169 research outputs found

    The emptying of a bottle as a test case for assessing interfacial momentum exchange models for Euler–Euler simulations of multi-scale gas-liquid flows

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    Simulating gas-liquid flows involving a wide range of spatial and temporal scales and multiple topological changes remains a major challenge nowadays, as the computational cost associated with direct numeri- cal simulation still makes this approach unaffordable. A common alternative is the two-fluid Euler–Euler formulation that avoids solving all scales at the price of semi-empirical closures of mass, momentum and energy exchanges between the two fluids. Many of such closures are available but their performances in complex flows are still in debate. Closures considering separately large gas structures and smaller bub- bles and making these two populations evolve and possibly exchange mass according to their interac- tions with the surrounding liquid have recently been proposed. In order to assess the validity of some of these closures, we carry out an original experiment in a simple configuration exhibiting a rich succes- sion of hydrodynamic events, namely the emptying of a water bottle. We simulate this experiment with the NEPTUNE_CFD code, using three different closure approaches aimed at modelling interfacial momen- tum exchanges with various degrees of complexity. Based on experimental results, we perform a detailed analysis of global and local flow characteristics predicted by each approach to unveil its potentialities and shortcomings. Although all of them are found to predict correctly the overall features of the emp- tying process, striking differences are observed regarding the distribution of the dispersed phase and its consequences in terms of liquid entrainment

    Characterization of Monomeric Intermediates during VSV Glycoprotein Structural Transition

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    Entry of enveloped viruses requires fusion of viral and cellular membranes, driven by conformational changes of viral glycoproteins. Crystal structures provide static pictures of pre- and post-fusion conformations of these proteins but the transition pathway remains elusive. Here, using several biophysical techniques, including analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroïsm, electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, we have characterized the low-pH-induced fusogenic structural transition of a soluble form of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) glycoprotein G ectodomain (Gth, aa residues 1–422, the fragment that was previously crystallized). While the post-fusion trimer is the major species detected at low pH, the pre-fusion trimer is not detected in solution. Rather, at high pH, Gth is a flexible monomer that explores a large conformational space. The monomeric population exhibits a marked pH-dependence and adopts more elongated conformations when pH decreases. Furthermore, large relative movements of domains are detected in absence of significant secondary structure modification. Solution studies are complemented by electron micrographs of negatively stained viral particles in which monomeric ectodomains of G are observed at the viral surface at both pH 7.5 and pH 6.7. We propose that the monomers are intermediates during the conformational change and thus that VSV G trimers dissociate at the viral surface during the structural transition

    The generality of changes in the trait composition of fish and invertebrate communities after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône)

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    1. A multiple-trait-based approach can provide predictions and interpretations of the responses of freshwater communities to river restoration that apply in different taxonomic contexts. We compared the observed and predicted effects of restoration on sets of traits in fish and invertebrate communities in four reaches of the Rhône River. Restoration included minimum flow increases in three bypassed main channels and the reconnection of eight floodplain channels. 2. Predictions (described in detail in three other articles in this Special Issue) were based on habitat models that related the density of modelled taxa to their physical habitats. We used trait information extracted from the literature to translate predicted taxonomic changes into predicted changes in traits. Observed changes in traits calculated for modelled taxa and for all taxa in the community were both compared to predictions. 3. In 10 of 12 cases, observed changes in traits correlated with predicted ones. With few exceptions, the agreement was higher for fish and invertebrates in the main channels than for invertebrates in floodplain channels. Predictions translated to the trait category level improved those at the taxonomic level in 5/6 and 4/6 cases for modelled taxa and all taxa, respectively. However, the improvement was statistically significant according to a null model for 1/6 and 3/6 cases for modelled taxa and all taxa, respectively. 4. The validation of trait predictions suggested that traits related to locomotion and attachment, as well as general biology and physiology, were particularly suited to predicting and understanding the effects of physical restoration. For example, after restoration, clingers and passive filter feeders dominated invertebrate communities in the main channels, whereas invertebrate communities in the floodplain underwent a selection of traits frequent in running water (clingers, flattened shape and gill respiration). Within fish communities, the periodic life-history strategy that characterises fish species in downstream reaches (long life span, large body, late sexual maturity) increased with restoration, whereas the opportunistic strategy decreased. 5. Our results suggest that a better understanding of how hydraulics shapes traits in riverine systems is critically needed for assessing the effects of restoration measures impacting flow. In addition, existing trait databases (especially for fish) should be expanded to better reflect the energetic trade-offs that organisms must make in various flow contexts

    Massively parallel numerical simulation using up to 36,000 CPU cores of an industrial-scale polydispersed reactive pressurized fluidized bed with a mesh of one billion cells

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    For the last 30 years, experimental and modeling studies have been carried out on fluidized bed reactors from laboratory up to industrial scales. The application of developed models for predictive simulations has however been strongly limited by the available computational power and the capability of computational fluid dynamics software to handle large enough simulations. In recent years, both aspects have made significant advances and we thus now demonstrate the feasibility of a massively parallel simulation, on whole supercomputers using NEPTUNE_CFD, of an industrial-scale polydispersed fluidized-bed reactor. This simulation of an olefin polymerization reactor makes use of an unsteady Eulerianmulti-fluid approach and relies on a billion cellsmeshing. This is a worldwide premiere as the obtained accuracy is yet unmatched for such a large-scale system. The interest of this work is two-fold. In terms of High Performance Computation (HPC), all steps of setting-up the simulation, running it with NEPTUNE_CFD, and post-processing results induce multiple challenges due to the scale of the simulation. The simulation ran using 1260 up to 36,000 cores on supercomputers, used 15 millions of CPU hours and generated 200 TB of rawdata for a simulated physical time of 25s. This article details the methodology applied to handle this simulation, and also focuses on computation performances in terms of profiling, code efficiency and partitioning method suitability. Though being by itself interesting, the HPC challenge is not the only goal of this work as performing this highly-resolved simulation will benefit chemical engineering and CFD communities. Indeed, this computation enables the possibility to account, in a realistic way, for complex flows in an industrial-scale reactor. The predicted behavior is described, and results are post-processed to develop sub-grid models. These will allow for lower-cost simulations with coarser meshes while still encompassing local phenomenon

    Riparian and microhabitat factors determine the structure of the EPT community in Andean headwater rivers of Ecuador

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Vimos-Lojano, D.J., F. Martínez-Capel, and H. Hampel. 2017. Riparian and Microhabitat Factors Determine the Structure of the EPT Community in Andean Headwater Rivers of Ecuador. Ecohydrology 10 (8). Wiley: e1894. doi:10.1002/eco.1894, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1894. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] This research was conducted in the high-Andean basin of the Zhurucay River in southern Ecuador. In 4 river reaches, 19 sampling campaigns were conducted per reach spread over a period of 35months. The biotic samples were selected in the periods with greatest flow stability. Parallel to each sampling, 37 environmental variables grouped into 3 factors (riparian corridor, hydromorphology, and water quality) were recorded. The study aimed to analyse during periods of stable flow the influence of these environmental factors on the structure and density of the EPT community (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) in a quasi-pristine aquatic ecosystem. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the Froude number, gravel type, and width/depth ratio are the most relevant hydromorphological variables explaining variations in EPT density. Xiphocentronidae, Contulma, and Helicopsyche were observed to have a relationship with the order of the river, while Ochrotrichia, Nectopsyche, and Phylloicus varied with the type of riparian vegetation. Phylloicus, Ochrotrichia, and Nectopsyche were common in lentic sites, while the proportion of gravel and the width/depth ratio restricted the genus Helicopsyche. The only relevant water quality factor was the total phosphorus, which was related with 2 taxa. In conclusion, although macroinvertebrates are currently employed in water quality studies, riparian vegetation and hydromorphological factors are determinant for their communities in pristine Andean rivers. Such factors are therefore crucial in the study of environmental flows and the assessment of the ecological integrity.This research was funded by the SENESCYTPIC 11-726 Project (Interpretation of hydro-ecological processes as a basis for assessing the ecological flow in the Paute and Jubones watershed), the hydroelectric company CELECEP, and DIUC (Investigation Department of the University of Cuenca). Thanks are due to the SENESCYT project PIC 11-715 (Impact of land use change in the hydrogeochemistry of Andean basins) for providing the hydrological data used in this study. Further, financial support was provided by SENESCYT through a fellowship granted to the first author for carrying out his doctoral programme and through the PROMETEO fellowship awarded to the third author. We are greateful to Ing. Andres Quichimbo for reviewing the hydrological data, and the staff of the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at the University of Cuenca for their assistance and field logistics. Finally, the authors are grateful to Prof. Jan Feyen for constructive polishing edition the manuscript.Vimos-Lojano, D.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Hampel, H. (2017). Riparian and microhabitat factors determine the structure of the EPT community in Andean headwater rivers of Ecuador. Ecohydrology. 10(8):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1894S115108Albariño, R. J., & Balseiro, E. G. (2002). Leaf litter breakdown in Patagonian streams: native versus exotic trees and the effect of invertebrate size. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 12(2), 181-192. doi:10.1002/aqc.511ALLAN, D., ERICKSON, D., & FAY, J. (1997). The influence of catchment land use on stream integrity across multiple spatial scales. Freshwater Biology, 37(1), 149-161. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.1997.d01-546.xAllan, J. 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    Fatores influenciando a estrutura e distribuição espacial dos peixes nos Igarapés de cabeceira do Parque Nacional do Jaú, Amazônia Central

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of spatial variation in river channels and habitats on the distribution of fish communities in the headwater streams of the Jaú River System, a blackwater tributary of the Negro River. Collections and measurements were made in 34 headwater streams during the period of November-December, 1998. Fish were captured with fish traps and hand nets along standard reaches of two meanders. Data on benthic habitat structure, stream depth and width were collected along lateral transects in each sample reach. A total of 66 fish species from 24 families were collected and classified into seven trophic guilds: allocthonous insectivore, autochthonous insectivore, general insectivore, piscivore, detritivorous planktivore, detritivorous insectivore and insectivorous piscivore. Variations in the distribution and diversity of bottom substrates were important factors influencing fish community structures in these systems. Also, variation in stream size explained the observed variability in fish communities. © 2014, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All right reserved