175 research outputs found

    Afectación ósea severa en reticulohistiosis multicéntrica, una enfermedad infrecuente: A propósito de un caso

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    La reticulohistiocitosis multicéntrica es una enfermedad muy infrecuente que afecta preferentemente a individuos de una edad media, y que se caracteriza por la aparición de nódulos diseminados en piel, mucosas, tejido subcutáneo y sinovial, xantomas, y afectación de pequeñas articulaciones de los dedos de las manos de apariencia similar a la artritis reumatoide, además de articulaciones de gran tamaño, principalmente hombros, caderas y rodillas, sobre las que sobreviene una artritis deformante y mutilante. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 55 años con afectación severa de hombros y caderas al que fue preciso recambiarle ambas articulaciones coxofemorales.Multicentric reticulohystiocytoses is a rare systemic disease which affects middle age patients, manifested by gradual development of nodules in the skin, mucosa, subcutaneous tissues and synovia, xantomas, and arthritis of the small joints of the hands, similar to reumathoid arthritis. Involvement of large joints as shoulders, hips and knee resulting in deforming and erosive arthritis. A case of a 55 year-old patient is presented, with severe destruction of shoulder and hips requiring bilateral total hip arthroplasty

    Cytotoxic Activity of Essential Oils of Some Species from Lamiaceae Family

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    Cancer is considered one of the most lethal diseases in the world, with a prevalence of 439.2 cases and 163.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, in the period from 2011 to 2015; this disease has a greater impact in underdeveloped countries. For the treatment of this disease, a combination of chemotherapy with surgery or radiation is generally used, however, it is not exempt from adverse effects or resistance of the tumor to this type of treatment, for this reason the search for new treatments is constant. The plants are a possible source to achieve this; Lamiaceae is a family of plants widely distributed on the planet and has been used traditionally for the treatment of different diseases, and various essential oils with the potential for cancer treatment have been isolated from this species. The scope of this review is to present 46 essential oils isolated from different species of Lamiaceae which have been tested against different cancer cell lines

    Spreading versus biomass production by colonies of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum: role of the nutrient concentration

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    Colonies of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum have gliding motility in media with low agar concentrations. Although gliding motility, particularly in Flavobacterium johnsoniae, has been well-studied, little is known about its regulation by environmental factors. The work described here shows that the ability of F. psychrophilum to spread over surfaces depends on nutrient availability. In fact, as the nutrient contents of the medium decreased, spreading was favored and the diameter of the colonies increased. Macroscopy examination revealed modifications in colony morphology as nutrient depletion increased: from a dense and defined colony to the formation of microcolonies inside a general colony structure. Additionally, colony expansion dynamics and population density across the colony radius varied inversely with bacterial biomass production. Motility was an immediate response when bacteria were transferred from a rich to a more diluted medium. Our results suggest that, when nutrients are limiting, F. psychrophilum activates a specific growth mode that enables it to colonize surfaces by means of gliding motility. The use of diluted media allowed the differentiation, among previously isolated F. psychrophilum non-gliding mutants, of those completely unable to glide and those with only partially impaired gliding ability. [Int Microbiol 2009; 12(4):207-214

    Using a Virtual Maze Task to assess spatial short-term memory in adults

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    In this paper, we present the Virtual Maze Task that assesses spatial short-term memory in adults involving physical movement and immersion. For physical movement, we used a real bicycle. For immersion, we used a VR HMD. We compared the exposure to the task using two different interaction types (physical active vs. physical inactive conditions). The erformance and sensations of the participants were compared in both conditions. We also compared the performance on the virtual task with classical neuropsychological tests. A total of 89 adults participated in our study. The participants ability to learn a route within the Virtual Maze Task was tested. Then, the participants assessed their experience scoring the following aspects: interaction and satisfaction. The data were analyzed and we found no differences in satisfaction and interaction scores between the physical active and the physical inactive conditions. However, the condition used for interaction affected the score obtained in the task. There were also significant effects of gender and/or interaction used in other measures of performance on the task. Finally, the performance on the task correlated with the performance on other classical neuropsychological tests for the assessment of short-term memory and spatial memory.This work was mainly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the CHILDMNEMOS project (TIN2012-37381-C02-01) and cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Other financial support was received from the Government of Aragon (Department of Industry and Innovation), the European Social Fund for Aragon, and the Government of the Republic of Ecuador through the Scholarship Program of the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT).Cárdenas-Delgado, S.; Méndez-López, M.; Juan, M.; Pérez-Hernández, E.; Lluch, J.; Vivó, R. (2017). Using a Virtual Maze Task to assess spatial short-term memory in adults. SCITEPRESS. 46-57. https://doi.org/10.5220/0006093200460057465

    Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials: Nanotubes and Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

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    Nanomedicine plays an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and control of biological systems in the area of nanotechnology and has been referred by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as an emergent way of medicine. Nanoparticles are new delivery vehicles with the ability to release drugs to a specific cell type or tissue, which may also improve the pharmacological activity of those drugs by controlling their release, as well as prolonging their short half-lives in blood. The aim of this review is to gather several options of MOFs and nanotubes synthesised with different nanoparticles and processes, some including compound loading and release studies, with particular focus on 13 anti-cancer compounds e.g. doxorubicin, curcumin, methotrexate, etc.; 3 anti-inflammatory compounds, namely ibuprofen, salicylic acid and chlorogenic acid; and with 5 miscellaneous bioactive compounds, including rifampicin, griseofulvin, enoxacin, etc. Finally, other biomedical applications for these composites are shown, like being enzyme immobilisation agents, for water treatment e.g. in swimming pools, and other becoming support to carry & secure integrity of drugs

    Modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones

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    El actual trabajo de carácter documental tiene tema principal gestión del talento humano, y como subtema modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones Tiene como objetivo general desarrollar los principales aspectos sobre los modelos de gestión del talento humano, psicología del trabajo y sus relaciones con las personas en las organizaciones a través diferentes tradiciones históricas para una buena gestión de los recursos humanos. Este informe se sustenta en cuatro capítulos que a continuación se presentan, en el capítulo uno: organización y gestión del talento humano, en el capítulo dos: cambio de paradigmas en las organizaciones en la gestión humana en las organizaciones, capitulo tres: Modelos de gestión de talento humano y capítulo cuatro: Psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones. La metodología que se empleo fue mediante la recopilación de información documentada de libros digitales, páginas web, empleando uso de la rúbrica de evaluación del departamento y cumplimiento de la estructura de seminario de graduación según normativa de la UNAN Managu

    Analysis of Fusarium-Common Beans Pathosystem in Aguascalientes, Mexico

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    In Mexico, high incidences of Fusarium affect common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production, reducing grain yields due to seedling death and crop standing reductions. Production of resistant germplasm could be an appropriate strategy for grain yield increasing. Bean breeding programs need the former analysis of plant-pathogen pathosystem to perform the selection of segregating populations with improved resistance to root rot pathogens and the best agroecosystem adaptation. Here, we report our results on characterization of genetic variability patterns of Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (FSP) from Aguascalientes, México; the analysis of P. vulgaris germplasm reactions to highly and naturally FSP-infested field and controlled conditions; and the identification of genetic basis of resistance to FSP root rot in segregating common bean populations. Significant genetic variability in FSP isolates from Aguascalientes and other regions of México was found. Also, we found high variation on reactions to FSP root rots, resistance was more frequent on black seed-coated beans, and susceptibility was common in pinto beans. Resistance to FSP in BAT 477 seedlings was associated with one quantitative trait loci (QTL)

    Condicionantes situacionales y del juego en goles marcados con portero-jugador de futsal

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los goles marcados con portero-jugador, y establecer un perfil de eficacia en función de las variables del juego y situacionales. Se analizó mediante el software Astrofutsal ® una muestra de 582 goles de 11.446 situaciones de portero-jugador correspondientes a 1200 partidos de la Liga Nacional de Futbol Sala profesional durante las temporadas 2010 a 2015. El impacto de las variables situacionales (calidad de la oposición, match status y localización de partido) y del juego (zona de gol, tipo de lanzamiento, número de pases y número de jugadores) como predictores del gol se analizaron mediante análisis clúster bietápico. Los resultados reflejaron, a nivel situacional, la mayor importancia de tener al menos el mismo nivel que el oponente, actuando tanto de local como visitante, cuando se trata de conseguir gol y remontar un marcador adverso con portero-jugador, y, a nivel de juego, la importancia de realizar ataques cortos (1-10 pases) que finalizan en área (gol de precisión) o mediante lanzamiento exterior (gol sorpresa), como patrones característicos de gol con portero-jugador. Las tendencias identificadas pueden ayudar a los entrenadores a diseñar un escenario de superioridad numérica más acorde y productiv

    Learning and Treatment of Anaphylaxis by Laypeople: A Simulation Study Using Pupilar Technology

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    An anaphylactic shock is a time-critical emergency situation. The decision-making during emergencies is an important responsibility but difficult to study. Eye-tracking technology allows us to identify visual patterns involved in the decision-making. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate two training models for the recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis by laypeople, based on expert assessment and eye-tracking technology. A cross-sectional quasi-experimental simulation study was made to evaluate the identification and treatment of anaphylaxis. 50 subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: three groups watching different training videos with content supervised by sanitary personnel and one control group who received face-to-face training during paediatric practice. To evaluate the learning, a simulation scenario represented by an anaphylaxis’ victim was designed. A device capturing eye movement as well as expert valuation was used to evaluate the performance. The subjects that underwent paediatric face-to-face training achieved better and faster recognition of the anaphylaxis. They also used the adrenaline injector with better precision and less mistakes, and they needed a smaller number of visual fixations to recognise the anaphylaxis and to make the decision to inject epinephrine. Analysing the different video formats, mixed results were obtained. Therefore, they should be tested to evaluate their usability before implementation.S