38 research outputs found

    Motives for international cooperation on R&D and innovation: empirical evidence from Argentinean and Spanish firms

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    This paper focuses on the strategic motives and firm characteristics that influence cooperation for R&D and innovation among Argentinean and Spanish firms. On the basis of a review of different theoretical perspectives we propose and apply a taxonomy of motives for inter-firm technological cooperation. We combined quantitative and qualitative methodologies, developing a database of 540 innovative firms and conducting a survey that obtained evidence from 104 of these firms, supplemented by information gathered from 19 in-depth interviews. Our results show that technological cooperation is not easy to achieve and determined by a complex interplay of intentions and practical opportunities. The lack of convergence in the motives for cooperation creates un-favourable conditions and affects negatively the initiation of the cooperation processes. These differences together with asymmetries in access to funding are important obstacles to cooperation with implications in the administration of national policy incentives and its regulation mechanisms.This research has been financed by CSIC (Spain) and CONICET (Argentina), Ref. 2007-AR0072.Edwards Schachter, ME.; Castro-Martínez, E.; Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.; Anllo, G.; Fernandez De Lucio, I. (2013). Motives for international cooperation on R&D and innovation: empirical evidence from Argentinean and Spanish firms. International Journal of Technology Management. 62(2-4):128-151. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTM.2013.055162S128151622-

    International Co-operation between Firms on Innovation and R&D: Empirical Evidence from Argentina and Spain

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    [EN] This paper examines co-operative innovation and Research and Development (R&D) behaviour between Argentine and Spanish firms. Based on theoretical perspectives from the literature, we present empirical evidence obtained from 104 firms of patterns of cooperation in several processes and out-puts, highlighting firm characteristics, the motives of the collaborating parties, types of partners, R&D and innovation activities, leadership, and obstacles to cooperation. Our results reveal that the determinants of success differ considerably among countries depending on the sector, the firm specific characteristics and funding. These differences have important implications for public policy and instruments to support R&D and innovation activities.This paper is one of a series of papers in the Project “Estudio Comparado sobre las políticas de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, las interacciones institucionales y las relaciones de cooperación entre Argentina y España” (Comparative Study on Politics of science, technology and innovation, institutional and cooperation interrelationships between Argentina and), supported by CINDOC-CONICET.Edwards Schachter, ME.; Castro-Martínez, E.; Fernandez De Lucio, I. (2011). International Co-operation between Firms on Innovation and R&D: Empirical Evidence from Argentina and Spain. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. 6(3):126-147. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65735S1261476

    Cooperación en I+D e innovación entre empresas argentinas y españolas: una aproximación empírica

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    [EN] Inter-firm cooperation is experiencing strong growth worldwide. This paper aims at analyzing this phenomenon considering the cooperation relationships on R&D and innovation between Argentine and Spanish firms. From the literature review, we surveyed a sample of 540 companies believed to have participated in cooperative projects, obtaining 104 responses. We analyzed various aspects of the process and cooperation results (firm profiles, patterns of cooperation, type of partners, leadership, agreement types, frequency, innovation activities and obstacles to cooperation). The results show that cooperation is not easy, but in contrast to the literature, it can be carried out by SMEs in high and medium technological sectors whose motives are primarily an opportunity for access to new markets and improved commercialization, rather than carrying out innovation activities. This has important implications for policies to support R&D and innovation, which would take into account the differences that affect cooperation in both countries according to the firms' size, the specific sector of activity and the funding conditions.[ES] La cooperación inter-empresas está experimentando una fuerte expansión a nivel internacional. El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en este fenómeno, considerando las relaciones de cooperación en I+D e innovación entre empresas argentinas y españolas. A partir de la revisión de la bibliografía, se implementó una encuesta a una muestra de 540 empresas susceptibles de haber participado en proyectos de cooperación, obteniendo 104 respuestas. Se analizaron diversos aspectos relativos al proceso y los resultados de la cooperación (perfil de las empresas, motivos, tipos de socios, liderazgo, tipos de acuerdo, frecuencia, actividades llevadas a cabo y obstáculos a la cooperación). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la cooperación no es fácil, aunque contrariamente a lo que sostiene gran parte de la literatura, puede ser llevada a cabo por PYMEs de sectores de alta o media intensidad tecnológica cuyos motivos son principalmente la oportunidad de acceso a nuevos mercados y la mejora de la comercialización, más que la realización de actividades de innovación. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones para las políticas de apoyo a la I+D y la innovación, que habrían de tener en cuenta las diferencias que afectan a la cooperación en ambos países de acuerdo al tamaño de las empresas, el sector específico de actividad y las condiciones de financiación.Edwards Schachter, ME.; Anlló, G.; Castro-Martínez, E.; Fernandez De Lucio, I. (2010). Cooperación en I+D e innovación entre empresas argentinas y españolas: una aproximación empírica. Revista iberoamericana de ciencia, tecnología, sociedad e innovación. 6(16):91-121. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65745S9112161

    Fish mortality associated to volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands

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    The Canary Islands are an active volcanic archipelago. In the last decade, volcanic activity has occurred twice on the youngest and western most islands: El Hierro (submarine eruption) in 2011-12, and La Palma (subaerial eruption) in 2021. 70 fish specimens of different species from El Hierro volcano and 14 from La Palma were necropsied. A notable high and early mortality of fishes was registered during the submarine eruption of El Hierro. In most of them, generalized congestion in the gills, liver, spleen, kidney, heart and rete mirabile of the swim bladder was observed. Some specimens also presented exophthalmia, gastric eversion, ocular haemorrhages, over-inflation of swim bladder and gas bubbles mainly on the skin and cornea. The eruption of La Palma volcano was characterized by the emission of large amounts of lava flows and pyroclastic deposits (mainly ash in size) both, on land and sea. Lava flowed on land and eventually reached the sea, forming lava deltas in the coastline of La Palma. This event was also associated with an increase in fish mortality in locations near to the lava deltas. Fishes presented ash particles in opercula/oral cavities and gills. In addition, several fishes presented an intense intestinal impaction composed of volcanic material including ashes and hyaloclastites fragments. To our best knowledge this study describes, for the first time, pathological findings in dead fishes associated with two different styles of recent volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands

    Factors associated with severe dry eye in primary Sjögren´s syndrome diagnosed patients

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    Introduction Primary Sjögren?s syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease, characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands and other organs, resulting in dry eye, dry mouth and extraglandular systemic findings. Objective To explore the association of severe or very severe dry eye with extraocular involvement in patients diagnosed with primary Sjögren?s syndrome. Methods SJOGRENSER registry is a multicenter cross-sectional study of pSS patients. For the construction of our main variable, severe/very severe dry eye, we used those variables that represented a degree 3?4 of severity according to the 2007 Dry Eye Workshop classification. First, bivariate logistic regression models were used to identify the effect of each independent variable on severe/very severe dry eye. Secondly, multivariate analysis using regression model was used to establish the independent effect of patient characteristics. Results Four hundred and thirty-seven patients were included in SJOGRENSER registry; 94% of the patients complained of dry eye and 16% developed corneal ulcer. Schirmer?s test was pathological in 92% of the patients; 378 patients presented severe/very severe dry eye. Inflammatory articular involvement was significantly more frequent in patients with severe/very severe dry eye than in those without severe/very severe dry eye (82.5 vs 69.5%, p = 0,028). Inflammatory joint involvement was associated with severe/very severe dry eye in the multivariate analysis, OR 2.079 (95% CI 1.096?3.941). Conclusion Severe or very severe dry eye is associated with the presence of inflammatory joint involvement in patients with pSS. These results suggest that a directed anamnesis including systemic comorbidities, such as the presence of inflammatory joint involvement or dry mouth in patients with dry eye, would be useful to suspect a pSS

    The Transcriptomic Portrait of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer and Its Prognostic Value in a Multi-Country Cohort of Latin American Patients

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    Purposes: Most molecular-based published studies on breast cancer do not adequately represent the unique and diverse genetic admixture of the Latin American population. Searching for similarities and differences in molecular pathways associated with these tumors and evaluating its impact on prognosis may help to select better therapeutic approaches. Patients and Methods: We collected clinical, pathological, and transcriptomic data of a multi-country Latin American cohort of 1,071 stage II-III breast cancer patients of the Molecular Profile of Breast Cancer Study (MPBCS) cohort. The 5-year prognostic ability of intrinsic (transcriptomic-based) PAM50 and immunohistochemical classifications, both at the cancer-specific (OSC) and disease-free survival (DFS) stages, was compared. Pathway analyses (GSEA, GSVA and MetaCore) were performed to explore differences among intrinsic subtypes. Results: PAM50 classification of the MPBCS cohort defined 42·6% of tumors as LumA, 21·3% as LumB, 13·3% as HER2E and 16·6% as Basal. Both OSC and DFS for LumA tumors were significantly better than for other subtypes, while Basal tumors had the worst prognosis. While the prognostic power of traditional subtypes calculated with hormone receptors (HR), HER2 and Ki67 determinations showed an acceptable performance, PAM50-derived risk of recurrence best discriminated low, intermediate and high-risk groups. Transcriptomic pathway analysis showed high proliferation (i.e. cell cycle control and DNA damage repair) associated with LumB, HER2E and Basal tumors, and a strong dependency on the estrogen pathway for LumA. Terms related to both innate and adaptive immune responses were seen predominantly upregulated in Basal tumors, and, to a lesser extent, in HER2E, with respect to LumA and B tumors. Conclusions: This is the first study that assesses molecular features at the transcriptomic level in a multicountry Latin American breast cancer patient cohort. Hormone-related and proliferation pathways that predominate in PAM50 and other breast cancer molecular classifications are also the main tumor-driving mechanisms in this cohort and have prognostic power. The immune-related features seen in the most aggressive subtypes may pave the way for therapeutic approaches not yet disseminated in Latin America. Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier: NCT02326857).Fil: Llera, Andrea Sabina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Abdelhay, Eliana Saul Furquim Werneck. Instituto Nacional de Cancer; BrasilFil: Artagaveytia, Nora. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Daneri Navarro, Adrián. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Müller, Bettina. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ChileFil: Velazquez, Carlos. Universidad de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Alcoba, Elsa B.. Hospital Maria Curie; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Isabel. Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell; UruguayFil: Alves Da Quinta, Daniela Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; ArgentinaFil: Binato, Renata. Instituto Nacional de Cancer; BrasilFil: Bravo, Alicia Inés. Hospital Regional de Agudos Eva Perón; ArgentinaFil: Camejo, Natalia. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Carraro, Dirce Maria. Centro Internacional de Pesquisa; BrasilFil: Castro, Mónica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología "Ángel H. Roffo"; ArgentinaFil: Castro Cervantes, Juan M.. Umae Hospital de Especialidades Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI; MéxicoFil: Cataldi, Sandra. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; UruguayFil: Cayota, Alfonso. Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo; UruguayFil: Cerda, Mauricio. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Colombo, Alicia. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Crocamo, Susanne. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Del Toro Arreola, Alicia. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Delgadillo Cisterna, Raúl. Umae Hospital de Especialidades Centro Medico Nacional Siglo Xxi; MéxicoFil: Delgado, Lucía. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Fernandez, Elmer Andres. Area de Cs. Agrarias, Ingeniería, Cs. Biológicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Catollica de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Fejerman, Laura. University of California at Davis; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Trinchero, Alejandra. Hospital Regional de Agudos Eva Perón; ArgentinaFil: Valenzuela, Olivia. Universidad de Sonora; MéxicoFil: Vedham, Vidya. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Zagame, Livia. Instituto Jalisciense de Cancerología; MéxicoFil: Podhajcer, Osvaldo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Red de coordinación de la implantación del primer curso del grado en Tecnologías de la Información para la Salud

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    En este trabajo se ha intentado recoger las acciones que se han llevado a cabo en la coordinación de la implantación del primer curso del nuevo grado de Tecnologías de la Información para la Salud, grado con un marcado carácter multidisciplinar que condiciona la enseñanza de los contenidos. Entre estas acciones se han revisado las guías de cada asignatura participante en la red y se han realizado reuniones de seguimiento de la implantación de las asignaturas para detectar fortalezas y debilidades en el proceso docente. También se ha contado con la opinión de alumnos bien a través de encuestas bien directamente en conversaciones con los representantes del alumnado. Pretendemos que las conclusiones obtenidas tras el análisis de resultados se puedan aplicar el curso que viene y, de esta forma, avanzar en la implantación de la titulación con calidad y, especialmente, con el objetivo de formar egresados que satisfagan las necesidades de la sociedad

    Host adaptive immunity deficiency in severe pandemic influenza

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    INTRODUCTION: Pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza causes severe lower respiratory complications in rare cases. The association between host immune responses and clinical outcome in severe cases is unknown. METHODS: We utilized gene expression, cytokine profiles and generation of antibody responses following hospitalization in 19 critically ill patients with primary pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza pneumonia for identifying host immune responses associated with clinical outcome. Ingenuity pathway analysis 8.5 (IPA) (Ingenuity Systems, Redwood City, CA) was used to select, annotate and visualize genes by function and pathway (gene ontology). IPA analysis identified those canonical pathways differentially expressed (P < 0.05) between comparison groups. Hierarchical clustering of those genes differentially expressed between groups by IPA analysis was performed using BRB-Array Tools v.3.8.1. RESULTS: The majority of patients were characterized by the presence of comorbidities and the absence of immunosuppressive conditions. pH1N1 specific antibody production was observed around day 9 from disease onset and defined an early period of innate immune response and a late period of adaptive immune response to the virus. The most severe patients (n = 12) showed persistence of viral secretion. Seven of the most severe patients died. During the late phase, the most severe patient group had impaired expression of a number of genes participating in adaptive immune responses when compared to less severe patients. These genes were involved in antigen presentation, B-cell development, T-helper cell differentiation, CD28, granzyme B signaling, apoptosis and protein ubiquitination. Patients with the poorest outcomes were characterized by proinflammatory hypercytokinemia, along with elevated levels of immunosuppressory cytokines (interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-1ra) in serum. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest an impaired development of adaptive immunity in the most severe cases of pandemic influenza, leading to an unremitting cycle of viral replication and innate cytokine-chemokine release. Interruption of this deleterious cycle may improve disease outcome.The study was scientifically sponsored by the Spanish Society for Critical Care Medicine (SEMICYUC). Funding: MICCIN-FIS/JCYL-IECSCYL-SACYL (Spain): Programa de Investigación Comisionada en Gripe, GR09/0021-EMER07/050- PI081236-RD07/0067. CIHR-NIH-Sardinia Recherché-LKSF Canada support DJK.S

    A portrait of the Trans-Neptunian Object (143707) 2003 UY117 from a stellar occultation and photometry data.

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    Within the Lucky Star international collaboration* on stellar occultations by TNOs and other outer solar system bodies, we predicted the occultation by the TNO (143707) 2003 UY117 of an mV ~ 14.6 mag star on 23 October 2020. Around a week before the occultation date, we updated and refined the prediction using high precision astrometry obtained using the 2 m Liverpool telescope located at El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, Spain. The update resulted in a shadow path with good observability potential. We carried out a specific campaign involving 27 observing sites in the south of Spain and North of Africa to observe the occultation. We recorded 4 positive detections and several very close misses to the south of the body. With this information we determined the silhouette of 2003 UY117 at the moment of the occultation. We also obtained the geometric albedo and the size for this object. In addition to this, we carried out several photometric runs with large telescopes to determine the rotation period and rotational phase at the time of the occultation. The body presents a clear double-peaked rotational light curve consistent with a triaxial ellipsoid of considerable elongation, which means that a rotational light curve analysis is critical to correctly interpret the occultation results. The preliminary analysis indicates a larger equivalent diameter than that determined from Herschel thermal data, although consistent within the large error bars of the thermal determination. We will present the preliminary results and discuss their implications.*Lucky Star (LS) is an EU-funded research activity to obtain physical properties of distant Solar System objects using stellar occultations. LS collaboration agglomerates the efforts of the Paris, Granada, and Rio teams. https://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/ Acknowledgements:JLO, PS-S, NM, MV, and RD acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the `Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa' award for the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709), they also acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-2017-84637-R and AYARTI2018- 098657-J-I00 `LEO-SBNAF' (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Direct association between pharyngeal viral secretion and host cytokine response in severe pandemic influenza

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe disease caused by 2009 pandemic influenza A/H1N1virus is characterized by the presence of hypercytokinemia. The origin of the exacerbated cytokine response is unclear. As observed previously, uncontrolled influenza virus replication could strongly influence cytokine production. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between host cytokine responses and viral levels in pandemic influenza critically ill patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty three patients admitted to the ICU with primary viral pneumonia were included in this study. A quantitative PCR based method targeting the M1 influenza gene was developed to quantify pharyngeal viral load. In addition, by using a multiplex based assay, we systematically evaluated host cytokine responses to the viral infection at admission to the ICU. Correlation studies between cytokine levels and viral load were done by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifteen patients needed of intubation and ventilation, while eight did not need of mechanical ventilation during ICU hospitalization. Viral load in pharyngeal swabs was 300 fold higher in the group of patients with the worst respiratory condition at admission to the ICU. Pharyngeal viral load directly correlated with plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-12p70, IFN-γ, the chemotactic factors MIP-1β, GM-CSF, the angiogenic mediator VEGF and also of the immuno-modulatory cytokine IL-1ra (p < 0.05). Correlation studies demonstrated also the existence of a significant positive association between the levels of these mediators, evidencing that they are simultaneously regulated in response to the virus.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Severe respiratory disease caused by the 2009 pandemic influenza virus is characterized by the existence of a direct association between viral replication and host cytokine response, revealing a potential pathogenic link with the severe disease caused by other influenza subtypes such as H5N1.</p