308 research outputs found
Photovoltaic module on-orbit assembly for Space Station Freedom
One of the elements of the Space Station Freedom power system is the Photovoltaic (PV) module. These modules will be assembled on-orbit during the assembly phase of the program. These modules will be assembled either from the shuttle orbiter or from the Mobile Servicing Center (MSC). The different types of assembly operations that will be used to assemble PV Modules are described
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Improving Functional Analysis of Genes Relevant to Environmental Restoration via an Analysis of the Genome of Geobacter Sulfurreducens
This project elucidated the function of a number of genes involved in electron transport and other important functions in Geobacter sulfurreducens
A Killer for Weeds in Soybeans
Timely use of the rotary hoe is an effective killer for weeds in soybeams. In this article, three Iowa State College scientists report directly to you on their tests comparing different weed-control methods
The Gas Transfer through Polar Sea Ice Experiment: Insights into the Rates and Pathways that Determine Geochemical Fluxes
Sea ice is a defining feature of the polar marine environment. It is a critical domain for marine biota and it regulates ocean-atmosphere exchange, including the exchange of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4. In this study, we determined the rates and pathways that govern gas transport through a mixed sea ice cover. N2O, SF6, 3He, 4He, and Ne were used as gas tracers of the exchange processes that take place at the ice-water and air-water interfaces in a laboratory sea ice experiment. Observation of the changes in gas concentrations during freezing revealed that He is indeed more soluble in ice than in water; Ne is less soluble in ice, and the larger gases (N2O and SF6) are mostly excluded during the freezing process. Model estimates of gas diffusion through ice were calibrated using measurements of bulk gas content in ice cores, yielding gas transfer velocity through ice (kice) of ∼5 × 10−4 m d−1. In comparison, the effective air-sea gas transfer velocities (keff) ranged up to 0.33 m d−1 providing further evidence that very little mixed-layer ventilation takes place via gas diffusion through columnar sea ice. However, this ventilation is distinct from air-ice gas fluxes driven by sea ice biogeochemistry. The magnitude of keff showed a clear increasing trend with wind speed and current velocity beneath the ice, as well as the combination of the two. This result indicates that gas transfer cannot be uniquely predicted by wind speed alone in the presence of sea ice
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Overview of mathematical approaches used to model bacterial chemotaxis II: bacterial populations
We review the application of mathematical modeling to understanding the behavior of populations of chemotactic bacteria. The application of continuum mathematical models, in particular generalized Keller–Segel models, is discussed along with attempts to incorporate the microscale (individual) behavior on the macroscale, modeling the interaction between different species of bacteria, the interaction of bacteria with their environment, and methods used to obtain experimentally verified parameter values. We allude briefly to the role of modeling pattern formation in understanding collective behavior within bacterial populations. Various aspects of each model are discussed and areas for possible future research are postulated
A Grassmann integral equation
The present study introduces and investigates a new type of equation which is
called Grassmann integral equation in analogy to integral equations studied in
real analysis. A Grassmann integral equation is an equation which involves
Grassmann integrations and which is to be obeyed by an unknown function over a
(finite-dimensional) Grassmann algebra G_m. A particular type of Grassmann
integral equations is explicitly studied for certain low-dimensional Grassmann
algebras. The choice of the equation under investigation is motivated by the
effective action formalism of (lattice) quantum field theory. In a very general
setting, for the Grassmann algebras G_2n, n = 2,3,4, the finite-dimensional
analogues of the generating functionals of the Green functions are worked out
explicitly by solving a coupled system of nonlinear matrix equations. Finally,
by imposing the condition G[{\bar\Psi},{\Psi}] = G_0[{\lambda\bar\Psi},
{\lambda\Psi}] + const., 0<\lambda\in R (\bar\Psi_k, \Psi_k, k=1,...,n, are the
generators of the Grassmann algebra G_2n), between the finite-dimensional
analogues G_0 and G of the (``classical'') action and effective action
functionals, respectively, a special Grassmann integral equation is being
established and solved which also is equivalent to a coupled system of
nonlinear matrix equations. If \lambda \not= 1, solutions to this Grassmann
integral equation exist for n=2 (and consequently, also for any even value of
n, specifically, for n=4) but not for n=3. If \lambda=1, the considered
Grassmann integral equation has always a solution which corresponds to a
Gaussian integral, but remarkably in the case n=4 a further solution is found
which corresponds to a non-Gaussian integral. The investigation sheds light on
the structures to be met for Grassmann algebras G_2n with arbitrarily chosen n.Comment: 58 pages LaTeX (v2: mainly, minor updates and corrections to the
reference section; v3: references [4], [17]-[21], [39], [46], [49]-[54],
[61], [64], [139] added
In this modern world, the use of mobile phones is exponentially increasing and becoming an indispensable tool in our daily life. The use of mobile phones, however, is coupled with one’s exposure to electromagnetic radiation. This study investigated the effects of mobile phone radiation on the spatial memory of hamsters using a modified T-maze. Four groups of hamsters were exposed to electromagnetic radiation ranging from
0 to 850 MHz after task habituation. Results showed that hamsters exposed to the high electromagnetic
radiation (600-800 MHz) had spent the longest time in finding the reward. This indicates a decrease in the hippocampal-dependent spatial memory of the hamsters. Generally, the experimental groups had significantly decreased their spatial ability compared with the control. The results of this study are essential in understanding the subtle effects of electromagnetic radiation on the spatial memory of organisms, especially in humans.
First inverse kinematics study of the Ne 22 (p,γ) Na 23 reaction and its role in AGB star and classical nova nucleosynthesis
Background: Globular clusters are known to exhibit anomalous abundance trends such as the sodium-oxygen anticorrelation. This trend is thought to arise via pollution of the cluster interstellar medium from a previous generation of stars. Intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars undergoing hot bottom burning (HBB) are a prime candidate for producing sodium-rich oxygen-poor material, and then expelling this material via strong stellar winds. The amount of Na23 produced in this environment has been shown to be sensitive to uncertainties in the Ne22(p,γ)Na23 reaction rate. The Ne22(p,γ)Na23 reaction is also activated in classical nova nucleosynthesis, strongly influencing predicted isotopic abundance ratios in the Na-Al region. Therefore, improved nuclear physics uncertainties for this reaction rate are of critical importance for the identification and classification of pre-solar grains produced by classical novae. Purpose: At temperatures relevant for both HBB in AGB stars and classical nova nucleosynthesis, the Ne22(p,γ)Na23 reaction rate is dominated by narrow resonances, with additional contribution from direct capture. This study presents new strength values for seven resonances, as well as a study of direct capture. Method: The experiment was performed in inverse kinematics by impinging an intense isotopically pure beam of Ne22 onto a windowless H2 gas target. The Na23 recoils and prompt γ rays were detected in coincidence using a recoil mass separator coupled to a 4π bismuth-germanate scintillator array surrounding the target. Results: For the low-energy resonances, located at center of mass energies of 149, 181, and 248 keV, we recover stength values of ωγ149=0.17-0.04+0.05, ωγ181=2.2±0.4, and ωγ248=8.2±0.7 μeV, respectively. These results are in broad agreement with recent studies performed by the LUNA and TUNL groups. However, for the important reference resonance at 458 keV we obtain a strength value of ωγ458=0.44±0.02 eV, which is significantly lower than recently reported values. This is the first time that this resonance has been studied completely independently from other resonance strengths. For the 632-keV resonance we recover a strength value of ωγ632=0.48±0.02 eV, which is an order of magnitude higher than a recent study. For reference resonances at 610- A nd 1222-keV, our strength values are in agreement with the literature. In the case of direct capture, we recover an S factor of 60 keV b, consistent with prior forward kinematics experiments. Conclusions: In summary, we have performed the first direct measurement of Ne22(p,γ)Na23 in inverse kinematics. Our results are in broad agreement with the literature, with the notable exception of the 458-keV resonance, for which we obtain a lower strength value. We assessed the impact of the present reaction rate in reference to a variety of astrophysical environments, including AGB stars and classical novae. Production of Na23 in AGB stars is minimally influenced by the factor of 4 increase in the present rate compared to the STARLIB-2013 compilation. The present rate does however impact upon the production of nuclei in the Ne-Al region for classical novae, with dramatically improved uncertainties in the predicted isotopic abundances present in the novae ejecta
First inverse kinematics measurement of key resonances in the 22Ne(p, γ)23Na reaction at stellar temperatures
In this Letter we report on the first inverse kinematics measurement of key resonances in the reaction which forms part of the NeNa cycle, and is relevant for Na synthesis in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. An anti-correlation in O and Na abundances is seen across all well-studied globular clusters (GC), however, reaction-rate uncertainties limit the precision as to which stellar evolution models can reproduce the observed isotopic abundance patterns. Given the importance of GC observations in testing stellar evolution models and their dependence on NeNa reaction rates, it is critical that the nuclear physics uncertainties on the origin of Na be addressed. We present results of direct strengths measurements of four key resonances in at E = 149 keV, 181 keV, 248 keV and 458 keV. The strength of the important E = 458 keV reference resonance has been determined independently of other resonance strengths for the first time with an associated strength of = 0.439(22) eV and with higher precision than previously reported. Our result deviates from the two most recently published results obtained from normal kinematics measurements performed by the LENA and LUNA collaborations but is in agreement with earlier measurements. The impact of our rate on the Na-pocket formation in AGB stars and its relation to the O-Na anti-correlation was assessed via network calculations. Further, the effect on isotopic abundances in CO and ONe novae ejecta with respect to pre-solar grains was investigated
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