306 research outputs found

    Postmodernism in Angela Carter’s Short Fiction: A Žižekian Approach

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    The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to the academic dispute over the emancipatory potential of Angela Carter‘s fiction by examining the way in which her short fiction re-imagines and either reproduces or subverts the ideology at work in patriarchy. The relevance that the category ―postmodernism‖ has had for the critical reception of Carter‘s work determines this dissertation‘s three-part structure. The first part provides an overview of the standard theoretical perspectives that define postmodernism as a frame of ideas and as a literary practice and that, as such, have had a direct influence on the assessment of the political potential of Carter‘s fiction. Part II focuses on Slavoj Žižek‘s non-standard account of postmodernism, an approach that reasserts the subversive character of postmodernist cultural productions. Part III analyses a corpus of seven short narratives from Carter‘s four collections and examines the extent to which Žižek‘s unorthodox view of postmodernism sheds new light on the emancipatory potential of their representation of social reality, sexual difference and the human condition

    Towards the Recycling of Bio-Waste: The Case of Pontevedra, Spain (REVITALIZA)

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    Waste management is one of the main environmental problems that municipalities have to address. The fulfilment of the recycling objectives imposed by the European Community requires the segregation and treatment of the municipal bio-waste. Pontevedra Provincial Council started in 2015 an innovative plan, called REVITALIZA, for the recycling of bio-waste through the promotion of composting in municipalities. REVITALIZA, which is developed in different phases, advocates the implementation of local composting (home and community composting) and small composting facilities, so that the generation of waste and the economic and environmental costs of its collection and transport are reduced. The plan is a pioneer in the training of technical personnel in the area of bio-waste management. Currently, 36 municipalities are participating in REVITALIZA in different phases of the plan, committed to locally managing bio-waste

    c-Src signaling in triple negative breast cancer cells: role of Cyr61

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    Póster presentado al CNIO Frontiers Meeting: "Metastasis Initiation: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Opportunities", celebrado en el Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) Auditorium del 28 al 30 de septiembre de 2015.The SFKs (Src Family Kinases) control cellular pathways involved in division, motility, adhesion, angiogenesis, and survival. Therefore, their deregulation is associated with tumorigenesis, and metastasis. c-Src is overexpressed and/or aberrantly activated in epithelial tumors: pancreatic, colorectal, prostatic, ovarian, breast, etc. We previously showed that SFKs catalytic inhibitors (Dasatinib, PP2, and SU6656) reduce proliferation, migration, and invasiveness of MDA-MB-231. Here, we analyzed c-Src contribution to initial steps of metastasis by Tet-On conditional expression of a specific shRNA-c-Src, which suppressed c-Src mRNA and protein levels in MDA-MB-231. c-Src suppression did not alter cell proliferation or survival, but it significantly reduced anchorage-independent growth. Concomitantly with diminished tyrosine-phosphorylation/activation of Fak, caveolin-1, paxillin and p130CAS, c-Src depletion inhibited migration, invasion, transendothelial migration, and reduced MMP2, MMP7 and MMP9 in secretome. Quantitative proteomic analyses of secretome showed that Cyr61 levels, detected in exosomal fraction, were diminished upon shRNA-c-Src expression. However, Cyr61 expression was unaltered inside cells. Cyr61 partially colocalized with cis-Golgi gp74 marker, and with exosomal marker CD63, but c-Src depletion did not alter their distribution. In SUM159PT, transient c-Src suppression also reduced secreted exosomal Cyr61. Furthermore, conditional expression of c-Src dominant negative mutant (c-Src-K295M/Y527F) in MDA-MB-231 and in SUM159PT diminished secreted Cyr61 as well. Cyr61 transient suppression in MDA-MB-231 inhibited invasion and transendothelial migration. Finally, in both MDA-MB-231 and SUM159PT, a neutralizing Cyr61 antibody restrained migration. Collectively, these results suggest that c-Src regulates secreted proteins, including exosomal Cyr61, which are involved in modulating the metastatic potential of triple negative breast cancer cells.Peer Reviewe

    Association Between Preschoolers' Specific Fine (But Not Gross) Motor Skills and Later Academic Competencies: Educational Implications

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    Motor development is an inseparable component of cognitive development. So, to develop the mind, it is necessary to work the body. Therefore, Early Childhood Education curricula and the scientific literature emphasize the need to promote the development of motor skills during the 1st years of life. These skills are necessary for learning and subsequent academic performance. However, studies frequently offer only a partial view of these relationships. Few works have analyzed the specific relationships between different components of preschool gross and fine motor skills and subsequent performance on different academic competencies. Further, they present discrepant results. The aim of this study was to determinate which specific components of gross and fine motor skills assessed in Spanish students during the final year of Early Childhood Education (5 to 6-year-olds) were associated with different academic competencies assessed in the following academic year, when the students were in their 1st year of Primary Education. The final sample consisted of 38 Spanish students, aged 5. A mixed methods approach was used. It consisted of systematic observation to assess specific components of gross and fine motor skills when children were in the Early Childhood Education period, and selective methodology to evaluate their academic competencies (specifically in literacy and mathematics and overall), 1 year later, once in Primary Education. Multiple linear regression models were constructed using the computing language R to examine the association between motor skills and academic competencies. The results indicated that only the components of fine motor skills showed associations with academic competencies. The pattern of association varied when literacy and mathematics competencies were specifically and individually assessed and when overall academic competency was considered. The two assessed fine motor skills (Coordination and Integration) were associated with literacy competency (β = 0.344, p = 0.025; β = 0.349, p = 0.024, respectively) and overall academic competency (β = 0.267, p = 0.065; β = 0.493, p = 0.001, respectively). However, only Integration was associated with mathematics competency (β = 0.476, p = 0.002). The 'Discussion' section focuses on the educational implications of these results and future research. It highlights the importance of early assessment of fine motor skills to identify students likely to present inadequate subsequent academic performance and the need to apply instruction and interventions tailored to the specific needs of each child

    Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoitotyössä HUS:n nefrologian klinikassa : systemoitu havainnointi

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun, HUS:n infektiosairauksien klinikan, Potilasjärjestö MUSILI ry:n ja Turun Yliopiston hoitotieteiden laitoksen yhteistyöprojektia, jonka tarkoitus on kehittää aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutumista nefrologisen potilaan hoitotyössä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on selvittää käsihygienian ja aseptiikan toteutumista hoitotyöntekijöiden osalta hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa kuvaamalla hoitohenkilökunnan aseptista toimintaa ja käsihygieniaa sekä siinä tapahtunutta mahdollista muutosta projektin alkuvaiheesta kevääseen 2009. Aineisto opinnäytetyöhön on kerätty havainnoimalla hemodialyysihoitoa toteuttavia hoitajia HUS:n nefrologian klinikan osastolla. Opinnäytetyössä käytetyn havainnointilomakkeen ovat tehneet Aaltonen, Haapalainen ja Kirjavainen (2008) omaan opinnäytetyöhönsä ”Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa: systemoitu havainnointi HUS:n Kirurgisen sairaalan nefrologian klinikassa”, joka on osa samaa projektia kuin tämä opinnäytetyö. Havainnointilomakkeessa on 29 kohtaa liittyen hoitajien käsien kuntoon, käsien saippuapesuun ja desinfioimiseen, suojakäsineiden käyttöön sekä henkilökohtaiseen ja ympäristön aseptiikkaan. Havainnoitavia hoitajia oli 15. Aineisto kerättiin toukokuun ja elokuun 2009 aikana. Saatujen tulosten perusteella hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamisessa oli puutteita. Erityisesti puutteita ilmeni käsien desinfioimisessa potilaan luota poistuttaessa, käsien desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden toimenpidekohtaisuudessa ja potilaan hoidossa käytettyjen tarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä. Tulosten perusteella hoitajat desinfioivat kätensä useammin potilaan luokse mennessään kuin potilaan luota poistuessaan. Luotettavia johtopäätöksiä mahdollisesti tapahtuneesta muutoksesta hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikasta ja käsihygieniasta on vaikea tehdä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan kuitenkin todeta henkilökohtaisessa aseptiikassa ja käsien kunnossa sekä käsien desinfioimisessa tapahtuneen muutosta parempaan suuntaan käsihygieniakoulutusten jälkeen. Sen sijaan desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden käytössä ja hoitotarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä muutosta on tapahtunut huonompaan suuntaan. Hyvä aseptiikka ja käsihygienia ovat tärkeä osa potilaan hyvää hoitoa ja infektioiden ennaltaehkäisyä. Opinnäytetyön tulosten avulla voidaan kehittää hoitajien aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamista.This final project was part of the co-operation project between Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Department of Nephrology of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Patient Organisation MUSILI ry and Department of Nursing Science of the University of Turku. The aim of this final project was to examine the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis in a Department of Nephrology and to examine if the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis had changed since the beginning of the project. The data of this final project were collected by observing three haemodialysis units. The observation form that was used in this final project was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008) for their final project Implementation of Asepsis and Hand Hygiene in Nursing of Haemodialysis Patients, which was part of the project at hand. The observation form included 29 statements concerning nurses’ skin condition, hand wash and disinfection, use of gloves, nurses’ personal asepsis and asepsis of work environment. The observations were performed between May and August 2009. Fifteen haemodialysis treatments were observed. The results of the observations indicate that the implementation of nurses’s asepsis and hand hygiene were deficient. Hand disinfection after leaving a patient, proper disinfection technique and disposal of treatment instrument were particularly deficient. Nurses disinfected their hands more often before coming up to a patient than after leaving him/ her. It was difficult to make reliable conclusions of the changes that might have taken place since the beginning of the project. Moreover the indicated that personal asepsis, skin condition of the nurses and hand disinfection had improved as the results of hand hygiene training courses, which was part of the project at hand, whereas the findings of disinfection technique, use of gloves and disposal of treatment instruments were inferior than in the previous observational study which was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008). The results of this final project showed that there was still need for improvement in almost every field of hand hygiene and asepsis

    The Challenge of Global Environmental Change: AttitudinalTrends in Teachers-In-Training

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    [Abstract] The aim of our research was to study attitudinal trends in Spanish trainee teachers regarding Global Environmental Change (GEC), in order to identify elements that should be enhanced in their education. The Scale of Global Environmental Change (SGEC) was used as a measurement instrument to explore attitudes on how to deal with GEC. A cluster analysis of the scores of the four SGEC factors (N = 950) was carried out in order to segment the cases into groups of similar response profiles. Two solutions are proposed: one made up of two clusters (Concerned and Disengaged) and the other of four clusters (Egocentric, Indifferent, Sceptical and Committed). Furthermore, we have analysed whether some of the students’ characteristics significantly influence their inclusion in one cluster or another. The results of this study show that among trainee teachers there are sceptical, self-centered and indifferent trends, which do not correspond to people capable of promoting the transformation needed to deal with GEC. Therefore, it is necessary to improve their training with new educational models that favour the recognition of the real origin of socio-environmental problems and provide them with skills to promote individual and social responsibility.Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain) EDU2017-82915-R FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities–Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) / ESPIGA Project PGC2018-096581-B-C22

    In Search of Transformative Learning for Sustainable Development: Bibliometric Analysis of Recent Scientific Production

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    Section.Higher EducationThis article is part of the Research Topic: Transformative Learning, Teaching and Action in the Most Challenging Times[Abstract] Transformative learning is a key element when it comes to making progress toward sustainable development. This goal requires an education that fosters the empowerment of people and the transformation of institutions, prepares for the necessary changes, facilitates resilience and encourages sustainable actions. The aim of this paper is to review the academic production on transformative learning in relation to the pursuit of sustainable development. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was conducted of the publications included in the Scopus databases for the 2003–2020 period, in order to explore its evolution, identify the main themes of which the field of knowledge is composed, and identify its main references and the network of collaborations between researchers and universities worldwide. During this period, scientific production has increased considerably, with a particular focus on adult education and competency development. At the same time, English-speaking dominance and the prevalence of Western origin has been observed. There is a need for more global, connected, and pluralistic research that is focused on diverse sociocultural contexts, research that factors in inequality and environmental justice and which calls into question the current socioeconomic model. A debate should also be started on which means of publication are the most appropriate for defending the quest for sustainability.This research was funded by FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Investigation Agency (Spain)/ESPIGA Project (“Scientific thinking and scientific practices in the post-truth era: Promoting epistemic performances in school, aiming to critical and empowered citizenship”, Grant No. PGC2018-096581-B-C22) and the University of Vig

    Segmentally homologous neurons acquire two different terminal neuropeptidergic fates in the Drosophila nervous system

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. In this study, we identify the means by which segmentally homologous neurons acquire different neuropeptide fates in Drosophila. Ventral abdominal (Va)-neurons in the A1 segment of the ventral nerve cord express DH31 and AstA neuropeptides (neuropeptidergic fate I) by virtue of Ubx activity, whereas the A2-A4 Va-neurons express the Capa neuropeptide (neuropeptidergic fate II) under the influence of abdA. These different fates are attained through segment-specific programs of neural subtype specification undergone by segmentally homologous neurons. This is an attractive alternative by which Hox genes can shape Drosophila segmental neural architecture (more sophisticated than the previously identified binary “to live” or “not to live” mechanism). These data refine our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in diversifying neuronal identity within the central nervous systemThis study was supported by grant number: BFU2013-43858-

    In search of transformative learning for sustainable development: bibliometric analysis of recent scientific production

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    Transformative learning is a key element when it comes to making progress toward sustainable development. This goal requires an education that fosters the empowerment of people and the transformation of institutions, prepares for the necessary changes, facilitates resilience and encourages sustainable actions. The aim of this paper is to review the academic production on transformative learning in relation to the pursuit of sustainable development. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was conducted of the publications included in the Scopus databases for the 2003–2020 period, in order to explore its evolution, identify the main themes of which the field of knowledge is composed, and identify its main references and the network of collaborations between researchers and universities worldwide. During this period, scientific production has increased considerably, with a particular focus on adult education and competency development. At the same time, English-speaking dominance and the prevalence of Western origin has been observed. There is a need for more global, connected, and pluralistic research that is focused on diverse sociocultural contexts, research that factors in inequality and environmental justice and which calls into question the current socioeconomic model. A debate should also be started on which means of publication are the most appropriate for defending the quest for sustainability.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PGC2018-096581-B-C22Universidade de Vig

    Does Progressive Introduction of Benznidazole Reduce the Chance of Adverse Events in the Treatment of Chagas Disease?

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    In this retrospective cohort study, we aimed to assess whether introducing benznidazole at escalating doses reduces the probability of adverse events or treatment discontinuation compared with a full-dose scheme. We collected data from patients who had chronic " - " infection and underwent treatment from July 2008 to January 2017 in a referral center in Madrid. Dose was adjusted to body weight (5 mg/kg/day), with treatment introduction with full dose or escalating dose according to local consensus and protocols. Among the 62 patients treated, benznidazole was introduced at full dose in 28 patients and on escalating dose in the remaining 34. We found no statistical differences in the number of adverse events, treatment discontinuations, days of treatment, or sociodemographic profiles. There is insufficient evidence to support escalating dose as a strategy for reducing the adverse effects of benznidazole. Further research is needed to evaluate this strategy