50 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Flavescence Dorée Phytoplasma-Infected Scaphoideus titanus in Different Vineyard Agroecosystems of Northwestern Italy

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    Quantitative estimates of vector populations and their infectivity in the wild and in cultivated compartments of agroecosystems have been carried out to elucidate the role of the wild compartment in the epidemiology of Flavescence dorée (FD). Seven sites were selected for the investigations in the Piedmont Region of Italy. They were characterized by a high variety of agricultural and ecological landscape features, and included a vineyard surrounded by wild vegetation. In order to describe abundance and prevalence of FD-infected vectors in the cultivated and wild compartments of the vineyard agroecosystem, adults of Scaphoideus titanus were collected by yellow sticky traps inside and outside the vineyard over the period July 10th–September 9th, 2015. They were counted and singly analyzed for the presence of FD phytoplasmas by PCR. Multifactorial correlations among vector population level, prevalence of infected insects inside and outside the vineyards, disease prevalence in cultivated and wild Vitis plants, and location of wild Vitis plants with respect to the vineyard were analyzed. Abundance of S. titanus adults significantly decreased from the end of July onwards, particularly inside the vineyard (average range 22.7 ± 2.5 insects/trap). Percentage of FD-positive S. titanus was significantly higher outside the vineyard (up to 48% on average) compared to inside the vineyard (up to 34% on average), and increased during the season in both compartments

    Prunus spinosa Extract Loaded in Biomimetic Nanoparticles Evokes In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Wound Healing Activities

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    none14sìPrunus spinosa fruits (PSF) contain different phenolic compounds showing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Innovative drug delivery systems such as biomimetic nanoparticles could improve the activity of PSF extract by promoting (i) the protection of payload into the lipidic bilayer, (ii) increased accumulation to the diseased tissue due to specific targeting properties, (iii) improved biocompatibility, (iv) low toxicity and increased bioavailability. Using membrane proteins extracted from human monocyte cell line THP-1 cells and a mixture of phospholipids, we formulated two types of PSF-extract-loaded biomimetic vesicles differing from each other for the presence of either 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) or 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-rac-glycerol) (DOPG). The biological activity of free extract (PSF), compared to both types of extract-loaded vesicles (PSF-DOPCs and PSF-DOPGs) and empty vesicles (DOPCs and DOPGs), was evaluated in vitro on HUVEC cells. PSF-DOPCs showed preferential incorporation of the extract. When enriched into the nanovesicles, the extract showed a significantly increased anti-inflammatory activity, and a pronounced wound-healing effect (with PSF-DOPCs more efficient than PSF-DOPG) compared to free PSF. This innovative drug delivery system, combining nutraceutical active ingredients into a biomimetic formulation, represents a possible adjuvant therapy for the treatment of wound healing. This nanoplatform could be useful for the encapsulation/enrichment of other nutraceutical products with short stability and low bioavailability.openTiboni, Mattia; Coppari, Sofia; Casettari, Luca; Guescini, Michele; Colomba, Mariastella; Fraternale, Daniele; Gorassini, Andrea; Verardo, Giancarlo; Ramakrishna, Seeram; Guidi, Loretta; Di Giacomo, Barbara; Mari, Michele; Molinaro, Roberto; Albertini, Maria CristinaTiboni, Mattia; Coppari, Sofia; Casettari, Luca; Guescini, Michele; Colomba, Mariastella; Fraternale, Daniele; Gorassini, Andrea; Verardo, Giancarlo; Ramakrishna, Seeram; Guidi, Loretta; Di Giacomo, Barbara; Mari, Michele; Molinaro, Roberto; Albertini, Maria Cristin

    Modelling high-resolution ALMA observations of strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxies detected by Herschel

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    We present modelling of ∼0.1 arcsec resolution Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array imaging of seven strong gravitationally lensed galaxies detected by the Herschel Space Observatory. Four of these systems are galaxy–galaxy strong lenses, with the remaining three being group-scale lenses. Through careful modelling of visibilities, we infer the mass profiles of the lensing galaxies and by determining the magnification factors, we investigate the intrinsic properties and morphologies of the lensed submillimetre sources. We find that these submillimetre sources all have ratios of star formation rate to dust mass that are consistent with, or in excess of, the mean ratio for high-redshift submillimetre galaxies and low redshift ultra-luminous infrared galaxies. Reconstructions of the background sources reveal that the majority of our sample display disturbed morphologies. The majority of our lens models have mass density slopes close to isothermal, but some systems show significant differences

    Herschel-ATLAS: The angular correlation function of submillimetre galaxies at high and low redshift

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    We present measurements of the angular correlation function of galaxies selected from the first field of the H-ATLAS survey. Careful removal of the background from galactic cirrus is essential, and currently dominates the uncertainty in our measurements. For our 250 μm-selected sample we detect no significant clustering, consistent with the expectation that the 250 μm-selected sources are mostly normal galaxies at z <∼ 1. For our 350 μm and 500 μm-selected samples we detect relatively strong clustering with correlation amplitudes A of 0.2 and 1.2 at 1’, but with relatively large uncertainties. For samples which preferentially select high redshift galaxies at z ∼ 2−3 we detect significant strong clustering, leading to an estimate of r0 ∼ 7−11 h−1 Mpc. The slope of our clustering measurements is very steep, δ ∼ 2. The measurements are consistent with the idea that sub-mm sources consist of a low redshift population of normal galaxies and a high redshift population of highly clustered star-bursting galaxie

    Safety of Rotavirus Vaccination in Preterm Infants Admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Sicily, Italy: A Multicenter Observational Study

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    Rotavirus (RV) is among the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in children under five years of age. Despite the severity of rotavirus pathology in early childhood, rotavirus vaccination for children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), who are often born preterm and with various previous illnesses, is not performed. This multicenter, 3-year project aims to evaluate the safety of RV vaccine administration within the six main neonatal intensive care units of the Sicilian Region to preterm infants. Methods: Monovalent live attenuated anti-RV vaccination (RV1) was administered from April 2018 to December 2019 to preterm infants with gestational age ≥ 28 weeks. Vaccine administrations were performed in both inpatient and outpatient hospital settings as a post discharge follow-up (NICU setting) starting at 6 weeks of age according to the official immunization schedule. Any adverse events (expected, unexpected, and serious) were monitored from vaccine administration up to 14 days (first assessment) and 28 days (second assessment) after each of the two scheduled vaccine doses. Results: At the end of December 2019, 449 preterm infants were vaccinated with both doses of rotavirus vaccine within the six participating Sicilian NICUs. Mean gestational age in weeks was 33.1 (±3.8 SD) and the first dose of RV vaccine was administered at 55 days (±12.9 SD) on average. The mean weight at the first dose was 3388 (SD ± 903) grams. Only 0.6% and 0.2% of infants reported abdominal colic and fever above 38.5 ◦C in the 14 days after the first dose, respectively. Overall, 1.9% EAEs were observed at 14 days and 0.4% at 28 days after the first/second dose administration. Conclusions: Data obtained from this study confirm the safety of the monovalent rotavirus vaccine even in preterm infants with gestational age ≥ 28 weeks, presenting an opportunity to improve the vaccination offer both in Sicily and in Italy by protecting the most fragile infants who are more at risk of contracting severe rotavirus gastroenteritis and nosocomial RV infection

    Revealing the complex nature of the strong gravitationally lensed system H-ATLAS J090311.6+003906 using ALMA

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    We have modelled Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA) long baseline imaging of the strong gravitational lens system H-ATLAS J090311.6+003906 (SDP.81). We have reconstructed the distribution of band 6 and 7 continuum emission in the z = 3.042 source and determined its kinematic properties by reconstructing CO(5–4) and CO(8–7) line emission in bands 4 and 6. The continuum imaging reveals a highly non-uniform distribution of dust with clumps on scales of ∼200 pc. In contrast, the CO line emission shows a relatively smooth, disc-like velocity field which is well fitted by a rotating disc model with an inclination angle of (40 ± 5)° and an asymptotic rotation velocity of 320 km s−1. The inferred dynamical mass within 1.5 kpc is (3.5 ± 0.5) × 1010 M⊙ which is comparable to the total molecular gas masses of (2.7 ± 0.5) × 1010 M⊙ and (3.5 ± 0.6) × 1010 M⊙ from the dust continuum emission and CO emission, respectively. Our new reconstruction of the lensed Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared emission shows two objects which appear to be interacting, with the rotating disc of gas and dust revealed by ALMA distinctly offset from the near-infrared emission. The clumpy nature of the dust and a low value of the Toomre parameter of Q ∼ 0.3 suggest that the disc is in a state of collapse. We estimate a star formation rate in the disc of 470 ± 80 M⊙ yr−1 with an efficiency ∼65 times greater than typical low-redshift galaxies. Our findings add to the growing body of evidence that the most infrared luminous, dust obscured galaxies in the high-redshift Universe represent a population of merger-induced starbursts

    Herschel-ATLAS and ALMA: HATLAS J142935.3-002836, a lensed major merger at redshift 1.027

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    Context. The submillimetre-bright galaxy population is believed to comprise, aside from local galaxies and radio-loud sources, intrinsically active star-forming galaxies, the brightest of which are lensed gravitationally. The latter enable studies at a level of detail beyond what is usually possible by the observation facility. Aims. This work focuses on one of these lensed systems, HATLAS J142935.3−002836 (H1429−0028), selected in the Herschel-ATLAS field. Gathering a rich, multi-wavelength dataset, we aim to confirm the lensing hypothesis and model the background source’s morphology and dynamics, as well as to provide a full physical characterisation. Methods. Multi-wavelength high-resolution data is utilised to assess the nature of the system. A lensing-analysis algorithm that simultaneously fits different wavebands is adopted to characterise the lens. The background galaxy dynamical information is studied by reconstructing the 3D source plane of the ALMA CO (J:4 → 3) transition. Near-IR imaging from HST and Keck-AO allows to constrain rest-frame optical photometry independently for the foreground and background systems. Physical parameters (such as stellar and dust masses) are estimated via modelling of the spectral energy distribution taking source blending, foreground obscuration, and differential magnification into account. Results. The system comprises a foreground edge-on disk galaxy (at zsp = 0.218) with an almost complete Einstein ring around it. The background source (at zsp = 1.027) is magnified by a factor of μ ~ 8−10 depending on wavelength. It is comprised of two components and a tens-of-kpc-long tidal tail resembling the Antennæ merger. As a whole, the background source is a massive stellar system (1.32-0.41+ 0.63 × 1011 M⊙) forming stars at a rate of 394 ± 90  M⊙ yr-1, and it has a significant gas reservoir MISM = 4.6 ± 1.7 × 1010 M⊙. Its depletion time due to star formation alone is thus expected to be τSF = MISM/ SFR = 117 ± 51 Myr. The dynamical mass of one of the components is estimated to be 5.8 ± 1.7 × 1010 M⊙, and, together with the photometric total mass estimate, it implies that H1429−0028 is a major merger system (1:2.8-1.5+1.8)

    Herschel*-ATLAS: deep HST/WFC3 imaging of strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies

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    We report on deep near-infrared observations obtained with the Wide Field Camera-3 (WFC3) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of the first five confirmed gravitational lensing events discovered by the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS). We succeed in disentangling the background galaxy from the lens to gain separate photometry of the two components. The HST data allow us to significantly improve on previous constraints of the mass in stars of the lensed galaxy and to perform accurate lens modelling of these systems, as described in the accompanying paper by Dye et al. We fit the spectral energy distributions of the background sources from near-IR to millimetre wavelengths and use the magnification factors estimated by Dye et al. to derive the intrinsic properties of the lensed galaxies. We find these galaxies to have star-formations rates (SFR) ∼ 400–2000 M⊙ yr−1, with ∼(6–25) × 1010 M⊙ of their baryonic mass already turned into stars. At these rates of star formation, all remaining molecular gas will be exhausted in less than ∼100 Myr, reaching a final mass in stars of a few 1011 M⊙. These galaxies are thus proto-ellipticals caught during their major episode of star formation, and observed at the peak epoch (z ∼ 1.5–3) of the cosmic star formation history of the Universe

    High Dense Gas Fraction in Intensely Star-forming Dusty Galaxies

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    We present ALMA and VLA detections of the dense molecular gas tracers HCN, HCO+^+ and HNC in two lensed, high-redshift starbursts selected from the {\it Herschel}-ATLAS survey: {\it H}-ATLAS\,J090740.0-004200 (SDP.9, z1.6z \sim 1.6) and {\it H}-ATLAS\,J091043.1-000321 (SDP.11, z1.8z \sim 1.8). ALMA observed the J=32J = 3-2 transitions in both sources, while the VLA observed the J=10J = 1-0 transitions in SDP.9. We have detected all observed HCN and HCO+^+ lines in SDP.9 and SDP.11, and also HNC(3--2) in SDP.9. The amplification factors for both galaxies have been determined from sub-arcsec resolution CO and dust emission observations carried out with NOEMA and the SMA. The HNC(1--0)/HCN(1--0) line ratio in SDP.9 suggests the presence of photon-dominated regions, as it happens to most local (U)LIRGs. The CO, HCN and HCO+^+ SLEDs of SDP.9 are compatible to those found for many local, infrared (IR) bright galaxies, indicating that the molecular gas in local and high-redshift dusty starbursts can have similar excitation conditions. We obtain that the correlation between total IR (LIRL_{\rm IR}) and dense line (LdenseL_{\rm dense}) luminosity in SDP.9 and SDP.11 and local star-forming galaxies can be represented by a single relation. The scatter of the LIRLdenseL_{\rm IR} - L_{\rm dense} correlation, together with the lack of sensitive dense molecular gas tracer observations for a homogeneous sample of high-redshift galaxies, prevents us from distinguishing differential trends with redshift. Our results suggest that the intense star formation found in some high-redshift dusty, luminous starbursts is associated with more massive dense molecular gas reservoirs and higher dense molecular gas fractions.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Comments most welcom

    Spitzer catalog of Herschel-selected ultrared dusty, star-forming galaxies

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    The largest Herschel extragalactic surveys, H-ATLAS and HerMES, have selected a sample of "ultrared" dusty, star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) with rising SPIRE flux densities (S500>S350>S250S_{500} > S_{350} > S_{250}; so-called "500 μ\mum-risers") as an efficient way for identifying DSFGs at higher redshift (z>4z > 4). In this paper, we present a large Spitzer follow-up program of 300 Herschel ultrared DSFGs. We have obtained high-resolution ALMA, NOEMA, and SMA data for 63 of them, which allow us to securely identify the Spitzer/IRAC counterparts and classify them as gravitationally lensed or unlensed. Within the 63 ultrared sources with high-resolution data, \sim65% appear to be unlensed, and \sim27% are resolved into multiple components. We focus on analyzing the unlensed sample by directly performing multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling to derive their physical properties and compare with the more numerous z2z \sim 2 DSFG population. The ultrared sample has a median redshift of 3.3, stellar mass of 3.7 ×\times 1011^{11} MM_{\odot}, star formation rate (SFR) of 730 MM_{\odot}yr1^{-1}, total dust luminosity of 9.0 ×\times 1012^{12} LL_{\odot}, dust mass of 2.8 ×\times 109^9 MM_{\odot}, and V-band extinction of 4.0, which are all higher than those of the ALESS DSFGs. Based on the space density, SFR density, and stellar mass density estimates, we conclude that our ultrared sample cannot account for the majority of the star-forming progenitors of the massive, quiescent galaxies found in infrared surveys. Our sample contains the rarer, intrinsically most dusty, luminous and massive galaxies in the early universe that will help us understand the physical drivers of extreme star formation