815 research outputs found
Village Head Decision Making Model in the Development of Pirsa Culinary Tourism in the Village of If the Riase District of Pitu Riase District Sidenreng Rappang in 2020. This study aims to find out how the Village Head Decision Making Model in the Development of culinary tourism in the Village of PIRSA if Riase and to find out what approach was taken by the Village Head in making decisions PIRSA culinary tourism development activities in the Village If Riase. The population of this study was 34 stakeholders and a sample of 34 people. The sampling technique used is the saturated sampling technique. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are observation, questionnaire (questionnaire), and literature. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistics. The results showed that the percentage of each indicator can be seen that the development of PIRSA culinary tourism in the fact, experience, intuition, logic, and system analysis approach that is 40-60% is categorized unfavorably in the development of culinary tourism. 
Jurusan Teknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret
Surakarta, Indonesia
E-mail : [email protected]
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh ketebalan coran terhadap
struktur mikro, kekerasan dan ketahanan aus besi cor pada proses pembuatan besi
cor(mengkaji besi cor bergrafit vermicular). Proses pembuatan besi cor dilakukan
dengan meleburkan besi skrap menggunakan tungku induksi sampai suhu 1450oC,
selanjutnya ditambahkan magnesium 200 gram pada ladel untuk membentuk struktur
vermicular. Variasi ketebalan coran yang diteliti adalah 10, 20, 30 dan 40 mm. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan pada ketebalan coran 10, 20, 30 mm terbentuk grafit
nodular, hanya pada ketebalan 40 mm saja mampu menghasilkan besi cor berstruktur
vermicular, laju pendinginan sangat berpengaruh pada pembentukan grafit
vermicular. Nilai kekerasan tertinggi pada ketebalan coran 10 mm dengan nilai
kekerasan sekitar 176 HBN, sedangkan nilai terendah pada ketebalan coran 40 mm
dengan nilai kekerasan sekitar 155 HBN. Pada pengujian keausan menunjukan bahwa
pada ketebalan coran 40 mm memiliki ketahanan aus lebih baik dari pada ketebalan
coran 10, 20, 30 mm.
Kata kunci :Besi cor, grafit vermicular, magnesium, fasa matrik, struktur mikro,
kekerasan, keausa
Improving the Students\u27 EFL Writing Ability Through “Put Yourself in the Picture” Strategy
This Action research was intended to improve the students\u27 EFL writing ability through “Put Yourself in the Picture” strategy. This research involved 33 first year managemen major of students A of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016. This research was conducted in two cycles by following the procedures of the action research, namely, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle of the research encompassed three meetings. The data of the research were gathered through observation checklists, field notes, questionnaire, and portfolio. The findings of research showed that “Put Yourself in the Picture” strategy has proven effectively to improve the student\u27 writing ability. The improvement could be seen from the increase of the students\u27 average writing score. Besides, “Put Yourself in the Picture” strategy can increase the students\u27 participation during the process of writing
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan salah satu pembangkit energi baru dan terbarukan yang paling populer di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, kebutuhan listrik akan selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya, sehingga diperlukan sumber daya yang lebih banyak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik tersebut. PLTS berpotensi dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh kelompok masyarakat untuk membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik di wilayahnya. Dalam kondisi saat ini, telah terjadi banyak kerusakan alam yang diakibatkan oleh manusia. Hal ini mengakibatkan kondisi bumi yang semakin tidak bersahabat dengan manusia, seperti adanya isu pemanasan global atau yang sering disebut global warming. Kondisi seperti ini harus dihentikan dan diminimalisir untuk mengurangi dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan, seperti dengan menggunakan energi yang dapat diperbaharui menggunakan barang yang ramah lingkungan. Untuk memperluas pemanfaatan energi alternatif ini perlu dikenalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, agar peran untuk mengurangi dampak terhadap lingkungan lebih terealisasi dan bukan hanya slogan semata. Energi yang dapat diperbaharui ini salah satunya adalah penggunaan energi yang memanfaatkan cahaya matahari menggunakan panel surya. Ketika pada saat pengujian berlangsung apabila jumlah iradiasi cahaya yang tertangkap oleh sel surya berubah maupun suhu pada sel itu sendiri Mengalami fluktuasi maka akan mempengaruhi daya keluaran pada panel surya itu sendiri yang dapat mengganggu proses penelitian dan pengujian yang sedang dilakukan, penggunaan sebuah alat peraga yang dapat menirukan karakteristik dari sel surya itu sendiri seperti halnya emulator sel surya merupakan metode yang paling efektif dalam hal ini, tanpa adanya pengaruh dari faktor faktor luar seperti jumlah iradiasi cahaya yang masuk dan tinggi rendahnya suhu ruang
The energy recovery from decanter cakes
Harnessing energy from biomass had caught many researcher’s and scientists’ attention. Converting palm oil mill waste, decanter cakes into solid fuels is objective of this study especially to extract its potentiality to replace the existing boilers feed and to find the optimum condition that leads to the maximum energy recovery. The main steps involve in the process is pyrolysis at temperature ranges from 300°C to 600°C, the drying or heating process for 24 hours at temperature of 110°C and studying the combustion characteristics in terms of heating values and comparing it to that of the commercial solid fuels. The works carried in this research also involve the proximate analysis and semi-quantitative analysis that leads to the computation of HHV and it is compared with that from the Oxygen-bomb Calorimeter (OBC) .It also involve the combustion test of different diameter of DDCs and PDCs spheres to determine the optimum diameter. Based on the study, the decanter cakes is feasible to replace fiber and shell as boiler’s feed that promotes more than sufficient heat to dry the 70kg/ton of decanter cake in-plant and hence generates electricity with and excess steam around 289.075 kg/hr. In fact, the calculation revealed that decanter cakes are feasible to be used as a new boilers fuel when using a steam system from boiler. The fittings generated from the combination of the SEM & EDX data, TGA data and OBC data can be used to estimate the calorific values (J/g) of the solid fuels with percentage error of 0.01 % and 0.45 %. From the study, it can be concluded that the pyrolysis process of DDC did not increase the fixed carbon value and hence lowering the HHV of the solid fuels as the temperature of pyrolysis process increase. The dried decanter cakes at 110°C at 5 cm in diameter gives better solid fuels characteristics in terms of the heat value and flame characteristics compared to E-Ignite charcoal briquettes and charcoal briquettes derived from coconut shell
The textbook is designed to serve the basic principles or aspects containing in the medium of instruction. At SDN Kwagean II Loceret Nganjuk, the textbook becomes the most dominant medium in the instructional process. Another problem in the utilization of the textbook, the textbook has not met the feasibility aspect due to the theory, model, students’ need and the improvement of the students’ motivation. Therefore, the developer aims at developing a product of Social Science (IPS) instructional package for IV graders of Elementary School to solve the existing problem concerning the textbook at SDN Kwagean II Loceret Nganjuk. Regarding the problems, the developer considers the importance for reorganizing the social science material for the fourth graders of elementary school by designing, trying out and producing it in the form of complete instructional package. The conclusion of the field test done after going through expert analysis, individual and small group tests can be said that the textbook has fulfilled the students’ need even though there are some matters to be revised. It is expected that IPS Textbook for IV graders is able to solve the problems concerning the instructional package development that comply with the theory and learning model, so it can generate a learning source that is proper with the students’ characteristics, assist the students’ learning and create such learning condition that may improve the students’ motivation
Enhancing Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading
This study aims at improving learners’ reading comprehension through collaborative strategic reading. This study is implemented in the first semester of the accounting study program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. The investigator got two matters in the teaching and learning of learners in the first semester: (1) The learners’ attainment scores were poor in reading skills. (2) The English lecturer generally recited the story first and then he just requested the learners to go over after him. To overcome these problems, the researcher applied the classroom action research design. The subject of this research is class A consisting of 30 students. The researcher utilized some instruments such as an observation, checklist, field notes, and reading comprehension tests. The result shows that the students’ achievement score improved from 30% (9 students) of 30 students in the preliminary study to 53.3% (16 students) in Cycle 1 and then improved to 77% (23 students) in Cycle 2. From this, It can be concluded that the students could understand the texts comprehensively and they found a progressive enhancement in their attainment scores in reading comprehension
Insan Kamil dalam Keteladanan Rasulullah Saw.: Sebuah Kajian Hadis Tematik
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of human morality which is increasingly worrying. The purpose of this study is to discuss the greatness of the morals of the Prophet Muhammad through thematic hadiths related to the theme of Insan Kamil. This research is a type of qualitative research through literature study with thematic hadith approach. The results and discussion of this study lead to the nature and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad as a perfect human proof that must be followed by the believer. The development of the Insan Kamil theme includes indicators of Insan Kamil, including the role of humans as caliph, physically and spiritually healthy, amar nahi munkar, and the peak is morality. This study concludes that the hadiths narrated by Imam Muslim related to insan kamil accompanied by thematic syarah are understood to be a reference for a person to shape himself into insan kamil in order to reach the pleasure of Allah SWT
Utilizing the Quranic Arabic Corpus as a Supplementary Teaching and Learning Material for Arabic Syntax: An Overview of a Web-based Arabic Linguistics Corpus
This article discusses the plan to implement the Quranic Arabic Corpus for the development of Arabic syntax teaching and learning materials (TLM), especially at the university level. The study explores an alternative Arabic syntax TLM development by utilizing a corpus, one of the most important linguistic research resources. In recent years, corpora have been widely utilized in developing teaching materials. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is beneficial not just in terms of additional references or examples, but also in facilitating grammatical understanding and discussion. The highly adequate syntactic annotations recorded in this corpus can also be used to discover and explore the syntactic analysis of every word in the Quran, so that it can be easily implemented in the analysis, examples of each chapter, or section of the discussions in Arabic syntax. Based on the analysis of this corpus’s content and its relevance with the existing Arabic syntax teaching materials, it is shown that this corpus can be incorporated as a supplement of Arabic syntax TLM. The following six steps should be followed to utilize this corpus in Arabic Syntax learning: (1) prepare the necessary tools, (2) select learning materials, (3) determine keywords, (4) access QAC, (5) search for keywords in QAC, and (6) select search results and proceed with the syntactic analysis.
Keywords: Arabic syntax, linguistic corpus, Quranic Arabic corpus, teaching and learning material
Reading as one of language skills plays significant roles in the teaching English as a foreign language. Since the teacher still uses the conventional way to teach reading, students‘ ability in reading comprehension seems still unsatisfactory yet. So, teacher should explore and develop new strategies. One of strategies in reading comprehension that can trigger our students to attain that purpose is SMART (Self Monitoring Approach for Reading and Thinking) strategy. This study is developing SMART strategy to boost the reading comprehension achievement of the ninth grade students. The research applies a collaborative classroom action research design in which the researcher and the collaborative teacher work together in preparing a suitable procedure of SMART strategy, designing the lesson plan, determining the criteria of success, implementing the action, observing, and doing reflection. The finding indicated that SMART strategy was successful to enhance students‘ motivation to be actively involved in the instructional process. The improvement on the students‘ participation was 75% in Cycle 1 and 87% in Cycle 2.Keywords: Reading Comprehension, SMART strateg
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