148 research outputs found

    Physical properties and real nature of massive clumps in the galaxy

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    Systematic surveys of massive clumps have been carried out to study the conditions leading to the formation of massive stars. These clumps are typically at large distances and unresolved, so their physical properties cannot be reliably derived from the observations alone. Numerical simulations are needed to interpret the observations. To this end, we generate synthetic Herschel observations using our large-scale star-formation simulation, where massive stars explode as supernovae driving the interstellar-medium turbulence. From the synthetic observations, we compile a catalogue of compact sources following the exact same procedure as for the Hi-GAL compact source catalogue. We show that the sources from the simulation have observational properties with statistical distributions consistent with the observations. By relating the compact sources from the synthetic observations to their 3D counterparts in the simulation, we find that the synthetic observations overestimate the clump masses by about an order of magnitude on average due to line-of-sight projection, and projection effects are likely to be even worse for Hi-GAL Inner Galaxy sources. We also find that a large fraction of sources classified as protostellar are likely to be starless, and propose a new method to partially discriminate between true and false protostellar sources.Peer reviewe

    The dynamical state of massive clumps

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    The dynamical state of massive clumps is key to our understanding of the formation of massive stars. In this work, we study the kinematic properties of massive clumps using synthetic observations. We have previously compiled a very large catalogue of synthetic dust-continuum compact sources from our 250 pc, SN-driven, star formation simulation. Here, we compute synthetic N2H+ line profiles for a subsample of those sources and compare their properties with the observations and with those of the corresponding three-dimensional (3D) clumps in the simulation. We find that the velocity dispersion of the sources estimated from the N2H+ line is a good estimate of that of the 3D clumps, although its correlation with the source size is weaker than the velocity-size correlation of the 3D clumps. The relation between the mass of the 3D clumps, M-main, and that of the corresponding synthetic sources, M-SED, has a large scatter and a slope of 0.5, M-main proportional to M-SED(0.5), due to uncertainties arising from the observational band-merging procedure and from projection effects along the line of sight. As a result, the virial parameters of the 3D clumps are not correlated with the clump masses, even if a negative correlation is found for the compact sources, and the virial parameter of the most massive sources may significantly underestimate that of the associated clumps.Peer reviewe

    Spatio-Temporal Mutational Profile Appearances of Swedish SARS-CoV-2 during the Early Pandemic

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus evolved, and we therefore aimed to provide an insight into which genetic variants were enriched, and how they spread in Sweden. Methods: We analyzed 348 Swedish SARS-CoV-2 sequences freely available from GISAID obtained from 7 February 2020 until 14 May 2020. Results: We identified 14 variant sites >= 5% frequency in the population. Among those sites, the D936Y substitution in the viral Spike protein was under positive selection. The variant sites can distinguish 11 mutational profiles in Sweden. Nine of the profiles appeared in Stockholm in March 2020. Mutational profiles 3 (B.1.1) and 6 (B.1), which contain the D936Y mutation, became the predominant profiles over time, spreading from Stockholm to other Swedish regions during April and the beginning of May. Furthermore, Bayesian phylogenetic analysis indicated that SARS-CoV-2 could have emerged in Sweden on 27 December 2019, and community transmission started on February 1st with an evolutionary rate of 1.5425 x 10(-3)substitutions per year. Conclusions: Our study provides novel knowledge on the spatio-temporal dynamics of Swedish SARS-CoV-2 variants during the early pandemic. Characterization of these viral variants can provide precious insights on viral pathogenesis and can be valuable for diagnostic and drug development approaches

    The cerebellum ages slowly according to the epigenetic clock

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    Studies that elucidate why some human tissues age faster than others may shed light on how we age, and ultimately suggest what interventions may be possible. Here we utilize a recent biomarker of aging (referred to as epigenetic clock) to assess the epigenetic ages of up to 30 anatomic sites from supercentenarians (subjects who reached an age of 110 or older) and younger subjects. Using three novel and three published human DNA methylation data sets, we demonstrate that the cerebellum ages more slowly than other parts of the human body. We used both transcriptional data and genetic data to elucidate molecular mechanisms which may explain this finding. The two largest superfamilies of helicases (SF1 and SF2) are significantly over-represented (p=9.2x10-9) among gene transcripts that are over-expressed in the cerebellum compared to other brain regions from the same subject. Furthermore, SNPs that are associated with epigenetic age acceleration in the cerebellum tend to be located near genes from helicase superfamilies SF1 and SF2 (enrichment p=5.8x10-3). Our genetic and transcriptional studies of epigenetic age acceleration support the hypothesis that the slow aging rate of the cerebellum is due to processes that involve RNA helicases

    Marijuana use and DNA methylation-based biological age in young adults

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    BACKGROUND: Marijuana is the third most commonly used drug in the USA and efforts to legalize it for medical and recreational use are growing. Despite the increase in use, marijuana\u27s effect on aging remains understudied and understanding the effects of marijuana on molecular aging may provide novel insights into the role of marijuana in the aging process. We therefore sought to investigate the association between cumulative and recent use of marijuana with epigenetic age acceleration (EAA) as estimated from blood DNA methylation. RESULTS: A random subset of participants from The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study with available whole blood at examination years (Y) 15 and Y20 underwent epigenomic profiling. Four EAA estimates (intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration, extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration, PhenoAge acceleration, and GrimAge acceleration) were calculated from DNA methylation levels measured at Y15 and Y20. Ever use and cumulative marijuana-years were calculated from the baseline visit to Y15 and Y20, and recent marijuana use (both any and number of days of use in the last 30 days) were calculated at Y15 and Y20. Ever use of marijuana and each additional marijuana-year were associated with a 6-month (P \u3c 0.001) and a 2.5-month (P \u3c 0.001) higher average in GrimAge acceleration (GAA) using generalized estimating equations, respectively. Recent use and each additional day of recent use were associated with a 20-month (P \u3c 0.001) and a 1-month (P \u3c 0.001) higher GAA, respectively. A statistical interaction between marijuana-years and alcohol consumption on GAA was observed (P = 0.011), with nondrinkers exhibiting a higher GAA (β = 0.21 [95% CI 0.05, 0.36], P = 0.008) compared to heavy drinkers (β = 0.05 [95% CI - 0.09, 0.18], P = 0.500) per each additional marijuana-year. No associations were observed for the remaining EAA estimates. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest cumulative and recent marijuana use are associated with age-related epigenetic changes that are related to lifespan. These observed associations may be modified by alcohol consumption. Given the increase in use and legalization, these findings provide novel insight on the effect of marijuana use on the aging process as captured through blood DNA methylation

    Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy initiation on epigenomic DNA methylation in persons living with HIV

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    Introduction: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) helps improve some measures of accelerated epigenetic aging in persons living with HIV (PLWH), but its overall impact on the epigenome is not fully understood.Methods: In this study, we analyzed the DNA methylation profiles of PLWH (n = 187) shortly before and approximately 2–3 years after they started HAART, as well as matched seronegative (SN) controls (n = 187), taken at two time intervals. Our aim was to identify specific CpGs and biologic pathways associated with HIV infection and initiation of HAART. Additionally, we attempted to identify epigenetic changes associated with HAART initiation that were independent of HIV-associated changes, using matched HIV seronegative (SN) controls (matched on age, hepatitis C status, and interval between visits) to identify CpGs that did not differ between PLWH and SN pre-HAART but were significantly associated with HAART initiation while being unrelated to HIV viral load. Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) on >850,000 CpG sites were performed using pre- and post-HAART samples from PLWH. The results were then annotated using the Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT).Results: When only pre- and post-HAART visits in PLWH were compared, gene ontologies related to immune function and diseases related to immune function were significant, though with less significance for PLWH with detectable HIV viral loads (>50 copies/mL) at the post-HAART visit. To specifically elucidate the effects of HAART separately from HIV-induced methylation changes, we performed EWAS of HAART while also controlling for HIV viral load, and found gene ontologies associated with transplant rejection, transplant-related diseases, and other immunologic signatures. Additionally, we performed a more focused analysis that examined CpGs reaching genome-wide significance (p < 1 × 10−7) from the viral load-controlled EWAS that did not differ between all PLWH and matched SN controls pre-HAART. These CpGs were found to be near genes that play a role in retroviral drug metabolism, diffuse large B cell lymphoma proliferation, and gastric cancer metastasis.Discussion: Overall, this study provides insight into potential biological functions associated with DNA methylation changes induced by HAART initiation in persons living with HIV

    A mammalian methylation array for profiling methylation levels at conserved sequences

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    Infinium methylation arrays are not available for the vast majority of non-human mammals. Moreover, even if species-specific arrays were available, probe differences between them would confound cross-species comparisons. To address these challenges, we developed the mammalian methylation array, a single custom array that measures up to 36k CpGs per species that are well conserved across many mammalian species. We designed a set of probes that can tolerate specific cross-species mutations. We annotate the array in over 200 species and report CpG island status and chromatin states in select species. Calibration experiments demonstrate the high fidelity in humans, rats, and mice. The mammalian methylation array has several strengths: it applies to all mammalian species even those that have not yet been sequenced, it provides deep coverage of conserved cytosines facilitating the development of epigenetic biomarkers, and it increases the probability that biological insights gained in one species will translate to others