30 research outputs found

    Counterexamples regarding Symmetric Tensors and Divided Powers

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    We investigate the similarities and differences between the module of symmetric tensors TS^n_A(M) and the module of divided powers \Gamma^n_A(M). There is a canonical map \Gamma^n_A(M) \to TS^n_A(M) which is an isomorphism in many important cases. We give examples showing that this map need neither be surjective nor injective in general. These examples also show that the functor TS_A^n does not in general commute with base change.Comment: 22 pages. Updates: Added new section 7, added remarks regarding extension to general characteristic p>0. To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Human African trypanosomiasis

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) occurs in sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, transmitted by tsetse flies. Almost all cases are due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, which is indigenous to west and central Africa. Prevalence is strongly dependent on control measures, which are often neglected during periods of political instability, thus leading to resurgence. With fewer than 12 000 cases of this disabling and fatal disease reported per year, trypanosomiasis belongs to the most neglected tropical diseases. The clinical presentation is complex, and diagnosis and treatment difficult. The available drugs are old, complicated to administer, and can cause severe adverse reactions. New diagnostic methods and safe and effective drugs are urgently needed. Vector control, to reduce the number of flies in existing foci, needs to be organised on a pan-African basis. WHO has stated that if national control programmes, international organisations, research institutes, and philanthropic partners engage in concerted action, elimination of this disease might even be possible

    European survey on laboratory preparedness, response and diagnostic capacity for crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever, 2012

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    Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an infectious viral disease that has (re-)emerged in the last decade in south-eastern Europe, and there is a risk for further geographical expansion to western Europe. Here we report the results of a survey covering 28 countries, conducted in 2012 among the member laboratories of the European Network for Diagnostics of 'Imported' Viral Diseases (ENIVD) to assess laboratory preparedness and response capacities for CCHF. The answers of 31 laboratories of the European region regarding CCHF case definition, training necessity, biosafety, quality assurance and diagnostic tests are presented. In addition, we identifi

    Moduli spaces of zero-dimensional geometric objects

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    The topic of this thesis is the study of moduli spaces of zero-dimensional geometricobjects. The thesis consists of three articles each focusing on a particular moduli space.The first article concerns the Hilbert scheme Hilb(X). This moduli space parametrizesclosed subschemes of a fixed ambient scheme X. It has been known implicitly for sometime that the Hilbert scheme does not behave well when the scheme X is not separated.The article shows that the separation hypothesis is necessary in the sense thatthe component Hilb1(X) of Hilb(X) parametrizing subschemes of dimension zero andlength 1 does not exist if X is not separated.Article number two deals with the Chow scheme Chow 0,n(X) parametrizing zerodimensionaleffective cycles of length n on the given scheme X. There is a relatedconstruction, the Symmetric product Symn(X), defined as the quotient of the n-foldproduct X ×. . .×X of X by the natural action of the symmetric group Sn permutingthe factors. There is a canonical map Symn(X) " Chow0,n(X) that, set-theoretically,maps a tuple (x1, . . . , xn) to the cycle!nk=1 xk. In many cases this canonical map is anisomorphism. We explore in this paper some examples where it is not an isomorphism.This will also lead to some results concerning the question whether the symmetricproduct commutes with base change.The third article is related to the Fulton-MacPherson compactification of the configurationspace of points. Here we begin by considering the configuration space F(X, n)parametrizing n-tuples of distinct ordered points on a smooth scheme X. The schemeF(X, n) has a compactification X[n] which is obtained from the product Xn by a sequenceof blowups. Thus X[n] is itself not defined as a moduli space, but the pointson the boundary of X[n] may be interpreted as geometric objects called stable degenerations.It is then natural to ask if X[n] can be defined as a moduli space of stabledegenerations instead of as a blowup. In the third article we begin work towards ananswer to this question in the case where X = P2. We define a very general modulistack Xpv2 parametrizing projective schemes whose structure sheaf has vanishing secondcohomology. We then use Artin’s criteria to show that this stack is algebraic. Onemay define a stack SDX,n of stable degenerations of X and the goal is then to provealgebraicity of the stack SDX,n by using Xpv2.QC 2010072

    The stack of projective schemes with vanishing second cohomology

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    Tufft med luft : Kompressorinstallation i laborationssyfte

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    The project was commissioned by Tobias Hedin, who is a lecturer at the Kalmar Maritime Academy. The mission was to install a physical compressor facility that would replace an existing graphic simulator. The goal of the assembly was also, to the extent where it was possible, to emulate the compressor plants onboard ships. With the help of literary studies, but also through own experience, the necessary data were developed around compressors and facilities on board. The final choice of compressor was also done with regard to the budget, noise and capacity. Apart from the compressors, the budget also included the purchase of some peripherals that were necessary to adapt the compressor to the task. The Maritime Academy provided drawing program for schedules, and also electrical supplies. The work resulted in a fully functional compressor system with a control cabinet and control system. The client also received documentation of the facility.Projektet utfördes pÄ uppdrag av Tobias Hedin som Àr universitetsadjunkt vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. Utbildningen, för Sjöingenjörerna vid Sjöfartshögskolan, innehÄller en praktisk kurs kallad TillÀmpad Elteknik. Ett av delmomenten i kursen Àr en programmeringsuppgift, vilken bestod av att med hjÀlp av en grafisk simulator programmera tvÄ kompressorer att gÄ enligt vissa villkor. Uppdraget var att installera en fysisk kompressoranlÀggning som skulle ersÀtta den befintliga grafiska simulatorn. MÄlet med anordningen var Àven att i den mÄn det var möjligt efterlikna de kompressoranlÀggningar som finns ombord pÄ fartyg, dÄ kursen TillÀmpad Elteknik riktar sig till sjöingenjörsstudenter. Med hjÀlp av litteraturstudier, men ocksÄ genom egen erfarenhet, togs fakta fram kring kompressorer och anlÀggningar ombord. Genom fakta frÄn litteraturstudierna gjordes först val av kompressor. Detta gjordes med hÀnsyn till budget, bullernivÄ och kapacitet. I budgeten ingick Àven inköp av en del kringutrustning som var nödvÀndig för att anpassa kompressorerna till uppgiften. Sjöfartshögskolan tillhandahöll ritprogram för scheman, och Àven materiel som redan fanns tillgÀngligt i TrÄngsundet. Arbetet resulterade i en fullt fungerande kompressoranlÀggning med manöverskÄp och styrsystem. BestÀllaren fick ocksÄ dokumentation över anlÀggningen

    ROMA - State assessment of road markings in Denmark, Nor-way and Sweden : Results from 2018

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    Assessments of the performance of road markings is carried out regularly to various degrees in the Nordic countries. The main aim of the Nordic road marking assessment study is to show possible differences in road marking performance between Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Possible differences between road marking performance, dependent on region, country, type of road and AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) are studied. Furthermore, a comparison between the TEN-T and the non-TEN-T road network is made. As 2018 is the second year of the project, a comparison between the results for 2017 and 2018 is also made. A Nordic certification system for road marking materials has recently been introduced in Norway and Denmark and will be introduced in Sweden 2019. This means that a documented product approval (i.e. certification) will be required for use of the material on roads managed by the national road authorities. The requirements are introduced successively as the existing contracts expire. Therefore, one aim is also to study the road marking quality before and under the introduction of the new certification requirements. Continuous assessments give the opportunity to react and adjust the requirements in the future, if the performance does not develop as expected. The study is based on physical mobile road assessment measurements carried out in Denmark, Norway and Sweden by Ramböll. In total 71 road objects were measured in Denmark, 124 in Norway and 434 in Sweden. The following variables were studied: retroreflectivity of dry and wet road markings, relative visibility of dry and wet road markings, relative pre-view-time (pvt) of dry and wet road markings and cover index. VĂ€gmarkeringarnas tillstĂ„nd studeras regelbundet i olika omfattning i de nordiska lĂ€nderna. Det huvudsakliga syftet med föreliggande studie Ă€r att med tillstĂ„ndmĂ€tningar visa pĂ„ eventuella skillnader avseende vĂ€gmarkeringsprestanda mellan Danmark, Norge och Sverige. DĂ„ 2018 Ă€r projektets andra Ă„r, görs Ă€ven en jĂ€mförelse mellan resultaten mellan 2017 och 2018. Ett nordiskt certifieringssystem för vĂ€gmarkeringsmaterial har nyligen införts i Norge och Danmark och kommer att införas i Sverige under 2019. Detta innebĂ€r att ett dokumenterat produktgodkĂ€nnande (certifiering) kommer att krĂ€vas för att materialet ska fĂ„ anvĂ€ndas pĂ„ vĂ€gar som förvaltas av de nationella vĂ€gmyndigheterna. De nya kraven införs succesivt efter att de befintliga entreprenaderna löper ut. Ett annat syfte med föreliggande studie Ă€r dĂ€rför att fĂ„ en bra bild av vĂ€gmarkeringarnas funktion dels innan det nya certifieringssystemet börjar tillĂ€mpas, dels att med fortsatta mĂ€tningar under 2019 – 2021 studera utvecklingen och effekterna av certifieringens införande. Studien baseras pĂ„ fysikaliska mobila tillstĂ„ndsmĂ€tningar utförda i Danmark, Norge och Sverige av Ramböll. Totalt mĂ€ttes 71 vĂ€gobjekt i Danmark, 124 i Norge och 434 i Sverige. Följande variabler studerades: retroreflexion för torra och vĂ„ta vĂ€gmarkeringar, relativ synbarhet för torra och vĂ„ta vĂ€gmarkeringar, relativ pre-view-time (pvt) för torra och vĂ„ta vĂ€gmarkeringar samt vĂ€gmarkeringens tĂ€ckningsgrad