137 research outputs found

    Microbial K+ Channels

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    Increased Basal Activity Is a Key Determinant in the Severity of Human Skeletal Dysplasia Caused by TRPV4 Mutations

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    TRPV4 is a mechanically activated Ca2+-passing channel implicated in the sensing of forces, including those acting on bones. To date, 33 mutations are known to affect human bone development to different extents. The spectrum of these skeletal dysplasias (SD) ranges from dominantly inherited mild brachylomia (BO) to neonatal lethal forms of metatropic dysplasia (MD). Complexities of the results from fluorescence and electrophysiological studies have led to questions on whether channel activity is a good predictor of disease severity. Here we report on a systematic examination of 14 TRPV4 mutant alleles covering the entire SD spectrum. Expressed in Xenopus oocyte and without any stimulation, the wild-type channel had a ∼1% open probability (Po) while those of most of the lethal MD channels approached 100%. All mutant channels had higher basal open probabilities, which limited their further increase by agonist or hypotonicity. The magnitude of this limitation revealed a clear correlation between the degree of over-activity (the molecular phenotype) and the severity of the disease over the entire spectrum (the biological phenotype). Thus, while other factors are at play, our results are consistent with the increased TRPV4 basal activity being a critical determinant of the severity of skeletal dysplasia. We discuss how the channel over-activity may lead to the “gain-of-function” phenotype and speculate that the function of wild-type TRPV4 may be secondary in normal bone development but crucial in an acute process such as fracture repair in the adult

    Molecular Analysis of ATP-sensitive K Channel Gating and Implications for Channel Inhibition by ATP

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    The β cell KATP channel is an octameric complex of four pore-forming subunits (Kir6.2) and four regulatory subunits (SUR1). A truncated isoform of Kir6.2 (Kir6.2ΔC26), which expresses independently of SUR1, shows intrinsic ATP sensitivity, suggesting that this subunit is primarily responsible for mediating ATP inhibition. We show here that mutation of C166, which lies at the cytosolic end of the second transmembrane domain, to serine (C166S) increases the open probability of Kir6.2ΔC26 approximately sevenfold by reducing the time the channel spends in a long closed state. Rundown of channel activity is also decreased. Kir6.2ΔC26 containing the C166S mutation shows a markedly reduced ATP sensitivity: the Ki is reduced from 175 μM to 2.8 mM. Substitution of threonine, alanine, methionine, or phenylalanine at position C166 also reduced the channel sensitivity to ATP and simultaneously increased the open probability. Thus, ATP does not act as an open channel blocker. The inhibitory effects of tolbutamide are reduced in channels composed of SUR1 and Kir6.2 carrying the C166S mutation. Our results are consistent with the idea that C166 plays a role in the intrinsic gating of the channel, possibly by influencing a gate located at the intracellular end of the pore. Kinetic analysis suggests that the apparent decrease in ATP sensitivity, and the changes in other properties, observed when C166 is mutated is largely a consequence of the impaired transition from the open to the long closed state

    Calcium homeostasis is required for contact-dependent helical and sinusoidal tip growth in Candida albicans hyphae

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    Hyphae of the dimorphic fungus, Candida albicans, exhibit directional tip responses when grown in contact with surfaces. On hard surfaces or in liquid media, the trajectory of hyphal growth is typically linear, with tip re-orientation events limited to encounters with topographical features (thigmotropism). In contrast, when grown on semisolid surfaces, the tips of C. albicans hyphae grow in an oscillatory manner to form regular two-dimensional sinusoidal curves and three-dimensional helices. We show that, like thigmotropism, initiation of directional tip oscillation in C. albicans hyphae is severely attenuated when Ca2+ homeostasis is perturbed. Chelation of extracellular Ca2+ or deletion of the Ca2+ transporters that modulate cytosolic [Ca2+] (Mid1, Cch1 or Pmr1) did not affect hyphal length but curve formation was severely reduced in mid1Δ and cch1Δ and abolished in pmr1Δ. Sinusoidal hypha morphology was altered in the mid1Δ, chs3Δ and heterozygous pmr1Δ/PMR1 strains. Treatments that affect cell wall integrity, changes in surface mannosylation or the provision of additional carbon sources had significant but less pronounced effects on oscillatory growth. The induction of two- and three-dimensional sinusoidal growth in wild-type C. albicans hyphae is therefore the consequence of mechanisms that involve Ca2+ influx and signalling rather than gross changes in the cell wall architecture

    Expression and characterization of the bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscS in Xenopus laevis oocytes

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    We have successfully expressed and characterized mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) from Escherichia coli in oocytes of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. MscS expressed in oocytes has the same single-channel conductance and voltage dependence as the channel in its native environment. Two hallmarks of MscS activity, the presence of conducting substates at high potentials and reversible adaptation to a sustained stimulus, are also exhibited by oocyte-expressed MscS. In addition to its ease of use, the oocyte system allows the user to work with relatively large patches, which could be an advantage for the visualization of membrane deformation. Furthermore, MscS can now be compared directly to its eukaryotic homologues or to other mechanosensitive channels that are not easily studied in E. coli

    The C-terminal basic residues contribute to the chemical- and voltage-dependent activation of TRPA1

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    The ankyrin transient receptor potential channel TRPA1 is a non-selective cationic channel that is expressed by sensory neurons, where it can be activated by pungent chemicals, such as AITC (allyl isothiocyanate), cinnamon or allicin, by deep cooling (<18 °C) or highly depolarizing voltages (>+100 mV). From the cytoplasmic side, this channel can be regulated by negatively charged ligands such as phosphoinositides or inorganic polyphosphates, most likely through an interaction with as yet unidentified positively charged domain(s). In the present study, we mutated 27 basic residues along the C-terminal tail of TRPA1, trying to explore their role in AITC- and voltage-dependent gating. In the proximal part of the C-terminus, the function-affecting mutations were at Lys969, Arg975, Lys988 and Lys989. A second significant region was found in the predicted helix, centred around Lys1048 and Lys1052, in which single alanine mutations completely abolished AITC- and voltage-dependent activation. In the distal portion of the C-terminus, the charge neutralizations K1092A and R1099A reduced the AITC sensitivity, and, in the latter mutant, increased the voltage-induced steady-state responses. Taken together, our findings identify basic residues in the C-terminus that are strongly involved in TRPA1 voltage and chemical sensitivity, and some of them may represent possible interaction sites for negatively charged molecules that are generally considered to modulate TRPA1

    The core domain as the force sensor of the yeast mechanosensitive TRP channel

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    Stretch-activated conductances are commonly encountered in careful electric recordings. Those of known proteins (TRP, MscL, MscS, K2p, Kv, etc.) all share a core, which houses the ion pathway and the gate, but no recognizable force-sensing domain. Like animal TRPs, the yeast TRPY1 is polymodal, activated by stretch force, Ca2+, etc. To test whether its S5–S6 core senses the stretch force, we tried to uncouple it from the peripheral domains by strategic peptide insertions to block the covalent core–periphery interactions. Insertion of long unstructured peptides should distort, if not disrupt, protein structures that transmit force. Such insertions between S6 and the C-terminal tail largely removed Ca2+ activation, showing their effectiveness. However, such insertions as well as those between S5 and the N-terminal region, which includes S1–S4, did not significantly alter mechanosensitivity. Even insertions at both locations flanking the S5–S6 core did not much alter mechanosensitivity. Tryptophan scanning mutations in S5 were also constructed to perturb possible noncovalent core–periphery contacts. The testable tryptophan mutations also have little or no effects on mechanosensitivity. Boltzmann fits of the wild-type force–response curves agree with a structural homology model for a stretch-induced core expansion of ∼2 nm2 upon opening. We hypothesize that membrane tension pulls on S5–S6, expanding the core and opening the TRPY1 gate. The core being the major force sensor offers the simplest, though not the only, explanation of why so many channels of disparate designs are mechanically sensitive. Compared with the bacterial MscL, TRPY1 is much less sensitive to force, befitting a polymodal channel that relies on multiple stimuli

    Membrane potential and Ca2+ concentration dependence on pressure and vasoactive agents in arterial smooth muscle: A model

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    Arterial smooth muscle (SM) cells respond autonomously to changes in intravascular pressure, adjusting tension to maintain vessel diameter. The values of membrane potential (V_m) and sarcoplasmic Ca^2+ concentration (Ca_in) within minutes of a change in pressure are the results of two opposing pathways, both of which use Ca^2+ as a signal. This works because the two Ca^2+-signaling pathways are confined to distinct microdomains in which the Ca^2+ concentrations needed to activate key channels are transiently higher than Cain. A mathematical model of an isolated arterial SM cell is presented that incorporates the two types of microdomains. The first type consists of junctions between cisternae of the peripheral sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), containing ryanodine receptors (RyRs), and the sarcolemma, containing voltage- and Ca^2+-activated K^+ (BK) channels. These junctional microdomains promote hyperpolarization, reduced Cain, and relaxation. The second type is postulated to form around stretch-activated nonspecific cation channels and neighboring Ca^2+-activated Cl^− channels, and promotes the opposite (depolarization, increased Ca_in, and contraction). The model includes three additional compartments: the sarcoplasm, the central SR lumen, and the peripheral SR lumen. It incorporates 37 protein components. In addition to pressure, the model accommodates inputs of α- and β-adrenergic agonists, ATP, 11,12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid, and nitric oxide (NO). The parameters of the equations were adjusted to obtain a close fit to reported Vm and Ca_in as functions of pressure, which have been determined in cerebral arteries. The simulations were insensitive to ±10% changes in most of the parameters. The model also simulated the effects of inhibiting RyR, BK, or voltage-activated Ca^2+ channels on V_m and Ca_in. Deletion of BK β1 subunits is known to increase arterial–SM tension. In the model, deletion of β1 raised Ca_in at all pressures, and these increases were reversed by NO

    Calmodulin is responsible for Ca2+-dependent regulation of TRPA1 channels

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    TRPA1 is a Ca2+-permeable ion channel involved in many sensory disorders such as pain, itch and neuropathy. Notably, the function of TRPA1 depends on Ca2+, with low Ca2+ potentiating and high Ca2+ inactivating TRPA1. However, it remains unknown how Ca2+ exerts such contrasting effects. Here, we show that Ca2+ regulates TRPA1 through calmodulin, which binds to TRPA1 in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Calmodulin binding enhanced TRPA1 sensitivity and Ca2+-evoked potentiation of TRPA1 at low Ca2+, but inhibited TRPA1 sensitivity and promoted TRPA1 desensitization at high Ca2+. Ca2+-dependent potentiation and inactivation of TRPA1 were selectively prevented by disrupting the interaction of the carboxy-lobe of calmodulin with a calmodulin-binding domain in the C-terminus of TRPA1. Calmodulin is thus a critical Ca2+ sensor enabling TRPA1 to respond to diverse Ca2+ signals distinctly

    Molecular and Electrophysiological Characterization of a Novel Cation Channel of Trypanosoma cruzi

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    We report the identification, functional expression, purification, reconstitution and electrophysiological characterization of a novel cation channel (TcCat) from Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. This channel is potassium permeable and shows inward rectification in the presence of magnesium. Western blot analyses with specific antibodies indicated that the protein is expressed in the three main life cycle stages of the parasite. Surprisingly, the parasites have the unprecedented ability to rapidly change the localization of the channel when they are exposed to different environmental stresses. TcCat rapidly translocates to the tip of the flagellum when trypomastigotes are submitted to acidic pH, to the plasma membrane when epimastigotes are submitted to hyperosmotic stress, and to the cell surface when amastigotes are released to the extracellular medium. Pharmacological block of TcCat activity also resulted in alterations in the trypomastigotes ability to respond to hyperosmotic stress. We also demonstrate the feasibility of purifying and reconstituting a functional ion channel from T. cruzi after recombinant expression in bacteria. The peculiar characteristics of TcCat could be important for the development of specific inhibitors with therapeutic potential against trypanosomes