the main international databases and conducted relevant additional searches, identifying 63 journals that have published capabilitarian articles over the last two decades. Our findings show that most publications concentrate on recent years, with an expansion of the methodologies used and the contexts addressed. Although education seems to be one of the primary interests of this literature, there has also been an increasing range of children's realities and topics observed that we summarised in 10 categories. Between then, we dig deeper into the subsegment that specifically addresses the category of child well-being. Our review reveals that quantitative approaches and European contexts are predominant within these papers, and we analyse how they concern different spaces, well-being dimensions and intersectionalities

    Overview of Clostridium difficile Infection: Life Cycle, Epidemiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Treatment

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    The use of antimicrobial agents and acquired resistances explains in part the emergence and spreading of epidemic strains of Clostridium difficile. Continued use of antimicrobial therapy still represents an acute danger in triggering the emergence and spreading of new resistant and multiresistant strains including against first-line antibiotics. We examine the pathway of peptidoglycan synthesis in this organism and associated resistances, as well as resistance to other classes of antibiotics. The life cycle of C. difficile involves growth, spore formation and germination. Spores endow the organism with a formidable capacity of persistence in the environment and in the host, resistance, dissemination and infectious potential. Highly resistant spores produced by antibiotic-resistant/multiresistant strains may be one of the most serious challenges we face in what concerns the containment of C. difficile. Finally, we review recent developments in the treatment and prevention of C. difficile infection