90 research outputs found

    Modern approaches to carrying out profound medical examination of servicemen of Security Service of Ukraine.

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    The study found that the regulatory framework for prophylactic medical examination in the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is not fully regulated, this required the development and validation of a new organizational model to improve its efficiency. In the coursw of study proposals for the introduction of a modern model of profound medical examinations of the personnel of the SSU were prepared, their main elements are: first developed and implemented model of a motivated individual responsibility of SSU serviceman for their own health, its conservation, inclination to treatment of identified pathological conditions; development and implementation of military health passport, health passport of managers, health passport of agency, division, institution of the SSU; the definition of the various bulks of the annual medical examination of personnel, depending on age (with expansion of screening tests, depending on the age group); introduction of personal responsibility of heads (managers) of bodies (departments and agencies) of the SSU for the timely undergoing of profound medical examinations by subordinate personnel a clear definition of heads’ responsibilities of health care organs (doctors and medical staff) of the SSU in the profound medical examinations; the development and implementation of a unified system of analysis of the results of medical care facilities of SSU for carrying out of medical examination and definition of its efficiency, the introduction of optimized system for monitoring of undergoing medical examination, reporting on undergoing of profound medical examinations by personnel of agencies, departments, institutions of the SSU. This allowed not only to justify organizational model on improvement of clinical examination of the SSU personnel but to introduce it into the work of all health facilities of the SSU, to significantly optimize conducting clinical examination and improve its performance indicators

    PPR proteins - orchestrators of organelle RNA metabolism.

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    Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins are important RNA regulators in chloroplasts and mitochondria, aiding in RNA editing, maturation, stabilisation or intron splicing, and in transcription and translation of organellar genes. In this review, we summarise all PPR proteins documented so far in plants and the green alga Chlamydomonas. By further analysis of the known target RNAs from Arabidopsis thaliana PPR proteins, we find that all organellar-encoded complexes are regulated by these proteins, although to differing extents. In particular, the orthologous complexes of NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I) in the mitochondria and NADH dehydrogenase-like (NDH) complex in the chloroplast were the most regulated, with respectively 60 and 28% of all characterised A. thaliana PPR proteins targeting their genes

    The RNA Editing Pattern of cox2 mRNA Is Affected by Point Mutations in Plant Mitochondria

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    The mitochondrial transcriptome from land plants undergoes hundreds of specific C-to-U changes by RNA editing. These events are important since most of them occur in the coding region of mRNAs. One challenging question is to understand the mechanism of recognition of a selected C residue (editing sites) on the transcript. It has been reported that a short region surrounding the target C forms the cis-recognition elements, but individual residues on it do not play similar roles for the different editing sites. Here, we studied the role of the −1 and +1 nucleotide in wheat cox2 editing site recognition using an in organello approach. We found that four different recognition patterns can be distinguished: (a) +1 dependency, (b) −1 dependency, (c) +1/−1 dependency, and (d) no dependency on nearest neighbor residues. A striking observation was that whereas a 23 nt cis region is necessary for editing, some mutants affect the editing efficiency of unmodified distant sites. As a rule, mutations or pre-edited variants of the transcript have an impact on the complete set of editing targets. When some Cs were changed into Us, the remaining editing sites presented a higher efficiency of C-to-U conversion than in wild type mRNA. Our data suggest that the complex response observed for cox2 mRNA may be a consequence of the fate of the transcript during mitochondrial gene expression

    Experience in the implementation of palliative, combined and expanded operations in emergency surgery of gastric cancer

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    В статье рассмотрен опыт выполнения неотложных абдоминальных онкохирургических операций, выполненных на базе отделения абдоминальной онкологии за период 2012–2014 гг. Всего в исследование включен 51 больной, которым выполнены ургентные и срочные плановые операции по поводу осложнений рака желудка. Всего выполнено 27 паллиативных, 6 расширенных, 15 комбинированных операций. По-настоящему ургентных было только 2, во время которых были выполнены в обоих случаях гастрэктомии со спленэктомией без выполнения расширенных лимфодиссекций. Сделан вывод, что выполнение радикальных операций не увеличивает летальность при осложненном течении рака желудка. В мировой ургентной медицине используются различные классификации срочных, в т. ч. неотложных операций, наиболее унифицированной из которых является классификация WSES-2013. Традиционное, “отечественное” распределение неотложных онкологических операций на ургентные/срочные/плановые или даже чаще на ургентные/ плановые является устоявшимся и необходимым. Индивидуализация подхода к каждой ургентной операции, как и вообще тенденция к индивидуализации в онкологии, представляется неотъемлемым мотивом грядущих методологических перемен в неотложной онкохирургии.The article describes the experience of urgent oncosurgical abdominal operations carried out on the basis of Abdominal Oncology Department for the period 2012–2014 years. In total, the study included 51 patients, who underwent emergent and urgent elective surgery for complications of stomach cancer. Total holds 27 palliative, 6 advanced, 15 combined operations. The really emergent were only 2, during which were performed in both cases gastrectomy with splenectomy without performing extended lymph node dissection. It was concluded that the implementation of radical surgery does not increase mortality rate in complicated gastric cancer. In the world of emergent medicine there are used different classification approaches, including emergency operations, most of which is a unified classification WSES-2013. The traditional distribution of urgent cancer operations in urgent / emergency / routine or even more frequently in the urgent / routine is well established and necessary. Personalisation approach to each of urgent surgical case, as well as general trend towards individualization in oncology seems to be inherent motive of future methodological changes in emergency cancer surgery

    Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Controls the Embryo-to-Seedling Phase Transition

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    Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is a key regulator of epigenetic states catalyzing histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3), a repressive chromatin mark. PRC2 composition is conserved from humans to plants, but the function of PRC2 during the early stage of plant life is unclear beyond the fact that it is required for the development of endosperm, a nutritive tissue that supports embryo growth. Circumventing the requirement of PRC2 in endosperm allowed us to generate viable homozygous null mutants for FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE), which is the single Arabidopsis homolog of Extra Sex Combs, an indispensable component of Drosophila and mammalian PRC2. Here we show that H3K27me3 deposition is abolished genome-wide in fie mutants demonstrating the essential function of PRC2 in placing this mark in plants as in animals. In contrast to animals, we find that PRC2 function is not required for initial body plan formation in Arabidopsis. Rather, our results show that fie mutant seeds exhibit enhanced dormancy and germination defects, indicating a deficiency in terminating the embryonic phase. After germination, fie mutant seedlings switch to generative development that is not sustained, giving rise to neoplastic, callus-like structures. Further genome-wide studies showed that only a fraction of PRC2 targets are transcriptionally activated in fie seedlings and that this activation is accompanied in only a few cases with deposition of H3K4me3, a mark associated with gene activity and considered to act antagonistically to H3K27me3. Up-regulated PRC2 target genes were found to act at different hierarchical levels from transcriptional master regulators to a wide range of downstream targets. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that PRC2-mediated regulation represents a robust system controlling developmental phase transitions, not only from vegetative phase to flowering but also especially from embryonic phase to the seedling stage

    The Bicoid Stability Factor Controls Polyadenylation and Expression of Specific Mitochondrial mRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The bicoid stability factor (BSF) of Drosophila melanogaster has been reported to be present in the cytoplasm, where it stabilizes the maternally contributed bicoid mRNA and binds mRNAs expressed from early zygotic genes. BSF may also have other roles, as it is ubiquitously expressed and essential for survival of adult flies. We have performed immunofluorescence and cell fractionation analyses and show here that BSF is mainly a mitochondrial protein. We studied two independent RNAi knockdown fly lines and report that reduced BSF protein levels lead to a severe respiratory deficiency and delayed development at the late larvae stage. Ubiquitous knockdown of BSF results in a severe reduction of the polyadenylation tail lengths of specific mitochondrial mRNAs, accompanied by an enrichment of unprocessed polycistronic RNA intermediates. Furthermore, we observed a significant reduction in mRNA steady state levels, despite increased de novo transcription. Surprisingly, mitochondrial de novo translation is increased and abnormal mitochondrial translation products are present in knockdown flies, suggesting that BSF also has a role in coordinating the mitochondrial translation in addition to its role in mRNA maturation and stability. We thus report a novel function of BSF in flies and demonstrate that it has an important intra-mitochondrial role, which is essential for maintaining mtDNA gene expression and oxidative phosphorylation

    Transcriptomic response of the red tide dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, to nitrogen and phosphorus depletion and addition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of coastal nutrient sources in the persistence of <it>Karenia brevis </it>red tides in coastal waters of Florida is a contentious issue that warrants investigation into the regulation of nutrient responses in this dinoflagellate. In other phytoplankton studied, nutrient status is reflected by the expression levels of N- and P-responsive gene transcripts. In dinoflagellates, however, many processes are regulated post-transcriptionally. All nuclear encoded gene transcripts studied to date possess a 5' <it>trans</it>-spliced leader (SL) sequence suggestive, based on the trypanosome model, of post-transcriptional regulation. The current study therefore sought to determine if the transcriptome of <it>K. brevis </it>is responsive to nitrogen and phosphorus and is informative of nutrient status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray analysis of N-depleted <it>K. brevis </it>cultures revealed an increase in the expression of transcripts involved in N-assimilation (nitrate and ammonium transporters, glutamine synthetases) relative to nutrient replete cells. In contrast, a transcriptional signal of P-starvation was not apparent despite evidence of P-starvation based on their rapid growth response to P-addition. To study transcriptome responses to nutrient addition, the limiting nutrient was added to depleted cells and changes in global gene expression were assessed over the first 48 hours following nutrient addition. Both N- and P-addition resulted in significant changes in approximately 4% of genes on the microarray, using a significance cutoff of 1.7-fold and p ≤ 10<sup>-4</sup>. By far, the earliest responding genes were dominated in both nutrient treatments by pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins, which increased in expression up to 3-fold by 1 h following nutrient addition. PPR proteins are nuclear encoded proteins involved in chloroplast and mitochondria RNA processing. Correspondingly, other functions enriched in response to both nutrients were photosystem and ribosomal genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Microarray analysis provided transcriptomic evidence for N- but not P-limitation in <it>K. brevis</it>. Transcriptomic responses to the addition of either N or P suggest a concerted program leading to the reactivation of chloroplast functions. Even the earliest responding PPR protein transcripts possess a 5' SL sequence that suggests post-transcriptional control. Given the current state of knowledge of dinoflagellate gene regulation, it is currently unclear how these rapid changes in such transcript levels are achieved.</p

    Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community

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    The multinational Arabidopsis research community is highly collaborative and over the past thirty years these activities have been documented by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC). Here, we (a) highlight recent research advances made with the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana; (b) provide summaries from recent reports submitted by MASC subcommittees, projects and resources associated with MASC and from MASC country representatives; and (c) initiate a call for ideas and foci for the “fourth decadal roadmap,” which will advise and coordinate the global activities of the Arabidopsis research community

    Membrane transport, sensing and signaling in plant adaptation to environmental stress

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    Plants are generally well adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. Even though they have notably prospered in our planet, stressful conditions such as salinity, drought and cold or heat, which are increasingly being observed worldwide in the context of the ongoing climate changes, limit their growth and productivity. Behind the remarkable ability of plants to cope with these stresses and still thrive, sophisticated and efficient mechanisms to re-establish and maintain ion and cellular homeostasis are involved. Among the plant arsenal to keep homeostasis are efficient stress sensing and signaling mechanisms, plant cell detoxification systems, compatible solute and osmoprotectant accumulation and a vital rearrangement of solute transport and compartmentation. The key role of solute transport systems and signaling proteins in cellular homeostasis is addressed in the present work. The full understanding of the plant cell complex defense mechanisms under stress may allow for the engineering of more tolerant plants or the optimization of cultivation practices to improve yield and productivity, which is crucial in the present time as food resources are progressively scarce.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (research project ref. PTDC/AGR-ALI/100636/2008; to A. Conde, grant ref. SFRH/BD/47699/2008)

    Complex chloroplast RNA metabolism: just debugging the genetic programme?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The gene expression system of chloroplasts is far more complex than that of their cyanobacterial progenitor. This gain in complexity affects in particular RNA metabolism, specifically the transcription and maturation of RNA. Mature chloroplast RNA is generated by a plethora of nuclear-encoded proteins acquired or recruited during plant evolution, comprising additional RNA polymerases and sigma factors, and sequence-specific RNA maturation factors promoting RNA splicing, editing, end formation and translatability. Despite years of intensive research, we still lack a comprehensive explanation for this complexity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We inspected the available literature and genome databases for information on components of RNA metabolism in land plant chloroplasts. In particular, new inventions of chloroplast-specific mechanisms and the expansion of some gene/protein families detected in land plants lead us to suggest that the primary function of the additional nuclear-encoded components found in chloroplasts is the transgenomic suppression of point mutations, fixation of which occurred due to an enhanced genetic drift exhibited by chloroplast genomes. We further speculate that a fast evolution of transgenomic suppressors occurred after the water-to-land transition of plants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our inspections indicate that several chloroplast-specific mechanisms evolved in land plants to remedy point mutations that occurred after the water-to-land transition. Thus, the complexity of chloroplast gene expression evolved to guarantee the functionality of chloroplast genetic information and may not, with some exceptions, be involved in regulatory functions.</p