404 research outputs found

    The New Censorship, the New Academic Freedom: Commercial Publishers and the Chinese Market

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    Since 2017 the international Chinese Studies community has been shocked to discover that many of the major commercial academic publishers have been actively working with the Chinese censors to limit access to ‘politically sensitive’ books and articles within the country in order to maintain access to the lucrative Chinese market. This essay examines these incidents and the responses of the publishers upon being discovered—arguing that the convergence of China’s increasingly assertive information control regime and the commercial academic publishers’ thirst for ever more profits has resulted in a new form of institutionalised commercial censorship. 自2017年以來,國際漢學界震驚地發現,許多主流商業學術出版社為了維持自身在利潤豐厚的中國市場的地位,積極與中國審查機構合作,限制中國國內學者和學生對"政治敏感"書籍和文章的獲取。本文剖析此類事件以及出版社在問題曝光之後的回應,進而論證在中國日益嚴格的信息管控與商業出版社對利潤最大化訴求的結合下,一種商業審查制度化的形成。自2017年以來,國際漢學界震驚地發現,許多主流商業學術出版社為了維持自身在利潤豐厚的中國市場的地位,積極與中國審查機構合作,限制中國國內學者和學生對"政治敏感"書籍和文章的獲取。本文剖析此類事件以及出版社在問題曝光之後的回應,進而論證在中國日益嚴格的信息管控與商業出版社對利潤最大化訴求的結合下,一種商業審查制度化的形成

    Rice wine and fieldwork in China: Some reflections on practicalities, positionality and ethical issues

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    In China, social networking in both the professional and private spheres is usually achieved through group meals or banquets. Drinking is often an important element of these social events as a means of showing respect and friendship. Researchers who wish to conduct in-depth fieldwork in China need to engage with this social practice and, ultimately, the choices that researchers make while navigating the Chinese drinking culture during fieldwork have important implications for the design, implementation and outcome of research, as well as for research ethics, writes Nicholas Loubere

    The niche of benthic foraminifera, critical thresholds and proxies

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    Ecological studies of benthic foraminifera are carried out to explain patterns of distribution and the dynamics of communities. They are also used to provide data to establish proxy relationships with selected factors. According to niche theory, the patterns of distribution of benthic foraminifera are controlled by those environmental factors that have reached their critical thresholds. For each species, in variable environments, different factors may be limiting distributions both temporally and spatially. For a species or an assemblage to be useful as a proxy its abundance must show a strong correlation with the chosen factor. Since numerous factors influence each species, it is only in those environments where the majority of factors show little variation but one particular factor shows significant variation that the proxy relationship for that factor can be determined. On theoretical grounds, the reliability of using foraminiferal abundance as a proxy of a selected environmental factor should be restricted to the range close to the upper and lower thresholds. For oxygen, foraminifera are potential proxies for the lower limits but once oxygen levels rise to values of perhaps >1 or 2 ml l-1, there is no longer a relationship between oxygen levels and abundance. By contrast, the flux of organic matter over a large range shows a sufficiently close relationship with foraminiferal assemblages so that transfer functions can be derived for the deep sea. However, the relationship at species level is far less clear cut. Much more accurate estimates of primary productivity and modern organic flux rates are required to improve the determination of past flux rates

    Questioning Transcription: The Case for the Systematic and Reflexive Interviewing and Reporting (SRIR) Method

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    The recording and verbatim transcription of interviews is often considered to be one of the more tedious but necessary aspects of the in-depth qualitative research process. While transcription is undoubtedly a necessary methodological tool for researchers focusing specifically on discourse and language, it has also been widely adopted by researchers across the social sciences, and is sometimes advocated as a means of inherently improving the rigour of qualitative research. Based on recent experience from fieldwork in rural China, where I had initially expected to utilise the verbatim transcription method, in this article I critically assess the role of transcription in the design, implementation, and outcome of cross-cultural multilingual qualitative research. I argue that, in certain cases, verbatim transcription can limit the kind of information that may be considered valuable as data, and delay the processes of data reduction and analysis, thus separating the researcher from the fieldwork event. In response to these critiques, I propose an alternative approach to collecting, categorising, coding, and analysing qualitative data: the systematic and reflexive interviewing and reporting (SRIR) method. The SRIR method utilises semi-structured and unstructured interviews conducted by two or more researchers. After completing an interview, researchers engage in reflexive dialogue, and jointly write interview and analysis reports. In this way, the SRIR method begins the process of coding and analysis in situ, thus facilitating critical engagement with emergent themes during fieldwork rather than afterwards. The method is, therefore, ideally suited to research projects that are designed to be open ended and flexible, in order to follow up on new information and potentially even change focus.Die wortgetreue Transkription von Interviews wird oft als zeitraubender, aber unumgänglicher Schritt im Forschungsprozess erachtet. Obwohl detaillierte Transkriptionen unzweifelhaft für Diskurs- und Sprachforscher/innen erforderlich sind, finden sie sich häufig auch in sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen, zuweilen gerechtfertigt mit der Intention, die Güte der Forschung und ihrer Ergebnisse zu verbessern. Ausgehend von aktuellen Feldforschungserfahrungen im ländlichen China, für die ich zunächst auch wortgetreue Transkriptionen vorgesehen hatte, befasse ich mich in diesem Beitrag kritisch mit der Rolle von Transkriptionen für das Design, die Umsetzung und die Ergebnisse transkultureller, mehrsprachiger qualitativer Forschung. Ich zeige, dass in meinem Fall wortgenaue Transkripte teilweise sogar eine Reduktion wichtiger Informationen zur Folge hatten und den Prozess der Datenreduktion und -analyse unnötig verlängerten zulasten der Arbeit im Feld. Deshalb schlage ich eine Alternative für das Sammeln, Kodieren, Kategorisieren und Analysieren qualitativer Daten vor, die "Systematic and Reflexive Interviewing and Reporting (SRIR)-Methode. Zur Verwendung kommen teil- und unstrukturierte Interviews von zwei oder mehr Forschenden, die nach Durchführung die Interviews zusammen reflektieren und hiervon ausgehend gemeinsam Interview- und Analyseberichte verfassen. Damit beginnt der Prozess des Kodierens und der Datenanalyse in situ, d.h. die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit emergierenden Themen findet unmittelbar und nicht nach der Feldarbeit statt. Die Methode eignet sich im Besonderen für Projekte, die auch zeitlich offen und flexibel konzipiert sind und in die neue Informationen unmittelbar einbezogen werden sollen, potenziell mit der Konsequenz, sogar den Fokus der Studie im Forschungsverlauf zu verändern

    Changing Frontiers and Invisible Politics in Northeast Asia: A Conversation with Tessa Morris-Suzuki

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    This is an edited and updated transcript of a November 2016 interview that was part of the Tianxia Podcast Series (http://www.chinoiresie.info/tessa-morris-suzuki-podcast-diamond-mountains/). The conversation transcribed here focuses on a discussion of Tessa Morris-Suzuki’s To the Diamond Mountains: A Hundred-Year Journey through China and Korea (2010), a travelogue based on a trip she took in 2009 to Northeast China, North Korea, and South Korea with the purpose of retracing the 1910 journey of the English adventurer and artist Emily Georgiana Kemp. We discuss the book in relation to the momentous transformations that have occurred over the long twentieth century in the areas visited by Kemp, and to the ways in which grassroots movements and new forms of survival politics are remaking Northeast Asia today

    The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation and Rural Economic Development in China: A Case Study from Fujian Province

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    最近三十年里,小额信贷成为一个国际行为。在许多国家,小额信贷机构给低收入农户提供小额贷款和其他的金融服务以扶贫和促进农村经济发展。中国小额信贷行起步始的比较晚,但是从二十世纪九十年代开始中国小额信贷行业发展得非常快。最近中国人民银行和中国银行业监督管理委员会放宽一些规则让更多的小额信贷机构进入中国农村金融市场。 本论文分为四个章节。第一章将回顾国际小额信贷行为和重要小额信贷的概念。第二章我们将概述中国小额信贷行为,包括历史、规则与中国小额信贷机构。第三章将探讨福建省小额信贷和农村经济发展的情况。第四章我们将以泉州永春县农村信用社作为例子进行分析。本文采用定量分析统计数据和对借款人的采访...Over the past thirty years, microfinance has become a widespread worldwide movement with many practitioners utilizing small loans and other financial services aimed at low-income households and SMEs as a method of reducing poverty and promoting economic development. Microfinance in China began relatively late, but since the early 1990s the Chinese microfinance industry has been developing rapidly...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552009115395

    Export fluxes of calcite in the eastern equatorial Pacific from the Last Glacial Maximum to present

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 19 (2004): PA2018, doi:10.1029/2003PA000986.The eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is an important center of biological productivity, generating significant organic carbon and calcite fluxes to the deep ocean. We reconstructed paleocalcite flux for the past 30,000 years in four cores collected beneath the equatorial upwelling and the South Equatorial Current (SEC) by measuring ex230Th-normalized calcite accumulation rates corrected for dissolution with a newly developed proxy for “fraction of calcite preserved.” This method produced very similar results at the four sites and revealed that the export flux of calcite was 30–50% lower during the LGM compared to the Holocene. The internal consistency of these results supports our interpretation, which is also in agreement with emerging data indicating lower glacial productivity in the EEP, possibly as a result of lower nutrient supply from the southern ocean via the Equatorial Undercurrent. However, these findings contradict previous interpretations based on mass accumulation rates (MAR) of biogenic material in the sediment of the EEP, which have been taken as reflecting higher glacial productivity due to stronger wind-driven upwelling.This research was partly supported by NSF grant OCE-0095617 and funds from the Northern Illinois University Graduate School (Loubere); the NASA Michigan Space Grant Consortium Seed Grant for summer, 2001 for 230Th analyses at WHOI (Mekik); the French Ministere de l’Education Nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie, and a EURODOC grant from the Region Rhone-Alpes (Pichat)

    L’essor de la finance sur Internet en Chine et les tyrannies de l’inclusion

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    L’un des principaux moteurs de l’essor du e-commerce en Chine est l’expansion spectaculaire qu’a connue la finance en ligne dans le pays. Celle-ci a en effet crû et s’est diversifiée à un rythme stupéfiant durant la dernière décennie. L’émergence de la finance sur Internet en Chine a été commentée en des termes essentiellement positifs, comme un facilitateur des activités commerciales. Elle a aussi été reliée à l’objectif développemental plus large qui consiste à promouvoir l’inclusion financière par la fourniture de services financiers à des populations qui en étaient jusqu’ici exclues. Trouvant ses origines dans le mouvement mondial pour la microfinance, le concept d’inclusion financière décrit l’accès accru à des services financiers (et plus particulièrement au crédit) comme un moyen intrinsèquement bénéfique de conférer davantage d’autonomie aux populations pauvres et d’impulser un développement économique depuis la base (bottom-up). Cet article remet en question le récit dominant d’une inclusion financière digitale qui serait positive en Chine. Il s’appuie sur le corpus croissant de la littérature faisant la critique du mouvement mondial pour l’inclusion financière et examine des exemples d’exploitation, de fraude, d’instabilité et d’extraction en lien avec l’extension de la couverture financière digitale en Chine contemporaine. Il démontre ensuite que l’inclusion financière digitale fait partie intégrante du projet gouvernemental de création d’un système de « crédit social », dans le but de construire une « société de la confiance ». De cette façon, l’inclusion financière digitale peut être vue comme un élément clé au sein d’un projet plus large d’extension de la surveillance des citoyens grâce au big data afin de fermer les espaces utilisés par ceux qui cherchent à contester l’ordre socio-économique hégémonique. L’article avance que ces exemples éclairent des processus fondamentaux mais implicites dans l’expansion de l’industrie commerciale financière sur Internet. Ainsi, tandis que l’accroissement de l’inclusion financière digitale en Chine bénéficie à certains groupes, elle sert aussi à reproduire des conditions d’inégalité et d’exploitation

    Une méthode particulaire lagrangienne de type Galerkin discontinu - Application à la mécanique des fluides et l'interaction laser/plasma

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    Une méthode lagrangienne de type Galerkin Discontinu est développée dans ce travail pour le système de la dynamique des gaz en maillage non structuré. La méthode numérique suppose que les données sont discontinues par maille et que l'on connait un certain nombre de leurs moments. La base des polynômes de Bernstein est utilisée comme base de décomposition. A l'aide de cette base une méthode de régularisation des distributions préservant la positivité a été construite. Ce faisant le calcul des termes de ßux est conservatif et assure la positivité tout en ajoutant de la diffusion numérique. A l'interface des mailles, les sauts des variables physiques font apparaître des masses de Dirac qu'il s'agit de répartir de part et d'autre de cette interface. La valeur permettant de répartir ce saut est déduite d'un problème de Riemann 1D. En fonction du degré des polynômes de base, sur chaque interface plusieurs problèmes de Riemann sur les moments des variables physiques sont à résoudre. Un solveur de Riemann acoustique est utilisé. Le schéma numérique est ensuite stabilisé par une gestion du pas de temps (CFL+condition de positivité) ainsi que par un limiteur ne corrigeant que les zones de compression. Une méthode de remaillage à l'aide de particule a été imaginée. Il s'agit de projeter toute l'information sur une population de particules (de masse de Dirac). Non seulement les variables physiques sont portées par les particules, mais aussi les variables géométriques rendant compte de la déformation du maillage. Ce remaillage est conservatif et un système de poids de particules permet d'adapter la précision du remaillage à la précision du schéma numérique. Des cas tests en 1D et 2D pour une base de polynômes de P2 sont présentés. On adapte ensuite cette méthode au cas particulier de la physique de l'interaction laser/plasma. Les termes sources adéquats sont ajoutés et traités. La méthode est validée par cas tests en 1D et 2D.A Discontinuous Galerkin type method written in lagrangian coordinates is described in this paper. This method works on unstructured meshes in 1D/2D for the euler equations. By using Bernstein polynomials a diffusive process has been added to stabilize the method. Thanks to this process the jacobian positivity is conserved during the computation ensuring the validity of the transformation from euler coordinates to lagrangian coordinates. The moment equations by respect to Bernstein basis are solved. A Riemann solver (on the moments) is used to treat the discontinuities between cells. The step size is constrained by a CFL type condition and the jacobian positivity. If necessary, a remeshing process has been developped using a particle method. All the information is carrying with particles whose eulerian positions are known. By this we do not need to deÞne the eulerian position of the lagrangian mesh. This remeshing is locally conservative and the accuracy of the particle method can be adapted to the accuracy of the scheme. Some numerical tests in 1D and 2D show the efficiency of the method with a P2 basis. The last chapter describes the evolution of the method to the laser/plasma interactions domain. Ponderomotive effects have been added as source terms and treated by the method. In 1D and 2D some simulations have been made