141 research outputs found

    The proangiogenic capacity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils delineated by microarray technique and by measurement of neovascularization in wounded skin of CD18-deficient mice

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    Growing evidence supports the concept that polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are critically involved in inflammation-mediated angiogenesis which is important for wound healing and repair. We employed an oligonucleotide microarray technique to gain further insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the proangiogenic potential of human PMN. In addition to 18 known angiogenesis-relevant genes, we detected the expression of 10 novel genes, namely midkine, erb-B2, ets-1, transforming growth factor receptor-beta(2) and -beta(3), thrombospondin, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2, ephrin A2, ephrin B2 and restin in human PMN freshly isolated from the circulation. Gene expression was confi rmed by the RT-PCR technique. In vivo evidence for the role of PMN in neovascularization was provided by studying neovascularization in a skin model of wound healing using CD18-deficient mice which lack PMN infi ltration to sites of lesion. In CD18-deficient animals, neo- vascularization was found to be signifi cantly compromised when compared with wild- type control animals which showed profound neovascularization within the granulation tissue during the wound healing process. Thus, PMN infiltration seems to facilitate inflammation mediated angiogenesis which may be a consequence of the broad spectrum of proangiogenic factors expressed by these cells. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Breakdown of the Endothelial Barrier Function in Tumor Cell Transmigration

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    The ability of tumor cells to metastasize is associated with a poor prognosis for cancer. During the process of metastasis, tumor cells circulating in the blood or lymph vessels can adhere to, and potentially transmigrate through, the endothelium and invade the connective tissue. We studied the effectiveness of the endothelium as a barrier against the invasion of 51 tumor cell lines into a three-dimensional collagen matrix. Only nine tumor cell lines showed attenuated invasion in the presence of an endothelial cell monolayer, whereas 17 cell lines became invasive or showed a significantly increased invasion. Endothelial cells cocultured with invasive tumor cells increased chemokine gene expression of IL-8 and Gro-β. Expression of the IL-8 and Gro-β receptor, CXCR2, was upregulated in invasive tumor cells. Addition of IL-8 or Gro-β increased tumor cell invasiveness by more than twofold. Tumor cell variants selected for high CXCR2 expression were fourfold more invasive in the presence of an endothelial cell layer, whereas CXCR2 siRNA knock-down cells were fivefold less invasive. We demonstrate that Gro-β and IL-8 secreted by endothelial cells, together with CXCR2 receptor expression on invasive tumor cells, contribute to the breakdown of the endothelial barrier by enhancing tumor cell force generation and cytoskeletal remodeling dynamics

    Additive Effects of PDGF Receptor β Signaling Pathways in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Development

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    The platelet-derived growth factor β receptor (PDGFRβ) is known to activate many molecules involved in signal transduction and has been a paradigm for receptor tyrosine kinase signaling for many years. We have sought to determine the role of individual signaling components downstream of this receptor in vivo by analyzing an allelic series of tyrosine–phenylalanine mutations that prevent binding of specific signal transduction components. Here we show that the incidence of vascular smooth muscle cells/pericytes (v/p), a PDGFRβ-dependent cell type, can be correlated to the amount of receptor expressed and the number of activated signal transduction pathways. A decrease in either receptor expression levels or disruption of multiple downstream signaling pathways lead to a significant reduction in v/p. Conversely, loss of RasGAP binding leads to an increase in this same cell population, implicating a potential role for this effector in attenuating the PDGFRβ signal. The combined in vivo and biochemical data suggest that the summation of pathways associated with the PDGFRβ signal transduction determines the expansion of developing v/p cells

    LRP1 Functions as an Atheroprotective Integrator of TGFβ and PDGF Signals in the Vascular Wall: Implications for Marfan Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: The multifunctional receptor LRP1 controls expression, activity and trafficking of the PDGF receptor-β in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). LRP1 is also a receptor for TGFβ1 and is required for TGFβ mediated inhibition of cell proliferation. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that loss of LRP1 in VSMC (smLRP(−)) in vivo results in a Marfan-like syndrome with nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated Smad2/3, disruption of elastic layers, tortuous aorta, and increased expression of the TGFβ target genes thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) and PDGFRβ in the vascular wall. Treatment of smLRP1(−) animals with the PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone abolished nuclear pSmad accumulation, reversed the Marfan-like phenotype, and markedly reduced smooth muscle proliferation, fibrosis and atherosclerosis independent of plasma cholesterol levels. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings are consistent with an activation of TGFβ signals in the LRP1-deficient vascular wall. LRP1 may function as an integrator of proliferative and anti-proliferative signals that control physiological mechanisms common to the pathogenesis of Marfan syndrome and atherosclerosis, and this is essential for maintaining vascular wall integrity

    Altered Gene Expression in Early Atherosclerosis Is Blocked by Low Level Apolipoprotein E

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    BACKGROUND: Mice deficient in apolipoprotein E (apoE(-/-)) develop atherosclerosis. The possible linkage between expression of adhesion molecules/cofactors and atherosclerosis was probed at the level of mRNA and protein expression. The hypothesis of a linkage between changes of adhesion molecules/cofactors and atherosclerosis was tested further by suppression of aortic lesion formation in apoE(-/-) mice by expression of very low levels of transgenic apolipoprotein E. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that at 8.5 months of age, the apoE(-/-) mice display elevated expression of mRNA for LFA-1, MAC-1, VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and for CD44, as well as MCP-1, cathepsin B, and COX-2 (but not that for eNOS) in atherosclerotic aortic arches. At earlier age, (10-13 week old) apoE(-/-) mice already display elevated expression of mRNA of CD44, LFA-1, MAC-1, VCAM-1, ICAM-1, cathepsin, and of COX-2 in lesioned aortic arches. Expressing very low levels of transgenic apolipoprotein E suppresses both aortic lesions and the expression of mRNA of LFA-1, VCAM-1, MCP-1, cathepsin B, and of ICAM-1 in ApoE(-/-) mice. We tested at the level of protein, the observations obtained for mRNA expression. CD11a (a component of LFA-1), VCAM-1 and cathepsin B expression was found to be elevated in apoE(-/-) aortas at 8-9 months; low level expression of transgenic apolipoprotein E rectifies these changes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Atherosclerotic lesions in apoE(-/-) mice are detected as early as 4 weeks of age. Expression of low levels of apoE is shown to be both atheroprotective and to suppress these changes in key adhesion and inflammatory molecules observed in early atherosclerotic lesions