6 research outputs found

    Snake venomics of the South and Central American Bushmasters. Comparison of the toxin composition of Lachesis muta gathered from proteomic versus transcriptomic analysis

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    We report the proteomic characterization of the venoms of two closely related pit vipers of the genus Lachesis, L. muta (South American Bushmaster) and L. stenophrys (Central American Bushmaster), and compare the toxin repertoire of the former revealed through a proteomic versus a transcriptomic approach. The protein composition of the venoms of Lachesis muta and L. stenophrys were analyzed by RP-HPLC, N-terminal sequencing, MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting and CID-MS/MS. Around 30–40 proteins of molecular masses in the range of 13–110 kDa and belonging, respectively, to only 8 and 7 toxin families were identified in L. muta and L. stenophrys venoms. In addition, both venoms contained a large number of bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPP) and a C-type natriuretic peptide (C-NP). BPPs and C-NP comprised around 15% of the total venom proteins. In both species, the most abundant proteins were Zn2+-metalloproteinases (32–38%) and serine proteinases (25–31%), followed by PLA2s (9–12%), galactose-specific C-type lectin (4–8%), l-amino acid oxidase (LAO, 3–5%), CRISP (1.8%; found in L. muta but not in L. stenophrys), and NGF (0.6%). On the other hand, only six L. muta venom-secreted proteins matched any of the previously reported 11 partial or full-length venom gland transcripts, and venom proteome and transcriptome depart in their relative abundances of different toxin families. As expected from their close phylogenetic relationship, the venoms of L. muta and L. stenophrys share (or contain highly similar) proteins, in particular BPPs, serine proteinases, a galactose-specific C-type lectin, and LAO. However, they dramatically depart in their respective PLA2 complement. Intraspecific quantitative and qualitative differences in the expression of PLA2 molecules were found when the venoms of five L. muta specimens (3 from Bolivia and 2 from Peru) and the venom of the same species purchased from Sigma were compared. These observations indicate that these class of toxins represents a rapidly-evolving gene family, and suggests that functional differences due to structural changes in PLA2s molecules among these snakes may have been a hallmark during speciation and adaptation of diverging snake populations to new ecological niches, or competition for resources in existing ones. Our data may contribute to a deeper understanding of the biology and ecology of these snakes, and may also serve as a starting point for studying structure–function correlations of individual toxins.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia/[BFU2004-01432/BMC]//EspañaConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/[CSIC-UCR 2006CR0010]/CSIC-UCR/EspañaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP

    Slow folding of three-fingered toxins is associated with the accumulation of native disulphide bonded intermediates. Biochemistry

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    Intricate tunnels in garnets from soils and river sediments in Thailand - Possible endolithic microborings

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    Garnets from disparate geographical environments and origins such as oxidized soils and river sediments in Thailand host intricate systems of microsized tunnels that significantly decrease the quality and value of the garnets as gems. The origin of such tunneling has previously been attributed to abiotic processes. Here we present physical and chemical remains of endolithic microorganisms within the tunnels and discuss a probable biological origin of the tunnels. Extensive investigations with synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) reveal morphological indications of biogenicity that further support a euendolithic interpretation. We suggest that the production of the tunnels was initiated by a combination of abiotic and biological processes, and that at later stages biological processes came to dominate. In environments such as river sediments and oxidized soils garnets are among the few remaining sources of bio-available Fe2+, thus it is likely that microbially mediated boring of the garnets has trophic reasons. Whatever the reason for garnet boring, the tunnel system represents a new endolithic habitat in a hard silicate mineral otherwise known to be resistant to abrasion and chemical attack. The authors acknowledge funding from the Swedish Research Council (Contracts No. 2007-4483 (SB), 2010-3929 (HS), 2012-4364 (MI), and 2013-4290 (SB), 2015-04129 (SS)), Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF53), and Paul Scherrer Institute (20130185) (MI) as well as Swedish National Space Board (Contract No. 83/10 (MI), 121/11 and 198/15 (SS)).</p